Пример #1
args(box_function_ctx_t *ctx, const char *args, const char *args_end)
	uint32_t arg_count = mp_decode_array(&args);
	if (arg_count < 1) {
		return box_error_set(__FILE__, __LINE__, ER_PROC_C, "%s",
			"invalid argument count");

	if (mp_typeof(*args) != MP_UINT) {
		return box_error_set(__FILE__, __LINE__, ER_PROC_C, "%s",
			"first tuple field must be uint");

	uint32_t num = mp_decode_uint(&args);

	char tuple_buf[512];
	char *d = tuple_buf;
	d = mp_encode_array(d, 2);
	d = mp_encode_uint(d, num);
	d = mp_encode_str(d, "hello", strlen("hello"));
	assert(d <= tuple_buf + sizeof(tuple_buf));

	box_tuple_format_t *fmt = box_tuple_format_default();
	box_tuple_t *tuple = box_tuple_new(fmt, tuple_buf, d);
	if (tuple == NULL)
		return -1;
	return box_return_tuple(ctx, tuple);
Пример #2
test_reload_fail(box_function_ctx_t *ctx, const char *args, const char *args_end)
	char tuple_buf[64];
	char *tuple_end = tuple_buf;
	tuple_end = mp_encode_array(tuple_end, 1);
	tuple_end = mp_encode_uint(tuple_end, 2);
	struct tuple *tuple = box_tuple_new(box_tuple_format_default(), tuple_buf, tuple_end);
	return box_return_tuple(ctx, tuple);

Пример #3
static int
lbox_tuple_new(lua_State *L)
	int argc = lua_gettop(L);
	if (argc < 1) {
		lua_newtable(L); /* create an empty tuple */
	 * Use backward-compatible parameters format:
	 * box.tuple.new(1, 2, 3) (idx == 0), or the new one:
	 * box.tuple.new({1, 2, 3}) (idx == 1).
	int idx = argc == 1 && (lua_istable(L, 1) ||
		luaT_istuple(L, 1));
	box_tuple_format_t *fmt = box_tuple_format_default();
	struct tuple *tuple = luaT_tuple_new(L, idx, fmt);
	if (tuple == NULL)
		return luaT_error(L);
	/* box_tuple_new() doesn't leak on exception, see public API doc */
	luaT_pushtuple(L, tuple);
	return 1;
Пример #4
 * Tuple transforming function.
 * Remove the fields designated by 'offset' and 'len' from an tuple,
 * and replace them with the elements of supplied data fields,
 * if any.
 * Function returns newly allocated tuple.
 * It does not change any parent tuple data.
static int
lbox_tuple_transform(struct lua_State *L)
	struct tuple *tuple = lua_checktuple(L, 1);
	int argc = lua_gettop(L);
	if (argc < 3)
		luaL_error(L, "tuple.transform(): bad arguments");
	lua_Integer offset = lua_tointeger(L, 2);  /* Can be negative and can be > INT_MAX */
	lua_Integer len = lua_tointeger(L, 3);

	lua_Integer field_count = box_tuple_field_count(tuple);
	/* validate offset and len */
	if (offset == 0) {
		luaL_error(L, "tuple.transform(): offset is out of bound");
	} else if (offset < 0) {
		if (-offset > field_count)
			luaL_error(L, "tuple.transform(): offset is out of bound");
		offset += field_count + 1;
	} else if (offset > field_count) {
		offset = field_count + 1;
	if (len < 0)
		luaL_error(L, "tuple.transform(): len is negative");
	if (len > field_count + 1 - offset)
		len = field_count + 1 - offset;

	assert(offset + len <= field_count + 1);

	 * Calculate the number of operations and length of UPDATE expression
	uint32_t op_cnt = 0;
	if (offset < field_count + 1 && len > 0)
	if (argc > 3)
		op_cnt += argc - 3;

	if (op_cnt == 0) {
		/* tuple_update() does not accept an empty operation list. */
		luaT_pushtuple(L, tuple);
		return 1;

	struct ibuf *buf = tarantool_lua_ibuf;
	struct mpstream stream;
	mpstream_init(&stream, buf, ibuf_reserve_cb, ibuf_alloc_cb,
		      luamp_error, L);

	 * Prepare UPDATE expression
	mpstream_encode_array(&stream, op_cnt);
	if (len > 0) {
		mpstream_encode_array(&stream, 3);
		mpstream_encode_str(&stream, "#");
		mpstream_encode_uint(&stream, offset);
		mpstream_encode_uint(&stream, len);

	for (int i = argc ; i > 3; i--) {
		mpstream_encode_array(&stream, 3);
		mpstream_encode_str(&stream, "!");
		mpstream_encode_uint(&stream, offset);
		luamp_encode(L, luaL_msgpack_default, &stream, i);

	uint32_t new_size = 0, bsize;
	const char *old_data = tuple_data_range(tuple, &bsize);
	struct region *region = &fiber()->gc;
	size_t used = region_used(region);
	struct tuple *new_tuple = NULL;
	 * Can't use box_tuple_update() since transform must reset
	 * the tuple format to default. The new tuple most likely
	 * won't coerce into the original space format, so we have
	 * to use the default one with no restrictions on field
	 * count or types.
	const char *new_data = tuple_update_execute(region_aligned_alloc_cb,
						    region, buf->buf,
						    buf->buf + ibuf_used(buf),
						    old_data, old_data + bsize,
						    &new_size, 1, NULL);
	if (new_data != NULL)
		new_tuple = tuple_new(box_tuple_format_default(),
				      new_data, new_data + new_size);
	region_truncate(region, used);

	if (new_tuple == NULL)

	luaT_pushtuple(L, new_tuple);
	return 1;