Пример #1
bool ponyint_messageq_push(messageq_t* q, pony_msg_t* first, pony_msg_t* last)
  atomic_store_explicit(&last->next, NULL, memory_order_relaxed);

  // Without that fence, the store to last->next above could be reordered after
  // the exchange on the head and after the store to prev->next done by the
  // next push, which would result in the pop incorrectly seeing the queue as
  // empty.
  // Also synchronise with the pop on prev->next.

  pony_msg_t* prev = atomic_exchange_explicit(&q->head, last,

  bool was_empty = ((uintptr_t)prev & 1) != 0;
  prev = (pony_msg_t*)((uintptr_t)prev & ~(uintptr_t)1);

  // Double fence with Valgrind since we need to have prev in scope for the
  // synchronisation annotation.
  atomic_store_explicit(&prev->next, first, memory_order_relaxed);

  return was_empty;
Пример #2
 * qsbr_checkpoint: indicate a quiescent state of the current thread.
qsbr_checkpoint(qsbr_t *qs)
	qsbr_tls_t *t;

	t = pthread_getspecific(qs->tls_key);

	/* Observe the current epoch. */
	t->local_epoch = qs->global_epoch;
Пример #3
void ccsynch_close_delegate_buffer(void * buffer,
                                   void (*funPtr)(unsigned int, void *)){
    CCSynchLockNode *tmpNode;
    void (*tmpFunPtr)(unsigned int, void *);
    CCSynchLockNode *tmpNodeNext;
    int counter = 0;
    CCSynchLockNode *curNode = ccsynchNextLocalNode;
    curNode->buffer = buffer;
    curNode->requestFunction = funPtr;
    atomic_thread_fence( memory_order_release );
    while (atomic_load_explicit(&curNode->wait, memory_order_acquire) == 1){
        funPtr(curNode->messageSize, buffer);
    tmpNode = (CCSynchLockNode *)atomic_load_explicit(&curNode->next, memory_order_acquire);

    while ((tmpNodeNext=(CCSynchLockNode *)atomic_load_explicit(&tmpNode->next, memory_order_acquire)) != NULL && counter < CCSYNCH_HAND_OFF_LIMIT) {
        counter = counter + 1;
        tmpFunPtr = tmpNode->requestFunction;
        tmpFunPtr(tmpNode->messageSize, tmpNode->buffer);
        tmpNode->completed = true;
        atomic_store_explicit(&tmpNode->wait, 0, memory_order_release);
        tmpNode = tmpNodeNext;
    atomic_store_explicit(&tmpNode->wait, 0, memory_order_release);
Пример #4
void SystemProperties::ReadCallback(const prop_info* pi,
                                    void (*callback)(void* cookie, const char* name,
                                                     const char* value, uint32_t serial),
                                    void* cookie) {
  // Read only properties don't need to copy the value to a temporary buffer, since it can never
  // change.
  if (is_read_only(pi->name)) {
    uint32_t serial = Serial(pi);
    if (pi->is_long()) {
      callback(cookie, pi->name, pi->long_value(), serial);
    } else {
      callback(cookie, pi->name, pi->value, serial);

  while (true) {
    uint32_t serial = Serial(pi);  // acquire semantics
    size_t len = SERIAL_VALUE_LEN(serial);
    char value_buf[len + 1];

    memcpy(value_buf, pi->value, len);
    value_buf[len] = '\0';

    // TODO: see todo in Read function
    if (serial == load_const_atomic(&(pi->serial), memory_order_relaxed)) {
      callback(cookie, pi->name, value_buf, serial);
Пример #5
int SystemProperties::Update(prop_info* pi, const char* value, unsigned int len) {
  if (len >= PROP_VALUE_MAX) {
    return -1;

  if (!initialized_) {
    return -1;

  prop_area* pa = contexts_->GetSerialPropArea();
  if (!pa) {
    return -1;

  uint32_t serial = atomic_load_explicit(&pi->serial, memory_order_relaxed);
  serial |= 1;
  atomic_store_explicit(&pi->serial, serial, memory_order_relaxed);
  // The memcpy call here also races.  Again pretend it
  // used memory_order_relaxed atomics, and use the analogous
  // counterintuitive fence.
  strlcpy(pi->value, value, len + 1);

