Пример #1
void dse_f_free(void)
	block_id	blk;
	boolean_t	in_last_bmap, was_crit, was_hold_onto_crit;
	cache_rec_ptr_t	dummy_cr;
	char		util_buff[MAX_UTIL_LEN];
	int4		bplmap, dummy_int, hint_mod_bplmap, hint_over_bplmap;
	int4		lmap_bit, master_bit, nocrit_present, total_blks, util_len;
	sm_uc_ptr_t	lmap_base;

	if (0 == cs_addrs->hdr->bplmap)
	{	util_out_print("Cannot perform free block search:  bplmap field of file header is zero.", TRUE);
	bplmap = cs_addrs->hdr->bplmap;
	if (BADDSEBLK == (blk = dse_getblk("HINT", DSEBMLOK, DSEBLKNOCUR)))		/* WARNING: assignment */
	hint_over_bplmap = blk / bplmap;
	master_bit = bmm_find_free(hint_over_bplmap, cs_addrs->bmm,
			(cs_addrs->ti->total_blks + bplmap - 1)/ bplmap);
	if (-1 == master_bit)
	{	util_out_print("Error: database full.", TRUE);
	in_last_bmap = (master_bit == (cs_addrs->ti->total_blks / bplmap));
	was_crit = cs_addrs->now_crit;
	nocrit_present = (CLI_NEGATED == cli_present("CRIT"));
	DSE_GRAB_CRIT_AS_APPROPRIATE(was_crit, was_hold_onto_crit, nocrit_present, cs_addrs, gv_cur_region);
	if(!(lmap_base = t_qread(master_bit * bplmap, &dummy_int, &dummy_cr)))
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_DSEBLKRDFAIL);
	if (master_bit == hint_over_bplmap)
		hint_mod_bplmap = blk - blk / bplmap * bplmap;
		hint_mod_bplmap = 0;
	if (in_last_bmap)
		total_blks = (cs_addrs->ti->total_blks - master_bit);
		total_blks = bplmap;
	lmap_bit = bml_find_free(hint_mod_bplmap, lmap_base + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), total_blks);
	if (-1 == lmap_bit)
	{	memcpy(util_buff, "Error: bit map in block ", 24);
		util_len = 24;
		util_len += i2hex_nofill(master_bit * bplmap, (uchar_ptr_t)&util_buff[util_len], 8);
		memcpy(&util_buff[util_len], " incorrectly marked free in master map.", 39);
		util_len += 39;
		util_buff[util_len] = 0;
		util_out_print(util_buff, TRUE);
		DSE_REL_CRIT_AS_APPROPRIATE(was_crit, was_hold_onto_crit, nocrit_present, cs_addrs, gv_cur_region);
	memcpy(util_buff, "!/Next free block is ", 21);
	util_len = 21;
	util_len += i2hex_nofill(master_bit * bplmap + lmap_bit, (uchar_ptr_t)&util_buff[util_len], 8);
	memcpy(&util_buff[util_len], ".!/", 3);
	util_len += 3;
	util_buff[util_len] = 0;
	util_out_print(util_buff, TRUE);
	DSE_REL_CRIT_AS_APPROPRIATE(was_crit, was_hold_onto_crit, nocrit_present, cs_addrs, gv_cur_region);
Пример #2
/* This routine returns whether the free_blocks counter in the file-header is ok (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
 * If not, it corrects it. This assumes cs_addrs, cs_data and gv_cur_region to point to the region of interest.
 * It also assumes that the master-map is correct and finds out non-full local bitmaps and counts the number of
 * free blocks in each of them and sums them up to determine the perceived correct free_blocks count.
 * The reason why this is ok is that even if the master-map incorrectly reports a local bitmap as full, our new free_blocks
 * count will effectively make the free space in that local-bitmap invisible and make a gdsfilext necessary and valid.
