void intersectOnChrom(char *db, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *chrom, 
	char *track1, char *track2)
/* Do intersection on one chromosome. */
int chromSize = hChromSize(chrom);
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
struct bed *bedList1, *bedList2, *andBed;
struct featureBits *fb1, *fb2;
Bits *bit1, *bit2;
int fieldCount1, fieldCount2;
struct binKeeper *bk2;

scanChromTable(conn, chrom, track1);
scanChromTable(conn, chrom, track2);
uglyTime("Scan tracks");
bedList1 = getChromAsBed(conn, db, track1, chrom, lm, &fieldCount1);
bedList2 = getChromAsBed(conn, db, track2, chrom, lm, &fieldCount2);
uglyTime("Tracks as bed");
uglyf("%d items with %d fields in %s, ", slCount(bedList1), fieldCount1, track1);
uglyf("%d items with %d fields in %s\n", slCount(bedList2), fieldCount2, track2);
bit1 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
bit2 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);

fb1 = fbList(db, chrom, track1,  bedList1, chromSize);
fb2 = fbList(db, chrom, track1,  bedList1, chromSize);
uglyTime("bed to featureBits list");

fbOrBits(bit1, chromSize, fb1, 0);
fbOrBits(bit2, chromSize, fb2, 0);
uglyTime("or into bits");

bitAnd(bit1, bit2, chromSize);
uglyTime("Anding bitfields");

andBed = bitsToBed4List(bit1, chromSize, chrom, 0, 0, chromSize, lm);
uglyTime("Converting bitfield to bed 4");

bitCountAllOverlaps(bedList1, bit2, fieldCount2);
uglyTime("Counting overlaps in track1 with bitfield of track2");

bk2 = fbToBinKeeper(fb2, chromSize);
uglyTime("Adding featureBits list from track 2 into binKeeper.");

bkCountAllOverlaps(bedList1, bk2, fieldCount2);
uglyTime("Count overlaps in track1 with binKeeper of track2");

uglyTime("free featureBits");

void netToAxt(char *netName, char *chainName, char *tNibDir, char *qNibDir, char *axtName)
/* netToAxt - Convert net (and chain) to axt.. */
Bits *usedBits = findUsedIds(netName);
struct hash *chainHash;
struct chainNet *net;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(netName, TRUE);
FILE *f = mustOpen(axtName, "w");
struct dnaSeq *tChrom = NULL;
struct nibTwoCache *qNtc = nibTwoCacheNew(qNibDir);
char *gapFileName = optionVal("gapOut", NULL);
FILE *gapFile = NULL;

if (gapFileName)
    gapFile = mustOpen(gapFileName, "w");
lineFileSetMetaDataOutput(lf, f);
chainHash = chainReadUsedSwap(chainName, qChain, usedBits);
while ((net = chainNetRead(lf)) != NULL)
    verbose(1, "Processing %s\n", net->name);
    tChrom = nibTwoLoadOne(tNibDir, net->name);
    if (tChrom->size != net->size)
	errAbort("Size mismatch on %s.  Net/nib out of sync or possibly nib dirs swapped?", 
    rConvert(net->fillList, tChrom, qNtc, qNibDir, chainHash, f, gapFile);
Пример #3
void makeDeletes(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct chromInfo *chrom, FILE *f)
/* Generate SQL that kills tet alignments on simple repeats. */
struct wabaChromHit *wchList = NULL, *wch;
struct rmskOut ro;
int tetSize;
int repSize;
int start, end;
int delCount = 0;
int totCount = 0;
Bits *b = NULL;

