Пример #1
void	init_game(void)
  printf("GUI Initialization...\n");

  if (TTF_Init() == -1)
    fprintf(stderr, "TTF Initlization error: %s\n", TTF_GetError());

  font_small = TTF_OpenFont(IMG_PREFIX "font.ttf", 10);
  font_big = TTF_OpenFont(IMG_PREFIX "font.ttf", 14);
  if (!font_small || !font_big)
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open TTF font: %s\n", TTF_GetError());

  screen = window_init();

    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open display.  Aborting.\n");

  SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(100, 300);

  sprites = sprites_init();
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initalize sprites.  Aborting.\n");

  color_black = SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0);

  game_board = MySurfaceCreate(taille_carte_x() * TAILLE_CASE + 2, taille_carte_y() * TAILLE_CASE + 2);

  game_background = background_init(taille_carte_x(), taille_carte_y());

    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load background.\n");

  sprites = sprites_init();

Пример #2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  struct precision pr;        /* for precision parameters */
  struct background ba;       /* for cosmological background */
  struct thermo th;           /* for thermodynamics */
  struct perturbs pt;         /* for source functions */
  struct bessels bs;          /* for bessel functions */
  struct transfers tr;        /* for transfer functions */
  struct primordial pm;       /* for primordial spectra */
  struct spectra sp;          /* for output spectra */
  struct nonlinear nl;        /* for non-linear spectra */
  struct lensing le;          /* for lensed spectra */
  struct output op;           /* for output files */
  ErrorMsg errmsg;            /* for error messages */

  if (input_init_from_arguments(argc, argv,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr,&pm,&sp,&nl,&le,&op,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg); 
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_init(&pr,&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  /****** here you can output the evolution of any background
	  quanitity you are interested in ******/

  int index_eta;

  for (index_eta=0; index_eta<ba.bt_size; index_eta++) {

	    "tau=%e z=%e a=%e H=%e\n",


  /****** all calculations done, now free the structures ******/

  if (background_free(&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in background_free \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  return _SUCCESS_;

Пример #3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  struct precision pr;        /* for precision parameters */
  struct background ba;       /* for cosmological background */
  struct thermo th;           /* for thermodynamics */
  struct perturbs pt;         /* for source functions */
  struct transfers tr;        /* for transfer functions */
  struct primordial pm;       /* for primordial spectra */
  struct spectra sp;          /* for output spectra */
  struct nonlinear nl;        /* for non-linear spectra */
  struct lensing le;          /* for lensed spectra */
  struct output op;           /* for output files */
  ErrorMsg errmsg;            /* for error messages */

  if (input_init_from_arguments(argc, argv,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&tr,&pm,&sp,&nl,&le,&op,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_init(&pr,&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_init(&pr,&ba,&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_init \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_init \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (pt.has_perturbations == _TRUE_) {

    /*  here you can output the source function S(k,tau) of your choice  */

    FILE * output;
    int index_k,index_tau;

    /* choose a mode (scalar, tensor, ...) */
    int index_md=pt.index_md_scalars;

    /* choose a type (temperature, polarization, grav. pot., ...) */
    int index_type=pt.index_tp_t0;

    /* choose an initial condition (ad, bi, cdi, nid, niv, ...) */
    int index_ic=pt.index_ic_ad;

    fprintf(output,"#   k       tau       S\n");

    for (index_k=0; index_k < pt.k_size[index_md]; index_k++) {
      for (index_tau=0; index_tau < pt.tau_size; index_tau++) {

        fprintf(output,"%e %e %e\n",
                [index_ic * pt.tp_size[index_md] + index_type]
                [index_tau * pt.k_size[index_md] + index_k]



  /****** all calculations done, now free the structures ******/

  if (perturb_free(&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_free \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_free(&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_free \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_free(&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in background_free \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  return _SUCCESS_;

Пример #4
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  struct precision pr;        /* for precision parameters */
  struct background ba;       /* for cosmological background */
  struct thermo th;           /* for thermodynamics */
  struct perturbs pt;         /* for source functions */
  struct bessels bs;          /* for bessel functions */
  struct transfers tr;        /* for transfer functions */
  struct primordial pm;       /* for primordial spectra */
  struct spectra sp;          /* for output spectra */
  struct lensing le;          /* for lensing spectra */
  struct output op;           /* for output files */
  struct spectra_nl nl;       /* for calculation of non-linear spectra */
  ErrorMsg errmsg;

  if (input_init_from_arguments(argc, argv,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr,&pm,&sp,&le,&op,&nl,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg); 
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_init(&pr,&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_init(&pr,&ba,&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_init \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_init \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (bessel_init(&pr,&bs) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in bessel_init \n =>%s\n",bs.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (transfer_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_init \n=>%s\n",tr.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (primordial_init(&pr,&pt,&pm) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in primordial_init \n=>%s\n",pm.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (spectra_init(&ba,&pt,&tr,&pm,&sp) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in spectra_init \n=>%s\n",sp.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (output_init(&ba,&pt,&sp,&op) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in output_init \n=>%s\n",op.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  /****** done ******/

  int index_mode=0;
  int index_eta;
  int index_ic=0;
  int index_k;
  double delta_rho_bc,rho_bc;
  double delta_i,rho_i;
  double P_bc;
  int last_index_back;
  double * pvecback_long;
  double k,pk;
  FILE * output;
  double z,eta;
  double * tki;