  atomic_store_explicit(&pi->serial, (len << 24) | ((serial + 1) & 0xffffff), memory_order_release);
  __futex_wake(&pi->serial, INT32_MAX);

  atomic_store_explicit(pa->serial(), atomic_load_explicit(pa->serial(), memory_order_relaxed) + 1,
  __futex_wake(pa->serial(), INT32_MAX);

  return 0;
void mb__system_property_read_callback(const prop_info* pi,
                                       void (*callback)(void* cookie,
                                                        const char* name,
                                                        const char* value,
                                                        uint32_t serial),
                                       void* cookie) {
  // TODO (dimitry): do we need compat mode for this function?
  if (__predict_false(compat_mode)) {
    uint32_t serial = mb__system_property_serial_compat(pi);
    char name_buf[PROP_NAME_MAX];
    char value_buf[PROP_VALUE_MAX];
    mb__system_property_read_compat(pi, name_buf, value_buf);
    callback(cookie, name_buf, value_buf, serial);

  while (true) {
    uint32_t serial = mb__system_property_serial(pi);  // acquire semantics
    size_t len = SERIAL_VALUE_LEN(serial);
    char value_buf[len + 1];

    memcpy(value_buf, pi->value, len);
    value_buf[len] = '\0';

    // TODO: see todo in __system_property_read function
    if (serial == load_const_atomic(&(pi->serial), memory_order_relaxed)) {
      callback(cookie, pi->name, value_buf, serial);
int mb__system_property_read(const prop_info* pi, char* name, char* value) {
  if (__predict_false(compat_mode)) {
    return mb__system_property_read_compat(pi, name, value);

  while (true) {
    uint32_t serial = mb__system_property_serial(pi);  // acquire semantics
    size_t len = SERIAL_VALUE_LEN(serial);
    memcpy(value, pi->value, len + 1);
    // TODO: Fix the synchronization scheme here.
    // There is no fully supported way to implement this kind
    // of synchronization in C++11, since the memcpy races with
    // updates to pi, and the data being accessed is not atomic.
    // The following fence is unintuitive, but would be the
    // correct one if memcpy used memory_order_relaxed atomic accesses.
    // In practice it seems unlikely that the generated code would
    // would be any different, so this should be OK.
    if (serial == load_const_atomic(&(pi->serial), memory_order_relaxed)) {
      if (name != nullptr) {
        size_t namelen = strlcpy(name, pi->name, PROP_NAME_MAX);
        if (namelen >= PROP_NAME_MAX) {
          LOGE("The property name length for \"%s\" is >= %d;"
               " please use __system_property_read_callback"
               " to read this property. (the name is truncated to \"%s\")",
               pi->name, PROP_NAME_MAX - 1, name);
      return len;
Пример #8
// Increase the counts of all requested pages by 1.
void fs_inode_map_region(struct inode *node, size_t offset, size_t length)
	ASSERT(!(offset & ~PAGE_MASK));
	int page_number = offset / PAGE_SIZE;
	int npages = ((length-1) / PAGE_SIZE) + 1;
	for(int i = page_number; i < (page_number + npages); i++)
		struct physical_page *entry;
		if((entry = hash_lookup(&node->physicals, &i, sizeof(i))) == NULL) {
			// Create the entry, and add it.
			entry = __create_entry();
			entry->pn = i;
			hash_insert(&node->physicals, &entry->pn, sizeof(entry->pn), &entry->hash_elem, entry);
			atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&node->mapped_entries_count, 1, memory_order_relaxed);