 * A later mupip integ will scavenge that invisible space for us. The worst that can therefore happen is that we will transiently
 * not be using up existing space. But we will always ensure that the free_blocks counter goes in sync with the master-map.
boolean_t	is_free_blks_ctr_ok(void)
	boolean_t	blk_used;
	block_id	bml, free_bit, free_bml, maxbitsthismap;
	cache_rec_ptr_t	cr;
	int		cycle;
	sm_uc_ptr_t	bmp;
	unsigned int	local_maps, total_blks, free_blocks;


	assert(&FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region)->s_addrs == cs_addrs && cs_addrs->hdr == cs_data && cs_addrs->now_crit);
	total_blks = (dba_mm == cs_data->acc_meth) ? cs_addrs->total_blks : cs_addrs->ti->total_blks;
	local_maps = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_blks, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
	for (free_blocks = 0, free_bml = 0; free_bml < local_maps; free_bml++)
		bml = bmm_find_free((uint4)free_bml, (sm_uc_ptr_t)MM_ADDR(cs_data), local_maps);
		if (bml < free_bml)
		free_bml = bml;
		bml *= BLKS_PER_LMAP;
		if (!(bmp = t_qread(bml, (sm_int_ptr_t)&cycle, &cr))
				|| (BM_SIZE(BLKS_PER_LMAP) != ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bmp)->bsiz)
				|| (LCL_MAP_LEVL != ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bmp)->levl))
			assert(FALSE);	/* In pro, we will simply skip counting this local bitmap. */
		assert(free_bml <= (local_maps - 1));
		maxbitsthismap = (free_bml != (local_maps - 1)) ? BLKS_PER_LMAP : total_blks - bml;
		for (free_bit = 0; free_bit < maxbitsthismap; free_bit++)
			free_bit = bm_find_blk(free_bit, (sm_uc_ptr_t)bmp + sizeof(blk_hdr), maxbitsthismap, &blk_used);
			assert(NO_FREE_SPACE <= free_bit);
			if (0 > free_bit)
	assert(cs_addrs->ti->free_blocks == free_blocks);
	if (cs_addrs->ti->free_blocks != free_blocks)
		send_msg(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_DBBADFREEBLKCTR, 4, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), cs_addrs->ti->free_blocks, free_blocks);
		cs_addrs->ti->free_blocks = free_blocks;
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
Пример #3
/* Finds a free block and adds information to update array and cw_set */
block_id swap_root_or_directory_block(int parent_blk_lvl, int child_blk_lvl, srch_hist *dir_hist_ptr, block_id child_blk_id,
		sm_uc_ptr_t child_blk_ptr, kill_set *kill_set_list, trans_num curr_tn)
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	node_local_ptr_t	cnl;
	srch_blk_status		bmlhist, freeblkhist;
	block_id		hint_blk_num, free_blk_id, parent_blk_id;
	boolean_t		free_blk_recycled;
	int4			master_bit, num_local_maps, free_bit, hint_bit, maxbitsthismap;
	uint4			total_blks;
	int			blk_seg_cnt, blk_size;
	sm_uc_ptr_t		parent_blk_ptr, bn_ptr, saved_blk;
	blk_segment		*bs1, *bs_ptr;
	int			parent_blk_size, child_blk_size, bsiz;
	int			rec_size1, curr_offset, bpntr_end, hdr_len;
	int			tmp_cmpc;
	cw_set_element		*tmpcse;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbbp; /* jbbp is non-NULL only if before-image journaling */
	unsigned short		temp_ushort;
	unsigned long		temp_long;
	unsigned char		save_cw_set_depth;

	csd = cs_data;
	csa = cs_addrs;
	cnl = csa->nl;
	blk_size = csd->blk_size;
	/* Find a free/recycled block for new block location. */
	hint_blk_num = 0;
	total_blks = csa->ti->total_blks;
	num_local_maps = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_blks, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
	master_bit = bmm_find_free((hint_blk_num / BLKS_PER_LMAP), csa->bmm, num_local_maps);
	if ((NO_FREE_SPACE == master_bit))
		t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		return ABORT_SWAP;
	bmlhist.blk_num = (block_id)master_bit * BLKS_PER_LMAP;
	if (NULL == (bmlhist.buffaddr = t_qread(bmlhist.blk_num, (sm_int_ptr_t)&bmlhist.cycle, &bmlhist.cr)))
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		t_retry((enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail);
		return RETRY_SWAP;
	hint_bit = 0;
	maxbitsthismap = (master_bit != (num_local_maps - 1)) ? BLKS_PER_LMAP : total_blks - bmlhist.blk_num;
	free_bit = bm_find_blk(hint_bit, bmlhist.buffaddr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), maxbitsthismap, &free_blk_recycled);
	free_blk_id = bmlhist.blk_num + free_bit;
	if (DIR_ROOT >= free_blk_id)
	{	/* Bitmap block 0 and directory tree root block 1 should always be marked busy. */
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		return RETRY_SWAP;
	if (child_blk_id <= free_blk_id)
	{	/* stop swapping root or DT blocks once the database is truncated well enough. A good heuristic for this is to check
		 * if the block is to be swapped into a higher block number and if so do not swap
		t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
		return ABORT_SWAP;
	/* ====== begin update array ======
	 * Four blocks get changed.
