Пример #1
int main (void)
  babl_init ();
  test_init ();

  babl_set_extender (babl_extension_quiet_log ());
  babl_format_class_for_each (source_each, NULL);
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < babl_formats_count (); i++) printf ("|");printf ("\n");
    for (i = 0; i < babl_formats_count (); i++) if (i / 10 == 0) printf ("|");else printf ("%i", (i / 10) % 10);printf ("\n");
    /* for (i=0;i<babl_formats_count ();i++) printf ("│"); printf ("\n");
       for (i=0;i<babl_formats_count ();i++) if (i/10==0) printf("│"); else printf ("%i", (i/10)%10); printf ("\n");*/
    for (i = 0; i < babl_formats_count (); i++) printf ("%i", (i) % 10);printf ("\n");
  printf ("total length: %i\n", total_length);
  printf ("total cost  : %i\n", total_cost);
  /*printf ("ok / total : %i %i %f\n", ok, total, (1.0*ok) / total);

  babl_exit ();

  return 0;
Пример #2
main (int    argc,
      char **argv)
  babl_init ();
  babl_introspect (NULL);
  babl_exit ();
  return 0;
Пример #3
main (int    argc,
      char **argv)
  babl_init ();
  if (test ())
    return -1;
  babl_exit ();
  return 0;
Пример #4
main(int argc, char **argv)
    gegl_init(0, NULL);

    int retval = mypaint_test_surface_run(argc, argv, gegl_surface_factory, "MyPaintGeglSurface", NULL);

    return retval;
Пример #5
main (void)
  babl_init ();

  printf ("<br/><a href='javascript:");
  printf ("show(\"x_types\");show(\"x_models\");show(\"x_formats\");show(\"x_conversions\");");
  babl_type_class_for_each (show_item, NULL);
  babl_model_class_for_each (show_item, NULL);
  babl_format_class_for_each (show_item, NULL);
/*  babl_conversion_each (show_item, NULL);*/
  printf ("'>+</a>");

  printf ("<a href='javascript:");
  printf ("hide(\"x_types\");hide(\"x_models\");hide(\"x_formats\");hide(\"x_conversions\");");
  babl_type_class_for_each (hide_item, NULL);
  babl_model_class_for_each (hide_item, NULL);
  babl_format_class_for_each (hide_item, NULL);
  /*babl_conversion_each (hide_item, NULL);*/
  printf ("'>-</a>");

  printf ("<div class='expander'>");
  printf ("<div class='expander_title'><a style='font-size:110%%' name='Data-types' href='javascript:toggle_visible(\"x_types\")'>Data types</a></div><div class='expander_content' id='x_types'>\n");
  babl_type_class_for_each (each_item, NULL);
  printf ("</div>\n");
  printf ("</div>\n");

  printf ("<div class='expander'>");
  printf ("<div class='expander_title'><a style='font-size:110%%' name='Color-models' href='javascript:toggle_visible(\"x_models\")'>Color models</a></div><div class='expander_content' id='x_models'>\n");
  babl_model_class_for_each (each_item, NULL);
  printf ("</div>\n");
  printf ("</div>\n");

  printf ("<div class='expander'>");
  printf ("<div class='expander_title'><a style='font-size:110%%' name='Pixel-formats' href='javascript:toggle_visible(\"x_formats\")'>Pixel formats</a></div><div class='expander_content' id='x_formats'>\n");
  babl_format_class_for_each (each_item, NULL);
  printf ("</div>\n");
  printf ("</div>\n");

   printf ("<div class='expander'>");
   printf ("<div class='expander_title'><a style='font-size:110%%' name='Conversions' href='javascript:toggle_visible(\"x_conversions\")'>Conversions</a></div><div class='expander_content' id='x_conversions'>\n");
   babl_conversion_each (each_item, NULL);
   printf ("</div>\n");
   printf ("</div>\n");
  babl_exit ();

  return 0;
Пример #6
main (int    argc,
      char **argv)
  int OK = 1;
  babl_init ();
    float in[][4]   = {{ 0.21582, -0.55, -0.14, 1.0 }, {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0}};
    unsigned char out[][4]  = {{ 55, 0, 0, 255 }, {0,255,255,255}};