		// Bump the count...
		atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&entry->count, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
		/* NOTE: We're not actually allocating or mapping anything here, really. All we're doing
		 * is indicating our intent to map a certain section, so we don't free pages. */
int __system_property_read(const prop_info *pi, char *name, char *value)
    if (__predict_false(compat_mode)) {
        return __system_property_read_compat(pi, name, value);

    while (true) {
        uint32_t serial = __system_property_serial(pi); // acquire semantics
        size_t len = SERIAL_VALUE_LEN(serial);
        memcpy(value, pi->value, len + 1);
        // TODO: Fix the synchronization scheme here.
        // There is no fully supported way to implement this kind
        // of synchronization in C++11, since the memcpy races with
        // updates to pi, and the data being accessed is not atomic.
        // The following fence is unintuitive, but would be the
        // correct one if memcpy used memory_order_relaxed atomic accesses.
        // In practice it seems unlikely that the generated code would
        // would be any different, so this should be OK.
        if (serial ==
                load_const_atomic(&(pi->serial), memory_order_relaxed)) {
            if (name != 0) {
                strcpy(name, pi->name);
            return len;
int __system_property_update(prop_info *pi, const char *value, unsigned int len)
    prop_area *pa = __system_property_area__;

    if (len >= PROP_VALUE_MAX)
        return -1;

    uint32_t serial = atomic_load_explicit(&pi->serial, memory_order_relaxed);
    serial |= 1;
    atomic_store_explicit(&pi->serial, serial, memory_order_relaxed);
    // The memcpy call here also races.  Again pretend it
    // used memory_order_relaxed atomics, and use the analogous
    // counterintuitive fence.
    memcpy(pi->value, value, len + 1);
        (len << 24) | ((serial + 1) & 0xffffff),
    __futex_wake(&pi->serial, INT32_MAX);

        atomic_load_explicit(&pa->serial, memory_order_relaxed) + 1,
    __futex_wake(&pa->serial, INT32_MAX);

    return 0;
Пример #11
int take(Deque *q) {
	std::string str1("pop_back"); //ANNOTATION
	function_call(str1, INVOCATION); //ANNOTATION

	size_t b = atomic_load_explicit(&q->bottom, memory_order_seq_cst) - 1;
	Array *a = (Array *) atomic_load_explicit(&q->array, memory_order_seq_cst);
	atomic_store_explicit(&q->bottom, b, memory_order_seq_cst); //relaxed
	size_t t = atomic_load_explicit(&q->top, memory_order_seq_cst);
	int x;
	if (t <= b) {
		/* Non-empty queue. */
		x = atomic_load_explicit(&a->buffer[b % atomic_load_explicit(&a->size,memory_order_seq_cst)], memory_order_seq_cst);
		if (t == b) {
			/* Single last element in queue. */
			if (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&q->top, &t, t + 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_seq_cst))
				/* Failed race. */
				x = EMPTY;
			atomic_store_explicit(&q->bottom, b + 1, memory_order_seq_cst); //relaxed
	} else { /* Empty queue. */
		x = EMPTY;
		atomic_store_explicit(&q->bottom, b + 1, memory_order_seq_cst); // relaxed
	//if(x == EMPTY)
		//function_call(str1, RESPONSE, (uint64_t) NULL); //ANNOTATION
		function_call(str1, RESPONSE, (uint64_t) x); //ANNOTATION
	return x;
Пример #12
void* ponyint_mpmcq_pop(mpmcq_t* q)
  size_t my_ticket = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&q->ticket, 1,

  while(my_ticket != atomic_load_explicit(&q->waiting_for,


  mpmcq_node_t* tail = atomic_load_explicit(&q->tail, memory_order_relaxed);
  // Get the next node rather than the tail. The tail is either a stub or has
  // already been consumed.
  mpmcq_node_t* next = atomic_load_explicit(&tail->next, memory_order_relaxed);
  // Bailout if we have no next node.
  if(next == NULL)
    atomic_store_explicit(&q->waiting_for, my_ticket + 1, memory_order_relaxed);
    return NULL;

  atomic_store_explicit(&q->tail, next, memory_order_relaxed);
  atomic_store_explicit(&q->waiting_for, my_ticket + 1, memory_order_release);

  // Synchronise-with the push.
  // We'll return the data pointer from the next node.
  void* data = atomic_load_explicit(&next->data, memory_order_relaxed);

