Пример #1
 * A tuple in the heap is being inserted.  To keep a brin index up to date,
 * we need to obtain the relevant index tuple and compare its stored values
 * with those of the new tuple.  If the tuple values are not consistent with
 * the summary tuple, we need to update the index tuple.
 * If the range is not currently summarized (i.e. the revmap returns NULL for
 * it), there's nothing to do.
	Relation	idxRel = (Relation) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
	Datum	   *values = (Datum *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
	bool	   *nulls = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
	ItemPointer heaptid = (ItemPointer) PG_GETARG_POINTER(3);

	/* we ignore the rest of our arguments */
	BlockNumber pagesPerRange;
	BrinDesc   *bdesc = NULL;
	BrinRevmap *revmap;
	Buffer		buf = InvalidBuffer;
	MemoryContext tupcxt = NULL;
	MemoryContext oldcxt = NULL;

	revmap = brinRevmapInitialize(idxRel, &pagesPerRange);

	for (;;)
		bool		need_insert = false;
		OffsetNumber off;
		BrinTuple  *brtup;
		BrinMemTuple *dtup;
		BlockNumber heapBlk;
		int			keyno;
		BrinTuple  *tmptup;
		BrinMemTuple *tmpdtup;
		Size 		tmpsiz;


		heapBlk = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(heaptid);
		/* normalize the block number to be the first block in the range */
		heapBlk = (heapBlk / pagesPerRange) * pagesPerRange;
		brtup = brinGetTupleForHeapBlock(revmap, heapBlk, &buf, &off, NULL,

		/* if range is unsummarized, there's nothing to do */
		if (!brtup)

		/* First time through? */
		if (bdesc == NULL)
			bdesc = brin_build_desc(idxRel);
			tupcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,
										   "brininsert cxt",
			oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(tupcxt);

		dtup = brin_deform_tuple(bdesc, brtup);

			 * When assertions are enabled, we use this as an opportunity to
			 * test the "union" method, which would otherwise be used very
			 * rarely: first create a placeholder tuple, and addValue the
			 * value we just got into it.  Then union the existing index tuple
			 * with the updated placeholder tuple.  The tuple resulting from
			 * that union should be identical to the one resulting from the
			 * regular operation (straight addValue) below.
			 * Here we create the tuple to compare with; the actual comparison
			 * is below.
			tmptup = brin_form_placeholder_tuple(bdesc, heapBlk, &tmpsiz);
			tmpdtup = brin_deform_tuple(bdesc, tmptup);
			for (keyno = 0; keyno < bdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts; keyno++)
				BrinValues *bval;
				FmgrInfo   *addValue;

				bval = &tmpdtup->bt_columns[keyno];
				addValue = index_getprocinfo(idxRel, keyno + 1,

			union_tuples(bdesc, tmpdtup, brtup);

			tmpdtup->bt_placeholder = dtup->bt_placeholder;
			tmptup = brin_form_tuple(bdesc, heapBlk, tmpdtup, &tmpsiz);

		 * Compare the key values of the new tuple to the stored index values;
		 * our deformed tuple will get updated if the new tuple doesn't fit
		 * the original range (note this means we can't break out of the loop
		 * early). Make a note of whether this happens, so that we know to
		 * insert the modified tuple later.
		for (keyno = 0; keyno < bdesc->bd_tupdesc->natts; keyno++)
			Datum		result;
			BrinValues *bval;
			FmgrInfo   *addValue;

			bval = &dtup->bt_columns[keyno];
			addValue = index_getprocinfo(idxRel, keyno + 1,
			result = FunctionCall4Coll(addValue,
			/* if that returned true, we need to insert the updated tuple */
			need_insert |= DatumGetBool(result);

			 * Now we can compare the tuple produced by the union function
			 * with the one from plain addValue.
			BrinTuple  *cmptup;
			Size		cmpsz;

			cmptup = brin_form_tuple(bdesc, heapBlk, dtup, &cmpsz);
			Assert(brin_tuples_equal(tmptup, tmpsiz, cmptup, cmpsz));

		if (!need_insert)
			 * The tuple is consistent with the new values, so there's nothing
			 * to do.
			LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
			Page		page = BufferGetPage(buf);
			ItemId		lp = PageGetItemId(page, off);
			Size		origsz;
			BrinTuple  *origtup;
			Size		newsz;
			BrinTuple  *newtup;
			bool		samepage;

			 * Make a copy of the old tuple, so that we can compare it after
			 * re-acquiring the lock.
			origsz = ItemIdGetLength(lp);
			origtup = brin_copy_tuple(brtup, origsz);

