void RenderNamedFlowFragment::updateLogicalHeight()

    if (!hasAutoLogicalHeight())

    // We want to update the logical height based on the computed auto-height
    // only after the measure cotnent layout phase when all the
    // auto logical height regions have a computed auto-height.
    if (m_flowThread->inMeasureContentLayoutPhase())

    // There may be regions with auto logical height that during the prerequisite layout phase
    // did not have the chance to layout flow thread content. Because of that, these regions do not
    // have a computedAutoHeight and they will not be able to fragment any flow
    // thread content.
    if (!hasComputedAutoHeight())

    LayoutUnit newLogicalHeight = computedAutoHeight() + borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight();
    ASSERT(newLogicalHeight < RenderFlowThread::maxLogicalHeight());
    if (newLogicalHeight > logicalHeight()) {
        // Recalculate position of the render block after new logical height is set.
        // (needed in absolute positioning case with bottom alignment for example)
Пример #2
void RenderRegion::updateLogicalHeight()

    if (!hasAutoLogicalHeight())

    // We want to update the logical height based on the computed override logical
    // content height only if the view is in the layout phase
    // in which all the auto logical height regions have their override logical height set.
    if (!m_flowThread->inConstrainedLayoutPhase())

    // There may be regions with auto logical height that during the prerequisite layout phase
    // did not have the chance to layout flow thread content. Because of that, these regions do not
    // have an overrideLogicalContentHeight computed and they will not be able to fragment any flow
    // thread content.
    if (!hasOverrideHeight())

    LayoutUnit newLogicalHeight = overrideLogicalContentHeight() + borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight();
    ASSERT(newLogicalHeight < LayoutUnit::max() / 2);
    if (newLogicalHeight > logicalHeight())
Пример #3
void RenderGrid::layoutGridItems()
    Vector<GridTrack> columnTracks(maximumIndexInDirection(ForColumns));
    Vector<GridTrack> rowTracks(maximumIndexInDirection(ForRows));
    computedUsedBreadthOfGridTracks(ForColumns, columnTracks, rowTracks);
    ASSERT(tracksAreWiderThanMinTrackBreadth(ForColumns, columnTracks));
    computedUsedBreadthOfGridTracks(ForRows, columnTracks, rowTracks);
    ASSERT(tracksAreWiderThanMinTrackBreadth(ForRows, rowTracks));

    for (RenderBox* child = firstChildBox(); child; child = child->nextSiblingBox()) {
        LayoutPoint childPosition = findChildLogicalPosition(child, columnTracks, rowTracks);

        size_t columnTrack = resolveGridPosition(child->style()->gridItemColumn());
        size_t rowTrack = resolveGridPosition(child->style()->gridItemRow());

        // Because the grid area cannot be styled, we don't need to adjust
        // the grid breadth to account for 'box-sizing'.
        LayoutUnit oldOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth = child->hasOverrideContainingBlockLogicalWidth() ? child->overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth() : LayoutUnit();
        LayoutUnit oldOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight = child->hasOverrideContainingBlockLogicalHeight() ? child->overrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight() : LayoutUnit();

        if (oldOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth != columnTracks[columnTrack].m_usedBreadth || oldOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight != rowTracks[rowTrack].m_usedBreadth)
            child->setNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);


        // FIXME: Grid items should stretch to fill their cells. Once we
        // implement grid-{column,row}-align, we can also shrink to fit. For
        // now, just size as if we were a regular child.

        // FIXME: Handle border & padding on the grid element.

    for (size_t i = 0; i < rowTracks.size(); ++i)
        setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + rowTracks[i].m_usedBreadth);

    // FIXME: We should handle min / max logical height.

    setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight());
Пример #4
int RenderTextControl::textBlockLogicalHeight() const
    return logicalHeight() - borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight();
Пример #5
int LayoutTextControl::textBlockLogicalHeight() const {
    return (logicalHeight() - borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight()).toInt();
Пример #6
void LayoutReplaced::computePositionedLogicalHeight(
    LogicalExtentComputedValues& computedValues) const {
    // The following is based off of the W3C Working Draft from April 11, 2006 of
    // CSS 2.1: Section 10.6.5 "Absolutely positioned, replaced elements"
    // <http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-CSS21-20050613/visudet.html#abs-replaced-height>
    // (block-style-comments in this function correspond to text from the spec and
    // the numbers correspond to numbers in spec)

    // We don't use containingBlock(), since we may be positioned by an enclosing
    // relpositioned inline.
    const LayoutBoxModelObject* containerBlock =

    const LayoutUnit containerLogicalHeight =
    const LayoutUnit containerRelativeLogicalWidth =
        containingBlockLogicalWidthForPositioned(containerBlock, false);

    // Variables to solve.
    Length marginBefore = style()->marginBefore();
    Length marginAfter = style()->marginAfter();
    LayoutUnit& marginBeforeAlias = computedValues.m_margins.m_before;
    LayoutUnit& marginAfterAlias = computedValues.m_margins.m_after;

