Пример #1
// Reads arbitrary binary data from the file fp.
//  fp is positioned at the start of the file.
char *sp_load_binary_file(
    const axutil_env_t *env,
    char               *header_blob,
    axutil_stream_t    *st,
    int                *len)
    *len                            = 0;
    char                 *bin_data  = NULL;
    TmpStore             *ts        = NULL;
    axutil_linked_list_t *ll        = axutil_linked_list_create(env);

    // pre-pend header-blob (if any) in front of the remaining data
    if (header_blob)
    	int hdr_size = strlen(header_blob);
    	if ( (hdr_size) > SP_IMG_BUF_SIZE)
    		// failsafe - should never happen.
    	    axutil_linked_list_free(ll, env);
    		return NULL;

    	ts = (TmpStore *)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(TmpStore));
    	memcpy(ts->buf, header_blob, hdr_size);
    	ts->size = hdr_size;
    	*len    += hdr_size;
    	axutil_linked_list_add (ll, env, (void *)ts);

    int n_read  = 0;
    while ( 1 )
        ts = (TmpStore *)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(TmpStore));
        n_read = axutil_stream_read(st, env, ts->buf, SP_IMG_BUF_SIZE);
        if (0 == n_read) 
            AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, ts);

        ts->size = n_read;
        *len    += n_read;
        axutil_linked_list_add (ll, env, (void *)ts);

    bin_data = compose_buffer(env, *len, ll);
    axutil_linked_list_free(ll, env);
    return bin_data;
Пример #2
// Reads a binary image from the file fp.
// The file should be composed of HTTP mime messages as received in the form of
// an HTTP response. fp is already positioned at the start of the image.
// The boundary is given by boundId.
char * rp_read_bin_mime_image(
    const axutil_env_t * env,
    FILE *fp,
    const char *boundId,
    int *len)
    char     *image_binary   = NULL;

    int      actual_filled   = 0;

    TmpStore             *ts = NULL;
    axutil_linked_list_t *ll = axutil_linked_list_create(env);

    *len = 0;

    Rp_cb_ctx fill_ctx;
    init_rp_cb_ctx(env, &fill_ctx);
    fill_ctx.fp    = fp;
    fill_ctx.bound = boundId;

    while (!fill_ctx.done)
        ts = (TmpStore *)AXIS2_MALLOC(env->allocator, sizeof(TmpStore));
        actual_filled = rp_fill_buff_CB(ts->buf, SP_IMG_BUF_SIZE, &fill_ctx);
        if (0 == actual_filled)
            AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, ts);
        ts->size = actual_filled;
        *len    += actual_filled;
        axutil_linked_list_add (ll, env, (void *)ts);

    image_binary = compose_buffer(env, *len, ll);
    axutil_linked_list_free(ll, env);
    return image_binary;
AXIS2_EXTERN axis2_status_t AXIS2_CALL
    rampart_replay_detector_t *rrd,
	const axutil_env_t *env,
    axis2_msg_ctx_t* msg_ctx,
    rampart_context_t *rampart_context)
    axutil_linked_list_t *ll = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *msg_id = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *ts = NULL;
    const axis2_char_t *addr_msg_id = NULL;
    int max_rcds = RAMPART_RD_DEF_MAX_RCDS;
    axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE;
    axutil_hash_t *sec_process_result = NULL;

    /*Get timestamp from security processed results */
    sec_process_result = rampart_get_all_security_processed_results(env, msg_ctx);
    ts = axutil_hash_get(sec_process_result, RAMPART_SPR_TS_CREATED, AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING);

    /* get message id from addressing headers */
    addr_msg_id = axis2_msg_ctx_get_wsa_message_id(msg_ctx, env);

    if(!ts && addr_msg_id)
        msg_id = addr_msg_id;
	else if(ts && !addr_msg_id)
        msg_id = ts;
	else if(ts && addr_msg_id)
        msg_id = axutil_strcat(env, addr_msg_id, ts, NULL);
        msg_id = NULL;

        /* using default msg id */
        msg_id = "RAMPART-DEFAULT-TS";
        AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, 
            "[rampart]No msg_id specified, using default = %s", msg_id);

    ll = axutil_linked_list_create(env);
        AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[rampart]Linked list creation failed.");
        return AXIS2_FAILURE;

	status = rampart_replay_detector_read_file(env, ll);
	if(status != AXIS2_SUCCESS)
        /* we have to clear linked list. We don't need to write the contents. So pass false to 
         * denote whether to write the content */
		rampart_replay_detector_write_file(env, ll, AXIS2_FALSE);
        return AXIS2_FAILURE;
        /* Get the number of records to be kept */
        if(rampart_context_get_rd_val(rampart_context, env))
            max_rcds = axutil_atoi(rampart_context_get_rd_val(rampart_context, env));
            AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, 
                "[rampart]Using the specified max_rcds  %d\n", max_rcds );
            AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, 
                "[rampart]Using the default max_rcds  %d\n", max_rcds );