	 * 	1. Free block becomes busy and gains the contents of child (root block/directory tree block)
	 * 	2. Parent block in directory tree remains busy, but points to new root block location.
	 *	3. Free block's corresponding bitmap reflects above change.
	 * 	4. Child block gets marked recycled in bitmap. (GVCST_BMP_MARK_FREE)
	parent_blk_ptr = dir_hist_ptr->h[parent_blk_lvl].buffaddr; /* parent_blk_lvl is 0 iff we're moving a gvt root block */
	parent_blk_id = dir_hist_ptr->h[parent_blk_lvl].blk_num;
	if (free_blk_recycled)
	{	/* Otherwise, it's a completely free block, in which case no need to read. */
		freeblkhist.blk_num = (block_id)free_blk_id;
		if (NULL == (freeblkhist.buffaddr = t_qread(free_blk_id, (sm_int_ptr_t)&freeblkhist.cycle, &freeblkhist.cr)))
			assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			t_retry((enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail);
			return RETRY_SWAP;
	child_blk_size = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)child_blk_ptr)->bsiz;
	BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
	BLK_ADDR(saved_blk, child_blk_size, unsigned char);
	memcpy(saved_blk, child_blk_ptr, child_blk_size);
	BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, saved_blk + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), child_blk_size - SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
	assert(blk_seg_cnt == child_blk_size);
	if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		return RETRY_SWAP;
	tmpcse = &cw_set[cw_set_depth];
	(free_blk_recycled) ? BIT_SET_RECYCLED_AND_CLEAR_FREE(tmpcse->blk_prior_state)
			    : BIT_CLEAR_RECYCLED_AND_SET_FREE(tmpcse->blk_prior_state);
	t_create(free_blk_id, (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, child_blk_lvl);
	tmpcse->mode = gds_t_acquired;
	if (!free_blk_recycled || !cs_data->db_got_to_v5_once)
		tmpcse->old_block = NULL;
		tmpcse->old_block = freeblkhist.buffaddr;
		tmpcse->cr = freeblkhist.cr;
		tmpcse->cycle = freeblkhist.cycle;
		jbbp = (JNL_ENABLED(csa) && csa->jnl_before_image) ? csa->jnl->jnl_buff : NULL;
		if ((NULL != jbbp) && (((blk_hdr_ptr_t)tmpcse->old_block)->tn < jbbp->epoch_tn))
			bsiz = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)(tmpcse->old_block))->bsiz;
			if (bsiz > blk_size)
				assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
				return RETRY_SWAP;
			JNL_GET_CHECKSUM_ACQUIRED_BLK(tmpcse, csd, csa, tmpcse->old_block, bsiz);
	/* 2. Parent block in directory tree remains busy, but points to new child block location. */
	curr_offset = dir_hist_ptr->h[parent_blk_lvl].curr_rec.offset;
	parent_blk_size = ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)parent_blk_ptr)->bsiz;
	GET_RSIZ(rec_size1, (parent_blk_ptr + curr_offset));
	if ((parent_blk_size < rec_size1 + curr_offset) || (BSTAR_REC_SIZE > rec_size1))
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		return RETRY_SWAP;
	BLK_INIT(bs_ptr, bs1);
	if (0 == parent_blk_lvl)
		/* There can be collation stuff in the record value after the block pointer. See gvcst_root_search. */
		hdr_len = SIZEOF(rec_hdr) + gv_altkey->end + 1 - EVAL_CMPC((rec_hdr_ptr_t)(parent_blk_ptr + curr_offset));
		hdr_len = rec_size1 - SIZEOF(block_id);
