cv::Mat TrackFace::cartoonifyImageColor(cv::Mat srcColor) { cv::Mat smallImg; cv::resize(srcColor, smallImg, Size(srcColor.cols/2, srcColor.rows/2), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR); cv::Mat tmp=Mat(Size(srcColor.cols/2, srcColor.rows/2), CV_8UC3); int repetition=7; for (int i=0;i<repetition;i++) { int ksize=9; double sigmaColor=9; double sigmaSpace=7; bilateralFilter(smallImg, tmp, ksize, sigmaColor, sigmaSpace); bilateralFilter(tmp, smallImg, ksize, sigmaColor, sigmaSpace); } cv::Mat bigImg; cv::resize(smallImg, bigImg, Size(srcColor.cols,srcColor.rows), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR); cv::Mat dst; bigImg.copyTo(dst, cartoonifyImageSketch(srcColor)); return dst; }
/****************************************************************************** * Input argument(s) : QImage *inputImage - Input image for the filter * const int &radius - Radius of structuring element * const bool &roiFlag - Flag to enable region of interest * QRect *roiRect - Region of interest rectangle * Return type : QImage* - Output image after bilateral filtering * Functionality : Function to apply bilateral filter on the given * input image and returns the processed image ******************************************************************************/ QImage *ImageSmootheningFilter::applyBilateralFilter(QImage *inputImage, const int &radius, const bool &roiFlag, QRect *roiRect) const { cv::Mat inputMat = qtOpenCVBridge->QImage2Mat(inputImage); cv::Mat outputMat = inputMat.clone(); if(roiFlag == true){ cv::Rect regionOfInterest(roiRect->x(), roiRect->y(), roiRect->width(), roiRect->height()); cv::Mat croppedInputMat(inputMat, regionOfInterest); cv::Mat croppedOutputMat(outputMat, regionOfInterest); bilateralFilter(croppedInputMat, croppedOutputMat, radius, radius*2.0, radius/2.0); } else{ bilateralFilter(inputMat, outputMat, radius, radius*2.0, radius/2.0); } return qtOpenCVBridge->Mat2QImage(outputMat); }
/* src: input image method: name of noise reduction method that shall be performed "average" ==> moving average "median" ==> median filter "adaptive" ==> edge preserving average filter "bilateral" ==> bilateral filter kSize: (spatial) kernel size param: if method == "adaptive" : threshold ; if method == "bilateral" standard-deviation of radiometric kernel can be ignored otherwise (default value = 0) return: output image */ Mat Dip2::noiseReduction(Mat& src, string method, int kSize, double param){ // apply moving average filter if ("average") == 0){ return averageFilter(src, kSize); } // apply median filter if ("median") == 0){ return medianFilter(src, kSize); } // apply adaptive average filter if ("adaptive") == 0){ return adaptiveFilter(src, kSize, param); } // apply bilateral filter if ("bilateral") == 0){ return bilateralFilter(src, kSize, param); } // if none of above, throw warning and return copy of original cout << "WARNING: Unknown filtering method! Returning original" << endl; cout << "Press enter to continue" << endl; cin.get(); return src.clone(); }
Mat preProcess(Mat &img){ Mat res = Mat(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC1); blur( img, res, Size( 3, 3 ), Point(-1,-1) ); Mat aux = res.clone(); bilateralFilter ( aux, res, 5, 5*2, 5/2 ); aux = res.clone(); cv::GaussianBlur(aux, res, cv::Size(0, 0), 3); cv::addWeighted(aux, 1.5, res, -0.5, 0, res); //Filtro de Wiener cvWiener2ADP(res, res, 5, 5); //Binarizacao e Afinamento threshold(res, res, mediana(res), 255, THRESH_BINARY_INV); //Esqueletização thinning(res); /*namedWindow("Preprocess", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); imshow("Preprocess", res); waitKey(0);*/ return res; }
void process(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst) { Mat src = _src.getMat(); CV_Assert(!src.empty()); _dst.create(src.size(), CV_32FC3); Mat img = _dst.getMat(); Ptr<Tonemap> linear = createTonemap(1.0f); linear->process(src, img); Mat gray_img; cvtColor(img, gray_img, COLOR_RGB2GRAY); Mat log_img; log(gray_img, log_img); Mat map_img; bilateralFilter(log_img, map_img, -1, sigma_color, sigma_space); double min, max; minMaxLoc(map_img, &min, &max); float scale = contrast / static_cast<float>(max - min); exp(map_img * (scale - 1.0f) + log_img, map_img); log_img.release(); mapLuminance(img, img, gray_img, map_img, saturation); pow(img, 1.0f / gamma, img); }
