unsigned int le_lumi(void) { static unsigned char flag = 0; static unsigned int tmp = 0; unsigned int ret = 0; if (hab_sensor == 1) { if (!bit_tst(ADCON0, 1) && !flag) { ADCON0 = 0b00000101; delay(); bit_set(ADCON0, 1); flag = 1; } if (!bit_tst(ADCON0, 1) && flag) { tmp = ADRESH; tmp <<= 8; tmp += ADRESL; flag = 0; hab_sensor = 0; } ret = 100*(tmp - MIN_LUMI) / (MAX_LUMI - MIN_LUMI); } return ret; }
unsigned int le_temp() { static unsigned char flag = 0; static unsigned int ret = 0; if (!hab_sensor) { /* selecionar canal AN0 */ if (!bit_tst(ADCON0, 1) && !flag) { ADCON0 = 0b00000001; delay(); bit_set(ADCON0, 1); flag = 1; } /* fim da conversão */ if (!bit_tst(ADCON0, 1) && flag) { ret = ADRESH; ret <<= 8; ret += ADRESL; flag = 0; hab_sensor = 1; } } return (ret / 16); }
void io_put_byte(uint32_t addr, uint8_t arg) { addr &= 31; //tihw.io_size-1; switch(addr) { case 0x00: // rw <76...2..> // %5: bit 0 of contrast (TI92) if(tihw.calc_type == TI92) bit_chg(tihw.contrast,0,bit_get(arg,5)); break; case 0x01: // rw <.....2.0> // %0 clr: interleave RAM (allows use of 256K of RAM) if(tihw.hw_type == 1) tihw.ram_size = bit_tst(arg, 0) ? 128*KB : 256*KB; // %2 set: protected memory violation triggered when memory below [$000120] is written break; case 0x02: // ?? break; case 0x03: // -w <.654.210> // Bus waitstates break; case 0x04: break; case 0x05: // -w <...43210> // turn off OSC1 (CPU), wake on int level 6 (ON key) and int level [5..1] m68k_setstopped(1); break; case 0x06: case 0x07: case 0x08: case 0x09: case 0x0a: case 0x0b: break; case 0x0c: // rw <765.3210> // %[3:0]: Trigger interrupt level 4 on error, activity, tx empty, rx full // see hardware.c // %6: link disable (usually reset link port or direct access to wires) if(bit_get(arg, 6)) hw_dbus_reset(); break; case 0x0d: // r- <76543210> break; case 0x0e: // rw <....3210> // set red/white wires (if direct access) if(io_bit_tst(0x0c,6)) { lc.set_red_wire(!bit_get(arg,0)); lc.set_white_wire(!bit_get(arg,1)); } break; case 0x0f: // rw <76543210> // write a byte to the transmit buffer (1 byte buffer) io_bit_clr(0x0d, 0); // STX=0 (tx reg is full) hw_dbus_putbyte(arg); break; case 0x10: // -w <76543210> (hw1) // address of LCD memory divided by 8 (msb) if(tihw.hw_type == HW1) tihw.lcd_adr = ((arg << 8) | tihw.io[0x11]) << 3; break; case 0x11: // -w <76543210> (hw1) // address of LCD memory divided by 8 (lsb) if(tihw.hw_type == HW1) tihw.lcd_adr = ((tihw.io[0x10] << 8) | arg) << 3; break; case 0x12: // -w <76543210> // LCD logical width = (64-n)*2 bytes = (64-n)*16 pixels <=> n = 64-w/16 tihw.log_w = (64 - arg) * 16; break; case 0x13: // -w <..543210> // LCD logical height = (256-n) <=> n = 256-h tihw.log_h = 0x100 - arg; break; case 0x14: break; case 0x15: // rw <7.6543210> // %7 set: Master disable timer interrupts (level 1, 3 and 5) // see hardware.c // %[5-4]: Increment rate of $600017 (prescaler) set_prescaler((arg >> 4) & 3); // %3 set: Enable incrementing of $600017 // see hardware.c // %2 set: Trigger interrupt level 3 at OSC2/2^19 (~1 Hz on HW2) // see hardware.c // %1 set: OSC2 (and OSC3?) enable (bit clear means oscillator stopped!) // see hardware.c // %0 set: LCD controller DMA enable else LCD blank ("white") // could be implemented but redundant with tihw.on_off break; case 0x16: break; case 0x17: // rw <76543210> // programmable rate generator break; case 0x18: // rw <......10> // keyboard row mask (see keyboard.c) break; case 0x19: // rw <76543210> // keyboard row mask (see keyboard.c) break; case 0x1a: // r- <......10> // ON key status (see keyboard.c) // Write any value to $60001A to acknowledge this interrupt (AutoInt6) break; case 0x1b: // r- <76543210> // keyboard column status (see keyboard.c) // Write any value to $60001B to acknowledge this interrupt (AutoInt2) break; case 0x1c: // -w <..5432..