  if(pt.has_matter_transfers == _FALSE_) {
    printf("You need to switch on mTk calculation for this code\n");
    return _FAILURE_;

  if(background_eta_of_z(&ba,z,&eta) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_eta_of_z \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;
		       pvecback_long) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_at_eta \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;
  if (spectra_tk_at_z(&ba,&sp,z,tki)  == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in spectra_tk_at_z \n=>%s\n",sp.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;
  for (index_k=0; index_k<sp.ln_k_size; index_k++) {
    /* T_b(k,eta) */
    delta_i = tki[index_k*sp.tr_size+sp.index_tr_b];
    rho_i = pvecback_long[ba.index_bg_rho_b];
    delta_rho_bc += rho_i * delta_i;
    rho_bc += rho_i;
    /* T_cdm(k,eta) */
    if (ba.has_cdm == _TRUE_) {
      delta_i = tki[index_k*sp.tr_size+sp.index_tr_cdm];
      rho_i = pvecback_long[ba.index_bg_rho_cdm];
      delta_rho_bc += rho_i * delta_i;
      rho_bc += rho_i;
    if (primordial_spectrum_at_k(&pm,index_mode,linear,k,&pk) == _FAILURE_) {
      printf("\n\nError in primordial_spectrum_at_k \n=>%s\n",pm.error_message);
      return _FAILURE_;
    fprintf(output,"%e   %e\n",k,P_bc);


  if (spectra_free(&sp) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in spectra_free \n=>%s\n",sp.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (primordial_free(&pm) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in primordial_free \n=>%s\n",pm.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (transfer_free(&tr) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_free \n=>%s\n",tr.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (bessel_free(&bs) == _FAILURE_)  {
    printf("\n\nError in bessel_free \n=>%s\n",bs.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb_free(&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_free \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_free(&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_free \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_free(&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in background_free \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  return _SUCCESS_;

Пример #5
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  struct precision pr;        /* for precision parameters */
  struct background ba;       /* for cosmological background */
  struct thermo th;           /* for thermodynamics */
  struct perturbs pt;         /* for source functions */
  struct transfers tr;        /* for transfer functions */
  struct primordial pm;       /* for primordial spectra */
  struct spectra sp;          /* for output spectra */
  struct nonlinear nl;        /* for non-linear spectra */
  struct lensing le;          /* for lensed spectra */
  struct output op;           /* for output files */
  ErrorMsg errmsg;            /* for error messages */

  if (input_init_from_arguments(argc, argv,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&tr,&pm,&sp,&nl,&le,&op,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_init(&pr,&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_init(&pr,&ba,&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_init \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_init \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (primordial_init(&pr,&pt,&pm) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in primordial_init \n=>%s\n",pm.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (nonlinear_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&pm,&nl) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in nonlinear_init \n=>%s\n",nl.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (transfer_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&nl,&tr) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_init \n=>%s\n",tr.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  /****** output the transfer functions ******/

  printf("Output of transfer functions (l, q, k, nu, Delta)\n");
  printf("(in flat space, q=k and nu=inf) \n");

  /* 1) select the mode, initial condition, type and multipole of the
     function you want to plot: */

  int index_mode=pt.index_md_scalars;
  int index_ic  =pt.index_ic_ad;
  int index_type=tr.index_tt_t0;

  /* 2) here is an illustration of how to output the transfer
     functions at some (k,l)'s of your choice */

  int index_l = 0;
  double q=3.6e-4;
  double transfer;

  if (transfer_functions_at_q(&tr,
                              ) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_function_at_k \n=>%s\n",tr.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  printf("%d %e %e\n",tr.l[index_l],q,transfer);

  /* 3) here you can output the full tabulated arrays for all k and l's*/

  int index_q;
  int index_l;
  double transfer;
  FILE * output;


  for (index_l=0; index_l<tr.l_size[index_mode]; index_l++) {
    for (index_q=0; index_q<tr.q_size; index_q++) {

          /* use this to plot a single type : */

          transfer = tr.transfer[index_mode]
            [((index_ic * tr.tt_size[index_mode] + index_type)
              * tr.l_size[index_mode] + index_l)
             * tr.q_size + index_q];

          /* or use this to plot the full temperature transfer function: */
          transfer =
            tr.transfer[index_mode][((index_ic * tr.tt_size[index_mode] + tr.index_tt_t0) * tr.l_size[index_mode] + index_l) * tr.q_size + index_q] +
            tr.transfer[index_mode][((index_ic * tr.tt_size[index_mode] + tr.index_tt_t1) * tr.l_size[index_mode] + index_l) * tr.q_size + index_q] +
            tr.transfer[index_mode][((index_ic * tr.tt_size[index_mode] + tr.index_tt_t2) * tr.l_size[index_mode] + index_l) * tr.q_size + index_q];

          if (transfer != 0.) {
            fprintf(output,"%d %e %e %e %e\n",



  /****** all calculations done, now free the structures ******/

  if (transfer_free(&tr) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_free \n=>%s\n",tr.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (nonlinear_free(&nl) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in nonlinear_free \n=>%s\n",nl.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (primordial_free(&pm) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in primordial_free \n=>%s\n",pm.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb_free(&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_free \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_free(&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_free \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_free(&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in background_free \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  return _SUCCESS_;