KDvoid Smoothing ( KDint nIdx ) { Mat tSrc; Mat tDst; KDint MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH = 9; // 31; KDint i; // Load the source image tSrc = imread ( "/res/image/lena.jpg", 1 ); tDst = tSrc.clone ( ); for ( i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2 ) { switch ( nIdx ) { case 0 : blur ( tSrc, tDst, Size ( i, i ), Point ( -1, -1 ) ); break; // Applying Homogeneous blur case 1 : GaussianBlur ( tSrc, tDst, Size ( i, i ), 0, 0 ); break; // Applying Gaussian blur case 2 : medianBlur ( tSrc, tDst, i ); break; // Applying Median blur case 3 : bilateralFilter ( tSrc, tDst, i, i * 2, i / 2 ); break; // Applying Bilateral Filter } } g_pController->setFrame ( 1, tSrc ); g_pController->setFrame ( 2, tDst ); }
ImageImPro* OpenImProLib_OpenCvImpl::filterBilateral(ImageImPro* ptrInput, int winDiameter, double sigmaRange, double sigmaSpace){ Mat* ptrMatInput = ptrInput->getMat(); Mat* ptrMatOutput = ptrInput->getMat(); bilateralFilter( *ptrMatInput, *ptrMatOutput, winDiameter, sigmaRange, sigmaSpace); ImageImPro* ptrOutput = new ImageImPro_OpenCvImpl(ptrMatOutput); delete ptrMatInput; delete ptrMatOutput; return ptrOutput; }
void bilateral(Mat& frame) { Mat tmp; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { pyrDown(frame, frame, Size(frame.cols / 2, frame.rows / 2)); } bilateralFilter(tmp, frame, 3, 3, 3); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { pyrUp(frame, frame, Size(frame.cols * 2, frame.rows * 2)); } }
void bilateralSatured(Mat& frame) { Mat tmp; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { pyrDown(frame, frame, Size(frame.cols / 2, frame.rows / 2)); } saturar(frame, tmp, 55); bilateralFilter(tmp, frame, 3, 3, 3); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { pyrUp(frame, frame, Size(frame.cols * 2, frame.rows * 2)); } }
bool BlurBlock::run(bool oneShot){ Mat imgSrc = _myInputs["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_IMG"].get<cv::Mat>(), imgOut; switch (_myInputs["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD"].get<int>()) { case 0://Mean { blur(imgSrc, imgOut, cv::Size(_mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Mean.kernel size X"].get<int>(), _mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Mean.kernel size Y"].get<int>()), cv::Point(_mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Mean.anchor point X"].get<int>(), _mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Mean.anchor point Y"].get<int>()), cv::BORDER_DEFAULT); break; } case 1://Gaussian { cv::Size ksize(_mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Gaussian.kernel size X"].get<int>(), _mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Gaussian.kernel size Y"].get<int>()); if (ksize.width <= 0) ksize.width = 1; if (ksize.width % 2 == 0) ksize.width += 1; if (ksize.height <= 0) ksize.height = 1; if (ksize.height % 2 == 0) ksize.height += 1; GaussianBlur(imgSrc, imgOut, ksize, _mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Gaussian.Sigma X"].get<double>(), _mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Gaussian.Sigma Y"].get<double>(), cv::BORDER_DEFAULT); break; } case 2://Median { int medianSize = _mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Median.kernel size"].get<int>(); if (medianSize % 2 != 1) medianSize += 1; medianBlur(imgSrc, imgOut, medianSize); break; } case 3://Bilateral { bilateralFilter(imgSrc, imgOut, _mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Bilateral.Diameter"].get<int>(), _mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Bilateral.Sigma color"].get<double>(), _mySubParams["BLOCK__BLUR_IN_METHOD.Bilateral.Sigma space"].get<double>()); break; } default: return false;//nothing to do as we don't support this type of operation break; } _myOutputs["BLOCK__BLUR_OUT_IMAGE"] = imgOut; return true; };
void Filter::applyFilter() { configureSpinBox(); switch(currentFilter){ case FILTER_HOMOGENEOUS: blur(originalImage, image, ksize); ui->filteredImage->setPixmap(ImageHandler::getQPixmap(image)); break; case FILTER_GAUSSIAN: GaussianBlur(originalImage, image, ksize, 0, 0); ui->filteredImage->setPixmap(ImageHandler::getQPixmap(image)); break; case FILTER_MEDIAN: medianBlur(originalImage, image, ksize.height); ui->filteredImage->setPixmap(ImageHandler::getQPixmap(image)); break; case FILTER_BILATERAL: bilateralFilter(originalImage, image, 5, sigma, sigma); break; } }