			 * Before releasing the lock, check if we can attempt a same-page
			 * update.  Another process could insert a tuple concurrently in
			 * the same page though, so downstream we must be prepared to cope
			 * if this turns out to not be possible after all.
			newtup = brin_form_tuple(bdesc, heapBlk, dtup, &newsz);
			samepage = brin_can_do_samepage_update(buf, origsz, newsz);
			LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

			 * Try to update the tuple.  If this doesn't work for whatever
			 * reason, we need to restart from the top; the revmap might be
			 * pointing at a different tuple for this block now, so we need to
			 * recompute to ensure both our new heap tuple and the other
			 * inserter's are covered by the combined tuple.  It might be that
			 * we don't need to update at all.
			if (!brin_doupdate(idxRel, pagesPerRange, revmap, heapBlk,
							   buf, off, origtup, origsz, newtup, newsz,
				/* no luck; start over */

		/* success! */

	if (BufferIsValid(buf))
	if (bdesc != NULL)

	return BoolGetDatum(false);
Пример #2
 * Update tuple origtup (size origsz), located in offset oldoff of buffer
 * oldbuf, to newtup (size newsz) as summary tuple for the page range starting
 * at heapBlk.  oldbuf must not be locked on entry, and is not locked at exit.
 * If samepage is true, attempt to put the new tuple in the same page, but if
 * there's no room, use some other one.
 * If the update is successful, return true; the revmap is updated to point to
 * the new tuple.  If the update is not done for whatever reason, return false.
 * Caller may retry the update if this happens.
brin_doupdate(Relation idxrel, BlockNumber pagesPerRange,
			  BrinRevmap *revmap, BlockNumber heapBlk,
			  Buffer oldbuf, OffsetNumber oldoff,
			  const BrinTuple *origtup, Size origsz,
			  const BrinTuple *newtup, Size newsz,
			  bool samepage)
	Page		oldpage;
	ItemId		oldlp;
	BrinTuple  *oldtup;
	Size		oldsz;
	Buffer		newbuf;
	bool		extended;

	Assert(newsz == MAXALIGN(newsz));

	/* If the item is oversized, don't bother. */
	if (newsz > BrinMaxItemSize)
			errmsg("index row size %lu exceeds maximum %lu for index \"%s\"",
				   (unsigned long) newsz,
				   (unsigned long) BrinMaxItemSize,
		return false;			/* keep compiler quiet */

	/* make sure the revmap is long enough to contain the entry we need */
	brinRevmapExtend(revmap, heapBlk);

	if (!samepage)
		/* need a page on which to put the item */
		newbuf = brin_getinsertbuffer(idxrel, oldbuf, newsz, &extended);
		if (!BufferIsValid(newbuf))
			return false;

		 * Note: it's possible (though unlikely) that the returned newbuf is
		 * the same as oldbuf, if brin_getinsertbuffer determined that the old
		 * buffer does in fact have enough space.
		if (newbuf == oldbuf)
			newbuf = InvalidBuffer;
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
		newbuf = InvalidBuffer;
		extended = false;
	oldpage = BufferGetPage(oldbuf);
	oldlp = PageGetItemId(oldpage, oldoff);

	 * Check that the old tuple wasn't updated concurrently: it might have
	 * moved someplace else entirely ...
	if (!ItemIdIsNormal(oldlp))
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		 * If this happens, and the new buffer was obtained by extending the
		 * relation, then we need to ensure we don't leave it uninitialized or
		 * forget about it.
		if (BufferIsValid(newbuf))
			if (extended)
				brin_initialize_empty_new_buffer(idxrel, newbuf);
			if (extended)
		return false;

	oldsz = ItemIdGetLength(oldlp);
	oldtup = (BrinTuple *) PageGetItem(oldpage, oldlp);

	 * ... or it might have been updated in place to different contents.
	if (!brin_tuples_equal(oldtup, oldsz, origtup, origsz))
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		if (BufferIsValid(newbuf))
			if (extended)
				brin_initialize_empty_new_buffer(idxrel, newbuf);
			if (extended)
		return false;

	 * Great, the old tuple is intact.  We can proceed with the update.
	 * If there's enough room in the old page for the new tuple, replace it.
	 * Note that there might now be enough space on the page even though the
	 * caller told us there isn't, if a concurrent update moved another tuple
	 * elsewhere or replaced a tuple with a smaller one.
	if (((BrinPageFlags(oldpage) & BRIN_EVACUATE_PAGE) == 0) &&
		brin_can_do_samepage_update(oldbuf, origsz, newsz))
		if (BufferIsValid(newbuf))
			/* as above */
			if (extended)
				brin_initialize_empty_new_buffer(idxrel, newbuf);

		if (!PageIndexTupleOverwrite(oldpage, oldoff, (Item) newtup, newsz))
			elog(ERROR, "failed to replace BRIN tuple");