printf("  Loading all tet alignments on %s...\n", chrom->chrom);
wchList = wchLoadAll(conn, chrom->chrom);
printf("  Got %d alignments\n", slCount(wchList));
b = getMaskedBits(conn, chrom);
for (wch = wchList; wch != NULL; wch = wch->next)
    tetSize = wch->chromEnd - wch->chromStart;
    repSize = bitCountRange(b, wch->chromStart, tetSize);
    if (repSize * 2 > tetSize)
	makeDelete(chrom->chrom, wch, f);
if (totCount > 0)
    printf("Deleted %d of %d (%4.2f%%)\n", delCount, totCount, (100.0)*delCount/(double)totCount);
boolean cutBetween(struct segment *a, struct segment *b, int overlapStart, int overlapEnd, 
	int overlapSize, boolean splitGene, int crossover)
/* Try and cut out redundant parts where a and b overlap.   
 * Don't cut a gene unless splitGene is true.   Don't
 * cut a feature unless crossover point is specified (> 0) */
if (crossover < 0)
    Bits *bits = bitAlloc(overlapSize);
    genesToBits(a->geneList, bits, overlapStart, overlapEnd, splitGene);
    genesToBits(b->geneList, bits, overlapStart, overlapEnd, splitGene);
    featuresToBits(a->suboptList, bits, overlapStart, overlapEnd);
    featuresToBits(b->suboptList, bits, overlapStart, overlapEnd);
    crossover = findCrossover(bits, overlapStart, overlapEnd);
if (crossover >= 0)
    removeOutside(0, crossover, a);
    removeOutside(crossover, BIGNUM, b);
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Пример #5
static void basesCoveredFromBits(struct covStats *cov)
/* Calculate basesCovered from bits for each item on list. */
    int regionSize = cov->region->end - cov->region->start;
    cov->basesCovered = bitCountRange(cov->bits, 0, regionSize);
Пример #6
void bitmapToMaskArray(struct hash *bitmapHash, struct hash *tbHash)
/* Translate each bitmap in bitmapHash into an array of mask coordinates
 * in the corresponding twoBit in tbHash.  Assume tbHash's mask array is
 * empty at the start -- we allocate it here.  Free bitmap when done. */
    struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(tbHash);
    struct hashEl *hel = NULL;

    while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
        char *seqName = hel->name;
        struct twoBit *tb = (struct twoBit *)(hel->val);
        struct hashEl *bHel = hashLookup(bitmapHash, seqName);
        Bits *bits;
        unsigned start=0, end=0;

        assert(tb != NULL);
        assert(tb->maskBlockCount == 0);
        if (bHel == NULL)
            errAbort("Missing bitmap for seq \"%s\"", seqName);
        bits = (Bits *)bHel->val;
        if (bits != NULL)
            struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
            struct unsignedRange *rangeList = NULL, *range = NULL;
            int i;
            for (;;)
                start = bitFindSet(bits, end, tb->size);
                if (start >= tb->size)
                end = bitFindClear(bits, start, tb->size);
                if (end > start)
                    lmAllocVar(lm, range);
                    range->start = start;
                    range->size = (end - start);
                    slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
            tb->maskBlockCount = slCount(rangeList);
            if (tb->maskBlockCount > 0)
                AllocArray(tb->maskStarts, tb->maskBlockCount);
                AllocArray(tb->maskSizes, tb->maskBlockCount);
                for (i = 0, range = rangeList;  range != NULL;
                        i++, range = range->next)
                    tb->maskStarts[i] = range->start;
                    tb->maskSizes[i] = range->size;
            bHel->val = NULL;
Пример #7
void covStatsFree(struct covStats **pCov)
/* Free up memory associated with covStats. */
    struct covStats *cov = *pCov;
    if (cov != NULL)
void visiMatchFree(struct visiMatch **pMatch)
/* Free up memory associated with visiMatch */
struct visiMatch *match = *pMatch;
if (match != NULL)
Пример #9
void freeDnaSeq(struct dnaSeq **pSeq)
/* Free up DNA seq. (And unlink underlying resource node.) */
struct dnaSeq *seq = *pSeq;
if (seq == NULL)
void visiMatchFree(struct visiMatch **pMatch)
/* Free up memory associated with visiMatch */
struct visiMatch *match = *pMatch;
if (match != NULL)
#ifdef OLD
#endif /* OLD */
Пример #11
void statsOnSpan(char *database, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *r,
	char *axtBestDir, struct stats *stats, FILE *f, 
	struct scoredWindow **pWinList)
/* Gather region info on one chromosome/region. */
char *chrom = r->chrom;
int chromSize = hChromSize(database, chrom);
Bits *maskBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
Bits *aliBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
Bits *matchBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
Bits *geneBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);