int runFilter(int argc, char *argv[]) { char * filenameInput=argv[1]; char * filenameOutput=argv[2]; unsigned int inputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameInput); struct Image * inputImage = readImage(filenameInput,inputType,0); struct Image * outputImage = 0; //This will get allocated when and if needed if (inputImage!=0) { unsigned int outputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameOutput); unsigned int i=0; for (i=0; i<argc; i++) { if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--learn")==0 ) { destroyImage(inputImage); learnImage(filenameInput,atoi(argv[i+1]),atoi(argv[i+2])); exit(0); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--rgbcube")==0 ) { unsigned int dim=32; unsigned char R = (char) atoi(argv[i]+1); unsigned char G = (char) atoi(argv[i]+2); unsigned char B = (char) atoi(argv[i]+3); outputImage = createImage( dim , dim , 3 , 8 ); bitbltColorRGB(outputImage->pixels , 0 , 0 , dim , dim , R , G , B , dim-1 , dim-1); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mX.pnm"); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pX.pnm"); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mY.pnm"); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pY.pnm"); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mZ.pnm"); writeImageFile(outputImage,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pZ.pnm"); destroyImage(outputImage); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--envcube")==0 ) { fprintf(stdout,"Converting Environment Cube \n"); unsigned int outputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameOutput); //outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage); unsigned int outputWidth = inputImage->width; unsigned int outputHeight = (unsigned int ) (3*inputImage->width)/4; outputImage = createImage( outputWidth , outputHeight , 3 , 8 ); createCubeMapFace( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels , outputImage->bitsperpixel , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels , inputImage->bitsperpixel ); struct Image * partImg=0; unsigned int outX=0 , outY=0 , outWidth=0 , outHeight=0; getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ -1 , /*y*/ 0 , /*z*/ 0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mX.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ 1 , /*y*/ 0 , /*z*/ 0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pX.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ 0 , /*y*/ -1 , /*z*/ 0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mY.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ 0 , /*y*/ 1 , /*z*/ 0 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pY.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ 0 , /*y*/ 0 , /*z*/ -1 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_mZ.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); getCubeMap2DCoords(outputWidth,outputHeight, /*x*/ 0 , /*y*/ 0 , /*z*/ 1 , &outX , &outY , &outWidth , &outHeight ); partImg=createImageBitBlt( outputImage , outX , outY , outWidth , outHeight ); writeImageFile(partImg,PPM_CODEC ,"new_pZ.pnm"); destroyImage(partImg); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--compare")==0 ) { unsigned int outputType = guessFilenameTypeStupid(filenameOutput); outputImage = readImage(filenameOutput,outputType ,0); float noise = calculatePSNR( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels ); fprintf(stdout,"Compared Detected Noise is %0.4f dB \n",noise); exit(0); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--gaussian")==0 ) { monochrome(inputImage); outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage); unsigned int normalizeGaussianKernel=1; unsigned int kernelWidth=5; unsigned int kernelHeight=5; float * convolutionMatrix=allocateGaussianKernel(kernelWidth,kernelHeight,normalizeGaussianKernel); float divisor=1.0; float * inF = copyUCharImage2Float(inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels ); float * outF = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * outputImage->width * outputImage->height * outputImage->channels ); convolutionFilter1ChF( outF , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inF, inputImage->width , inputImage->height , convolutionMatrix , kernelWidth , kernelHeight , &divisor ); free(convolutionMatrix); castFloatImage2UChar(outputImage->pixels, outF, outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels ); free(inF); free(outF); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--ctbilateral")==0 ) { monochrome(inputImage); outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage); float sigma = atof(argv[i+1]); constantTimeBilateralFilter( inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels , outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height ,&sigma //sigma ,atoi(argv[i+2]) //bins ,atoi(argv[i+3]) //useDeriche ); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--deriche")==0 ) { monochrome(inputImage); outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage); float sigma = atof(argv[i+1]); dericheRecursiveGaussianGray( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inputImage->channels , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , &sigma , atoi(argv[i+2]) ); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--dericheF")==0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"This is a test call for casting code , this shouldnt be normally used..\n"); monochrome(inputImage); outputImage = createSameDimensionsImage(inputImage); float sigma = atof(argv[i+1]); //outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); float * inF = copyUCharImage2Float(inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels ); float * outF = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * outputImage->width * outputImage->height * outputImage->channels ); dericheRecursiveGaussianGrayF( outF , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inputImage->channels , inF , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , &sigma , atoi(argv[i+2]) ); castFloatImage2UChar(outputImage->pixels, outF, outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels ); free(inF); free(outF); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--median")==0 ) { outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); medianFilter3ch( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , atoi(argv[i+1]) , atoi(argv[i+2]) ); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--meansat")==0 ) { outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); meanFilterSAT( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , outputImage->channels , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , inputImage->channels , atoi(argv[i+1]) , atoi(argv[i+2]) ); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--monochrome")==0 ) { outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); monochrome(outputImage); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--bilateral")==0 ) { outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); bilateralFilter( outputImage->pixels , outputImage->width , outputImage->height , inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height , atof(argv[i+1]) , atof(argv[i+2]) , atoi(argv[i+3]) ); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--contrast")==0 ) { outputImage = copyImage(inputImage); contrast(outputImage,atof(argv[i+1])); } else if ( strcmp(argv[i],"--sattest")==0 ) { float * tmp = allocateGaussianKernel(3,5.0,1); if (tmp!=0) { free(tmp); } tmp = allocateGaussianKernel(9,5.0,1); if (tmp!=0) { free(tmp); } tmp = allocateGaussianKernel(15,5.0,1); if (tmp!=0) { free(tmp); } summedAreaTableTest(); unsigned int * integralImageOutput = 0; integralImageOutput = generateSummedAreaTableRGB(inputImage->pixels , inputImage->width , inputImage->height); if (integralImageOutput!=0) { free(integralImageOutput); fprintf(stderr,"integralImage test was successful\n"); } } } writeImageFile(outputImage,outputType ,filenameOutput); destroyImage(outputImage); destroyImage(inputImage); return 1; } return 0; }
void RGBDCamera::update(const RawFrame* this_frame) { //Check the timestamp, and skip if we have already seen this frame if (this_frame->timestamp <= latest_stamp_) { return; } else { latest_stamp_ = this_frame->timestamp; } //Apply bilateral filter to incoming depth uint16_t* filtered_depth; cudaMalloc((void**)&filtered_depth, this_frame->width*this_frame->height*sizeof(uint16_t)); bilateralFilter(this_frame->depth, filtered_depth, this_frame->width, this_frame->height); //Convert the input color data to intensity float* temp_intensity; cudaMalloc((void**)&temp_intensity, this_frame->width*this_frame->height*sizeof(float)); colorToIntensity(this_frame->color, temp_intensity, this_frame->width*this_frame->height); //Create pyramids for (int i = 0; i < PYRAMID_DEPTH; i++) { //Fill in sizes the first two times through if (pass_ < 2) { current_icp_frame_[i] = new ICPFrame(this_frame->width/pow(2,i), this_frame->height/pow(2,i)); current_rgbd_frame_[i] = new RGBDFrame(this_frame->width/pow(2,i), this_frame->height/pow(2,i)); } //Add ICP data