	bpntr_end = curr_offset + hdr_len + SIZEOF(block_id);
	BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, parent_blk_ptr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), curr_offset + hdr_len - SIZEOF(blk_hdr));
	BLK_ADDR(bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id), unsigned char);
	PUT_LONG(bn_ptr, free_blk_id);
	BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, bn_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id));
	BLK_SEG(bs_ptr, parent_blk_ptr + bpntr_end, parent_blk_size - bpntr_end);
	assert(blk_seg_cnt == parent_blk_size);
	if (!BLK_FINI(bs_ptr, bs1))
		assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
		return RETRY_SWAP;
	t_write(&dir_hist_ptr->h[parent_blk_lvl], (unsigned char *)bs1, 0, 0, parent_blk_lvl, FALSE, TRUE, GDS_WRITE_KILLTN);
	/* To indicate later snapshot file writing process during fast_integ not to skip writing the block to snapshot file */
	/* 3. Free block's corresponding bitmap reflects above change. */
	PUT_LONG(update_array_ptr, free_bit);
	save_cw_set_depth = cw_set_depth; /* Bit maps go on end of cw_set (more fake acquired) */
	t_write_map(&bmlhist, (uchar_ptr_t)update_array_ptr, curr_tn, 1);
	cw_map_depth = cw_set_depth;
	cw_set_depth = save_cw_set_depth;
	update_array_ptr += SIZEOF(block_id);
	temp_long = 0;
	PUT_LONG(update_array_ptr, temp_long);
	update_array_ptr += SIZEOF(block_id);
	assert(1 == cw_set[cw_map_depth - 1].reference_cnt);
	/* 4. Child block gets marked recycled in bitmap. (GVCST_BMP_MARK_FREE) */
	kill_set_list->blk[kill_set_list->used].flag = 0;
	kill_set_list->blk[kill_set_list->used].level = 0;
	kill_set_list->blk[kill_set_list->used++].block = child_blk_id;
	return free_blk_id;
Пример #4
block_id bm_getfree(block_id orig_hint, boolean_t *blk_used, unsigned int cw_work, cw_set_element *cs, int *cw_depth_ptr)
	cw_set_element	*cs1;
	sm_uc_ptr_t	bmp;
	block_id	bml, hint, hint_cycled, hint_limit;
	block_id_ptr_t	b_ptr;
	int		cw_set_top, depth, lcnt;
	unsigned int	local_maps, map_size, n_decrements = 0, total_blks;
	trans_num	ctn;
	int4		free_bit, offset;
	uint4		space_needed;
	uint4		status;
	srch_blk_status	blkhist;

	total_blks = (dba_mm == cs_data->acc_meth) ? cs_addrs->total_blks : cs_addrs->ti->total_blks;
	if (orig_hint >= total_blks)		/* for TP, hint can be > total_blks */
		orig_hint = 1;
	hint = orig_hint;
	hint_cycled = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_blks, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
	hint_limit = DIVIDE_ROUND_DOWN(orig_hint, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
	local_maps = hint_cycled + 2;	/* for (up to) 2 wraps */
	for (lcnt = 0; lcnt <= local_maps; lcnt++)
		bml = bmm_find_free(hint / BLKS_PER_LMAP, (sm_uc_ptr_t)MM_ADDR(cs_data), local_maps);
		if ((NO_FREE_SPACE == bml) || (bml >= hint_cycled))
		{	/* if no free space or might have looped to original map, extend */
			if ((NO_FREE_SPACE != bml) && (hint_limit < hint_cycled))
				hint_cycled = hint_limit;
				hint = 1;
			if (SS_NORMAL != (status = gdsfilext(cs_data->extension_size, total_blks)))
				return (status);
			if (dba_mm == cs_data->acc_meth)
				return (FILE_EXTENDED);
			hint = total_blks;
			total_blks = cs_addrs->ti->total_blks;