/* Set up aliBits and matchBits for to be turned on
 * where bases align, and where bases align and match.
 * Zero both bitmaps in areas that are transcribed. */
setAliBits(axtBestDir, chrom, chromSize, aliBits, matchBits);
maskFeatures(database, conn, chrom, chromSize, maskBits);
bitNot(maskBits, chromSize);
bitAnd(aliBits, maskBits, chromSize);
bitAnd(matchBits, maskBits, chromSize);

/* Set up maskBits to have 0's on gaps in genome */
bitClear(maskBits, chromSize);
fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "gap", chrom, chromSize, conn);
bitNot(maskBits, chromSize);

/* Set up bitmap for Ensemble or mRNA. */
fbOrTableBits(database, geneBits, "ensGene", chrom, chromSize, conn);
fbOrTableBits(database, geneBits, "mrna", chrom, chromSize, conn);

/* Calculate various stats on windows. */
addToStats(stats, aliBits, matchBits, geneBits, maskBits, r, f, pWinList);

/* Cleanup */
void searchOneMaskTrim(struct dnaSeq *seq, boolean isProt,
		       struct genoFind *gf, FILE *outFile,
		       struct hash *maskHash,
		       long long *retTotalSize, int *retCount)
/* Search a single sequence against a single genoFind index. */
boolean maskQuery = (qMask != NULL);
boolean lcMask = (qMask != NULL && sameWord(qMask, "lower"));
Bits *qMaskBits = maskQuerySeq(seq, isProt, maskQuery, lcMask);
struct dnaSeq trimmedSeq;
trimSeq(seq, &trimmedSeq);
if (qType == gftRna || qType == gftRnaX)
   memSwapChar(trimmedSeq.dna, trimmedSeq.size, 'u', 't');
searchOne(&trimmedSeq, gf, outFile, isProt, maskHash, qMaskBits);
*retTotalSize += seq->size;
*retCount += 1;
Пример #13
void chromFeatureBits(struct sqlConnection *conn,char *database, 
	char *chrom, int tableCount, char *tables[],
	FILE *bedFile, FILE *faFile, FILE *binFile,
        struct bed *bedRegionList, FILE *bedOutFile,
	int chromSize, int *retChromBits,
	int *retFirstTableBits, int *retSecondTableBits)
/* featureBits - Correlate tables via bitmap projections and booleans
 * on one chromosome. */
int i;
Bits *acc = NULL;
Bits *bits = NULL;
char *table;

acc = bitAlloc(chromSize);
bits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
for (i=0; i<tableCount; ++i)
    boolean not = FALSE;
    table = tables[i];
    if (table[0] == '!')
	not = TRUE;
    if (i == 0)
	orTable(database, acc, table, chrom, chromSize, conn);
	if (not)
	   bitNot(acc, chromSize);
	if (retFirstTableBits != NULL)
	   *retFirstTableBits = bitCountRange(acc, 0, chromSize);
	bitClear(bits, chromSize);
	orTable(database, bits, table, chrom, chromSize, conn);
	if (not)
	   bitNot(bits, chromSize);
	if (i == 1 && retSecondTableBits != NULL)
	   *retSecondTableBits = bitCountRange(bits, 0, chromSize);
	/* feature/bug - the above does not respect minSize */
	if (orLogic)
	    bitOr(acc, bits, chromSize);
	    bitAnd(acc, bits, chromSize);
if (notResults)
    bitNot(acc, chromSize);    
*retChromBits = bitCountRange(acc, 0, chromSize);
if (bedFile != NULL || faFile != NULL)
    minSize = optionInt("minSize", minSize);
    bitsToBed(database, acc, chrom, chromSize, bedFile, faFile, minSize);
if (binFile != NULL)
    binSize = optionInt("binSize", binSize);
    binOverlap = optionInt("binOverlap", binOverlap);
    bitsToBins(acc, chrom, chromSize, binFile, binSize, binOverlap);
if (bedOutFile != NULL)
    bitsToRegions(acc, chrom, chromSize, bedRegionList, bedOutFile);
Пример #14
struct bbiInterval *intersectedFilteredBbiIntervalsOnRegion(struct sqlConnection *conn,
	struct bbiFile *bwf, struct region *region, enum wigCompare filterCmp, double filterLl,
	double filterUl, struct lm *lm)
/* Get list of bbiIntervals (more-or-less bedGraph things from bigWig) out of bigWig file
 * and if necessary apply filter and intersection.  Return list which is allocated in lm. */
char *chrom = region->chrom;
int chromSize = hChromSize(database, chrom);
struct bbiInterval *iv, *ivList = bigWigIntervalQuery(bwf, chrom, region->start, region->end, lm);