generateVertexMap(filtered_depth, current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height, focal_length_, make_int2(this_frame->width, this_frame->height)); generateNormalMap(current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->normal, current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height); //Add RGBD data cudaMemcpy(current_rgbd_frame_[i]->vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width*current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); cudaMemcpy(current_rgbd_frame_[i]->intensity, temp_intensity, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width*current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); //Downsample depth and color if not the last iteration if (i != (PYRAMID_DEPTH-1)) { subsampleDepth(filtered_depth, current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height); subsample(temp_intensity, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); } } //Clear the filtered depth and temporary color since they are no longer needed cudaFree(filtered_depth); cudaFree(temp_intensity); if (pass_ >= 1) { glm::mat4 update_trans(1.0f); //Loop through pyramids backwards (coarse first) for (int i = PYRAMID_DEPTH - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //Get a copy of the ICP frame for this pyramid level ICPFrame icp_f(current_icp_frame_[i]->width, current_icp_frame_[i]->height); cudaMemcpy(icp_f.vertex, current_icp_frame_[i]->vertex, icp_f.width*icp_f.height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); cudaMemcpy(icp_f.normal, current_icp_frame_[i]->normal, icp_f.width*icp_f.height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); //Get a copy of the RGBD frame for this pyramid level //RGBDFrame rgbd_f(current_rgbd_frame_[i]->width, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->height); //cudaMemcpy(rgbd_f.vertex, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->vertex, rgbd_f.width*rgbd_f.height*sizeof(glm::vec3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); //cudaMemcpy(rgbd_f.intensity, current_rgbd_frame_[i]->intensity, rgbd_f.width*rgbd_f.height*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); //Apply the most recent update to the points/normals if (i < (PYRAMID_DEPTH-1)) { transformVertexMap(icp_f.vertex, update_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height); transformNormalMap(icp_f.normal, update_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); } //Loop through iterations for (int j = 0; j < PYRAMID_ITERS[i]; j++) { //Get the Geometric ICP cost values float A1[6 * 6]; float b1[6]; computeICPCost2(last_icp_frame_[i], icp_f, A1, b1); //Get the Photometric RGB-D cost values //float A2[6*6]; //float b2[6]; //compueRGBDCost(last_rgbd_frame_, rgbd_f, A2, b2); //Combine the two //for (size_t k = 0; k < 6; k++) { //for (size_t l = 0; l < 6; l++) { //A1[6 * k + l] += A2[6 * k + l]; //} //b1[k] += b2[k]; //} //Solve for the optimized camera transformation float x[6]; solveCholesky(6, A1, b1, x); //Check for NaN/divergence if (isnan(x[0]) || isnan(x[1]) || isnan(x[2]) || isnan(x[3]) || isnan(x[4]) || isnan(x[5])) { printf("Camera tracking is lost.\n"); break; } //Update position/orientation of the camera glm::mat4 this_trans = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -x[2] * 180.0f / 3.14159f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)) * glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -x[1] * 180.0f / 3.14159f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) * glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -x[0] * 180.0f / 3.14159f, glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) * glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), glm::vec3(x[3], x[4], x[5])); update_trans = this_trans * update_trans; //Apply the update to the points/normals if (j < (PYRAMID_ITERS[i] - 1)) { transformVertexMap(icp_f.vertex, this_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height); transformNormalMap(icp_f.normal, this_trans, icp_f.width*icp_f.height); cudaDeviceSynchronize(); } } } //Update the global transform with the result position_ = glm::vec3(glm::vec4(position_, 1.0f) * update_trans); orientation_ = glm::mat3(glm::mat4(orientation_) * update_trans); } if (pass_ < 2) { pass_++; } //Swap current and last frames for (int i = 0; i < PYRAMID_DEPTH; i++) { ICPFrame* temp = current_icp_frame_[i]; current_icp_frame_[i] = last_icp_frame_[i]; last_icp_frame_[i] = temp; //TODO: Longterm, only RGBD should do this. ICP should not swap, as last_frame should be updated by a different function RGBDFrame* temp2 = current_rgbd_frame_[i]; current_rgbd_frame_[i] = last_rgbd_frame_[i]; last_rgbd_frame_[i] = temp2; } }
