Пример #1
 * bot_quat_rotate_rev:
 * @rot: Unit quaternion that specifies the rotation.
 * @v:   3-vector that is rotated according to the quaternion @rot
 *       and modified in place with the result.
 * Rotates a vector @v from one coordinate system to another as
 * specified by a unit quaternion @rot, but performs the rotation
 * in the reverse direction of bot_quat_rotate().
bot_quat_rotate_rev (const double rot[4], double v[3])
    double a[4], b[4], c[4];

    b[0] = 0;
    memcpy (b+1, v, 3 * sizeof (double));

    bot_quat_mult (a, b, rot);
    b[0] = rot[0];
    b[1] = -rot[1];
    b[2] = -rot[2];
    b[3] = -rot[3];
    bot_quat_mult (c, b, a);

    memcpy (v, c+1, 3 * sizeof (double));
Пример #2
bot_trans_apply_trans(BotTrans *dest, const BotTrans * src)
    bot_quat_rotate(src->rot_quat, dest->trans_vec);
    double qtmp[4];
    bot_quat_mult(qtmp, src->rot_quat, dest->rot_quat);
    memcpy(dest->rot_quat, qtmp, 4*sizeof(double));
    dest->trans_vec[0] += src->trans_vec[0];
    dest->trans_vec[1] += src->trans_vec[1];
    dest->trans_vec[2] += src->trans_vec[2];
Пример #3
#define FAIL_TEST { fprintf(stderr, "bot_quaternion_test failed at line %d\n", \
        __LINE__); return 0; }

    fprintf(stderr, "running quaternion test\n");
    double theta = 0;
    double rvec[] = { 0, 0, 1 };
    double q[4];
    double rpy[3];
    double roll, pitch, yaw;

    bot_angle_axis_to_quat(theta, rvec, q);

    if (! qeq (q, 1, 0, 0, 0)) FAIL_TEST;

    bot_quat_to_roll_pitch_yaw (q, rpy);
    roll = rpy[0]; pitch = rpy[1]; yaw = rpy[2];

    if (! rpyeq (roll,pitch,yaw, 0,0,0)) FAIL_TEST;

    // quat_from_angle_axis
    theta = M_PI;
    bot_angle_axis_to_quat(theta, rvec, q);

    fprintf(stderr,"<%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f>\n", q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]);
    if (! qeq (q, 0, 0, 0, 1)) FAIL_TEST;

    // bot_quat_to_angle_axis
    bot_quat_to_angle_axis (q, &theta, rvec);
    if (!feq (theta, M_PI)) FAIL_TEST;
    if (!feq(rvec[0], 0) || !feq(rvec[1], 0) || !feq(rvec[2], 1)) FAIL_TEST;

    bot_quat_to_roll_pitch_yaw (q, rpy);

    if (! rpyeq (roll,pitch,yaw, 0,0,M_PI)) FAIL_TEST;

    double q2[4];
    double q3[4];
    double axis1[] = { 0, 1, 0 };
    double axis2[] = { 0, 0, 1 };
    bot_angle_axis_to_quat (M_PI/2, axis1, q);
    bot_angle_axis_to_quat (M_PI/2, axis2, q);
    bot_quat_mult (q3, q, q2);
    rvec[0] = 0; rvec[1] = 0; rvec[2] = 1;
    bot_quat_rotate (q, rvec);
    fprintf(stderr, "by q: [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]\n", rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]);
    rvec[0] = 0; rvec[1] = 0; rvec[2] = 1;
    bot_quat_rotate (q2, rvec);
    fprintf(stderr, "by q2: [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]\n", rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]);
    rvec[0] = 0; rvec[1] = 0; rvec[2] = 1;
    bot_quat_rotate (q3, rvec);
    fprintf(stderr, "by q*q2: [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]\n", 
            rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]);
    rvec[0] = 0; rvec[1] = 0; rvec[2] = 1;
    bot_quat_mult (q3, q2, q);
    bot_quat_rotate (q3, rvec);
    fprintf(stderr, "by q2*q: [ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ]\n", 
            rvec[0], rvec[1], rvec[2]);

    // TODO

#undef FAIL_TEST

    fprintf(stderr, "bot_quaternion_test complete\n");
    return 1;