/* Run filter if necessary */
if (filterCmp != wigNoOp_e)
    struct bbiInterval *next, *newList = NULL;
    for (iv = ivList; iv != NULL; iv = next)
	next = iv->next;
	if (wigCompareValFilter(iv->val, filterCmp, filterLl, filterUl))
	    slAddHead(&newList, iv);
    ivList = newList;

/* Run intersection if necessary */
if (anyIntersection())
    boolean isBpWise = intersectionIsBpWise();
    Bits *bits2 = bitsForIntersectingTable(conn, region, chromSize, isBpWise);
    struct bbiInterval *next, *newList = NULL;
    double moreThresh = cartCgiUsualDouble(cart, hgtaMoreThreshold, 0)*0.01;
    double lessThresh = cartCgiUsualDouble(cart, hgtaLessThreshold, 100)*0.01;
    char *op = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectOp);
    for (iv = ivList; iv != NULL; iv = next)
	next = iv->next;
	int start = iv->start;
	int size = iv->end - start;
	int overlap = bitCountRange(bits2, start, size);
	if (isBpWise)
	    if (overlap == size)
		slAddHead(&newList, iv);
	    else if (overlap > 0)
		/* Here we have to break things up. */
		double val = iv->val;
		struct bbiInterval *partIv = iv;	// Reuse memory for first interval
		int s = iv->start, end = iv->end;
		for (;;)
		    s = bitFindSet(bits2, s, end);
		    if (s >= end)
		    int bitsSet = bitFindClear(bits2, s, end) - s;
		    if (partIv == NULL)
			lmAllocVar(lm, partIv);
		    partIv->start = s;
		    partIv->end = s + bitsSet;
		    partIv->val = val;
		    slAddHead(&newList, partIv);
		    partIv = NULL;
		    s += bitsSet;
		    if (s >= end)
	    double coverage = (double)overlap/size;
	    if (intersectOverlapFilter(op, moreThresh, lessThresh, coverage))
		slAddHead(&newList, iv);
    ivList = newList;

return ivList;
void splitByGap(char *inName, int pieceSize, char *outRoot, long long estSize)
/* Split up file into pieces at most pieceSize bases long, at gap boundaries 
 * if possible. */
off_t pieces = (estSize + pieceSize-1)/pieceSize;
int digits = digitsBaseTen(pieces);
int minGapSize = optionInt("minGapSize", 1000);
boolean noGapDrops = optionExists("noGapDrops");
int maxN = optionInt("maxN", pieceSize-1);
boolean oneFile = optionExists("oneFile");
char fileName[512];
char dirOnly[256], noPath[128];
int pos, pieceIx = 0, writeCount = 0;
struct dnaSeq seq;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inName, TRUE);
Bits *bits = NULL;
int seqCount = 0;
char *outFile = optionVal("out", NULL);
char *liftFile = optionVal("lift", NULL);
FILE *lift = NULL;

if (minGapSize < 1)
    errAbort("ERROR: minGapSize must be > 0");

splitPath(outRoot, dirOnly, noPath, NULL);
if (oneFile)
    sprintf(fileName, "%s.fa", outRoot);
    f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
    fileName[0] = '\0';
if (liftFile)
    lift = mustOpen(liftFile, "w");

