Пример #1
symbolOop symbolTable::basic_add(symbolOop s, int hashValue) {
         "adding something that's not a symbol to the symbol table");
  assert(s->is_old(), "all symbols should be tenured");

  // Add the indentity hash for the new symbol
  assert(!s->mark()->has_valid_hash(), "should not have a hash yet");
  assert(s->mark()->has_valid_hash(), "should have a hash now");

  symbolTableEntry* bucket = bucketFor(hashValue);

  if (bucket->is_empty()) {
  } else {
    symbolTableLink*  old_link;
    if (bucket->is_symbol()) {
      old_link = Universe::symbol_table->new_link(bucket->get_symbol());
    } else {
      old_link = bucket->get_link();
    bucket->set_link(Universe::symbol_table->new_link(s, old_link));
  return s;
Пример #2
            /** call this to check a page has been seen yet. */
            inline bool seen(Data* data, size_t ptr) {

                // A bucket contains 4 superpages each containing 16 contiguous pages
                // See above for a more detailed explanation of superpages
                size_t* bucket = data->_table[bucketFor(ptr)];

                for (int i = 0; i < bucketSize; i++) {
                    if (superpageOf(ptr) == superpageOf(bucket[i])) {
                        if (haveSeenPage(bucket[i], ptr))
                            return true;

                        markPageSeen(bucket[i], ptr);
                        return false;

                // superpage isn't in thread-local cache
                // slide bucket forward and add new superpage at front
                for (int i = bucketSize-1; i > 0; i--)
                    bucket[i] = bucket[i-1];

                bucket[0] = superpageOf(ptr);
                markPageSeen(bucket[0], ptr);

                return false;
Пример #3
nmethod* codeTable::lookup(MethodLookupKey &k) {
  nmln* bucket = bucketFor(k.hash());
  for (nmln* p = bucket->next;  p != bucket;  p = p->next) {
    codeTableEntry *e= entryForLink(p);
    if (e->key.EQ(k)) {
      return e->nm;
  return NULL;
Пример #4
bool symbolTable::is_present(symbolOop sym) {
  char* name = (char*) sym->bytes();
  int   len  = sym->length();
  int hashValue = hash(name, len);
  symbolTableEntry* bucket = bucketFor(hashValue);
  if (bucket->is_empty()) return false;
  if (bucket->is_symbol())
    return bucket->get_symbol()->equals(name, len);
  for (symbolTableLink* l = bucket->get_link(); l; l = l->next)
    if (l->symbol->equals(name, len)) return true;
  return false;
Пример #5
symbolOop symbolTable::lookup(char* name, int len) {
  int hashValue = hash(name, len);
  symbolTableEntry* bucket = bucketFor(hashValue);
  if (!bucket->is_empty()) {
    if (bucket->is_symbol()) {
      if (bucket->get_symbol()->equals(name, len)) return bucket->get_symbol();
    } else {
      for (symbolTableLink* l = bucket->get_link(); l; l = l->next)
	if (l->symbol->equals(name, len)) return l->symbol;
  return basic_add(name, len, hashValue);
Пример #6
stringOop stringTable::lookup(const char* name, int32 len, bool mustAllocate) {
  int32 hashValue = hash(name, len);
  stringTableEntry* bucket = bucketFor(hashValue);
  if (bucket->is_string()) {
    if (bucket->get_string()->equals(name, len)) return bucket->get_string();
    return basic_add(name, len, hashValue, mustAllocate);
  } else {
    if (!bucket->get_link())
      return basic_add(name, len, hashValue, mustAllocate);
    for (stringTableLink* l = bucket->get_link(); l; l = l->next) {
      if (l->string->equals(name, len)) {
        return l->string;
  return basic_add(name, len, hashValue, mustAllocate);
Пример #7
bool codeTable::verify() {
  bool flag = true;
  for (nmln* p = buckets;  p < &buckets[tableSize];  ++p) {
    flag = flag && p->verify_list_integrity();
    for (nmln* q = p->next;  q != p;  q = q->next) {
      codeTableEntry *e= entryForLink(q);
      nmethod* nm= e->nm;
      if (!nmethod::isNMethod(nm)) {
        error2("bad nmethod 0x%lx in bucket 0x%lx", nm, p);
        flag = false;
      if (bucketFor(e->key.hash()) != p) {
        error2("code table entry 0x%lx not in bucket 0x%lx", e, p);
        flag = false;
  return flag;
Пример #8
void codeTable::add(nmethod* nm, MethodLookupKey* k) {
  if (k == NULL) k= &nm->key;
    if (CheckAssertions) {
      if (nm == (nmethod*)catchThisOne) warning("caught nmethod");
      if ( nm->isDebug() && this == Memory->code->table) warning("wrong table");
      if (!nm->isDebug() && this != Memory->code->table) warning("wrong table");
      if (lookup(*k)) {
        fatal2("adding duplicate key to code table: %#lx and new %#lx",
               lookup(*k), nm);
# endif
  nmln* b = bucketFor(k->hash());
  codeTableEntry *e= new codeTableEntry(nm, k);
  if (e->key.is_new()) nm->remember();
Пример #9
stringOop stringTable::basic_add(stringOop s, int32 hashValue) {
         "adding something that's not a string to the string table");
  assert(s->is_old(), "all strings should be tenured");
  // Canonical strings must have a hash value (for _IdentityHash) that
  // is a pure function of the chars in the string.  Otherwise, their
  // hash value would change when they are discarded by a GC and re-
  // created later.
  assert(s->mark()->hash() == no_hash, "should not have a hash yet");
  assert(s->mark()->hash() != no_hash, "should have a hash now");

  stringTableEntry* bucket = bucketFor(hashValue);
  stringTableLink*  old_link;
  if (bucket->is_string()) {
    old_link = Memory->string_table->new_link(bucket->get_string());
  } else {
    old_link = bucket->get_link();
  bucket->set_link(Memory->string_table->new_link(s, old_link));
  return s;