    CHECK_CONV("float -> u8", unsigned char,
        babl_format("R'G'B'A float"),
        babl_format("R'G'B'A u8"),
        in, out);

  babl_exit ();
  return !OK;
Пример #7
main (int    argc,
      char **argv)
    int OK = 1;
    babl_init ();
    OK = ! babl_format_is_palette (babl_format_n (babl_type ("double"), 3));
    if(1) {
        unsigned char in[][1]   = {{        0},{          1},{          2},{15}};
        unsigned char out[][4]  = {{0,0,0,255},{127,0,0,255},{0,127,0,255},{255,255,255,255}};
        const Babl *palA;// = babl_new_palette (NULL, 0);
        //Babl *palB = babl_new_palette (NULL, 0);
        babl_new_palette (NULL, &palA, NULL);
        assert (palA);

        CHECK_CONV("pal to rgba", unsigned char,
                   palA, babl_format("RGBA u8"),
                   in, out);
Пример #8
static gboolean
gimp_option_dump_pdb_procedures_deprecated (const gchar  *option_name,
                                            const gchar  *value,
                                            gpointer      data,
                                            GError      **error)
  Gimp  *gimp;
  GList *deprecated_procs;
  GList *iter;

  babl_init ();
  gimp = g_object_new (GIMP_TYPE_GIMP, NULL);

  /* Make sure to turn on compatibility mode so deprecated procedures
   * are included
  gimp->pdb_compat_mode = GIMP_PDB_COMPAT_ON;

  /* Initialize the list of procedures */
  internal_procs_init (gimp->pdb);

  /* Get deprecated procedures */
  deprecated_procs = gimp_pdb_get_deprecated_procedures (gimp->pdb);

  for (iter = deprecated_procs; iter; iter = g_list_next (iter))
      GimpProcedure *procedure = GIMP_PROCEDURE (iter->data);

      g_print ("%s\n", procedure->original_name);

  g_list_free (deprecated_procs);

  g_object_unref (gimp);

  app_exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

  return FALSE;
Пример #9
static gboolean
gimp_option_dump_gimprc (const gchar  *option_name,
                         const gchar  *value,
                         gpointer      data,
                         GError      **error)
  GimpConfigDumpFormat format = GIMP_CONFIG_DUMP_NONE;

  gimp_open_console_window ();

  if (strcmp (option_name, "--dump-gimprc") == 0)
  if (strcmp (option_name, "--dump-gimprc-system") == 0)
  else if (strcmp (option_name, "--dump-gimprc-manpage") == 0)

  if (format)
      Gimp     *gimp;
      gboolean  success;

      gimp = g_object_new (GIMP_TYPE_GIMP, NULL);

      units_init (gimp);
      babl_init ();

      success = gimp_config_dump (format);

      g_object_unref (gimp);

      app_exit (success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);

  return FALSE;
Пример #10
static gboolean
gegl_post_parse_hook (GOptionContext *context,
                      GOptionGroup   *group,
                      gpointer        data,
                      GError        **error)
  glong time;

  if (config)
    return TRUE;

  g_assert (global_time == 0);
  global_time = gegl_ticks ();
  g_type_init ();
  gegl_instrument ("gegl", "gegl_init", 0);

  config = (void*)gegl_config ();

  if (cmd_gegl_swap)
    g_object_set (config, "swap", cmd_gegl_swap, NULL);
  if (cmd_gegl_quality)
    config->quality = atof (cmd_gegl_quality);
  if (cmd_gegl_cache_size)
    config->cache_size = atoi (cmd_gegl_cache_size)*1024*1024;
  if (cmd_gegl_chunk_size)
    config->chunk_size = atoi (cmd_gegl_chunk_size);
  if (cmd_gegl_tile_size)
      const gchar *str = cmd_gegl_tile_size;
      config->tile_width = atoi(str);
      str = strchr (str, 'x');
      if (str)
        config->tile_height = atoi(str+1);
  if (cmd_gegl_threads)
    config->threads = atoi (cmd_gegl_threads);
  if (cmd_babl_tolerance)
    g_object_set (config, "babl-tolerance", atof(cmd_babl_tolerance), NULL);