Пример #6
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  struct precision pr;        /* for precision parameters */
  struct background ba;       /* for cosmological background */
  struct thermo th;           /* for thermodynamics */
  struct perturbs pt;         /* for source functions */
  struct bessels bs;          /* for bessel functions */
  struct transfers tr;        /* for transfer functions */
  struct primordial pm;       /* for primordial spectra */
  struct spectra sp;          /* for output spectra */
  struct nonlinear nl;        /* for non-linear spectra */
  struct lensing le;          /* for lensed sepctra */
  struct output op;           /* for output files */
  ErrorMsg errmsg;            /* for error message */

  if (input_init_from_arguments(argc, argv,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr,&pm,&sp,&nl,&le,&op,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg); 
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_init(&pr,&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_init(&pr,&ba,&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_init \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  /***** output thermodynamics quantities *****/
  int i;
  double tau;
  double z;
  int last_index;
  double pvecback[30];
  double pvecthermo[30];

  printf("#1: redshift z\n");
  printf("#2: conformal time tau\n");
  printf("#3: electron ionization fraction x_e\n");
  printf("#4: Thomson scattering rate kappa'\n");
  printf("#5: Thomson scattering rate derivative kappa''\n");
  printf("#6: Thomson scattering rate derivative kappa'''\n");
  printf("#7: exponential of optical depth e^-kappa\n");
  printf("#8: visibility function g = kappa' e^-kappa \n");
  printf("#9: derivative of visibility function g' \n");
  printf("#10: second derivative of visibility function g'' \n");
  printf("#11: squared baryon temperature\n");
  printf("#12: squared baryon sound speed c_b^2 \n");
  printf("#13: baryon drag optical depth tau_d \n");
  printf("#14: variation rate \n");

  /* first, quantities stored in table */

  for (i=0; i < th.tt_size; i++) {


    printf("%.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e\n",


  /* the function thermodynamics_at_z knows how to extrapolate at
     redshifts above the maximum redshift in the table. Here we add to
     the previous output a few more points at higher redshift. */

  for (z = th.z_table[th.tt_size-1]; z < 1000*th.z_table[th.tt_size-1]; z *= 2.) {


    printf("%.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e %.10e\n",

  /****** all calculations done, now free the structures ******/

  if (thermodynamics_free(&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_free \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_free(&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in background_free \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  return _SUCCESS_;

Пример #7
int main() {
    count = 0;
    struct precision pr;        /* for precision parameters */
    struct background ba;       /* for cosmological background */
    struct thermo th;           /* for thermodynamics */
    struct perturbs pt;         /* for source functions */
    struct bessels bs;          /* for bessel functions */
    struct transfers tr;        /* for transfer functions */
    struct primordial pm;       /* for primordial spectra */
    struct spectra sp;          /* for output spectra */
    struct nonlinear nl;        /* for non-linear spectra */
    struct lensing le;          /* for lensed spectra */
    struct output op;           /* for output files */
    ErrorMsg errmsg;            /* for error messages */

    FILE * fp;
    FILE * fp2;

    char f_tmp[50];
    double fbest[NREDSHIFT][LMAX];

    int i,j;
    int num_ct_max=7;

    int lmax, lmin;
    int l; /* l starts from 2 (quadrupole) in spectrum calculation, but
              starts from lmin in calculating Fisher matrix. */

    double * psCl;  /* power spectrum in 2-D */
    double * psCl_fid;
    double * dCldPara[NVARY]; /* first derivatives: for Fisher matrix */
    double * var_cl; /* uncertainty of Cl's */

    double z;
    int iz;
    double khmax; /* We used fitting formula to get *smallest* nonlinear kh, or 
                     the turning point from linear to nonlinear; see the paper or the
                     accompanying mathematica notebook (please email me for it) for detail */

    double zs[NREDSHIFT];
    double pvecback[100];

    double fisher[NVARY][NVARY]= {0};

    /* parameter of the telescope */
    double tele_res0 = 2.9; /* also FWHM, angular resolution in arc minute, 
                               will be in the following converted to radian */
    double tele_res; /* angular resolution at z: tele_res = tele_res0*(1+z) */
    double tele_temp_sys = 20.; /* system temperature in K; always mK in calculation */
    double tele_time_pix; /* observation time per pixel, in [sec] */
    double tele_freq = 0.2e6; /* delta_nu in Hz; [tele_] noise = temp_sys /
                                 sqrt(freq*time_pix) */

    //Two settings are considered in the paper. 
    double tele_time_tot = 8. ;//survey time in [yr] 
    int    tele_num_beam=100;
    double tele_fsky = 0.575;
    double tele_time_tot = 1. ;// survey time in [yr] 
    int    tele_num_beam=1;
    double tele_fsky = 0.0005;

    double noise_ins;
    double noise_fg = 0.; /* RMS of the residual foreground noise, in mK; currently 
                             set to zero, meaning the foreground are all effectively
                             cleaned */
    double deltaN;
    double tmp_cl_noise;
    double delta_N;
    double freqH = 1420.4;
    double freq_step, center_f;

    struct file_content fc;

    double tau;
    double deg2rad = M_PI/180.;
    double yr2sec = 31556926;
    tele_res0 = tele_res0/60.*deg2rad;
    freq_step = freqH*(1./(1.+ZMIN) - 1./(1.+ZMAX))/(NREDSHIFT-1.);

    for(iz=0; iz<NREDSHIFT; iz++,center_f-=freq_step) zs[iz] = freqH/center_f-1;

for(iz=0;iz<NREDSHIFT; iz++) printf("one z is %f \n",zs[iz]);
    if (set_fiducial(&fc,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError set fiducial parameters \n=>%s\n",errmsg);
        return _FAILURE_;