			hint_cycled = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_blks, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
			local_maps = hint_cycled + 2;	/* for (up to) 2 wraps */
			 * note that you can make an optimization of not going back over the whole database and going over
			 * only the extended section. but since it is very unlikely that a free block won't be found
			 * in the extended section and the fact that we are starting from the extended section in either
			 * approach and the fact that we have a GTMASSERT to check that we don't have a lot of
			 * free blocks while doing an extend and the fact that it is very easy to make the change to do
			 * a full-pass, the full-pass solution is currently being implemented
			lcnt = -1;	/* allow it one extra pass to ensure that it can take advantage of the entension */
			n_decrements++;	/* used only for debugging purposes */
		bml *= BLKS_PER_LMAP;
		if (ROUND_DOWN2(hint, BLKS_PER_LMAP) != bml)
		{	/* not within requested map */
			if ((bml < hint) && (hint_cycled))	/* wrap? - second one should force an extend for sure */
				hint_cycled = (hint_limit < hint_cycled) ? hint_limit: 0;
			hint = bml + 1;				/* start at beginning */
		if (ROUND_DOWN2(total_blks, BLKS_PER_LMAP) == bml)
			map_size = (total_blks - bml);
			map_size = BLKS_PER_LMAP;
		if (0 != dollar_tlevel)
			depth = cw_work;
			cw_set_top = *cw_depth_ptr;
			if (depth < cw_set_top)
				tp_get_cw(cs, cw_work, &cs1);
			for (; depth < cw_set_top;  depth++, cs1 = cs1->next_cw_set)
			{	/* do tp front to back because list is more efficient than tp_get_cw and forward pointers exist */
				if (bml == cs1->blk)
			if (depth >= cw_set_top)
				assert(cw_set_top == depth);
				depth = 0;
		} else
			for (depth = *cw_depth_ptr - 1; depth >= cw_work;  depth--)
			{	/* do non-tp back to front, because of adjacency */
				if (bml == (cs + depth)->blk)
					cs1 = cs + depth;
			if (depth < cw_work)
				assert(cw_work - 1 == depth);
				depth = 0;
		if (0 == depth)
			ctn = cs_addrs->ti->curr_tn;
			if (!(bmp = t_qread(bml, (sm_int_ptr_t)&blkhist.cycle, &blkhist.cr)))
				return MAP_RD_FAIL;
			if ((BM_SIZE(BLKS_PER_LMAP) != ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bmp)->bsiz) || (LCL_MAP_LEVL != ((blk_hdr_ptr_t)bmp)->levl))
				assert(CDB_STAGNATE > t_tries);
				rdfail_detail = cdb_sc_badbitmap;
				return MAP_RD_FAIL;
			offset = 0;
		} else
			bmp = cs1->old_block;
			b_ptr = (block_id_ptr_t)(cs1->upd_addr);
			b_ptr += cs1->reference_cnt - 1;
			offset = *b_ptr + 1;
		if (offset < map_size)
			free_bit = bm_find_blk(offset, (sm_uc_ptr_t)bmp + sizeof(blk_hdr), map_size, blk_used);
			if (MAP_RD_FAIL == free_bit)
				return MAP_RD_FAIL;
		} else
			free_bit = NO_FREE_SPACE;
		if (NO_FREE_SPACE != free_bit)
		if ((hint = bml + BLKS_PER_LMAP) >= total_blks)		/* if map is full, start at 1st blk in next map */
		{	/* wrap - second one should force an extend for sure */
			hint = 1;
			if (hint_cycled)
				hint_cycled = (hint_limit < hint_cycled) ? hint_limit: 0;
		if ((0 == depth) && (FALSE != cs_addrs->now_crit))	/* if it's from the cw_set, its state is murky */
			bit_clear(bml / BLKS_PER_LMAP, MM_ADDR(cs_data));	/* if crit, repair master map error */