    const char *env_string;
    env_string = g_getenv ("GEGL_DEBUG");
    if (env_string != NULL)
        gegl_debug_flags =
          g_parse_debug_string (env_string,
                                G_N_ELEMENTS (gegl_debug_keys));
        env_string = NULL;
#endif /* GEGL_ENABLE_DEBUG */

  time = gegl_ticks ();

  babl_init ();
  gegl_instrument ("gegl_init", "babl_init", gegl_ticks () - time);

  gegl_init_i18n ();

  time = gegl_ticks ();
  if (!module_db)
      const gchar *gegl_path = g_getenv ("GEGL_PATH");

      module_db = gegl_module_db_new (FALSE);

      if (gegl_path)
          gegl_module_db_load (module_db, gegl_path);
          gchar *module_path;

#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
            gchar *prefix;
            prefix = g_win32_get_package_installation_directory_of_module ( hLibGeglModule );
            module_path = g_build_filename (prefix, "lib", GEGL_LIBRARY, NULL);
          module_path = g_build_filename (LIBDIR, GEGL_LIBRARY, NULL);

          gegl_module_db_load (module_db, module_path);
          g_free (module_path);

          /* also load plug-ins from ~/.local/share/gegl-0.0/plugins */
          module_path = g_build_filename (g_get_user_data_dir (),

          if (g_mkdir_with_parents (module_path,
                                    S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR) == 0)
              gchar *makefile_path = g_build_filename (module_path,

              if (! g_file_test (makefile_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
                g_file_set_contents (makefile_path, makefile (), -1, NULL);

              g_free (makefile_path);

          gegl_module_db_load (module_db, module_path);
          g_free (module_path);

      gegl_instrument ("gegl_init", "load modules", gegl_ticks () - time);

  gegl_instrument ("gegl", "gegl_init", gegl_ticks () - global_time);

  if (g_getenv ("GEGL_SWAP"))
    g_object_set (config, "swap", g_getenv ("GEGL_SWAP"), NULL);
  if (g_getenv ("GEGL_QUALITY"))
      const gchar *quality = g_getenv ("GEGL_QUALITY");
      if (g_str_equal (quality, "fast"))
        g_object_set (config, "quality", 0.0, NULL);
      if (g_str_equal (quality, "good"))
        g_object_set (config, "quality", 0.5, NULL);
      if (g_str_equal (quality, "best"))
        g_object_set (config, "quality", 1.0, NULL);

  swap_clean ();
  return TRUE;
Пример #11
main (int    argc,
      char **argv)
  int OK = 1;

  babl_init ();
  //for (i = 0; i < 400000; i++)
    float in[][4]   = {{ 0.21582, -0.55, -0.14, 1.0 }, {0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6}, {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0}};
    unsigned char out[][4]  = {{ 55, 0, 0, 255 }, {51,77,128,153}, {0,255,255,255}};

    CHECK_CONV("float -> u8 1", unsigned char,
        babl_format("R'G'B'A float"),
        babl_format("R'G'B'A u8"),
        in, out);

    float in[][4]   = {{ 0.21582, -0.55, -0.14, 1.0 }, {0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6}, {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0}};
    unsigned char out[][4]  = {{ 10, 0, 0, 255 }, {8,19,55,153}, {0,255,255,255}};

    CHECK_CONV("float -> u8 2", unsigned char,
        babl_format("R'G'B'A float"),
        babl_format("RGBA u8"),
        in, out);

    float in[][4]   = {{ 0.21582, -0.55, -0.14, 1.0 }, {0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6}, {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0}};
    unsigned char out[][4]  = {{ 55, 0, 0, 255 }, {51,77,128,153}, {0,255,255,255}};

    CHECK_CONV("float -> u8 3", unsigned char,
        babl_format("RGBA float"),
        babl_format("RGBA u8"),
        in, out);

    float in[][4]   = {{ 0.21582, -0.55, -0.14, 1.0 }, {0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6}, {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0}};
    unsigned char out[][3]  = {{128, 0, 0}, {124,149,188}, {0,255,255}};