    /* read input parameters and compute bessel functions once and for all */
    if (input_init(&fc,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr,&pm,&sp,&nl,&le,&op,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (background_init(&pr,&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (bessel_init(&pr,&bs) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in bessel_init \n =>%s\n",bs.error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

fp2=fopen("fsky_best.dat", "w");
    for (iz = 0; iz<NREDSHIFT; iz++) {
        z = zs[iz];
        tele_res = tele_res0 * (1.+z); /* [minute deg] tele_res[minute degree] grows with z */
        khmax=0.170255158514253+0.13037369068045573*z-0.10832440336426165* pow(z,2)+0.046760120277751734*pow(z,3) - 0.005948516308501343* pow(z,4); /* fitting formula for minimum NL k-modes */
        background_tau_of_z(&ba, z, &tau);
        lmax = (int) (khmax*ba.h * (ba.conformal_age - tau));
        printf("lmax = %d\n", lmax);
        background_functions(&ba, 1/(1.+z), 1, pvecback);
        lmin = (int) (ba.conformal_age - tau) * 2*M_PI/(pow(1+z,2)/pvecback[ba.index_bg_H]*freq_step/freqH);
        printf("lmin = %d\n", lmin);
        psCl_fid = malloc((lmax+1)*sizeof(double));
        var_cl = malloc((lmax+1)*sizeof(double));
        for(i=0; i<NVARY; i++) dCldPara[i] = malloc((lmax+1)*sizeof(double));

        class_assuming_bessels_computed(&fc,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr,&pm,&sp,&nl,&le,&op, \
	for(i=lmin; i<=lmax; i+=10) printf("psCl_fid[%d] = %e\n", i, psCl_fid[i]); 

        for (i=0; i<NVARY; i++) {
            /* Vary each parameter and get dCldPara[ipara][il]'s at redshift z. Allocate
             * an array psCl first; psCl is used only inside the loop, so allocate
             * and free inside the loop. */
            psCl = malloc((lmax+1)*sizeof(double));
            vary_parameter(&fc,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr,&pm,&sp,&nl,&le,&op, \

        tele_res=tele_res0 * (1+z);
        tele_time_pix=tele_time_tot * yr2sec * tele_num_beam * pow(tele_res,2) / (4*M_PI*tele_fsky);
        /* Radio equation in mK, in consistence with signal
         * dimension. */
        noise_ins = tele_temp_sys*1000. / sqrt(tele_freq*tele_time_pix);

        delta_N = noise_ins + noise_fg;
        for (l=lmin; l<=lmax; l++) {
            tmp_cl_noise = pow(tele_res,2) * pow(delta_N,2) * exp(l*(l+1) * pow(tele_res,2)/(8*log(2)));
            var_cl[l] = 2./((2*l+1)*tele_fsky) * pow(psCl_fid[l]+tmp_cl_noise, 2); //variance of cl
            printf("noise vs signal: %e, %e\n", tmp_cl_noise,psCl_fid[l]);
            fbest[iz][l]=(tele_freq*tele_num_beam*tele_time_tot*yr2sec*psCl_fid[l])/(4*M_PI*pow(tele_temp_sys*1000.,2)*exp(l*(l+1) * pow(tele_res,2)/(8*log(2))));

     if(NVARY != 0)
        for (i = 0; i<NVARY; i++)
            for (j = 0; j<NVARY; j++)
                for (l = lmin; l <= lmax; l++)
                    fisher[i][j] += dCldPara[i][l]*dCldPara[j][l]/var_cl[l];

        for(i=0; i<NVARY; i++) free(dCldPara[i]);
    for (iz=0; iz<NREDSHIFT; iz++)
      for (l=0; l<LMAX; l++) fprintf(fp2, "%f ", fbest[iz][l]);
      fprintf(fp2, "\n");

    fp = fopen("fisher.mat","w"); 

    for (i=0; i<NVARY; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<NVARY; j++) {
            printf("%20.10e ", fisher[i][j]);
	        fprintf(fp, "%20.10e ", fisher[i][j]);
    	fprintf(fp, "\n");
    for (i=0; i<NVARY; i++) fprintf(fp, "%s ", fc.name[i]);
    fprintf(fp, "\n");
    for (i=0; i<NVARY; i++) fprintf(fp, "%s ", fc.value[i]);
    fprintf(fp, "\n");


    /* now free the bessel structure */
    if (bessel_free(&bs) == _FAILURE_)  {
        printf("\n\nError in bessel_free \n=>%s\n",bs.error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    return _SUCCESS_;

Пример #8
int class_assuming_bessels_computed(
    struct file_content *pfc,
    struct precision * ppr,
    struct background * pba,
    struct thermo * pth,
    struct perturbs * ppt,
    struct bessels * pbs,
    struct transfers * ptr,
    struct primordial * ppm,
    struct spectra * psp,
    struct nonlinear * pnl,
    struct lensing * ple,
    struct output * pop,
    double z,
    double * psCl,
    int lmin,
    int lmax,
    ErrorMsg errmsg) {