while (faMixedSpeedReadNext(lf, &seq.dna, &seq.size, &seq.name))
    bits = bitAlloc(seq.size);
    setBitsN(seq.dna, seq.size, bits);
    if (outFile != NULL)
	if (seqCount > 1)
	    errAbort("Can only handle in files with one sequence using out option");
	bitsForOut(outFile, seq.size, bits);
    pos = 0;
    while (pos < seq.size)
	boolean gotGap = FALSE;
	int gapStart = 0;
	int gapSize  = 0;
	int endSize  = seq.size - pos;
	int thisSize = min(endSize, pieceSize);
	int startGapLen = 0;

	if (seq.dna[pos] == 'n' || seq.dna[pos] == 'N')
	    startGapLen = bitFindClear(bits, pos, endSize) - pos;
	    verbose(3,"#\tstarting gap at %d for length: %d\n", pos,
		startGapLen );
	/*	if a block is all gap for longer than minGapSize, then
 	 *	keep it all together in one large piece
	if (startGapLen > minGapSize)
	    if (noGapDrops)
		writeOneByGap(oneFile, outRoot, digits, &pieceIx,
		    f, noPath, pos, startGapLen, &seq, lift,
			&writeCount, fileName);
		verbose(3,"#\tbeginning gap of %d size skipped\n", startGapLen);
	    thisSize = startGapLen;
	else if (thisSize > 0 && bitCountRange(bits, pos, thisSize) <= maxN)
	    if (endSize>pieceSize) /* otherwise chops tiny piece at very end */
		gotGap = findLastGap(&(seq.dna[pos]), thisSize, endSize,
				     minGapSize, &gapStart, &gapSize);
		if (gotGap)
		  thisSize = gapStart;
	    writeOneByGap(oneFile, outRoot, digits, &pieceIx,
		f, noPath, pos, thisSize, &seq, lift, &writeCount, fileName);
	pos += thisSize;
	if (gotGap)
	    /*	last block is all gap, write it all out	*/
	    /*if ((pos + gapSize) >= seq.size)*/
	    if (noGapDrops)
		writeOneByGap(oneFile, outRoot, digits, &pieceIx,
		    f, noPath, pos, gapSize, &seq ,lift, &writeCount, fileName);
		    "#\tadding gapSize %d to pos %d -> %d and writing gap\n",
			gapSize, pos, pos+gapSize);
		verbose(3,"#\tadding gapSize %d to pos %d -> %d\n",
			gapSize, pos, pos+gapSize);
	    pos += gapSize;
printf("%d pieces of %d written\n", writeCount, pieceIx);
void splitByCount(char *inName, int pieceSize, char *outRoot, off_t estSize, int extra)
/* Split up file into pieces pieceSize long. */
off_t pieces = (estSize + pieceSize-1)/pieceSize;
int digits = digitsBaseTen(pieces);
int maxN = optionInt("maxN", pieceSize-1);
boolean oneFile = optionExists("oneFile");
char fileName[PATH_LEN];
char dirOnly[PATH_LEN], noPath[128];
int pos, pieceIx = 0, writeCount = 0;
struct dnaSeq seq;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inName, TRUE);
Bits *bits = NULL;
int seqCount = 0;
char *outFile = optionVal("out", NULL);
char *liftFile = optionVal("lift", NULL);
FILE *lift = NULL;

splitPath(outRoot, dirOnly, noPath, NULL);
if (oneFile)
    sprintf(fileName, "%s.fa", outRoot);
    f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
if (liftFile)
    lift = mustOpen(liftFile, "w");