    CHECK_CONV("float -> u8 4", unsigned char,
        babl_format("RGBA float"),
        babl_format("R'G'B' u8"),
        in, out);

    float in[][4]   = {{ 0.21582, -0.55, -0.14, 1.0 }, {0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6}, {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0}};
    unsigned char out[][4]  = {{128, 0, 0, 255 }, {156,188,235,153}, {0,156,213,255}};

    CHECK_CONV("float -> u8 5", unsigned char,
        babl_format("RaGaBaA float"),
        babl_format("R'G'B'A u8"),
        in, out);

    float in[][4]   = {{ 0.21582, -0.55, -0.14, 1.0 }, {0.2, 0.301, 0.5, 0.6}, {0.0, 3.0, 6.0, 3.0}};
    unsigned char out[][4]  = {{55, 0, 0, 255 }, {85,128,212,153}, {0,255,255,255}};

    CHECK_CONV("float -> u8 6", unsigned char,
        babl_format("R'aG'aB'aA float"),
        babl_format("R'G'B'A u8"),
        in, out);

  babl_exit ();
  return !OK;
Пример #12
static gboolean
gegl_post_parse_hook (GOptionContext *context,
                      GOptionGroup   *group,
                      gpointer        data,
                      GError        **error)
  GeglConfig *config;

  g_assert (global_time == 0);
  global_time = gegl_ticks ();

  if (g_getenv ("GEGL_DEBUG_TIME") != NULL)
    gegl_instrument_enable ();

  gegl_instrument ("gegl", "gegl_init", 0);

  config = gegl_config ();

  gegl_config_parse_env (config);

  babl_init ();

    const char *env_string;
    env_string = g_getenv ("GEGL_DEBUG");
    if (env_string != NULL)
        gegl_debug_flags =
          g_parse_debug_string (env_string,
                                G_N_ELEMENTS (gegl_debug_keys));
        env_string = NULL;
#endif /* GEGL_ENABLE_DEBUG */

  if (cmd_gegl_swap)
    g_object_set (config, "swap", cmd_gegl_swap, NULL);
  if (cmd_gegl_quality)
    config->quality = atof (cmd_gegl_quality);
  if (cmd_gegl_cache_size)
    config->tile_cache_size = atoll (cmd_gegl_cache_size)*1024*1024;
  if (cmd_gegl_chunk_size)
    config->chunk_size = atoi (cmd_gegl_chunk_size);
  if (cmd_gegl_tile_size)
      const gchar *str = cmd_gegl_tile_size;
      config->tile_width = atoi(str);
      str = strchr (str, 'x');
      if (str)
        config->tile_height = atoi(str+1);
  if (cmd_gegl_threads)
      _gegl_threads = atoi (cmd_gegl_threads);
      if (_gegl_threads > GEGL_MAX_THREADS)
          g_warning ("Tried to use %i threads, max is %i",
                     _gegl_threads, GEGL_MAX_THREADS);
          _gegl_threads = GEGL_MAX_THREADS;
  if (cmd_gegl_disable_opencl)
    gegl_cl_hard_disable ();

  gegl_init_swap_dir ();


  gegl_operation_gtype_init ();

  if (!module_db)
      GSList *paths = gegl_get_default_module_paths ();
      module_db = gegl_module_db_new (FALSE);
      g_slist_foreach(paths, (GFunc)load_module_path, module_db);
      g_slist_free_full (paths, g_free);

  GEGL_INSTRUMENT_END ("gegl_init", "load modules");

  gegl_instrument ("gegl", "gegl_init", gegl_ticks () - global_time);

  swap_clean ();

  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config),
                   G_CALLBACK (gegl_config_use_opencl_notify),
  g_object_set (config, "use-opencl", config->use_opencl, NULL);

  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config),
                   G_CALLBACK (gegl_config_application_license_notify),
  gegl_operations_set_licenses_from_string (config->application_license);

  return TRUE;