    /*local variables*/
    double pvecback[100];
    double T21;
    int l;
    double tau; /* conformal age, in unit of Mpc */
    double pk_tmp;
    double k;
    double * pk_ic;

    if (input_init(pfc,ppr,pba,pth,ppt,pbs,ptr,ppm,psp,pnl,ple,pop,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (background_init(ppr,pba) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",pba->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (thermodynamics_init(ppr,pba,pth) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_init \n=>%s\n",pth->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (perturb_init(ppr,pba,pth,ppt) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in perturb_init \n=>%s\n",ppt->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (transfer_init(ppr,pba,pth,ppt,pbs,ptr) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in transfer_init \n=>%s\n",ptr->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (primordial_init(ppr,ppt,ppm) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in primordial_init \n=>%s\n",ppm->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (spectra_init(ppr,pba,ppt,ptr,ppm,psp) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in spectra_init \n=>%s\n",psp->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (nonlinear_init(ppr,pba,pth,ppt,pbs,ptr,ppm,psp,pnl) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in nonlinear_init \n=>%s\n",pnl->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (lensing_init(ppr,ppt,psp,pnl,ple) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in lensing_init \n=>%s\n",ple->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (output_init(pba,ppt,psp,pnl,ple,pop) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in output_init \n=>%s\n",pop->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    background_functions(pba, 1/(1.+z), 1, pvecback);
    /* T21 := 7.59*10^-2 h (1+\delta) (1+z)^2 / E(z);
     * E[z]:= Sqrt[Omega_m(1+z)^3+Omega_l exp(-3 Integrate[(1+w)/a, a])] mK */
    T21 = 7.59 * 0.01 * pba->h * pow(1.+z,2) / (pvecback[pba->index_bg_H]/pba->H0); 

    background_tau_of_z(pba, z, &tau);

    for (l=lmin; l<=lmax; l+=1) {
        k = l/(pba->conformal_age - tau); /* tau in Mpc; k in spectra_pk_at_k_and_z is in [1/Mpc] */
        spectra_pk_at_k_and_z(pba, ppm, psp, k, z, &pk_tmp, pk_ic);
        /* 3-D vs 2-D:  l(l+1)Cl/2PI = k^3 P21(k)/2PI^2, P21(k) = (T21*Y)^2 * P(k) */
        /* psCl[l]'s are in mK^2 */
        if(l%100==0) printf("z is %e, l is %d,  tau is %e, k is %e,  pk is %e\n", z, l, tau, k, pk_tmp);
        psCl[l] = 2*M_PI/(l*1.0*(l+1)) * T21*T21 * pow(k, 3) * pk_tmp/(2*M_PI*M_PI);

    /****** all calculations done, now free the structures ******/
    if (lensing_free(ple) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in spectra_free \n=>%s\n",ple->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (nonlinear_free(pnl) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in nonlinear_free \n=>%s\n",pnl->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (spectra_free(psp) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in spectra_free \n=>%s\n",psp->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (primordial_free(ppm) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in primordial_free \n=>%s\n",ppm->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (transfer_free(ptr) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in transfer_free \n=>%s\n",ptr->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (perturb_free(ppt) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in perturb_free \n=>%s\n",ppt->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (thermodynamics_free(pth) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_free \n=>%s\n",pth->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    if (background_free(pba) == _FAILURE_) {
        printf("\n\nError in background_free \n=>%s\n",pba->error_message);
        return _FAILURE_;

    return _SUCCESS_;

Пример #9
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  struct precision pr;        /* for precision parameters */
  struct background ba;       /* for cosmological background */
  struct thermo th;           /* for thermodynamics */
  struct perturbs pt;         /* for source functions */
  struct bessels bs;          /* for bessel functions */
  struct transfers tr;        /* for transfer functions */
  struct primordial pm;       /* for primordial spectra */
  struct spectra sp;          /* for output spectra */
  struct nonlinear nl;        /* for non-linear spectra */
  struct lensing le;          /* for lensed spectra */
  struct output op;           /* for output files */
  ErrorMsg errmsg;            /* for error messages */

  if (input_init_from_arguments(argc, argv,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr,&pm,&sp,&nl,&le,&op,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg); 
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_init(&pr,&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_init(&pr,&ba,&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_init \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_init \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (bessel_init(&pr,&bs) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in bessel_init \n =>%s\n",bs.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (transfer_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_init \n=>%s\n",tr.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  /****** output the transfer functions ******/

  printf("Output of transfer functions (l, k, Delta)\n");

  /* 1) select the mode, initial condition, type and multipole of the
     function you want to plot: */

  int index_mode=pt.index_md_scalars;
  int index_ic  =pt.index_ic_ad;
  int index_type=tr.index_tt_lcmb;
  //int index_type=tr.index_tt_density+2;