    Length logicalTop = style()->logicalTop();
    Length logicalBottom = style()->logicalBottom();

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 1. The used value of 'height' is determined as for inline replaced
    //    elements.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // NOTE: This value of height is final in that the min/max height calculations
    // are dealt with in computeReplacedHeight().  This means that the steps to
    // produce correct max/min in the non-replaced version, are not necessary.
    computedValues.m_extent =
        computeReplacedLogicalHeight() + borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight();
    const LayoutUnit availableSpace =
        containerLogicalHeight - computedValues.m_extent;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 2. If both 'top' and 'bottom' have the value 'auto', replace 'top' with the
    //    element's static position.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // see FIXME 1
    computeBlockStaticDistance(logicalTop, logicalBottom, this, containerBlock);

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 3. If 'bottom' is 'auto', replace any 'auto' on 'margin-top' or
    //    'margin-bottom' with '0'.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // FIXME: The spec. says that this step should only be taken when bottom is
    // auto, but if only top is auto, this makes step 4 impossible.
    if (logicalTop.isAuto() || logicalBottom.isAuto()) {
        if (marginBefore.isAuto())
            marginBefore.setValue(Fixed, 0);
        if (marginAfter.isAuto())
            marginAfter.setValue(Fixed, 0);

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 4. If at this point both 'margin-top' and 'margin-bottom' are still 'auto',
    //    solve the equation under the extra constraint that the two margins must
    //    get equal values.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    LayoutUnit logicalTopValue;
    LayoutUnit logicalBottomValue;

    if (marginBefore.isAuto() && marginAfter.isAuto()) {
        // 'top' and 'bottom' cannot be 'auto' due to step 2 and 3 combined.
        ASSERT(!(logicalTop.isAuto() || logicalBottom.isAuto()));

        logicalTopValue = valueForLength(logicalTop, containerLogicalHeight);
        logicalBottomValue = valueForLength(logicalBottom, containerLogicalHeight);

        LayoutUnit difference =
            availableSpace - (logicalTopValue + logicalBottomValue);
        // NOTE: This may result in negative values.
        marginBeforeAlias = difference / 2;  // split the difference
        marginAfterAlias =
            difference - marginBeforeAlias;  // account for odd valued differences

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // 5. If at this point there is only one 'auto' left, solve the equation
        //    for that value.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    } else if (logicalTop.isAuto()) {
        marginBeforeAlias =
            valueForLength(marginBefore, containerRelativeLogicalWidth);
        marginAfterAlias =
            valueForLength(marginAfter, containerRelativeLogicalWidth);
        logicalBottomValue = valueForLength(logicalBottom, containerLogicalHeight);

        // Solve for 'top'
        logicalTopValue = availableSpace - (logicalBottomValue + marginBeforeAlias +
    } else if (logicalBottom.isAuto()) {
        marginBeforeAlias =
            valueForLength(marginBefore, containerRelativeLogicalWidth);
        marginAfterAlias =
            valueForLength(marginAfter, containerRelativeLogicalWidth);
        logicalTopValue = valueForLength(logicalTop, containerLogicalHeight);

        // Solve for 'bottom'
        // NOTE: It is not necessary to solve for 'bottom' because we don't ever
        // use the value.
    } else if (marginBefore.isAuto()) {
        marginAfterAlias =
            valueForLength(marginAfter, containerRelativeLogicalWidth);
        logicalTopValue = valueForLength(logicalTop, containerLogicalHeight);
        logicalBottomValue = valueForLength(logicalBottom, containerLogicalHeight);

        // Solve for 'margin-top'
        marginBeforeAlias = availableSpace - (logicalTopValue + logicalBottomValue +
    } else if (marginAfter.isAuto()) {
        marginBeforeAlias =
            valueForLength(marginBefore, containerRelativeLogicalWidth);
        logicalTopValue = valueForLength(logicalTop, containerLogicalHeight);
        logicalBottomValue = valueForLength(logicalBottom, containerLogicalHeight);

        // Solve for 'margin-bottom'
        marginAfterAlias = availableSpace - (logicalTopValue + logicalBottomValue +
    } else {
        // Nothing is 'auto', just calculate the values.
        marginBeforeAlias =
            valueForLength(marginBefore, containerRelativeLogicalWidth);
        marginAfterAlias =
            valueForLength(marginAfter, containerRelativeLogicalWidth);
        logicalTopValue = valueForLength(logicalTop, containerLogicalHeight);
        // NOTE: It is not necessary to solve for 'bottom' because we don't ever
        // use the value.

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // 6. If at this point the values are over-constrained, ignore the value for
    //    'bottom' and solve for that value.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // NOTE: It is not necessary to do this step because we don't end up using the
    // value of 'bottom' regardless of whether the values are over-constrained or
    // not.

    // Use computed values to calculate the vertical position.
    LayoutUnit logicalTopPos = logicalTopValue + marginBeforeAlias;
    computeLogicalTopPositionedOffset(logicalTopPos, this,
                                      computedValues.m_extent, containerBlock,
    computedValues.m_position = logicalTopPos;