/* Count number of N's from s[0] to s[size-1].
 * Treat any parts past end of string as N's. */
while (faMixedSpeedReadNext(lf, &seq.dna, &seq.size, &seq.name))
    bits = bitAlloc(seq.size);
    setBitsN(seq.dna, seq.size, bits);
    if (outFile != NULL)
	if (seqCount > 1)
	    errAbort("Can only handle in files with one sequence using out option");
	bitsForOut(outFile, seq.size, bits);
    for (pos = 0; pos < seq.size; pos += pieceSize)
	char numOut[128];
	int thisSize = seq.size - pos;
	if (thisSize > (pieceSize + extra)) 
	    thisSize = pieceSize + extra;

	if ((thisSize <= extra) && (pos > 0))
	    break;  /* nobody wants duplicate smaller than extra overhang */

	if (bitCountRange(bits, pos, thisSize) <= maxN)
	    if (!oneFile)
                mkOutPath(fileName, outRoot, digits, pieceIx);
		f = mustOpen(fileName, "w");
            sprintf(numOut, "%s%0*d", noPath, digits, pieceIx);
	    faWriteNext(f, numOut, seq.dna + pos, thisSize);
	    if (lift)
	        fprintf(lift, "%d\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\n",
		    pos, numOut, thisSize, seq.name, seq.size);
	    if (!oneFile)
printf("%d pieces of %d written\n", writeCount, pieceIx);
Пример #17
struct bed *getRegionAsMergedBed(
	char *db, char *table, 	/* Database and table. */
	struct region *region,  /* Region to get data for. */
	char *filter, 		/* Filter to add to SQL where clause if any. */
	struct hash *idHash, 	/* Restrict to id's in this hash if non-NULL. */
	struct lm *lm,		/* Where to allocate memory. */
	int *retFieldCount)	/* Number of fields. */
/* Return a bed list of all items in the given range in subtrack-merged table.
 * Cleanup result via lmCleanup(&lm) rather than bedFreeList.  */
if (! anySubtrackMerge(db, table))
    return getRegionAsBed(db, table, region, filter, idHash, lm, retFieldCount);
    struct hTableInfo *hti = getHtiOnDb(database, table);
    int chromSize = hChromSize(database, region->chrom);
    Bits *bits1 = NULL;
    Bits *bits2 = NULL;
    struct bed *bedMerged = NULL;
    struct trackDb *subtrack = NULL;
    char *primaryType = findTypeForTable(database,curTrack,table, ctLookupName);
    char *op = cartString(cart, hgtaSubtrackMergeOp);
    boolean isBpWise = (sameString(op, "and") || sameString(op, "or"));
    double moreThresh = cartDouble(cart, hgtaSubtrackMergeMoreThreshold);
    double lessThresh = cartDouble(cart, hgtaSubtrackMergeLessThreshold);
    boolean firstTime = TRUE;
    if (sameString(op, "cat"))
	struct bed *bedList = getRegionAsBed(db, table, region, filter,
					     idHash, lm, retFieldCount);
	struct slRef *tdbRefList = trackDbListGetRefsToDescendantLeaves(curTrack->subtracks);
	struct slRef *tdbRef;
	for (tdbRef = tdbRefList; tdbRef != NULL; tdbRef = tdbRef->next)
	    subtrack = tdbRef->val;
	    if (! sameString(curTable, subtrack->table) &&
		isSubtrackMerged(subtrack->table) &&
		sameString(subtrack->type, primaryType))
		struct bed *bedList2 =
		    getRegionAsBed(db, subtrack->table, region, NULL,
				   idHash, lm, retFieldCount);
		bedList = slCat(bedList, bedList2);
	return bedList;
    bits1 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
    bits2 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
    /* If doing a base-pair-wise operation, then start with the primary
     * subtrack's ranges in bits1, and AND/OR all the selected subtracks'
     * ranges into bits1.  If doing a non-bp-wise intersection, then
     * start with all bits clear in bits1, and then OR selected subtracks'
     * ranges into bits1.  */
    if (isBpWise)
	struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
	struct bed *bedList1 = getRegionAsBed(db, table, region, filter,
					      idHash, lm2, retFieldCount);
	bedOrBits(bits1, chromSize, bedList1, hti->hasBlocks, 0);
    struct slRef *tdbRefList = trackDbListGetRefsToDescendantLeaves(curTrack->subtracks);
    struct slRef *tdbRef;
    for (tdbRef = tdbRefList; tdbRef != NULL; tdbRef = tdbRef->next)
	subtrack = tdbRef->val;
	if (! sameString(curTable, subtrack->table) &&
	    isSubtrackMerged(subtrack->table) &&
	    sameString(subtrack->type, primaryType))
	    struct hTableInfo *hti2 = getHtiOnDb(database, subtrack->table);
	    struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
	    struct bed *bedList2 =
		getRegionAsBed(db, subtrack->table, region, NULL, idHash,
			       lm2, NULL);
	    if (firstTime)
		firstTime = FALSE;
		bitClear(bits2, chromSize);
	    bedOrBits(bits2, chromSize, bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, 0);
	    if (sameString(op, "and"))
		bitAnd(bits1, bits2, chromSize);
		bitOr(bits1, bits2, chromSize);
    if (isBpWise)
	bedMerged = bitsToBed4List(bits1, chromSize, region->chrom, 1,
				   region->start, region->end, lm);
	if (retFieldCount != NULL)
	    *retFieldCount = 4;
	struct bed *bedList1 = getRegionAsBed(db, table, region, filter,
					      idHash, lm, retFieldCount);
	bedMerged = filterBedByOverlap(bedList1, hti->hasBlocks, op,
				       moreThresh, lessThresh, bits1,
    return bedMerged;
Пример #18
static struct bed *intersectOnRegion(
	struct sqlConnection *conn,	/* Open connection to database. */
	struct region *region, 		/* Region to work inside */
	char *table1,			/* Table input list is from. */
	struct bed *bedList1,	/* List before intersection, should be
	                                 * all within region. */
	struct lm *lm,	   /* Local memory pool. */
	int *retFieldCount)	   /* Field count. */
/* Intersect bed list, consulting CGI vars to figure out
 * with what table and how.  Return intersected result,
 * which is independent from input.  This potentially will
 * chew up bedList1. */
/* Grab parameters for intersection from cart. */
double moreThresh = cartCgiUsualDouble(cart, hgtaMoreThreshold, 0);
double lessThresh = cartCgiUsualDouble(cart, hgtaLessThreshold, 100);
boolean invTable = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaInvertTable, FALSE);
char *op = intersectOp();
/* --- TODO MIKE - replace bedList2, bits2 with baseMask stuff. */
/* Load up intersecting bedList2 (to intersect with) */
int chromSize = hChromSize(database, region->chrom);
boolean isBpWise = (sameString("and", op) || sameString("or", op));
Bits *bits2 = bitsForIntersectingTable(conn, region, chromSize, isBpWise);
/* Set up some other local vars. */
struct hTableInfo *hti1 = getHti(database, table1, conn);
struct bed *intersectedBedList = NULL;