int opencv::ProcessImg(Mat& src) { try{ if (src.empty()) return 1; Mat color, gray, binimg, bingray; Convert2BGR(src, color); Convert2GRAY(src, gray); Convert2GRAY(src, bingray); exColor_Invert(gray); vector<vector<Point>> contours; int trd = get_OTSU_value(gray); threshold(bingray, binimg, trd, 255, THRESH_BINARY); Mat Fiter; #if 1 //双边滤波 bilateralFilter(gray, Fiter, 15, 50, 2.0, BORDER_DEFAULT); #else //中值滤波 int kenerlsize = gray.rows / 150; if (0 == kenerlsize % 2) kenerlsize += 1; kenerlsize = kenerlsize > 2 ? kenerlsize : 3; medianBlur(gray, gray, kenerlsize); #endif //Histogram(gray, gray); findContours(binimg, contours, CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, cvPoint(0, 0)); Mat imgmask(binimg.rows, binimg.cols, CV_8UC1, Scalar(255)); //drawContours(imgmask, contours, -1, Scalar(255), CV_FILLED/*2*/); // -1 表示所有轮廓 //drawContours(imgmask, contours, -1, Scalar(0), 2); // -1 表示所有轮廓 #ifdef _DEBUG for (size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) cout << contours[i].size()<<endl; #endif get_mask_image(src, imgmask, contours, -1,1,2); src = imgmask.clone(); return 1; Convert2GRAY(gray, gray); Mat edge; Canny(gray, edge, 0, 255, 5); src = edge.clone(); return NoError; //模式识别 // ANN_MLP ann; // ann.train(); } catch (...) { #ifdef _DEBUG cout << "img deal wrongly" << endl; #endif return -1; } }
void tmo_durand02(pfs::Array2Df& R, pfs::Array2Df& G, pfs::Array2Df& B, float sigma_s, float sigma_r, float baseContrast, int downsample, bool color_correction, pfs::Progress &ph) { int w = R.getCols(); int h = R.getRows(); int size = w*h; pfs::Array2Df I(w,h); // intensities pfs::Array2Df BASE(w,h); // base layer pfs::Array2Df DETAIL(w,h); // detail layer float min_pos = 1e10f; // minimum positive value (to avoid log(0)) for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) { I(i) = 1.0f/61.0f * ( 20.0f*R(i) + 40.0f*G(i) + B(i) ); if ( I(i) < min_pos && I(i) > 0.0f ) { min_pos = I(i); } } for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) { float L = I(i); if ( L <= 0.0f ) { L = min_pos; } R(i) /= L; G(i) /= L; B(i) /= L; I(i) = std::log( L ); } #ifdef HAVE_FFTW3F fastBilateralFilter( I, BASE, sigma_s, sigma_r, downsample, ph ); #else bilateralFilter( &I, &BASE, sigma_s, sigma_r, ph ); #endif //!! FIX: find minimum and maximum luminance, but skip 1% of outliers float maxB; float minB; findMaxMinPercentile(&BASE, 0.01f, 0.99f, minB, maxB); float compressionfactor = baseContrast / (maxB - minB); // Color correction factor const float k1 = 1.48f; const float k2 = 0.82f; const float s = ( (1 + k1)*pow(compressionfactor,k2) )/( 1 + k1*pow(compressionfactor,k2) ); for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) { DETAIL(i) = I(i) - BASE(i); I(i) = BASE(i) * compressionfactor + DETAIL(i); //!! FIX: this to keep the output in normalized range 0.01 - 1.0 //intensitites are related only to minimum luminance because I //would say this is more stable over time than using maximum //luminance and is also robust against random peaks of very high //luminance I(i) -= 4.3f+minB*compressionfactor; if ( color_correction ) { R(i) = decode( std::pow( R(i), s ) * std::exp( I(i) ) ); G(i) = decode( std::pow( G(i), s ) * std::exp( I(i) ) ); B(i) = decode( std::pow( B(i), s ) * std::exp( I(i) ) ); } else { R(i) *= decode( std::exp( I(i) ) ); G(i) *= decode( std::exp( I(i) ) ); B(i) *= decode( std::exp( I(i) ) ); } } if (!ph.canceled()) { ph.setValue( 100 ); } }
void PlateLines::processImage(Mat inputImage, vector<TextLine> textLines, float sensitivity) { if (this->debug) cout << "PlateLines findLines" << endl; timespec startTime; getTimeMonotonic(&startTime); // Ignore input images that are pure white or pure black Scalar avgPixelIntensity = mean(inputImage); if (avgPixelIntensity[0] >= 252) return; else if (avgPixelIntensity[0] <= 3) return; // Do a bilateral filter to clean the noise but keep edges sharp Mat smoothed(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type()); bilateralFilter(inputImage, smoothed, 3, 45, 45); int morph_elem = 2; int morph_size = 2; Mat element = getStructuringElement( morph_elem, Size( 2*morph_size + 1, 2*morph_size+1 ), Point( morph_size, morph_size ) ); Mat edges(inputImage.size(), inputImage.type()); Canny(smoothed, edges, 66, 133); // Create a mask that is dilated based on the detected characters Mat