Пример #1
Файл: t35.c Проект: vir/spandsp
SPAN_DECLARE(int) t35_real_country_code(int country_code, int country_code_extension)
    if (country_code < 0  ||  country_code > 0xFF)
        return -1;
    if (country_code == 0xFF)
        /* The extension code gives us the country. */
        /* Right now there are no extension codes defined by the ITU */
        return -1;
    /* We need to apply realism over accuracy, though it blocks out some countries.
       It is very rare to find a machine from any country but the following:

            Japan 0x00 (no confusion)
            Germany 0x04 (0x20) (Canada/Germany confusion)
            China 0x26 (0x64) (China/Lebanon confusion)
            Korea 0x61 (0x86) (Korea/Papua New Guinea confusion)
            UK 0xB4 (0x2D) (UK/Cyprus confusion)
            USA 0xB5 (0xAD) (USA/Tunisia confusion)
            France 0x3D (0xBC) (France/Vietnam confusion)

       If we force the most likely of the two possible countries (forward or bit reversed),
       the only mixup with any realistic probability is the Canada/Germany confusion. We
       will just live with this, and force the more likely countries. */
    switch (country_code)
    case 0x20:
        /* Force Germany */
    case 0x2D:
        /* Force UK */
    case 0x64:
        /* Force China */
    case 0x86:
        /* Force Korea */
    case 0xAD:
        /* Force USA */
    case 0xBC:
        /* Force France */
        country_code = bit_reverse8(country_code);
    /* Try the country code at face value, then bit reversed */
    if (t35_country_codes[country_code].name)
        return country_code;
    /* If the country code is missing, its most likely the country code is reversed. */
    country_code = bit_reverse8(country_code);
    if (t35_country_codes[country_code].name)
        return country_code;
    return -1;
Пример #2
 * \brief Draw graph on the OLED screen using the provided point array.
 * \param col X coordinate.
 * \param page Y coordinate (please refer to OLED datasheet for page
 * description).
 * \param width Graph width(columns).
 * \param height Graph height(pages, 1~3).
 * \param tab Data to draw. Must contain width elements.
static void ssd1306_draw_graph(uint8_t col, uint8_t page, uint8_t width,
		uint8_t height, uint8_t *tab)
	uint8_t i, j;
	uint8_t page_start, scale, bit_length, page_data[3];
	uint32_t bit_data;

	for (i = col; i < width; ++i) {
		scale = 8 * height;
		bit_length = tab[i] * scale / 24;
		for (bit_data = 0; bit_length > 0; --bit_length) {
			bit_data = (bit_data << 1) + 1;
		page_data[0] = bit_reverse8(bit_data & 0xFF);
		page_data[1] = bit_reverse8((bit_data >> 8) & 0xFF);
		page_data[2] = bit_reverse8((bit_data >> 16) & 0xFF);
		j = height - 1;
		for (page_start = page; page_start < (page + height); ++page_start) {
Пример #3
SPAN_DECLARE(int) t35_decode(const uint8_t *msg, int len, const char **country, const char **vendor, const char **model)
    int vendor_decoded;
    const nsf_data_t *p;
    const model_data_t *pp;

    vendor_decoded = FALSE;
    if (country)
        *country = NULL;
    if (vendor)
        *vendor = NULL;
    if (model)
        *model = NULL;
    if (country)
        /* We need to apply realism over accuracy, though it blocks out some countries.
           It is very rare to find a machine from any country but the following:
           Japan 0x00 (no confusion)
           Germany 0x04 (0x20) (Canada/Germany confusion)
           China 0x26 (0x64) (China/Lebanon confusion)
           Korea 0x61 (0x86) (Korea/Papua New Guinea confusion)
           UK 0xB4 (0x2D) (UK/Cyprus confusion)
           USA 0xB5 (0xAD) (USA/Tunisia confusion)
           France 0x3D (0xBC) (France/Vietnam confusion)