/* Produce intersectedBedList. */
if (isBpWise)
/* --- TODO MIKE - replace, bits1 with baseMask stuff. */
    /* Base-pair-wise operation: get bitmap  for primary table too */
    Bits *bits1 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
    boolean hasBlocks = hti1->hasBlocks;
    if (retFieldCount != NULL && (*retFieldCount < 12))
	hasBlocks = FALSE;
    bedOrBits(bits1, chromSize, bedList1, hasBlocks, 0);
    /* invert inputs if necessary */
    if (invTable)
	bitNot(bits1, chromSize);
    /* do the intersection/union */
    if (sameString("and", op))
	bitAnd(bits1, bits2, chromSize);
	bitOr(bits1, bits2, chromSize);
    /* clip to region if necessary: */
    if (region->start > 0)
	bitClearRange(bits1, 0, region->start);
    if (region->end < chromSize)
	bitClearRange(bits1, region->end, (chromSize - region->end));
    /* translate back to bed */
    intersectedBedList = bitsToBed4List(bits1, chromSize,
    	region->chrom, 1, region->start, region->end, lm);
    if (retFieldCount != NULL)
	*retFieldCount = 4;
    intersectedBedList = filterBedByOverlap(bedList1, hti1->hasBlocks, op,
					    moreThresh, lessThresh, bits2,
return intersectedBedList;