mask = Mat::zeros(inputImage.size(), CV_8U); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textLines.size(); i++) { vector<vector<Point> > polygons; polygons.push_back(textLines[i].textArea); fillPoly(mask, polygons, Scalar(255,255,255)); } dilate(mask, mask, getStructuringElement( 1, Size( 1 + 1, 2*1+1 ), Point( 1, 1 ) )); bitwise_not(mask, mask); // AND canny edges with the character mask bitwise_and(edges, mask, edges); vector<PlateLine> hlines = this->getLines(edges, sensitivity, false); vector<PlateLine> vlines = this->getLines(edges, sensitivity, true); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hlines.size(); i++) this->horizontalLines.push_back(hlines[i]); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vlines.size(); i++) this->verticalLines.push_back(vlines[i]); // if debug is enabled, draw the image if (this->debug) { Mat debugImgHoriz(edges.size(), edges.type()); Mat debugImgVert(edges.size(), edges.type()); edges.copyTo(debugImgHoriz); edges.copyTo(debugImgVert); cvtColor(debugImgHoriz,debugImgHoriz,CV_GRAY2BGR); cvtColor(debugImgVert,debugImgVert,CV_GRAY2BGR); for( size_t i = 0; i < this->horizontalLines.size(); i++ ) { line( debugImgHoriz, this->horizontalLines[i].line.p1, this->horizontalLines[i].line.p2, Scalar(0,0,255), 1, CV_AA); } for( size_t i = 0; i < this->verticalLines.size(); i++ ) { line( debugImgVert, this->verticalLines[i].line.p1, this->verticalLines[i].line.p2, Scalar(0,0,255), 1, CV_AA); } vector<Mat> images; images.push_back(debugImgHoriz); images.push_back(debugImgVert); Mat dashboard = drawImageDashboard(images, debugImgVert.type(), 1); displayImage(pipelineData->config, "Hough Lines", dashboard); } if (pipelineData->config->debugTiming) { timespec endTime; getTimeMonotonic(&endTime); cout << "Plate Lines Time: " << diffclock(startTime, endTime) << "ms." << endl; } }
// Create a grayscale face image that has a standard size and contrast & brightness. // "srcImg" should be a copy of the whole color camera frame, so that it can draw the eye positions onto. // If 'doLeftAndRightSeparately' is true, it will process left & right sides seperately, // so that if there is a strong light on one side but not the other, it will still look OK. // Performs Face Preprocessing as a combination of: // - geometrical scaling, rotation and translation using Eye Detection, // - smoothing away image noise using a Bilateral Filter, // - standardize the brightness on both left and right sides of the face independently using separated Histogram Equalization, // - removal of background and hair using an Elliptical Mask. // Returns either a preprocessed face square image or NULL (ie: couldn't detect the face and 2 eyes). // If a face is found, it can store the rect coordinates into 'storeFaceRect' and 'storeLeftEye' & 'storeRightEye' if given, // and eye search regions into 'searchedLeftEye' & 'searchedRightEye' if given. cv::Mat preprocessFace::getPreprocessedFace(cv::Mat &srcImg, int desiredFaceWidth, cv::CascadeClassifier &faceCascade, cv::CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade1, cv::CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade2, bool doLeftAndRightSeparately, cv::Rect *storeFaceRect, cv::Point *storeLeftEye, cv::Point *storeRightEye, cv::Rect *searchedLeftEye, cv::Rect *searchedRightEye) { // Use square faces. int desiredFaceHeight = desiredFaceWidth; // Mark the detected face region and eye search regions as invalid, in case they aren't detected. if (storeFaceRect) storeFaceRect->width = -1; if (storeLeftEye) storeLeftEye->x = -1; if (storeRightEye) storeRightEye->x = -1; if (searchedLeftEye) searchedLeftEye->width = -1; if (searchedRightEye) searchedRightEye->width = -1; // Find the largest face. cv::Rect faceRect; detector.detectLargestObject(srcImg, faceCascade, faceRect); // Check if a face was detected. if (faceRect.width > 0) { // Give the face rect to the caller if desired. if (storeFaceRect) *storeFaceRect = faceRect; cv::Mat faceImg = srcImg(faceRect); // Get the detected face image. // If the input image is not grayscale, then convert the BGR or BGRA color image to grayscale. cv::Mat gray; if (faceImg.channels() == 3) { cvtColor(faceImg, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); } else if (faceImg.channels() == 4) { cvtColor(faceImg, gray, CV_BGRA2GRAY); } else { // Access the input image directly, since it is already grayscale. gray = faceImg; } // Search for the 2 eyes at the full resolution, since eye