  // Since we will be freeing the old tail, we need to be sure no other
  // consumer is still reading the old tail. To do this, we set the data
  // pointer of our new tail to NULL, and we wait until the data pointer of
  // the old tail is NULL.
  atomic_store_explicit(&next->data, NULL, memory_order_release);

  while(atomic_load_explicit(&tail->data, memory_order_relaxed) != NULL)


  // Free the old tail. The new tail is the next node.
  POOL_FREE(mpmcq_node_t, tail);
  return data;
Пример #13
	friend void intrusive_ptr_release( unbounded_channel_base * p)
		if ( p->use_count_.fetch_sub( 1, memory_order_release) == 1)
			atomic_thread_fence( memory_order_acquire);
			delete p;
Пример #14
		friend void intrusive_ptr_release( node * p)
			if ( p->use_count.fetch_sub( 1, memory_order_release) == 1)
				atomic_thread_fence( memory_order_acquire);
				delete p;
Пример #15
 void dec_ref() const {
   int new_ref_count = ref_count_.fetch_sub(1, MEMORY_ORDER_RELEASE);
   assert(new_ref_count >= 1);
   if (new_ref_count == 1) {
     delete static_cast<const T*>(this);
Пример #16
 friend inline void intrusive_ptr_release( pool_base * p)
     if ( 1 == p->use_count_.fetch_sub( 1, memory_order_release) )
         atomic_thread_fence( memory_order_acquire);
         delete p;
Пример #17
  static void memory_fence() {
   // Internally, libuv has a "pending" flag check whose load can be reordered
   // before storing the data into the queue causing the data in the queue
   // not to be consumed. This fence ensures that the load happens after the
   // data has been store in the queue.
Пример #18
Файл: 4.cpp Проект: AmesianX/lbd
void func1()
    for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)
        a = i;
        // Ensure that changes to a to this point are visible to other threads
Пример #19
Файл: 4.cpp Проект: AmesianX/lbd
void func2()
    for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i)
        // Ensure that this thread's view of a is up to date
        std::cout << a;
Пример #20
exit(size_t epoch)
    // Ensures that all reads are terminated before we decrement the epoch
    // counter. Unfortunately there's no equivalent of the release semantic for
    // reads so we need to use a full barrier instead. Sucky but it's life.

    getTls()[epoch & 1].count--;
Пример #21
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int num_producers = NUM_THREADS-1;
    pthread_t producers[num_producers];
    pthread_t consumer;

    struct timespec start, end;

    for(int i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<NUM_ITEMS; j++) {
            items[i][j].sent = 0;
            items[i][j].recv = 0;

    int cap = atoi(argv[1]);
    queue = mpscq_create(NULL, cap);

    pthread_create(&consumer, NULL, consumer_main, NULL);
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &start);
    for(long i=0; i<num_producers; i++) {
        pthread_create(&producers[i], NULL, producer_main, (void *)i);

    for(int i=0; i<num_producers; i++) {
        pthread_join(producers[i], NULL);
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &end);
    done = true;
    pthread_join(consumer, NULL);


    for(int i=0; i<num_producers; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<NUM_ITEMS; j++) {
            if(items[i][j].sent != 2) {
                printf(":(%d %d): %d %d, %d %d\n", i, j, items[i][j].sent,
                       items[i][j].recv, amount_produced, amount_consumed);
            assert(items[i][j].sent == 2);
            assert(items[i][j].recv == 1);

    long ms = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000;
    ms += (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000000;

    fprintf(stdout, "\t%d\t%ld\t%ld\n",
            retries, ms, (long)(total / amount_produced));
    assert(amount_produced == amount_consumed);
    exit(amount_produced != amount_consumed);
Пример #22
static void b(void *obj)
	int r1, r2;
	r1 = atomic_load_explicit(&x, memory_order_relaxed);
	r2 = atomic_load_explicit(&x, memory_order_relaxed);