		/* XLOG stuff */
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(idxrel))
			xl_brin_samepage_update xlrec;
			XLogRecPtr	recptr;

			xlrec.offnum = oldoff;

			XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfBrinSamepageUpdate);

			XLogRegisterBuffer(0, oldbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
			XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) newtup, newsz);

			recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BRIN_ID, info);

			PageSetLSN(oldpage, recptr);


		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		if (extended)

		return true;
	else if (newbuf == InvalidBuffer)
		 * Not enough space, but caller said that there was. Tell them to
		 * start over.
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		return false;
		 * Not enough free space on the oldpage. Put the new tuple on the new
		 * page, and update the revmap.
		Page		newpage = BufferGetPage(newbuf);
		Buffer		revmapbuf;
		ItemPointerData newtid;
		OffsetNumber newoff;
		BlockNumber newblk = InvalidBlockNumber;
		Size		freespace = 0;

		revmapbuf = brinLockRevmapPageForUpdate(revmap, heapBlk);


		 * We need to initialize the page if it's newly obtained.  Note we
		 * will WAL-log the initialization as part of the update, so we don't
		 * need to do that here.
		if (extended)
			brin_page_init(BufferGetPage(newbuf), BRIN_PAGETYPE_REGULAR);

		PageIndexTupleDeleteNoCompact(oldpage, oldoff);
		newoff = PageAddItem(newpage, (Item) newtup, newsz,
							 InvalidOffsetNumber, false, false);
		if (newoff == InvalidOffsetNumber)
			elog(ERROR, "failed to add BRIN tuple to new page");

		/* needed to update FSM below */
		if (extended)
			newblk = BufferGetBlockNumber(newbuf);
			freespace = br_page_get_freespace(newpage);

		ItemPointerSet(&newtid, BufferGetBlockNumber(newbuf), newoff);
		brinSetHeapBlockItemptr(revmapbuf, pagesPerRange, heapBlk, newtid);

		/* XLOG stuff */
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(idxrel))
			xl_brin_update xlrec;
			XLogRecPtr	recptr;
			uint8		info;

			info = XLOG_BRIN_UPDATE | (extended ? XLOG_BRIN_INIT_PAGE : 0);

			xlrec.insert.offnum = newoff;
			xlrec.insert.heapBlk = heapBlk;
			xlrec.insert.pagesPerRange = pagesPerRange;
			xlrec.oldOffnum = oldoff;


			/* new page */
			XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfBrinUpdate);

			XLogRegisterBuffer(0, newbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD | (extended ? REGBUF_WILL_INIT : 0));
			XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) newtup, newsz);

			/* revmap page */
			XLogRegisterBuffer(1, revmapbuf, 0);

			/* old page */
			XLogRegisterBuffer(2, oldbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

			recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BRIN_ID, info);

			PageSetLSN(oldpage, recptr);
			PageSetLSN(newpage, recptr);
			PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(revmapbuf), recptr);


		LockBuffer(revmapbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);

		if (extended)
			RecordPageWithFreeSpace(idxrel, newblk, freespace);

		return true;
Пример #3
 * Update tuple origtup (size origsz), located in offset oldoff of buffer
 * oldbuf, to newtup (size newsz) as summary tuple for the page range starting
 * at heapBlk.  oldbuf must not be locked on entry, and is not locked at exit.
 * If samepage is true, attempt to put the new tuple in the same page, but if
 * there's no room, use some other one.
 * If the update is successful, return true; the revmap is updated to point to
 * the new tuple.  If the update is not done for whatever reason, return false.
 * Caller may retry the update if this happens.
brin_doupdate(Relation idxrel, BlockNumber pagesPerRange,
			  BrinRevmap *revmap, BlockNumber heapBlk,
			  Buffer oldbuf, OffsetNumber oldoff,
			  const BrinTuple *origtup, Size origsz,
			  const BrinTuple *newtup, Size newsz,
			  bool samepage)
	Page		oldpage;
	ItemId		oldlp;
	BrinTuple  *oldtup;
	Size		oldsz;
	Buffer		newbuf;
	BrinSpecialSpace *special;
	bool		extended = false;

	newsz = MAXALIGN(newsz);

	/* make sure the revmap is long enough to contain the entry we need */
	brinRevmapExtend(revmap, heapBlk);

	if (!samepage)
		/* need a page on which to put the item */
		newbuf = brin_getinsertbuffer(idxrel, oldbuf, newsz, &extended);
		/* XXX delay vacuuming FSM until locks are released? */
		if (extended)
		if (!BufferIsValid(newbuf))
			return false;

