Пример #1
void explainSome(char *database, Bits *h**o, Bits *once, Bits *bits, char *chrom, int chromSize, 
	struct sqlConnection *conn, char *trackSpec, char *homologyTrack)
/* Explain some of homology. */
int trackSize = 0, homoSize = 0, andSize = 0, cumSize = 0, newSize = 0;

homoSize = bitCountRange(h**o, 0, chromSize);
bitClear(bits, chromSize);
if (trackSpec != NULL)
    fbOrTableBits(database, bits, trackSpec, chrom, chromSize, conn);
    trackSize = bitCountRange(bits, 0, chromSize);
    bitAnd(bits, h**o, chromSize);
    andSize = bitCountRange(bits, 0, chromSize);
    bitAnd(bits, once, chromSize);
    newSize = bitCountRange(bits, 0, chromSize);
    bitNot(bits, chromSize);
    bitAnd(once, bits, chromSize);
    cumSize = homoSize - bitCountRange(once, 0, chromSize);
    trackSpec = homologyTrack;
    trackSize = andSize = homoSize;
    cumSize = newSize = 0;

printf("%-21s %8d %8d %5.2f%% %6.2f%% %6.2f%% %5.2f%% %5.2f%%\n",
	trackSpec, trackSize, andSize, 
Пример #2
Bits *bitsForIntersectingTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region, int chromSize,
	boolean isBpWise)
/* Get a bitmap that corresponds to the table we are intersecting with.
 * Consult CGI vars to figure out what table it is. */
boolean invTable2 = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaInvertTable2, FALSE);
char *table2 = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable);
struct hTableInfo *hti2 = getHti(database, table2, conn);
struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
Bits *bits2 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
struct bed *bedList2;
if (isBigWigTable(table2))
    bedList2 = bigWigIntervalsToBed(conn, table2, region, lm2);
    // We should go straight to raw beds here, not through the routines that
    // do filter & intersections, because the secondary table has no filter
    // and sure shouldn't be intersected. :)
    bedList2 = getFilteredBeds(conn, table2, region, lm2, NULL);
if (!isBpWise)
    expandZeroSize(bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, chromSize);
bedOrBits(bits2, chromSize, bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, 0);
if (invTable2)
    bitNot(bits2, chromSize);
return bits2;
Пример #3
void statsOnSpan(char *database, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *r,
	char *axtBestDir, struct stats *stats, FILE *f, 
	struct scoredWindow **pWinList)
/* Gather region info on one chromosome/region. */
char *chrom = r->chrom;
int chromSize = hChromSize(database, chrom);
Bits *maskBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
Bits *aliBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
Bits *matchBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
Bits *geneBits = bitAlloc(chromSize);

/* Set up aliBits and matchBits for to be turned on
 * where bases align, and where bases align and match.
 * Zero both bitmaps in areas that are transcribed. */
setAliBits(axtBestDir, chrom, chromSize, aliBits, matchBits);
maskFeatures(database, conn, chrom, chromSize, maskBits);
bitNot(maskBits, chromSize);
bitAnd(aliBits, maskBits, chromSize);
bitAnd(matchBits, maskBits, chromSize);

/* Set up maskBits to have 0's on gaps in genome */
bitClear(maskBits, chromSize);
fbOrTableBits(database, maskBits, "gap", chrom, chromSize, conn);
bitNot(maskBits, chromSize);

/* Set up bitmap for Ensemble or mRNA. */
fbOrTableBits(database, geneBits, "ensGene", chrom, chromSize, conn);
fbOrTableBits(database, geneBits, "mrna", chrom, chromSize, conn);

/* Calculate various stats on windows. */
addToStats(stats, aliBits, matchBits, geneBits, maskBits, r, f, pWinList);

/* Cleanup */
Bits *bitsForIntersectingTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct region *region, int chromSize,
	boolean isBpWise)
/* Get a bitmap that corresponds to the table we are intersecting with.
 * Consult CGI vars to figure out what table it is. */
boolean invTable2 = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaInvertTable2, FALSE);
char *table2 = cartString(cart, hgtaIntersectTable);
struct hTableInfo *hti2 = getHti(database, table2, conn);
struct lm *lm2 = lmInit(64*1024);
Bits *bits2 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
struct bed *bedList2 = getFilteredBeds(conn, table2, region, lm2, NULL);
if (!isBpWise)
    expandZeroSize(bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, chromSize);
bedOrBits(bits2, chromSize, bedList2, hti2->hasBlocks, 0);
if (invTable2)
    bitNot(bits2, chromSize);
return bits2;
Пример #5
void chromFeatureBits(struct sqlConnection *conn,char *database, 
	char *chrom, int tableCount, char *tables[],
	FILE *bedFile, FILE *faFile, FILE *binFile,
        struct bed *bedRegionList, FILE *bedOutFile,
	int chromSize, int *retChromBits,
	int *retFirstTableBits, int *retSecondTableBits)
/* featureBits - Correlate tables via bitmap projections and booleans
 * on one chromosome. */
int i;
Bits *acc = NULL;
Bits *bits = NULL;
char *table;