	printf("FENCES: r1 = %d, r2 = %d\n", r1, r2);
	if (r1 == 2)
		MODEL_ASSERT(r2 != 1);
Пример #23
/* ChapelBase.chpl:831 */
static void _waitEndCount(chpl___EndCount e, int64_t _ln, c_string _fn) {
  memory_order local_memory_order_acquire;
  memory_order local_memory_order_relaxed;
  chpl_task_list_p ret;
  _ref_atomic_int64 call_tmp = NULL;
  chpl_bool T;
  _ref_atomic_int_least64_t call_tmp2 = NULL;
  int64_t call_tmp3;
  chpl_bool call_tmp4;
  _ref_atomic_int_least64_t call_tmp5 = NULL;
  int64_t call_tmp6;
  chpl_bool call_tmp7;
  int64_t ret2;
  locale call_tmp8 = NULL;
  int32_t call_tmp9;
  chpl_localeID_t call_tmp10;
  _ref_chpl_localeID_t ret_to_arg_ref_tmp_ = NULL;
  chpl_localeID_t call_tmp11;
  locale call_tmp12 = NULL;
  _ref_atomic_int64 call_tmp13 = NULL;
  _ref_atomic_int_least64_t call_tmp14 = NULL;
  chpl_task_list_p ret3;
  local_memory_order_acquire = memory_order_acquire;
  local_memory_order_relaxed = memory_order_relaxed;
  ret = (e)->taskList;
  chpl_taskListExecute(ret, _ln, _fn);
  call_tmp = &((e)->i);
  call_tmp2 = &((call_tmp)->_v);
  call_tmp3 = atomic_load_explicit_int_least64_t(call_tmp2, local_memory_order_relaxed);
  call_tmp4 = (call_tmp3 != INT64(0));
  T = call_tmp4;
  while (T) {
    call_tmp5 = &((call_tmp)->_v);
    call_tmp6 = atomic_load_explicit_int_least64_t(call_tmp5, local_memory_order_relaxed);
    call_tmp7 = (call_tmp6 != INT64(0));
    T = call_tmp7;
  ret2 = (e)->taskCnt;
  call_tmp9 = chpl_task_getRequestedSubloc();
  ret_to_arg_ref_tmp_ = &call_tmp10;
  chpl_buildLocaleID(chpl_nodeID, call_tmp9, ret_to_arg_ref_tmp_, _ln, _fn);
  call_tmp11 = chpl__initCopy_chpl_rt_localeID_t(call_tmp10);
  call_tmp12 = chpl_localeID_to_locale(&call_tmp11, _ln, _fn);
  call_tmp8 = call_tmp12;
  call_tmp13 = &((call_tmp8)->runningTaskCounter);
  call_tmp14 = &((call_tmp13)->_v);
  atomic_fetch_sub_explicit_int_least64_t(call_tmp14, ret2, local_memory_order_relaxed);
  ret3 = (e)->taskList;
  chpl_taskListFree(ret3, _ln, _fn);
Пример #24
TEST(stdatomic, atomic_thread_fence) {
Пример #25
caerModuleData caerModuleInitialize(uint16_t moduleID, const char *moduleShortName, sshsNode mainloopNode) {
	// Generate short module name with ID, reused in all error messages and later code.
	size_t nameLength = (size_t) snprintf(NULL, 0, "%" PRIu16 "-%s", moduleID, moduleShortName);
	char nameString[nameLength + 1];
	snprintf(nameString, nameLength + 1, "%" PRIu16 "-%s", moduleID, moduleShortName);

	// Allocate memory for the module.
	caerModuleData moduleData = calloc(1, sizeof(struct caer_module_data));
	if (moduleData == NULL) {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_ALERT, nameString, "Failed to allocate memory for module. Error: %d.", errno);

	// Set module ID for later identification (hash-table key).
	moduleData->moduleID = moduleID;

	// Put module into startup state.
	moduleData->moduleStatus = STOPPED;
	atomic_store_explicit(&moduleData->running, true, memory_order_relaxed);

	// Determine SSHS module node. Use short name for better human recognition.
	char sshsString[nameLength + 2];
	strncpy(sshsString, nameString, nameLength);
	sshsString[nameLength] = '/';
	sshsString[nameLength + 1] = '\0';