        /* If the table already have the same key it's a replay */
        if(rampart_replay_detector_check_in_linked_list(ll, env, (void*)msg_id))
            AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[rampart]For ID=%s, a replay detected", msg_id);
			rampart_replay_detector_write_file(env, ll, AXIS2_FALSE);
            return AXIS2_FAILURE;

        /* if number of records saved are more than allowed, we have to remove them */
        while(axutil_linked_list_size(ll, env) >= max_rcds)
            axis2_char_t *tmp_msg_id = NULL;
            tmp_msg_id = (axis2_char_t*)axutil_linked_list_remove_first(ll, env);
            AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[rampart]Deleting record  %s\n", tmp_msg_id );
            AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, tmp_msg_id);
            tmp_msg_id = NULL;

        /* Add current record */
        status = axutil_linked_list_add(ll, env, (void*)axutil_strdup(env,msg_id));
        if(status == AXIS2_SUCCESS)
            AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[rampart]Adding record  %s\n", msg_id );
            AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,"[rampart]Cannot add record %s\n", msg_id);
			rampart_replay_detector_write_file(env, ll, AXIS2_FALSE);
            return AXIS2_FAILURE;
		status =  rampart_replay_detector_write_file(env, ll, AXIS2_TRUE);
		axutil_linked_list_free(ll, env);
        if(status == AXIS2_SUCCESS)
            AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "[rampart]Writing records to file succeed." );
			return AXIS2_SUCCESS;
            AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI,"[rampart]Writing records to file failed");
            return AXIS2_FAILURE;
Пример #4
void test_link_list(axutil_env_t *env,char * first_item,char * second_item,char * third_item,char *last_item,char *array)
    int index_of_item;
	int index_of_last_item;
	entry_t * entry;
	void *get_item;
	axis2_status_t status;
	axis2_bool_t bresult;
	void **array_from_list;
	linked_list = axutil_linked_list_create(env);
    CUT_ASSERT(linked_list != NULL);
    if (!linked_list) return;
    status = axutil_linked_list_add_first(linked_list,env,(void *)first_item);
    bresult = axutil_linked_list_contains(linked_list,env,(void *)second_item);
	CUT_ASSERT(bresult == AXIS2_FALSE);
    status = axutil_linked_list_add(linked_list,env,(void *)third_item);
    status = axutil_linked_list_add_last(linked_list,env,(void *)last_item);
 	CUT_ASSERT(axutil_linked_list_size(linked_list,env) == 3);
    index_of_item = axutil_linked_list_index_of(linked_list,env,third_item);
    CUT_ASSERT(index_of_item == 1);
    index_of_last_item = axutil_linked_list_last_index_of(linked_list,env,last_item);
    CUT_ASSERT(index_of_last_item == 2);
    entry = axutil_linked_list_get_entry(linked_list,env,0);
    CUT_ASSERT(entry != NULL);
    get_item = axutil_linked_list_get(linked_list,env,1);
    CUT_ASSERT(get_item != NULL);
	CUT_ASSERT(strcmp((char*)get_item, third_item) == 0);
    get_item = axutil_linked_list_set(linked_list,env,1,(void *)array);
    CUT_ASSERT(get_item != NULL);
	CUT_ASSERT(strcmp((char*)get_item, third_item) == 0);
    array_from_list = axutil_linked_list_to_array(linked_list,env);
	CUT_ASSERT(array_from_list != NULL);
    status = axutil_linked_list_add_at_index(linked_list,env,1,(void *)second_item);
    get_item = axutil_linked_list_remove_at_index(linked_list,env,1);
	CUT_ASSERT(get_item != NULL);
    bresult = axutil_linked_list_check_bounds_inclusive(linked_list,env,1);
	CUT_ASSERT(bresult == AXIS2_TRUE);
    status = axutil_linked_list_remove_entry(linked_list,env,entry);
    get_item = axutil_linked_list_remove_first(linked_list,env);
	CUT_ASSERT(get_item != NULL);
    get_item = axutil_linked_list_remove_last(linked_list,env);
	CUT_ASSERT(get_item != NULL);
	CUT_ASSERT(axutil_linked_list_size(linked_list,env) == 0);

    bresult = axutil_linked_list_remove(linked_list,env,(void *)third_item);
 	CUT_ASSERT(bresult == AXIS2_FALSE);
    /* To avoid warning of not using cut_ptr_equal */
    /* To avoid warning of not using cut_int_equal */
    CUT_ASSERT_INT_EQUAL(0, 0, 0);
    /* To avoid warning of not using cut_str_equal */
    CUT_ASSERT_STR_EQUAL("", "", 0);
