Пример #1
void simpleNickname(void) {
    int dx=0;
	int dy=0;
    static uint32_t ctr=0;



// ****************************************************************************
// *** Main Function **********************************************************
// ****************************************************************************
void main(void)
        sendTextMessage("What Hath God Wrought? Number 1");

//            sendTextMessage("What Hath God Wrought \r\n");
//            int angleForMessage = getHandleAngle();
//            char angleMessage[20];
//            angleMessage[0]=0;
//            longToString(angleForMessage, angleMessage);
//            concat(angleMessage, "\r \n");
//            sendMessage("angle: ");
//            sendMessage(angleMessage);

	waterPrimeTimeOut /= upstrokeInterval;
	leakRateTimeOut /= upstrokeInterval;
	//timeBetweenUpstrokes /= upstrokeInterval;

	// Do all of these values need to be reset each time around the loop? Or at the end of the day? 06-16-2014
	int handleMovement = 0; // Either 1 or no 0 if the handle moving upward
	int timeOutStatus = 0; // Used to keep track of the water prime timeout
	int hour = 0; // Hour of day
	float angleCurrent = 0; // Stores the current angle of the pump handle
	float anglePrevious = 0; // Stores the last recoreded angle of the pump handle
	float angleDelta = 0; // Stores the difference between the current and previous angles
	float upStroke = 0; // 0 if there is no upstroke, otherwise stores the delta angle
	float upStrokePrime = 0; // Stores the sum of the upstrokes for calculating the prime
	float upStrokeExtract = 0; // Stores the sum of the upstrokes for calculating volume
	float volumeEvent = 0; // Stores the volume extracted
        float leakRatePrevious = 0; // Stores the previous Leak Rate incase if someone stats to pump before leakage can be measured
        //float extractionStartTime = 0; // The time of day (in seconds) when the extraction started
	//float extractionEndTime = 0; // The time of day (in seconds) when the extraction ended
	//float extractionDuration = 0; // The difference between the extraction start and end times
	long leakTimeCounter = 0; // Used to keep track of the leak time timeout
	float upStrokePrimeMeters = 0; // Stores the upstroke in meters
	float leakRate = 0; // Rate at which water is leaking from the rising main
//	float leakTime = 0; // The number of milliseconds from when the user stops pumping until there is no water (min: 0, max: 10 minutes)
//	long upStrokeDelayCounter = 0;
//        int currentHour;
        int currentDay;
        int currentHourDepthSensor;

        float deltaAverage;

	while (1)
	{ //MAIN LOOP; repeats indefinitely
		// Idle Handle Monitor Loop
		// 2 axis of the accelerometer are constantly polled for
		// motion in the upward direction by comparing angles
		// Get the angle of the pump handle to measure against
		anglePrevious = getHandleAngle();
		float previousAverage = 0;
		// Set the handle movement to 0 (handle is not moving)
		handleMovement = 0;
		// Loop until the handle starts moving
                float angleAccumulated=0;
		while (handleMovement == 0)
                          currentDay = getDateI2C();
			if ( prevDay != currentDay){ //(prevDay != getDateI2C()){// it's a new day so send midNightMessage();
                                batteryFloat = batteryLevel();
                          if (depthSensorInUse == 1){ // if the Depth sensor is present
                              int currentDayDepthSensor = BcdToDec(getDateI2C());
                          if ((BcdToDec(getHourI2C() == 12) && (prevDayDepthSensor != currentDayDepthSensor)));

			delayMs(upstrokeInterval); // Delay for a short time
                        float newAngle = getHandleAngle();
                        float deltaAngle = abs(newAngle - anglePrevious);
                        anglePrevious = newAngle;
                        if (deltaAngle > 2){ // prevents floating accelerometer values when it's not actually moving
                        angleAccumulated += deltaAngle;
			// If the angle has changed, set the handleMovement flag
			if (angleAccumulated > 5) //05-30-14 Test for small delta's used to be angleDeltaThreshold
				handleMovement = 1;
		// Priming Loop
		// The total amount of upstroke is recorded while the
		// upper water sensor is checked to determine if the
		// pump has been primed
		timeOutStatus = 0; // prepares timeoutstatus for new event
		// Get the angle of the pump handle to measure against
		anglePrevious = getHandleAngle();
		upStrokePrime = 0; // gets the variable ready for a new event
                upStroke = 0; // gets variable ready for new event

                // averaging angle Code 9/17/2015
		previousAverage = queueAverage();
                // Averaging angle code

		while ((timeOutStatus < waterPrimeTimeOut) && !readWaterSensor())
			delayMs(upstrokeInterval);  // delay a short time (10ms)

                        // averaging angle Code 9/17/2015
                        pushToQueue(getHandleAngle()); //get Current angle of the pump handle
                        deltaAverage = queueAverage() - previousAverage();
                        previousAverage = queueAverage();
                        // end averaging angle Code

                        angleCurrent = getHandleAngle(); // Get the current angle of the pump handle
			angleDelta = angleCurrent - anglePrevious; // Calculate the change in angle of the pump handle
                        //if(angleDelta > 5){
                        if (deltaAverage > 5){ // averaging angle code 9/17/2015
                            upStroke + = deltaAverage; // angle Code 9/17/2015
                           // upStroke += angleDelta;
                            upStrokePrime += degToRad(upStroke); // Update the upStrokePrime
                        // upstroke and current angle
			anglePrevious = angleCurrent; // Update the previous angle for the next calculation