	// Initialize configuration, shutdown hooks.
	moduleData->moduleNode = sshsGetRelativeNode(mainloopNode, sshsString);
	if (moduleData->moduleNode == NULL) {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_ALERT, nameString, "Failed to allocate configuration node for module.");

	sshsNodePutBool(moduleData->moduleNode, "shutdown", false); // Always reset to false.
	sshsNodeAddAttributeListener(moduleData->moduleNode, moduleData, &caerModuleShutdownListener);

	// Setup default full log string name.
	moduleData->moduleSubSystemString = malloc(nameLength + 1);
	if (moduleData->moduleSubSystemString == NULL) {
		caerLog(CAER_LOG_ALERT, nameString, "Failed to allocate subsystem string for module.");

	strncpy(moduleData->moduleSubSystemString, nameString, nameLength);
	moduleData->moduleSubSystemString[nameLength] = '\0';


	return (moduleData);
Пример #26
static int __pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(pthread_rwlock_internal_t* rwlock,
                                        const timespec* abs_timeout_or_null) {

  if (__predict_false(__get_thread()->tid == atomic_load_explicit(&rwlock->writer_thread_id,
                                                                  memory_order_relaxed))) {
    return EDEADLK;

  while (true) {
    int old_state = atomic_load_explicit(&rwlock->state, memory_order_relaxed);
    if (__predict_true(old_state == 0)) {
      if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(&rwlock->state, &old_state, -1,
                                                memory_order_acquire, memory_order_relaxed)) {
        // writer_thread_id is protected by rwlock and can only be modified in rwlock write
        // owner thread. Other threads may read it for EDEADLK error checking, atomic operation
        // is safe enough for it.
        atomic_store_explicit(&rwlock->writer_thread_id, __get_thread()->tid, memory_order_relaxed);
        return 0;
    } else {
      timespec ts;
      timespec* rel_timeout = NULL;

      if (abs_timeout_or_null != NULL) {
        rel_timeout = &ts;
        if (!timespec_from_absolute_timespec(*rel_timeout, *abs_timeout_or_null, CLOCK_REALTIME)) {
          return ETIMEDOUT;

      // To avoid losing wake ups, the pending_writers increment should be observed before
      // futex_wait by all threads. A seq_cst fence instead of a seq_cst operation is used
      // here. Because only a seq_cst fence can ensure sequential consistency for non-atomic
      // operations in futex_wait.
      atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&rwlock->pending_writers, 1, memory_order_relaxed);


      int ret = __futex_wait_ex(&rwlock->state, rwlock->process_shared(), old_state,

      atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&rwlock->pending_writers, 1, memory_order_relaxed);

      if (ret == -ETIMEDOUT) {
        return ETIMEDOUT;
Пример #27
int pthread_rwlock_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_interface) {
  pthread_rwlock_internal_t* rwlock = __get_internal_rwlock(rwlock_interface);

  int old_state = atomic_load_explicit(&rwlock->state, memory_order_relaxed);
  if (__predict_false(old_state == 0)) {
    return EPERM;
  } else if (old_state == -1) {
    if (atomic_load_explicit(&rwlock->writer_thread_id, memory_order_relaxed) != __get_thread()->tid) {
      return EPERM;
    // We're no longer the owner.
    atomic_store_explicit(&rwlock->writer_thread_id, 0, memory_order_relaxed);
    // Change state from -1 to 0.
    atomic_store_explicit(&rwlock->state, 0, memory_order_release);

  } else { // old_state > 0
    // Reduce state by 1.
    while (old_state > 0 && !atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(&rwlock->state, &old_state,
                               old_state - 1, memory_order_release, memory_order_relaxed)) {

    if (old_state <= 0) {
      return EPERM;
    } else if (old_state > 1) {
      return 0;
    // old_state = 1, which means the last reader calling unlock. It has to wake up waiters.