  /* 2) here is an illustration of how to output the transfer
     functions at some (k,l)'s of your choice */
  int index_l = 0;
  double k=3.6e-4;
  double transfer;

  if (transfer_functions_at_k(&tr,
			      ) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_function_at_k \n=>%s\n",tr.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  printf("%d %e %e\n",tr.l[index_l],k,transfer);
  /* 3) here you can output the full tabulated arrays for all k and l's*/

  int index_k;
  int index_l;
  double transfer;

  for (index_l=0; index_l<tr.l_size[index_mode]; index_l++) { 
    //for (index_l=20; index_l<21; index_l++) { 
    for (index_k=0; index_k<tr.k_size[index_mode]; index_k++) { 
	[((index_ic * tr.tt_size[index_mode] + index_type)
	  * tr.l_size[index_mode] + index_l)
	 * tr.k_size[index_mode] + index_k];
      if (transfer != 0.) {
	printf("%d %e %e\n",tr.l[index_l],tr.k[index_mode][index_k],transfer); 

  /****** all calculations done, now free the structures ******/

  if (transfer_free(&tr) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_free \n=>%s\n",tr.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (bessel_free(&bs) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in bessel_free \n=>%s\n",bs.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb_free(&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_free \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_free(&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_free \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_free(&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in background_free \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  return _SUCCESS_;

Пример #10
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  struct precision pr;        /* precision parameters (1st-order) */
  struct precision2 pr2;      /* precision parameters (2nd-order) */
  struct background ba;       /* cosmological background */
  struct thermo th;           /* thermodynamics */
  struct perturbs pt;         /* source functions (1st-order) */
  struct perturbs2 pt2;       /* source functions (2nd-order) */  
  struct transfers tr;        /* transfer functions (1st-order) */
  struct bessels bs;          /* bessel functions (1st-order) */
  struct bessels2 bs2;        /* bessel functions (2nd-order) */
  struct transfers2 tr2;      /* transfer functions (2nd-order) */
  struct primordial pm;       /* primordial spectra */
  struct spectra sp;          /* output spectra (1st-order) */
  struct nonlinear nl;        /* non-linear spectra */
  struct lensing le;          /* lensed spectra */
  struct bispectra bi;        /* bispectra */
  struct fisher fi;           /* fisher matrix */
  struct output op;           /* output files */
  ErrorMsg errmsg;            /* error messages */

  // ===================================================================================
  // =                                 Parse arguments                                 =
  // ===================================================================================

  /* We introduce the n_args variable to differentiate between CLASS arguments and the arguments
  for this function */
  int n_args = 1;
  int index_k;

	/* CLASS/SONG can accept either one argument... */
  if (argc == 2 + n_args) {
    struct stat st;
    stat (argv[1], &st);
    int is_dir = (S_ISDIR (st.st_mode) != 0);
    if (!is_dir) {
      printf ("ERROR: when giving two arguments, the first one ('%s') should be a run directory\n", argv[1]);
      return _FAILURE_;
    index_k = atoi(argv[2]);
  /* ... or two arguments */
  else if (argc == 3 + n_args) {
    index_k = atoi(argv[3]);
  else {
    printf ("usage:     %s <ini file> <pre file> <index k>\n", argv[0]);
    printf ("           %s <run_directory> <index k>\n", argv[0]);
    return _FAILURE_;

  // ===================================================================================
  // =                               Compute perturbations                             =
  // ===================================================================================
  /* Decrease the argument counter. The reason is that CLASS should be fed only its
  default arguments, that is the parameter files and, optionally, the run directory */
  argc -= n_args;

  if (input_init_from_arguments(argc,argv,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&tr,&pm,
    &sp,&nl,&le,&bs,&bi,&fi,&op,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg); 
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (pt.has_perturbations2 == _TRUE_) {

    if (input2_init_from_arguments(argc,argv,&pr,&pr2,&ba,&th,&pt,&pt2,&tr,&bs,&bs2,&tr2,&pm,
      &sp,&nl,&le,&bi,&fi,&op,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
      printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg);
      return _FAILURE_;
    /* Compute only the first-order early transfer functions, no matter what is specified in
    the input files */
    pt2.has_early_transfers1_only = _TRUE_;

  if (background_init(&pr,&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_init(&pr,&ba,&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_init \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;
  if (pt.has_perturbations2 == _FALSE_) {
    if (perturb_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
      printf("\n\nError in perturb_init \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
      return _FAILURE_;
  else {
    if (perturb2_init(&pr,&pr2,&ba,&th,&pt,&pt2) == _FAILURE_) {
      printf("\n\nError in perturb2_init \n=>%s\n",pt2.error_message);
      return _FAILURE_;

  /* Run some checks */
  if (pt.has_scalars == _FALSE_) {
    printf ("ERROR: only scalar modes supported by this function\n");
    return _FAILURE_;
  int index_md = pt.index_md_scalars;
  if (pt.has_ad == _FALSE_) {
    printf ("ERROR: only adiabatic modes supported by this function\n");
    return _FAILURE_;
  int index_ic = pt.index_ic_ad;
  if ((index_k<0) || (index_k>=pt.k_size[index_md])) {
    printf ("ERROR: index_k should be between index_k=%d (k=%g) and index_k=%d (k=%g)\n",
    0, pt.k[index_md][0], pt.k_size[index_md]-1, pt.k[index_md][pt.k_size[index_md]-1]);
    return _FAILURE_;

  // ===================================================================================
  // =                             First or second order?                              =
  // ===================================================================================

  /* Should we show the line-of-sight sources or the quadratic sources? */
  short tabulate_los_sources = _FALSE_;