	/* If not in the final retry, it is possible that free_bit is >= map_size (e.g. if bitmap block gets recycled). */
	if (map_size <= (uint4)free_bit && CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries)
	{	/* bad free bit */
		assert((NO_FREE_SPACE == free_bit) && (lcnt > local_maps));	/* All maps full, should have extended */
	if (0 != depth)
		b_ptr = (block_id_ptr_t)(cs1->upd_addr);
		b_ptr += cs1->reference_cnt++;
		*b_ptr = free_bit;
	} else
		space_needed = (BLKS_PER_LMAP + 1) * sizeof(block_id);
		if (dollar_tlevel)
			ENSURE_UPDATE_ARRAY_SPACE(space_needed);	/* have brackets for "if" for macros */
		BLK_ADDR(b_ptr, space_needed, block_id);
		memset(b_ptr, 0, space_needed);
		*b_ptr = free_bit;
		blkhist.blk_num = bml;
		blkhist.buffaddr = bmp;	/* cycle and cr have already been assigned from t_qread */
		t_write_map(&blkhist, (uchar_ptr_t)b_ptr, ctn, 1); /* last parameter 1 is what cs->reference_cnt gets set to */
	return bml + free_bit;
Пример #5
void dse_f_free(void)
	block_id	blk;
	bool		in_last_bmap;
	char		util_buff[MAX_UTIL_LEN];
	sm_uc_ptr_t	lmap_base;
	int4		bplmap, total_blks;
	int4		util_len, master_bit, lmap_bit, hint_over_bplmap, hint_mod_bplmap;
	boolean_t	was_crit;
	int4		dummy_int, nocrit_present;
	cache_rec_ptr_t	dummy_cr;

	if (cs_addrs->hdr->bplmap == 0)
	{	util_out_print("Cannot perform free block search:  bplmap field of file header is zero.", TRUE);
	bplmap = cs_addrs->hdr->bplmap;

	if(!cli_get_hex("HINT", (uint4 *)&blk))
	if (blk < 0 || blk >= cs_addrs->ti->total_blks || (blk / bplmap * bplmap == blk))
	{	util_out_print("Error: invalid block number.", TRUE);
	hint_over_bplmap = blk / bplmap;
	master_bit = bmm_find_free(hint_over_bplmap, cs_addrs->bmm,
			(cs_addrs->ti->total_blks + bplmap - 1)/ bplmap);
	if (master_bit == -1)
	{	util_out_print("Error: database full.", TRUE);
	in_last_bmap = (master_bit == (cs_addrs->ti->total_blks / bplmap));
	was_crit = cs_addrs->now_crit;
	nocrit_present = (CLI_NEGATED == cli_present("CRIT"));
	DSE_GRAB_CRIT_AS_APPROPRIATE(was_crit, nocrit_present, cs_addrs, gv_cur_region);
	if(!(lmap_base = t_qread(master_bit * bplmap, &dummy_int, &dummy_cr)))
	if (master_bit == hint_over_bplmap)
		hint_mod_bplmap = blk - blk / bplmap * bplmap;
		hint_mod_bplmap = 0;
	if (in_last_bmap)
		total_blks = (cs_addrs->ti->total_blks - master_bit);
		total_blks = bplmap;
	lmap_bit = bml_find_free(hint_mod_bplmap, lmap_base + SIZEOF(blk_hdr), total_blks);
	if (lmap_bit == -1)
	{	memcpy(util_buff, "Error: bit map in block ", 24);
		util_len = 24;
		util_len += i2hex_nofill(master_bit * bplmap, (uchar_ptr_t)&util_buff[util_len], 8);
		memcpy(&util_buff[util_len], " incorrectly marked free in master map.", 39);
		util_len += 39;
		util_buff[util_len] = 0;
		util_out_print(util_buff, TRUE);
		DSE_REL_CRIT_AS_APPROPRIATE(was_crit, nocrit_present, cs_addrs, gv_cur_region);
	memcpy(util_buff, "!/Next free block is ", 21);
	util_len = 21;
	util_len += i2hex_nofill(master_bit * bplmap + lmap_bit, (uchar_ptr_t)&util_buff[util_len], 8);
	memcpy(&util_buff[util_len], ".!/", 3);
	util_len += 3;
	util_buff[util_len] = 0;
	util_out_print(util_buff, TRUE);
	DSE_REL_CRIT_AS_APPROPRIATE(was_crit, nocrit_present, cs_addrs, gv_cur_region);