  // If having waiters, wake up them.
  // To avoid losing wake ups, the update of state should be observed before reading
  // pending_readers/pending_writers by all threads. Use read locking as an example:
  //     read locking thread                        unlocking thread
  //      pending_readers++;                         state = 0;
  //      seq_cst fence                              seq_cst fence
  //      read state for futex_wait                  read pending_readers for futex_wake
  // So when locking and unlocking threads are running in parallel, we will not get
  // in a situation that the locking thread reads state as negative and needs to wait,
  // while the unlocking thread reads pending_readers as zero and doesn't need to wake up waiters.
  if (__predict_false(atomic_load_explicit(&rwlock->pending_readers, memory_order_relaxed) > 0 ||
                      atomic_load_explicit(&rwlock->pending_writers, memory_order_relaxed) > 0)) {
    __futex_wake_ex(&rwlock->state, rwlock->process_shared(), INT_MAX);
  return 0;
Пример #28
void push(Deque *q, int x) {
	std::string str1("push_back"); //ANNOTATION
	function_call(str1, INVOCATION, (uint64_t) x); //ANNOTATION

	size_t b = atomic_load_explicit(&q->bottom, memory_order_seq_cst);
	size_t t = atomic_load_explicit(&q->top, memory_order_seq_cst);
	Array *a = (Array *) atomic_load_explicit(&q->array, memory_order_seq_cst);
	if (b - t > atomic_load_explicit(&a->size, memory_order_seq_cst) - 1) /* Full queue. */ {
		//Bug in paper...should have next line...
		a = (Array *) atomic_load_explicit(&q->array, memory_order_seq_cst);
	atomic_store_explicit(&a->buffer[b % atomic_load_explicit(&a->size, memory_order_seq_cst)], x,memory_order_seq_cst);
	atomic_store_explicit(&q->bottom, b + 1, memory_order_seq_cst); //relaxed
	function_call(str1, RESPONSE); //ANNOTATION
Пример #29
pony_msg_t* ponyint_messageq_pop(messageq_t* q)
  pony_msg_t* tail = q->tail;
  pony_msg_t* next = atomic_load_explicit(&tail->next, memory_order_relaxed);

  if(next != NULL)
    q->tail = next;
    ponyint_pool_free(tail->index, tail);

  return next;
Пример #30
// Called from pthread_exit() to remove all pthread keys. This must call the destructor of
// all keys that have a non-NULL data value and a non-NULL destructor.
__LIBC_HIDDEN__ void pthread_key_clean_all() {
  // Because destructors can do funky things like deleting/creating other keys,
  // we need to implement this in a loop.
  pthread_key_data_t* key_data = get_thread_key_data();
  for (size_t rounds = PTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS; rounds > 0; --rounds) {
    size_t called_destructor_count = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < BIONIC_PTHREAD_KEY_COUNT; ++i) {
      uintptr_t seq = atomic_load_explicit(&key_map[i].seq, memory_order_relaxed);
      if (SeqOfKeyInUse(seq) && seq == key_data[i].seq && key_data[i].data != nullptr) {
        // Other threads may be calling pthread_key_delete/pthread_key_create while current thread
        // is exiting. So we need to ensure we read the right key_destructor.
        // We can rely on a user-established happens-before relationship between the creation and
        // use of pthread key to ensure that we're not getting an earlier key_destructor.
        // To avoid using the key_destructor of the newly created key in the same slot, we need to
        // recheck the sequence number after reading key_destructor. As a result, we either see the
        // right key_destructor, or the sequence number must have changed when we reread it below.
        key_destructor_t key_destructor = reinterpret_cast<key_destructor_t>(
          atomic_load_explicit(&key_map[i].key_destructor, memory_order_relaxed));
        if (key_destructor == nullptr) {
        if (atomic_load_explicit(&key_map[i].seq, memory_order_relaxed) != seq) {

        // We need to clear the key data now, this will prevent the destructor (or a later one)
        // from seeing the old value if it calls pthread_getspecific().
        // We don't do this if 'key_destructor == NULL' just in case another destructor
        // function is responsible for manually releasing the corresponding data.
        void* data = key_data[i].data;
        key_data[i].data = nullptr;


    // If we didn't call any destructors, there is no need to check the pthread keys again.
    if (called_destructor_count == 0) {