  /* If we are in standard 1st-order mode, we can only access the line-of-sight sources */
  if (pt2.has_perturbations2 == _FALSE_)
    tabulate_los_sources = _TRUE_;
  /* Information about the cosmological model */
  double h = ba.h;
  double a_equality = ba.a_eq;  
  fprintf (stderr, "# Cosmological parameters:\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "# tau0 = %g, a_equality = %g, Omega_b = %g, Tcmb = %g, Omega_cdm = %g\n",
    ba.conformal_age, ba.a_eq, ba.Omega0_b, ba.T_cmb, ba.Omega0_cdm);
  fprintf (stderr, "# omega_lambda = %g, Omega_ur = %g, Omega_fld = %g, h = %g, tau0 = %g\n",
    ba.Omega0_lambda, ba.Omega0_ur, ba.Omega0_fld, ba.h, ba.conformal_age);
  fprintf (stderr, "# omega_b = %g, omega_cdm = %g, omega_lambda = %g, omega_ur = %g, omega_fld = %g\n",
    ba.Omega0_b*h*h, ba.Omega0_cdm*h*h, ba.Omega0_lambda*h*h, ba.Omega0_ur*h*h, ba.Omega0_fld*h*h);

  /* Info about the used gauge at first order */
  fprintf (stderr, "# gauge = ");
  if (pt.gauge == newtonian)
    fprintf (stderr, "Newtonian gauge\n");
  if (pt.gauge == synchronous)
    fprintf (stderr, "synchronous gauge\n");

  /* Sizes associated to the non-running indices in the ***sources table */
  int k_size = pt.k_size[index_md];
  int tp_size = pt.tp_size[index_md];

  int qs_size;
  if (pt.has_perturbations2 == _TRUE_)
    qs_size = pt.qs_size[index_md];

  /* Account for overshooting of 'k' */
  if(index_k > k_size-1) index_k = k_size-1;
  if(index_k < 0) index_k = 0;

  // ===================================================================================
  // =                                   Print sources                                 =
  // ===================================================================================

  /* Print information on 'k' */
  double k = pt.k[index_md][index_k];
  printf("# k = %g (index_k=%d)\n", pt.k[index_md][index_k], index_k);
  fprintf (stderr, "# k = %g (index_k=%d)\n", pt.k[index_md][index_k], index_k);

  /* Vector that will contain background quantities (we are only interested in 'a') */
  double * pvecback = malloc(ba.bg_size_short*sizeof(double));

  /* Number of rows that will be printed */
  int tau_size;
  double tau_ini, tau_end;
  if (tabulate_los_sources == _TRUE_) {
    tau_size = pt.tau_size;
    tau_ini = pt.tau_sampling[0];
    tau_end = pt.tau_sampling[pt.tau_size-1];
  else {
    tau_size = pt.tau_size_quadsources;
    tau_ini = pt.tau_sampling_quadsources[0];
    tau_end = pt.tau_sampling_quadsources[pt.tau_size_quadsources-1];

  /* Some debug info */
  if (tabulate_los_sources == _TRUE_)
    fprintf (stderr, "# Number of source types tp_size=%d\n", tp_size);
    fprintf (stderr, "# Number of source types qs_size=%d\n", qs_size);
  fprintf (stderr, "# Will print %d rows from tau=%g to %g\n", tau_size, tau_ini, tau_end);
  fprintf (stderr, "# Considered mode: index_md=%d\n", index_md);
  fprintf (stderr, "# Considered initial condition: index_ic=%d\n", index_ic);

  /* Running index used to number the columns */
  int index_print=1;

  /* First row contains the labels of the different types */
  fprintf (stderr, "%11s(%03d) ", "tau", index_print++);     // Conformal time
  fprintf (stderr, "%11s(%03d) ", "a", index_print++);       // Scale factor   
  fprintf (stderr, "%11s(%03d) ", "y", index_print++);       // Scale factor normalized to equality
  fprintf (stderr, "%11s(%03d) ", "k_tau", index_print++);   // Scale times Conformal time    
  /* Build labels for the line-of-sight sources */
  char label[32];
  if (tabulate_los_sources == _TRUE_) {
    for (int index_tp = 0; index_tp < tp_size; ++index_tp) {
      sprintf(label, "S_%d", index_tp);
      fprintf (stderr, "%11s(%03d) ", label, index_print++);
  /* Labels for the second-order quadsources */
  else {
    for (int index_tp = 0; index_tp < qs_size; ++index_tp)
      fprintf (stderr, "%11s(%03d) ", pt.qs_labels[index_md][index_tp], index_print++);

  fprintf (stderr, "\n");

  // ===================================================================================
  // =                                   Loop on time                                  =
  // ===================================================================================

  for (int index_tau = 0; index_tau < tau_size; ++index_tau) {

    double tau = (tabulate_los_sources==_TRUE_ ? pt.tau_sampling[index_tau] : pt.tau_sampling_quadsources[index_tau]);
    /* Extract value of the scale factor */
    int dump;
    double a = pvecback[ba.index_bg_a];      
    fprintf (stderr, "%+16g ", tau);
    fprintf (stderr, "%+16e ", a);
    fprintf (stderr, "%+16e ", log10(a/a_equality));
    fprintf (stderr, "%+16e ", tau*k);