acc = bitAlloc(chromSize);
bits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
for (i=0; i<tableCount; ++i)
    boolean not = FALSE;
    table = tables[i];
    if (table[0] == '!')
	not = TRUE;
    if (i == 0)
	orTable(database, acc, table, chrom, chromSize, conn);
	if (not)
	   bitNot(acc, chromSize);
	if (retFirstTableBits != NULL)
	   *retFirstTableBits = bitCountRange(acc, 0, chromSize);
	bitClear(bits, chromSize);
	orTable(database, bits, table, chrom, chromSize, conn);
	if (not)
	   bitNot(bits, chromSize);
	if (i == 1 && retSecondTableBits != NULL)
	   *retSecondTableBits = bitCountRange(bits, 0, chromSize);
	/* feature/bug - the above does not respect minSize */
	if (orLogic)
	    bitOr(acc, bits, chromSize);
	    bitAnd(acc, bits, chromSize);
if (notResults)
    bitNot(acc, chromSize);    
*retChromBits = bitCountRange(acc, 0, chromSize);
if (bedFile != NULL || faFile != NULL)
    minSize = optionInt("minSize", minSize);
    bitsToBed(database, acc, chrom, chromSize, bedFile, faFile, minSize);
if (binFile != NULL)
    binSize = optionInt("binSize", binSize);
    binOverlap = optionInt("binOverlap", binOverlap);
    bitsToBins(acc, chrom, chromSize, binFile, binSize, binOverlap);
if (bedOutFile != NULL)
    bitsToRegions(acc, chrom, chromSize, bedRegionList, bedOutFile);
Пример #6
static struct bed *intersectOnRegion(
	struct sqlConnection *conn,	/* Open connection to database. */
	struct region *region, 		/* Region to work inside */
	char *table1,			/* Table input list is from. */
	struct bed *bedList1,	/* List before intersection, should be
	                                 * all within region. */
	struct lm *lm,	   /* Local memory pool. */
	int *retFieldCount)	   /* Field count. */
/* Intersect bed list, consulting CGI vars to figure out
 * with what table and how.  Return intersected result,
 * which is independent from input.  This potentially will
 * chew up bedList1. */
/* Grab parameters for intersection from cart. */
double moreThresh = cartCgiUsualDouble(cart, hgtaMoreThreshold, 0);
double lessThresh = cartCgiUsualDouble(cart, hgtaLessThreshold, 100);
boolean invTable = cartCgiUsualBoolean(cart, hgtaInvertTable, FALSE);
char *op = intersectOp();
/* --- TODO MIKE - replace bedList2, bits2 with baseMask stuff. */
/* Load up intersecting bedList2 (to intersect with) */
int chromSize = hChromSize(database, region->chrom);
boolean isBpWise = (sameString("and", op) || sameString("or", op));
Bits *bits2 = bitsForIntersectingTable(conn, region, chromSize, isBpWise);
/* Set up some other local vars. */
struct hTableInfo *hti1 = getHti(database, table1, conn);
struct bed *intersectedBedList = NULL;

/* Produce intersectedBedList. */
if (isBpWise)
/* --- TODO MIKE - replace, bits1 with baseMask stuff. */
    /* Base-pair-wise operation: get bitmap  for primary table too */
    Bits *bits1 = bitAlloc(chromSize+8);
    boolean hasBlocks = hti1->hasBlocks;
    if (retFieldCount != NULL && (*retFieldCount < 12))
	hasBlocks = FALSE;
    bedOrBits(bits1, chromSize, bedList1, hasBlocks, 0);
    /* invert inputs if necessary */
    if (invTable)
	bitNot(bits1, chromSize);
    /* do the intersection/union */
    if (sameString("and", op))
	bitAnd(bits1, bits2, chromSize);
	bitOr(bits1, bits2, chromSize);
    /* clip to region if necessary: */
    if (region->start > 0)
	bitClearRange(bits1, 0, region->start);
    if (region->end < chromSize)
	bitClearRange(bits1, region->end, (chromSize - region->end));
    /* translate back to bed */
    intersectedBedList = bitsToBed4List(bits1, chromSize,
    	region->chrom, 1, region->start, region->end, lm);
    if (retFieldCount != NULL)
	*retFieldCount = 4;
    intersectedBedList = filterBedByOverlap(bedList1, hti1->hasBlocks, op,
					    moreThresh, lessThresh, bits2,
return intersectedBedList;