> // %[5-2] set: LCD RS (row sync) frequency, OSC2/((16-n)*8) // %1111 turns off the RS completely (used when LCD is off) tihw.on_off = ((arg & 0x3c) == 0x3c) ? 0 : 1; break; case 0x1d: // -w <7..43210> // %[3-0]: contrast if(tihw.calc_type == TI92) { // %[3-0]: bits <4321.> of contrast static int avg = 0; avg = (avg + arg)/2; // filter value tihw.contrast = (tihw.contrast & 1) | ((avg & 15) << 1); } else { // %[4/3-0]: LCD contrast bits 4/3-0 (bit 4/3 is msb on HW2/HW1) tihw.contrast = arg & (io2_bit_tst(0x1f,0) ? 0x1f : 0x0f); if(tihw.calc_type == TI89 || tihw.calc_type == TI89t) { if(tihw.hw_type == HW1) tihw.contrast = 31 - 2*tihw.contrast; else tihw.contrast = 31 - tihw.contrast; } } break; case 0x1e: break; case 0x1f: break; } tihw.io[addr] = arg; }
void io2_put_byte(uint32_t addr, uint8_t arg) { int i; addr &= 63; //tihw.io2_size-1; switch(addr) { case 0x00: // rw <76543210> case 0x08: if(tihw.protect) return; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) // this is the fastest method (an easier method will use 64 bit integer) tihw.ram_exec[8+i] = arg & (1 << i); case 0x01: // rw <76543210> case 0x09: if(tihw.protect) return; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) tihw.ram_exec[0+i] = arg & (1 << i); case 0x02: // rw <76543210> case 0x0a: if(tihw.protect) return; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) tihw.ram_exec[24+i] = arg & (1 << i); case 0x03: // rw <76543210> case 0x0b: if(tihw.protect) return; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) tihw.ram_exec[16+i] = arg & (1 << i); case 0x04: // rw <76543210> case 0x0c: if(tihw.protect) return; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) tihw.ram_exec[40+i] = arg & (1 << i); case 0x05: // rw <76543210> case 0x0d: if(tihw.protect) return; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) tihw.ram_exec[32+i] = arg & (1 << i); case 0x06: // rw <76543210> case 0x0e: if(tihw.protect) return; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) tihw.ram_exec[56+i] = arg & (1 << i); case 0x07: // rw <76543210> case 0x0f: if(tihw.protect) return; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) tihw.ram_exec[48+i] = arg & (1 << i); case 0x11: // -w <76543210> break; case 0x12: // rw <..543210> if(tihw.protect) return; arg &= 0x3f; break; case 0x13: break; case 0x14: // rw <76543210> // RTC, incremented every 2^13 seconds. The whole word must be read: // reading the port byte by byte can return wrong value tihw.rtc_value = (tihw.io2[0x14] << 8) | tihw.io2[0x15]; break; case 0x15: // rw <76543210> tihw.rtc_value = (tihw.io2[0x14] << 8) | tihw.io2[0x15]; break; case 0x17: // rw <......10> // Display memory snoop range tihw.lcd_adr = 0x4c00 + 0x1000*(arg&3); break; case 0x1d: // rw <7...3210> // %1: Screen enable (clear this bit to shut down LCD) tihw.on_off = bit_tst(arg,1) ? 1 : 0; break; case 0x1f: // rw <.....210> if(!tihw.protect) tihw.io2[addr] = arg; else return; // %0 set: use 5 contrast bits (default for AMS). // %[2:1] // %2 set: activates the incrementation of $700014.w break; } tihw.io2[addr] = arg; }