detection needs max resolution possible! cv::Point leftEye, rightEye; detectBothEyes(gray, eyeCascade1, eyeCascade2, leftEye, rightEye, searchedLeftEye, searchedRightEye); // Give the eye results to the caller if desired. if (storeLeftEye) *storeLeftEye = leftEye; if (storeRightEye) *storeRightEye = rightEye; // Check if both eyes were detected. if (leftEye.x >= 0 && rightEye.x >= 0) { inputFaceCount++; // Make the face image the same size as the training images. // Since we found both eyes, lets rotate & scale & translate the face so that the 2 eyes // line up perfectly with ideal eye positions. This makes sure that eyes will be horizontal, // and not too far left or right of the face, etc. // Get the center between the 2 eyes. cv::Point2f eyesCenter = cv::Point2f((leftEye.x + rightEye.x) * 0.5f, (leftEye.y + rightEye.y) * 0.5f); // Get the angle between the 2 eyes. double dy = (rightEye.y - leftEye.y); double dx = (rightEye.x - leftEye.x); double len = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); double angle = atan2(dy, dx) * 180.0 / CV_PI; // Convert from radians to degrees. // Hand measurements shown that the left eye center should ideally be at roughly (0.19, 0.14) of a scaled face image. const double DESIRED_RIGHT_EYE_X = (1.0f - DESIRED_LEFT_EYE_X); // Get the amount we need to scale the image to be the desired fixed size we want. double desiredLen = (DESIRED_RIGHT_EYE_X - DESIRED_LEFT_EYE_X) * desiredFaceWidth; double scale = desiredLen / len; // Get the transformation matrix for rotating and scaling the face to the desired angle & size. cv::Mat rot_mat = getRotationMatrix2D(eyesCenter, angle, scale); // Shift the center of the eyes to be the desired center between the eyes.<double>(0, 2) += desiredFaceWidth * 0.5f - eyesCenter.x;<double>(1, 2) += desiredFaceHeight * DESIRED_LEFT_EYE_Y - eyesCenter.y; // Rotate and scale and translate the image to the desired angle & size & position! // Note that we use 'w' for the height instead of 'h', because the input face has 1:1 aspect ratio. cv::Mat warped = cv::Mat(desiredFaceHeight, desiredFaceWidth, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(128)); // Clear the output image to a default grey. warpAffine(gray, warped, rot_mat, warped.size()); //imshow("warped", warped); // Give the image a standard brightness and contrast, in case it was too dark or had low contrast. if (!doLeftAndRightSeparately) { // Do it on the whole face. equalizeHist(warped, warped); } else { // Do it seperately for the left and right sides of the face. equalizeLeftAndRightHalves(warped); } //imshow("equalized", warped); // Use the "Bilateral Filter" to reduce pixel noise by smoothing the image, but keeping the sharp edges in the face. cv::Mat filtered = cv::Mat(warped.size(), CV_8U); bilateralFilter(warped, filtered, 0, 20.0, 2.0); //imshow("filtered", filtered); // Filter out the corners of the face, since we mainly just care about the middle parts. // Draw a filled ellipse in the middle of the face-sized image. cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat(warped.size(), CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0)); // Start with an empty mask. cv::Point faceCenter = cv::Point(desiredFaceWidth / 2, cvRound(desiredFaceHeight * FACE_ELLIPSE_CY)); cv::Size size = cv::Size(cvRound(desiredFaceWidth * FACE_ELLIPSE_W), cvRound(desiredFaceHeight * FACE_ELLIPSE_H)); ellipse(mask, faceCenter, size, 0, 0, 360, cv::Scalar(255), CV_FILLED); //imshow("mask", mask); // Use the mask, to remove outside pixels. cv::Mat dstImg = cv::Mat(warped.size(), CV_8U, cv::Scalar(128)); // Clear the output image to a default gray. /* namedWindow("filtered"); imshow("filtered", filtered); namedWindow("dstImg"); imshow("dstImg", dstImg); namedWindow("mask"); imshow("mask", mask); */ // Apply the elliptical mask on the face. filtered.copyTo(dstImg, mask); // Copies non-masked pixels from filtered to dstImg. //imshow("dstImg", dstImg); /*if (leftEye.x >= 0 && rightEye.x >= 0) { eyeRegion.x = 0; eyeRegion.y = searchedLeftEye.y; eyeRegion.width = preprocessedFace.rows; eyeRegion.height = 30; cv::rectangle(frame, eyeRegion, CV_RGB(255, 255, 0), 3); }*/ if (needResults) { writeResults(srcImg, gray, dstImg); } return dstImg; } /* else { // Since no eyes were found, just do a generic image resize. resize(gray, tmpImg, Size(w,h)); } */ } return cv::Mat(); }
void CV_BilateralFilterTest::run_func() { bilateralFilter(_src, _parallel_dst, _d, _sigma_color, _sigma_space); }