		 * Note: it's possible (though unlikely) that the returned newbuf is
		 * the same as oldbuf, if brin_getinsertbuffer determined that the old
		 * buffer does in fact have enough space.
		if (newbuf == oldbuf)
			newbuf = InvalidBuffer;
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
		newbuf = InvalidBuffer;
	oldpage = BufferGetPage(oldbuf);
	oldlp = PageGetItemId(oldpage, oldoff);

	 * Check that the old tuple wasn't updated concurrently: it might have
	 * moved someplace else entirely ...
	if (!ItemIdIsNormal(oldlp))
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		if (BufferIsValid(newbuf))
		return false;

	oldsz = ItemIdGetLength(oldlp);
	oldtup = (BrinTuple *) PageGetItem(oldpage, oldlp);

	 * ... or it might have been updated in place to different contents.
	if (!brin_tuples_equal(oldtup, oldsz, origtup, origsz))
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		if (BufferIsValid(newbuf))
		return false;

	special = (BrinSpecialSpace *) PageGetSpecialPointer(oldpage);

	 * Great, the old tuple is intact.  We can proceed with the update.
	 * If there's enough room in the old page for the new tuple, replace it.
	 * Note that there might now be enough space on the page even though the
	 * caller told us there isn't, if a concurrent update moved another tuple
	 * elsewhere or replaced a tuple with a smaller one.
	if (((special->flags & BRIN_EVACUATE_PAGE) == 0) &&
		brin_can_do_samepage_update(oldbuf, origsz, newsz))
		if (BufferIsValid(newbuf))

		PageIndexDeleteNoCompact(oldpage, &oldoff, 1);
		if (PageAddItem(oldpage, (Item) newtup, newsz, oldoff, true,
						false) == InvalidOffsetNumber)
			elog(ERROR, "failed to add BRIN tuple");

		/* XLOG stuff */
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(idxrel))
			xl_brin_samepage_update xlrec;
			XLogRecPtr	recptr;

			xlrec.offnum = oldoff;

			XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfBrinSamepageUpdate);

			XLogRegisterBuffer(0, oldbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);
			XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) newtup, newsz);

			recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BRIN_ID, info);

			PageSetLSN(oldpage, recptr);


		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		return true;
	else if (newbuf == InvalidBuffer)
		 * Not enough space, but caller said that there was. Tell them to
		 * start over.
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		return false;
		 * Not enough free space on the oldpage. Put the new tuple on the new
		 * page, and update the revmap.
		Page		newpage = BufferGetPage(newbuf);
		Buffer		revmapbuf;
		ItemPointerData newtid;
		OffsetNumber newoff;

		revmapbuf = brinLockRevmapPageForUpdate(revmap, heapBlk);


		PageIndexDeleteNoCompact(oldpage, &oldoff, 1);
		newoff = PageAddItem(newpage, (Item) newtup, newsz,
							 InvalidOffsetNumber, false, false);
		if (newoff == InvalidOffsetNumber)
			elog(ERROR, "failed to add BRIN tuple to new page");

		ItemPointerSet(&newtid, BufferGetBlockNumber(newbuf), newoff);
		brinSetHeapBlockItemptr(revmapbuf, pagesPerRange, heapBlk, newtid);

		/* XLOG stuff */
		if (RelationNeedsWAL(idxrel))
			xl_brin_update xlrec;
			XLogRecPtr	recptr;
			uint8		info;

			info = XLOG_BRIN_UPDATE | (extended ? XLOG_BRIN_INIT_PAGE : 0);

			xlrec.insert.offnum = newoff;
			xlrec.insert.heapBlk = heapBlk;
			xlrec.insert.pagesPerRange = pagesPerRange;
			xlrec.oldOffnum = oldoff;


			/* new page */
			XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfBrinUpdate);

			XLogRegisterBuffer(0, newbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD | (extended ? REGBUF_WILL_INIT : 0));
			XLogRegisterBufData(0, (char *) newtup, newsz);

			/* revmap page */
			XLogRegisterBuffer(1, revmapbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

			/* old page */
			XLogRegisterBuffer(2, oldbuf, REGBUF_STANDARD);

			recptr = XLogInsert(RM_BRIN_ID, info);

			PageSetLSN(oldpage, recptr);
			PageSetLSN(newpage, recptr);
			PageSetLSN(BufferGetPage(revmapbuf), recptr);


		LockBuffer(revmapbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		LockBuffer(oldbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
		return true;