Пример #1
/** On program startup:
 * Create 
 * - a Qt Application 
 * - an Object representing the ROS Node and its callback loop, 
 * - an OpenNIListener, setting up subscribers and callbacks for various formats of RGBD data
 * - a GraphManager, getting Nodes constructed from the RGBD data
 * - A Class providing a service call interface for ROS
 * - If applicable also a GUI
 * - let the above communicate internally via QT Signals, where communcication needs to be across threads or if the communication is conditional on the ROS node's parameterization.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,"C");//Avoid expecting german decimal separators in launch files

  //create thread object, to run the ros event processing loop in parallel to the qt loop
  QtROS qtRos(argc, argv, "rgbdslam"); //ros node name & namespace

  //Depending an use_gui on the Parameter Server, a gui- or a headless application is used
  QApplication app(argc, argv, ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("use_gui")); 

  GraphManager graph_mgr;
  //Instantiate the kinect image listener
  OpenNIListener listener(&graph_mgr);
  std::string bagfile_name = ParameterServer::instance()->get<std::string>("bagfile_name");
    QObject::connect(&listener, SIGNAL(bagFinished()), &app, SLOT(quit()));
    QObject::connect(&listener, SIGNAL(bagFinished()), &qtRos, SLOT(quitNow()));
    QtConcurrent::run(&listener, &OpenNIListener::loadBag, bagfile_name);

  Graphical_UI* gui = NULL;
	if (app.type() == QApplication::GuiClient){
      gui = new Graphical_UI();
      gui_connections(gui, &graph_mgr, &listener);
      ui_connections(gui, &graph_mgr, &listener);//common connections for the user interfaces
  } else {
      ROS_WARN("Running without graphical user interface! See README or wiki page for how to interact with RGBDSLAM.");
  //Create Ros service interface with or without gui
  RosUi ui("rgbdslam"); //ui namespace for service calls
  ui_connections(&ui, &graph_mgr, &listener);//common connections for the user interfaces

  //If one thread receives a exit signal from the user, signal the other thread to quit too
  QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), &qtRos, SLOT(quitNow()));
  QObject::connect(&qtRos, SIGNAL(rosQuits()), &app, SLOT(quit()));

  qtRos.start();// Run main loop.
  //if(ros::ok()) ros::shutdown();//If not yet done through the qt connection
  //ros::waitForShutdown(); //not sure if necessary. 
Пример #2
/**This function reads the sensor input from a bagfile specified in the parameter bagfile_name.
 * It is meant for offline processing of each frame */
void BagLoader::loadBag(std::string filename)
  ScopedTimer s(__FUNCTION__);
  ros::NodeHandle nh;
  ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
  std::string points_tpc = ps->get<std::string>("individual_cloud_out_topic").c_str();//ps->get<std::string>("topic_points");
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Listening to " << points_tpc);
  std::string tf_tpc = std::string("/tf");
  tf_pub_ = nh.advertise<tf::tfMessage>(tf_tpc, 10);

  ROS_INFO("Loading Bagfile %s", filename.c_str());
  Q_EMIT setGUIStatus(QString("Loading ")+filename.c_str());
  { //bag will be destructed after this block (hopefully frees memory for the optimizer)
    rosbag::Bag bag;
      bag.open(filename, rosbag::bagmode::Read);
    } catch(rosbag::BagIOException ex) {
      ROS_FATAL("Opening Bagfile %s failed: %s Quitting!", filename.c_str(), ex.what());
    ROS_INFO("Opened Bagfile %s", filename.c_str());
    Q_EMIT setGUIStatus(QString("Opened ")+filename.c_str());

    // Image topics to load for bagfiles
    std::vector<std::string> topics;

    rosbag::View view(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(topics));
    // Simulate sending of the messages in the bagfile
    std::deque<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr> pointclouds;
    ros::Time last_tf(0);
    BOOST_FOREACH(rosbag::MessageInstance const m, view)
      if(!ros::ok()) return;
      while(pause_) { 
        ROS_INFO_THROTTLE(5.0,"Paused - press Space to unpause");
        if(!ros::ok()) return;

      ROS_INFO_STREAM("Processing message on topic " << m.getTopic());
      if (m.getTopic() == points_tpc || ("/" + m.getTopic() == points_tpc))
        sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr pointcloud = m.instantiate<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>();
        //if (cam_info) cam_info_sub_->newMessage(cam_info);
        if (pointcloud) pointclouds.push_back(pointcloud);
        ROS_INFO("Found Message of %s", points_tpc.c_str());
      if (m.getTopic() == tf_tpc|| ("/" + m.getTopic() == tf_tpc)){
        tf::tfMessage::ConstPtr tf_msg = m.instantiate<tf::tfMessage>();
        if (tf_msg) {
          //if(tf_msg->transforms[0].header.frame_id == "/kinect") continue;//avoid destroying tf tree if odom is used
          //prevents missing callerid warning
          boost::shared_ptr<std::map<std::string, std::string> > msg_header_map = tf_msg->__connection_header;
          (*msg_header_map)["callerid"] = "rgbdslam";
          ROS_INFO("Found Message of %s", tf_tpc.c_str());
          last_tf = tf_msg->transforms[0].header.stamp;
          last_tf -= ros::Duration(0.3);
      while(!pointclouds.empty() && pointclouds.front()->header.stamp < last_tf){
          Q_EMIT setGUIInfo(QString("Processing frame ") + QString::number(data_id_));

  ROS_INFO("Bagfile fully processed");
  Q_EMIT setGUIStatus(QString("Done with ")+filename.c_str());
  Q_EMIT bagFinished();