void FeatureCompatibilityVersion::set(OperationContext* txn, StringData version) {
            "featureCompatibilityVersion must be '3.4' or '3.2'. See "
            version == FeatureCompatibilityVersionCommandParser::kVersion34 ||
                version == FeatureCompatibilityVersionCommandParser::kVersion32);

    DBDirectClient client(txn);
    NamespaceString nss(FeatureCompatibilityVersion::kCollection);

    if (version == FeatureCompatibilityVersionCommandParser::kVersion34) {
        // We build a v=2 index on the "admin.system.version" collection as part of setting the
        // featureCompatibilityVersion to 3.4. This is a new index version that isn't supported by
        // versions of MongoDB earlier than 3.4 that will cause 3.2 secondaries to crash when it is
        // replicated.
        std::vector<BSONObj> indexSpecs{k32IncompatibleIndexSpec};

            ScopedTransaction transaction(txn, MODE_IX);
            AutoGetOrCreateDb autoDB(txn, nss.db(), MODE_X);

                    str::stream() << "Cannot set featureCompatibilityVersion to '" << version
                                  << "'. Not primary while attempting to create index on: "
                                  << nss.ns(),

            IndexBuilder builder(k32IncompatibleIndexSpec, false);
            auto status = builder.buildInForeground(txn, autoDB.getDb());

                WriteUnitOfWork wuow(txn);
                    txn, autoDB.getDb()->getSystemIndexesName(), k32IncompatibleIndexSpec, false);
            MONGO_WRITE_CONFLICT_RETRY_LOOP_END(txn, "FeatureCompatibilityVersion::set", nss.ns());

        // We then update the featureCompatibilityVersion document stored in the
        // "admin.system.version" collection. We do this after creating the v=2 index in order to
        // maintain the invariant that if the featureCompatibilityVersion is 3.4, then
        // 'k32IncompatibleIndexSpec' index exists on the "admin.system.version" collection.
        BSONObj updateResult;
                          makeUpdateCommand(version, WriteConcernOptions::Majority),

        // We then update the value of the featureCompatibilityVersion server parameter.
    } else if (version == FeatureCompatibilityVersionCommandParser::kVersion32) {
Пример #2
Status dropDatabase(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& dbName) {
            "Cannot drop a database in read-only mode",
    // TODO (Kal): OldClientContext legacy, needs to be removed
        stdx::lock_guard<Client> lk(*opCtx->getClient());

    auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx);
    std::size_t numCollectionsToDrop = 0;

    // We have to wait for the last drop-pending collection to be removed if there are no
    // collections to drop.
    repl::OpTime latestDropPendingOpTime;

    using Result = boost::optional<Status>;
    // Get an optional result--if it's there, early return; otherwise, wait for collections to drop.
    auto result = writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "dropDatabase_collection", dbName, [&] {
        Lock::GlobalWrite lk(opCtx);
        AutoGetDb autoDB(opCtx, dbName, MODE_X);
        Database* const db = autoDB.getDb();
        if (!db) {
            return Result(Status(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                                 str::stream() << "Could not drop database " << dbName
                                               << " because it does not exist"));

        bool userInitiatedWritesAndNotPrimary =
            opCtx->writesAreReplicated() && !replCoord->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(opCtx, dbName);

        if (userInitiatedWritesAndNotPrimary) {
            return Result(
                       str::stream() << "Not primary while dropping database " << dbName));

        log() << "dropDatabase " << dbName << " - starting";
        db->setDropPending(opCtx, true);

        // If Database::dropCollectionEventIfSystem() fails, we should reset the drop-pending state
        // on Database.
        auto dropPendingGuard = MakeGuard([&db, opCtx] { db->setDropPending(opCtx, false); });

        for (auto collection : *db) {
            const auto& nss = collection->ns();
            if (nss.isDropPendingNamespace() && replCoord->isReplEnabled() &&
                opCtx->writesAreReplicated()) {
                log() << "dropDatabase " << dbName << " - found drop-pending collection: " << nss;
                latestDropPendingOpTime = std::max(
                    latestDropPendingOpTime, uassertStatusOK(nss.getDropPendingNamespaceOpTime()));
            if (replCoord->isOplogDisabledFor(opCtx, nss) || nss.isSystemDotIndexes()) {
            log() << "dropDatabase " << dbName << " - dropping collection: " << nss;
            WriteUnitOfWork wunit(opCtx);
            fassertStatusOK(40476, db->dropCollectionEvenIfSystem(opCtx, nss));

        // If there are no collection drops to wait for, we complete the drop database operation.
        if (numCollectionsToDrop == 0U && latestDropPendingOpTime.isNull()) {
            return Result(_finishDropDatabase(opCtx, dbName, db));

        return Result(boost::none);

    if (result) {
        return *result;

    // If waitForWriteConcern() returns an error or throws an exception, we should reset the
    // drop-pending state on Database.
    auto dropPendingGuardWhileAwaitingReplication = MakeGuard([dbName, opCtx] {
        Lock::GlobalWrite lk(opCtx);
        AutoGetDb autoDB(opCtx, dbName, MODE_X);
        if (auto db = autoDB.getDb()) {
            db->setDropPending(opCtx, false);

        // Holding of any locks is disallowed while awaiting replication because this can
        // potentially block for long time while doing network activity.
        // Even though dropDatabase() does not explicitly acquire any locks before awaiting
        // replication, it is possible that the caller of this function may already have acquired
        // a lock. The applyOps command is an example of a dropDatabase() caller that does this.
        // Therefore, we have to release any locks using a TempRelease RAII object.
        // TODO: Remove the use of this TempRelease object when SERVER-29802 is completed.
        // The work in SERVER-29802 will adjust the locking rules around applyOps operations and
        // dropDatabase is expected to be one of the operations where we expect to no longer acquire
        // the global lock.
        Lock::TempRelease release(opCtx->lockState());

        if (numCollectionsToDrop > 0U) {
            auto status =
                replCoord->awaitReplicationOfLastOpForClient(opCtx, kDropDatabaseWriteConcern)
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return Status(status.code(),
                              str::stream() << "dropDatabase " << dbName << " failed waiting for "
                                            << numCollectionsToDrop
                                            << " collection drops to replicate: "
                                            << status.reason());

            log() << "dropDatabase " << dbName << " - successfully dropped " << numCollectionsToDrop
                  << " collections. dropping database";
        } else {
            auto status =
                    ->awaitReplication(opCtx, latestDropPendingOpTime, kDropDatabaseWriteConcern)
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                return Status(
                        << "dropDatabase "
                        << dbName
                        << " failed waiting for pending collection drops (most recent drop optime: "
                        << latestDropPendingOpTime.toString()
                        << ") to replicate: "
                        << status.reason());

            log() << "dropDatabase " << dbName
                  << " - pending collection drops completed. dropping database";


    return writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "dropDatabase_database", dbName, [&] {
        Lock::GlobalWrite lk(opCtx);
        AutoGetDb autoDB(opCtx, dbName, MODE_X);
        if (auto db = autoDB.getDb()) {
            return _finishDropDatabase(opCtx, dbName, db);

        return Status(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                      str::stream() << "Could not drop database " << dbName
                                    << " because it does not exist after dropping "
                                    << numCollectionsToDrop
                                    << " collection(s).");