    /* Line of sight sources */
    if (tabulate_los_sources == _TRUE_) {
      for (int index_tp = 0; index_tp < tp_size; ++index_tp) {
        double var = pt.sources[index_md][index_ic*tp_size + index_tp][index_tau*k_size + index_k];
        fprintf (stderr, "%+16e ", var);
    /* Sources for the second-order system */
    else {
      for (int index_tp = 0; index_tp < qs_size; ++index_tp) {
        double var = pt.quadsources[index_md][index_ic*qs_size + index_tp][index_tau*k_size + index_k];
        fprintf (stderr, "%+16e ", var);
    fprintf (stderr, "\n");
  } // end of for(index_tau)

  // =====================================================================================
  // =                                    Free memory                                    =
  // =====================================================================================

  if (pt.has_perturbations2 == _TRUE_) {
    if (perturb2_free(&pr2, &pt2) == _FAILURE_) {
      printf("\n\nError in perturb2_free \n=>%s\n",pt2.error_message);
      return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb_free(&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_free \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_free(&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_free \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_free(&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in background_free \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  return _SUCCESS_;

Пример #11
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  struct precision pr;        /* for precision parameters */
  struct background ba;       /* for cosmological background */
  struct thermo th;           /* for thermodynamics */
  struct perturbs pt;         /* for source functions (1st-order) */
  struct perturbs2 pt2;       /* for source functions (2nd-order) */  
  struct bessels bs;          /* for bessel functions */
  struct transfers tr;        /* for transfer functions */
  struct primordial pm;       /* for primordial spectra */
  struct spectra sp;          /* for output spectra */
  struct nonlinear nl;        /* for non-linear spectra */
  struct lensing le;          /* for lensed spectra */
  struct output op;           /* for output files */             
  ErrorMsg errmsg;            /* for error messages */

  if (input_init_from_arguments(argc, argv,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&pt2,&bs,&tr,&pm,&sp,&nl,&le,&op,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg); 
    return _FAILURE_;

  // Set verbosity to zero (we want to be able to send the output to a file and plot it)
  ba.background_verbose = 0;
  th.thermodynamics_verbose = 0;
  pt.perturbations_verbose = 0;
  pt2.perturbations2_verbose = 0;

  // Print arguments (debug)
  // int jj=0;
  // printf ("argc = %d\n", argc);
  // for (jj=0; jj<argc; ++jj)
  //   printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", jj, argv[jj]);

  // Compute perturbations
  if (background_init(&pr,&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_init(&pr,&ba,&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_init \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb2_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&pt2) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb2_init \n=>%s\n",pt2.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  // Print tau-sampling according to the chosen wavemode (k1, k2, or cosk1k2)
  int ii;
  for (ii=0; ii<pt2.tau_size; ++ii)
    printf ("%g\n", pt2.tau_sampling[ii]);

  // =================================================================================
  // =                                  Free memory                                  =
  // =================================================================================

  if (perturb2_free(&pr2,&pt2) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb2_free \n=>%s\n",pt2.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_free(&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_free \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_free(&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in background_free \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  return _SUCCESS_;

Пример #12
main(int argc, char **argv) {

  struct precision pr;        /* for precision parameters */
  struct background ba;       /* for cosmological background */
  struct thermo th;           /* for thermodynamics */
  struct perturbs pt;         /* for source functions */
  struct bessels bs;          /* for bessel functions */
  struct transfers tr;        /* for transfer functions */
  struct primordial pm;       /* for primordial spectra */
  struct output op;
  struct lensing le;
  struct spectra sp;          /* for output spectra */
  struct spectra_nl nl;       /* for calculation of non-linear spectra */

  ErrorMsg errmsg;

  if (input_init_from_arguments(argc, argv,&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr,&pm,&sp,&le,&op,&nl,errmsg) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running input_init_from_arguments \n=>%s\n",errmsg); 
    return _FAILURE_;
  if (background_init(&pr,&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError running background_init \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_init(&pr,&ba,&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_init \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_init \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (bessel_init(&pr,&bs) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in bessel_init \n =>%s\n",bs.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (transfer_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pt,&bs,&tr) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_init \n=>%s\n",tr.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (primordial_init(&pr,&pt,&pm) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_init \n=>%s\n",pm.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (spectra_init(&ba,&pt,&tr,&pm,&sp) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in spectra_init \n=>%s\n",sp.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (trg_init(&pr,&ba,&th,&pm,&sp,&nl) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in trg_init \n=>%s\n",nl.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  /****** done ******/

  if (trg_free(&nl) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in trg_free \n=>%s\n",nl.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (spectra_free(&sp) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in spectra_free \n=>%s\n",sp.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (primordial_free(&pm) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in primordial_free \n=>%s\n",pm.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (transfer_free(&tr) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in transfer_free \n=>%s\n",tr.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (bessel_free(&bs) == _FAILURE_)  {
    printf("\n\nError in bessel_free \n=>%s\n",bs.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (perturb_free(&pt) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in perturb_free \n=>%s\n",pt.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (thermodynamics_free(&th) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in thermodynamics_free \n=>%s\n",th.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  if (background_free(&ba) == _FAILURE_) {
    printf("\n\nError in background_free \n=>%s\n",ba.error_message);
    return _FAILURE_;

  return _SUCCESS_;
