          * auto generated method signature for in only mep invocations
          * for "add|http://ws.apache.org/axis2" operation.
          * @param stub The stub (axis2_stub_t)
          * @param env environment ( mandatory)
          * @param _add of the adb_add_t*
          * @return 
         axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
         axis2_stub_op_IIp2Location_add( axis2_stub_t *stub, const axutil_env_t *env,
                                              adb_add_t* _add)
            axis2_status_t status;

            axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
            axis2_options_t *options = NULL;

            const axis2_char_t *soap_action = NULL;
            axutil_qname_t *op_qname =  NULL;
            axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;

            axutil_string_t *soap_act = NULL;
                                payload = adb_add_serialize(_add, env, NULL, NULL, AXIS2_TRUE, NULL, NULL);

            svc_client = axis2_stub_get_svc_client(stub, env );

            options = axis2_stub_get_options( stub, env);
            if ( NULL == options )
              AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "options is null in stub");
              return AXIS2_FAILURE;
            svc_client = axis2_stub_get_svc_client (stub, env );
            soap_act = axis2_options_get_soap_action ( options, env );
            if ( NULL == soap_act )
              soap_action = "urn:add";
              soap_act = axutil_string_create(env, "urn:add");
              axis2_options_set_soap_action(options, env, soap_act);    
            axis2_options_set_soap_version(options, env, AXIOM_SOAP12 );
            op_qname = axutil_qname_create(env,
                                        "add" ,
            status =  axis2_svc_client_send_robust_with_op_qname( svc_client, env, op_qname, payload);
            return status;

Пример #2
          * auto generated method signature
          * for "registerClient|http://www.wso2.org" operation.
          * @param registerClientRequest14
          * @return
         axis2_registerClientResponse_t* axis2_stub_ExchangeTrader_registerClient( axis2_stub_t *stub, const axutil_env_t *env,
                                              axis2_registerClientRequest_t* registerClientRequest14)
            axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
            axis2_options_t *options = NULL;
            axiom_node_t *ret_node = NULL;

            const axis2_char_t *soap_action = NULL;
            axutil_qname_t *op_qname =  NULL;
            axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;
            axis2_registerClientResponse_t* ret_val = NULL;
                            payload = axis2_registerClientRequest_serialize(registerClientRequest14, env, NULL, AXIS2_FALSE);

            options = axis2_stub_get_options( stub, env);
            if ( NULL == options )
              AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "options is null in stub: Error code:"
                    " %d :: %s", env->error->error_number,
              return NULL;
            svc_client = axis2_stub_get_svc_client(stub, env );
            soap_action = axis2_options_get_action( options, env );
            if ( NULL == soap_action )
              soap_action = "\"\"";
              axis2_options_set_action( options, env, soap_action );
            axis2_options_set_soap_version(options, env, AXIOM_SOAP11 );
            op_qname = axutil_qname_create(env,
                                        "registerClient" ,
            ret_node =  axis2_svc_client_send_receive_with_op_qname( svc_client, env, op_qname, payload);

                    if ( NULL == ret_node )
                        return NULL;
                    ret_val = axis2_registerClientResponse_create(env);

                    axis2_registerClientResponse_deserialize(ret_val, env, ret_node );
                    return ret_val;
Пример #3
         void axis2_stub_ExchangeTrader_registerClient_start( axis2_stub_t *stub, const axutil_env_t *env,
                                                    axis2_registerClientRequest_t* registerClientRequest14,
                                                  axis2_status_t ( AXIS2_CALL *on_complete ) (struct axis2_callback *, const axutil_env_t *) ,
                                                  axis2_status_t ( AXIS2_CALL *on_error ) (struct axis2_callback *, const axutil_env_t *, int ) )

            axis2_callback_t *callback = NULL;

            axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
            axis2_options_t *options = NULL;

            const axis2_char_t *soap_action = NULL;
            axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;

                            payload = axis2_registerClientRequest_serialize(registerClientRequest14, env, NULL, AXIS2_FALSE);

            options = axis2_stub_get_options( stub, env);
            if ( NULL == options )
              AXIS2_LOG_ERROR( env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "options is null in stub: Error code:"
                      " %d :: %s", env->error->error_number,
            svc_client = axis2_stub_get_svc_client (stub, env );
            soap_action =axis2_options_get_action ( options, env );
            if ( NULL == soap_action )
              soap_action = "\"\"";
              axis2_options_set_action( options, env, soap_action );
            axis2_options_set_soap_version(options, env, AXIOM_SOAP11 );

            callback = axis2_callback_create(env);
            /* Set our on_complete fucntion pointer to the callback object */
            axis2_callback_set_on_complete(callback, on_complete);
            /* Set our on_error function pointer to the callback object */
            axis2_callback_set_on_error(callback, on_error);

            /* Send request */
            axis2_svc_client_send_receive_non_blocking(svc_client, env, payload, callback);
Пример #4
          * auto generated method signature for in only mep invocations
          * for "sell|http://www.wso2.org" operation.
          * @param sellRequest_ex17
          * @param on_complete callback to handle on complete
          * @param on_error callback to handle on error
         axis2_stub_ExchangeTrader_sell( axis2_stub_t *stub, const axutil_env_t *env  ,
                                                 axis2_sellRequest_ex_t* sellRequest_ex17)
            axis2_status_t status;

            axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
            axis2_options_t *options = NULL;

            const axis2_char_t *soap_action = NULL;
            axutil_qname_t *op_qname =  NULL;
            axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;