           If we force the most likely of the two possible countries (forward or bit reversed),
           the only mixup with any realistic probability is the Canada/Germany confusion. We
           will just live with this, and force the more likely countries. */
        switch (msg[0])
        case 0x20:
            /* Force Germany */
            *country = t35_country_codes[0x04];
        case 0x64:
            /* Force China */
            *country = t35_country_codes[0x26];
        case 0x86:
            /* Force Korea */
            *country = t35_country_codes[0x61];
        case 0x2D:
            /* Force UK */
            *country = t35_country_codes[0xB4];
        case 0xAD:
            /* Force USA */
            *country = t35_country_codes[0xB5];
        case 0xBC:
            /* Force France */
            *country = t35_country_codes[0x3D];
            /* Try the country code at face value, then bit reversed */
            if (t35_country_codes[msg[0]])
                *country = t35_country_codes[msg[0]];
            else if (t35_country_codes[bit_reverse8(msg[0])])
                *country = t35_country_codes[bit_reverse8(msg[0])];
    for (p = known_nsf;  p->vendor_id;  p++)
        if (len >= p->vendor_id_len
            memcmp(p->vendor_id, msg, p->vendor_id_len) == 0)
            if (p->vendor_name  &&  vendor)
                *vendor = p->vendor_name;
            if (p->known_models  &&  model)
                for (pp = p->known_models;  pp->model_id;  pp++)
                    if (len == p->vendor_id_len + pp->model_id_size
                        memcmp(pp->model_id, &msg[p->vendor_id_len], pp->model_id_size) == 0)
                        *model = pp->model_name;
#if 0
            vendor_decoded = TRUE;
#if 0
    if (!vendor_found())
    return vendor_decoded;
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;
    uint32_t x;
    uint8_t ax;
    uint8_t bx;
    uint16_t ax16;
    uint16_t bx16;
    uint32_t ax32;
    uint32_t bx32;

    for (i = 0, x = 0;  i < 100000;  i++)
        ax = top_bit_dumb(x);
        bx = top_bit(x);
        if (ax != bx)
            printf("Test failed: top bit mismatch 0x%" PRIx32 " -> %u %u\n", x, ax, bx);
        ax = bottom_bit_dumb(x);
        bx = bottom_bit(x);
        if (ax != bx)
            printf("Test failed: bottom bit mismatch 0x%" PRIx32 " -> %u %u\n", x, ax, bx);
        x = rand();
    for (i = 0;  i < 256;  i++)
        ax = bit_reverse8_dumb(i);
        bx = bit_reverse8(i);
        if (ax != bx)
            printf("Test failed: bit reverse 8 - %02x %02x %02x\n", i, ax, bx);
    for (i = 0;  i < 1000000;  i++)
        from[i] = rand();
    bit_reverse(to, from, 1000000);
    for (i = 0;  i < 1000000;  i++)
        if (bit_reverse8_dumb(from[i]) != to[i])
            printf("Test failed: bit reverse - at %d, %02x %02x %02x\n", i, from[i], bit_reverse8(from[i]), to[i]);
    for (i = 0;  i < 256;  i++)
        x = i | (((i + 1) & 0xFF) << 8) | (((i + 2) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((i + 3) & 0xFF) << 24);
        ax32 = bit_reverse_4bytes_dumb(x);
        bx32 = bit_reverse_4bytes(x);
        if (ax32 != bx32)
            printf("Test failed: bit reverse 4 bytes - %" PRIx32 " %" PRIx32 " %" PRIx32 "\n", x, ax32, bx32);
    for (i = 0;  i < 65536;  i++)
        ax16 = bit_reverse16_dumb(i);
        bx16 = bit_reverse16(i);
        if (ax16 != bx16)
            printf("Test failed: bit reverse 16 - %x %x %x\n", i, ax16, bx16);
    for (i = 0;  i < 0x7FFFFF00;  i += 127)
        ax32 = bit_reverse32_dumb(i);
        bx32 = bit_reverse32(i);
        if (ax32 != bx32)
            printf("Test failed: bit reverse 32 - %d %" PRIx32 " %" PRIx32 "\n", i, ax32, bx32);

    for (i = 0;  i < 256;  i++)
        ax = parity8(i);
        bx = parity8_dumb(i);
        if (ax != bx)
            printf("Test failed: parity 8 - %x %x %x\n", i, ax, bx);

    for (i = -1;  i < 32;  i++)
        ax32 = most_significant_one32(1 << i);
        if (ax32 != (1 << i))
            printf("Test failed: most significant one 32 - %x %" PRIx32 " %x\n", i, ax32, (1 << i));
        ax32 = least_significant_one32(1 << i);
        if (ax32 != (1 << i))
            printf("Test failed: least significant one 32 - %x %" PRIx32 " %x\n", i, ax32, (1 << i));

    for (i = 0x80000000;  i < 0x800FFFFF;  i++)
        ax = one_bits32_dumb(i);
        bx = one_bits32(i);
        if (ax != bx)
            printf("Test failed: one bits - %d, %x %x\n", i, ax, bx);

    printf("Tests passed.\n");
    return 0;