                            payload = axis2_sellRequest_ex_serialize(sellRequest_ex17, env, NULL, AXIS2_FALSE);

            options = axis2_stub_get_options( stub, env);
            if ( NULL == options )
              AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "options is null in stub: Error code:"
                      " %d :: %s", env->error->error_number,
              return AXIS2_FAILURE;
            svc_client = axis2_stub_get_svc_client (stub, env );
            soap_action = axis2_options_get_action ( options, env );
            if ( NULL == soap_action )
              soap_action = "\"\"";
              axis2_options_set_action( options, env, soap_action );
            axis2_options_set_soap_version(options, env, AXIOM_SOAP11 );
            op_qname = axutil_qname_create(env,
                                        "sell" ,
            status =  axis2_svc_client_send_robust_with_op_qname( svc_client, env, op_qname, payload);
            return status;

         void AXIS2_CALL
         axis2_stub_start_op_IIp2Location_get( axis2_stub_t *stub, const axutil_env_t *env,
                                              adb_get_t* _get,
                                                  void *user_data,
                                                  axis2_status_t ( AXIS2_CALL *on_complete ) (const axutil_env_t *, adb_getResponse_t* _getResponse, void *data) ,
                                                  axis2_status_t ( AXIS2_CALL *on_error ) (const axutil_env_t *, int exception, void *data) )

            axis2_callback_t *callback = NULL;

            axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
            axis2_options_t *options = NULL;

            const axis2_char_t *soap_action = NULL;
            axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;

            axis2_bool_t is_soap_act_set = AXIS2_TRUE;
            axutil_string_t *soap_act = NULL;

            struct axis2_stub_IIp2Location_get_callback_data *callback_data;

            callback_data = (struct axis2_stub_IIp2Location_get_callback_data*) AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, 
                                    sizeof(struct axis2_stub_IIp2Location_get_callback_data));
            if(NULL == callback_data)
                AXIS2_ERROR_SET(env->error, AXIS2_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, AXIS2_FAILURE);
                AXIS2_LOG_ERROR( env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Can not allocate memeory for the callback data structures");

                                payload = adb_get_serialize(_get, env, NULL, NULL, AXIS2_TRUE, NULL, NULL);

            svc_client = axis2_stub_get_svc_client(stub, env );

            options = axis2_stub_get_options( stub, env);
            if (NULL == options)
              AXIS2_LOG_ERROR( env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "options is null in stub");

            soap_act =axis2_options_get_soap_action (options, env);
            if (NULL == soap_act)
              is_soap_act_set = AXIS2_FALSE;
              soap_action = "urn:get";
              soap_act = axutil_string_create(env, "urn:get");
              axis2_options_set_soap_action(options, env, soap_act);
            axis2_options_set_soap_version(options, env, AXIOM_SOAP12);

            callback = axis2_callback_create(env);
            /* Set our on_complete fucntion pointer to the callback object */
            axis2_callback_set_on_complete(callback, axis2_stub_on_complete_IIp2Location_get);
            /* Set our on_error function pointer to the callback object */
            axis2_callback_set_on_error(callback, axis2_stub_on_error_IIp2Location_get);

            callback_data-> data = user_data;
            callback_data-> on_complete = on_complete;
            callback_data-> on_error = on_error;

            axis2_callback_set_data(callback, (void*)callback_data);

            /* Send request */
            axis2_svc_client_send_receive_non_blocking(svc_client, env, payload, callback);
            if (!is_soap_act_set)
              axis2_options_set_soap_action(options, env, NULL);
              axis2_options_set_action(options, env, NULL);
         adb_getResponse_t* AXIS2_CALL 
         axis2_stub_op_IIp2Location_get( axis2_stub_t *stub, const axutil_env_t *env,
                                               adb_get_t* _get)
            axis2_svc_client_t *svc_client = NULL;
            axis2_options_t *options = NULL;
            axiom_node_t *ret_node = NULL;

            const axis2_char_t *soap_action = NULL;
            axutil_qname_t *op_qname =  NULL;
            axiom_node_t *payload = NULL;
            axis2_bool_t is_soap_act_set = AXIS2_TRUE;
            axutil_string_t *soap_act = NULL;

            adb_getResponse_t* ret_val;
                                payload = adb_get_serialize(_get, env, NULL, NULL, AXIS2_TRUE, NULL, NULL);
            svc_client = axis2_stub_get_svc_client(stub, env );

            options = axis2_stub_get_options( stub, env);
            if (NULL == options)
                AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "options is null in stub");
                return (adb_getResponse_t*)NULL;
            soap_act = axis2_options_get_soap_action( options, env );
            if (NULL == soap_act)
              is_soap_act_set = AXIS2_FALSE;
              soap_action = "urn:get";
              soap_act = axutil_string_create(env, "urn:get");
              axis2_options_set_soap_action(options, env, soap_act);    

            axis2_options_set_soap_version(options, env, AXIOM_SOAP12);
            ret_node =  axis2_svc_client_send_receive_with_op_qname( svc_client, env, op_qname, payload);
            if (!is_soap_act_set)
              axis2_options_set_soap_action(options, env, NULL);    
              axis2_options_set_action( options, env, NULL);
              axutil_string_free(soap_act, env);

                    if ( NULL == ret_node )
                        return (adb_getResponse_t*)NULL;
                    ret_val = adb_getResponse_create(env);

                    if(adb_getResponse_deserialize(ret_val, env, &ret_node, NULL, AXIS2_FALSE ) == AXIS2_FAILURE)
                        if(ret_val != NULL)
                            adb_getResponse_free(ret_val, env);

                        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR( env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "NULL returnted from the adb_getResponse_deserialize: "
                                                                "This should be due to an invalid XML");
                        return (adb_getResponse_t*)NULL;

                            return ret_val;