Пример #1
StringData* StringData::append(StringSlice r1,
                               StringSlice r2,
                               StringSlice r3) {

  auto const len = r1.len + r2.len + r3.len;

  if (len == 0) return this;
  if (UNLIKELY(uint32_t(len) > MaxSize)) {
  if (UNLIKELY(size_t(m_len) + size_t(len) > MaxSize)) {
    throw_string_too_large(size_t(len) + size_t(m_len));

  auto const newLen = m_len + len;

   * We may have an aliasing append.  We don't allow appending with an
   * interior pointer, although we may be asked to append less than
   * the whole string in an aliasing situation.
  ALIASING_APPEND_ASSERT(r1.ptr, r1.len);
  ALIASING_APPEND_ASSERT(r2.ptr, r2.len);
  ALIASING_APPEND_ASSERT(r3.ptr, r3.len);

  auto const target = UNLIKELY(isShared()) ? escalate(newLen)
                                           : reserve(newLen);
  auto const mslice = target->bufferSlice();

   * memcpy is safe even if it's a self append---the regions will be
   * disjoint, since rN.ptr can't point past the start of our source
   * pointer, and rN.len is smaller than the old length.
  void* p = mslice.ptr;
  p = memcpy((char*)p + m_len,  r1.ptr, r1.len);
  p = memcpy((char*)p + r1.len, r2.ptr, r2.len);
      memcpy((char*)p + r2.len, r3.ptr, r3.len);


  return target;
Пример #2
void String::unserialize(VariableUnserializer *uns,
                         char delimiter0 /* = '"' */,
                         char delimiter1 /* = '"' */) {
  int64_t size = uns->readInt();
  if (size >= RuntimeOption::MaxSerializedStringSize) {
    throw Exception("Size of serialized string (%d) exceeds max", int(size));
  if (size < 0) {
    throw Exception("Size of serialized string (%d) must not be negative",


  auto px = req::ptr<StringData>::attach(StringData::Make(int(size)));
  auto const buf = px->bufferSlice();
  assert(size <= buf.size());
  uns->read(buf.data(), size);
  m_str = std::move(px);
AINLINE void SelectBufferedSlice(
                bufferAbstractType *buffer,
                CBufferedStreamWrap::bufferSeekPointer_t& bufOffset,
                seekGenericType& fileSeek, size_t requestedReadCount,
                callbackType& cb )
    typedef CBufferedStreamWrap::seekSlice_t seekSlice_t;
    typedef CBufferedStreamWrap::seekType_t seekType_t;

    // If we do not want to read anything, quit right away.
    if ( requestedReadCount == 0 )

    // Add simple error checking.
    // It could be fatal to the application to introduce an infinite loop here.
    unsigned int methodRepeatCount = 0;


    if ( methodRepeatCount == 6000000 )
        throw std::exception( "infinite buffered select repetition count" );

    // Do the actual logic.
    seekType_t localFileSeek = fileSeek.Tell();

    size_t bufferSize = cb.GetBufferSize();

    // Create the slices for the seeking operation.
    // We will collide them against each other.
    seekSlice_t readSlice( localFileSeek, requestedReadCount );
    seekSlice_t bufferSlice( bufOffset.offsetOfBufferOnFileSpace, bufferSize );

    seekSlice_t::eIntersectionResult intResult = readSlice.intersectWith( bufferSlice );

    // Make sure the content is prepared for the action.
    bool hasToRepeat = cb.ContentInvokation( buffer, localFileSeek, requestedReadCount, intResult );

    if ( hasToRepeat )
        goto repeatMethod;

    if ( intResult == seekSlice_t::INTERSECT_EQUAL )
        cb.BufferedInvokation( buffer, 0, requestedReadCount );

        fileSeek.Seek( localFileSeek + requestedReadCount );
    else if ( intResult == seekSlice_t::INTERSECT_INSIDE )
        cb.BufferedInvokation( buffer, (size_t)( localFileSeek - bufOffset.offsetOfBufferOnFileSpace ), requestedReadCount );

        fileSeek.Seek( localFileSeek + requestedReadCount );
    else if ( intResult == seekSlice_t::INTERSECT_BORDER_END )
        // Everything read-able has to fit inside client memory.
        // A size_t is assumed to be as big as the client memory allows.
        size_t sliceStartOffset = (size_t)( bufferSlice.GetSliceStartPoint() - localFileSeek );
        // First read from the file natively, to reach the buffer border.
        if ( sliceStartOffset > 0 )
            // Make sure the seek pointer is up to date.

            size_t actualReadCount = 0;

            cb.NativeInvokation( buffer, sliceStartOffset, actualReadCount );

            // Update the file seek.
            fileSeek.Seek( localFileSeek += actualReadCount );

            // Predict that we advanced by some bytes.
            fileSeek.PredictNativeAdvance( (seekType_t)actualReadCount );

        // Now lets read the remainder from the buffer.
        size_t sliceReadRemainderCount = (size_t)( requestedReadCount - sliceStartOffset );

        if ( sliceReadRemainderCount > 0 )
            cb.BufferedInvokation( buffer + sliceStartOffset, 0, sliceReadRemainderCount );

            fileSeek.Seek( localFileSeek += sliceReadRemainderCount );
    else if ( intResult == seekSlice_t::INTERSECT_BORDER_START )
        // The_GTA: That +1 is very complicated. Just roll with it!
        size_t sliceEndOffset = (size_t)( bufferSlice.GetSliceEndPoint() + 1 - localFileSeek );

        // Read what can be read from the native buffer.
        if ( sliceEndOffset > 0 )
            size_t sliceReadInCount = (size_t)( bufferSize - sliceEndOffset );

            cb.BufferedInvokation( buffer, sliceReadInCount, sliceEndOffset );

            // Update the local file seek.
            fileSeek.Seek( localFileSeek += sliceEndOffset );

        // Increment the buffer location and read the requested content into it.
        size_t sliceReadRemainderCount = (size_t)( requestedReadCount - sliceEndOffset );

        if ( sliceReadRemainderCount > 0 )
            // Update the perform details.
            buffer += sliceEndOffset;
            requestedReadCount = sliceReadRemainderCount;

            goto repeatMethod;
    else if ( intResult == seekSlice_t::INTERSECT_ENCLOSING )
        // Read the beginning segment, that is native file memory.
        size_t sliceStartOffset = (size_t)( bufferSlice.GetSliceStartPoint() - localFileSeek );

        if ( sliceStartOffset > 0 )
            // Make sure the seek pointer is up-to-date.

            size_t actualReadCount = 0;

            cb.NativeInvokation( buffer, sliceStartOffset, actualReadCount );

            // Update the seek ptr.
            fileSeek.Seek( localFileSeek += sliceStartOffset );

            // Predict that the real file offset advanced by some bytes.
            fileSeek.PredictNativeAdvance( (seekType_t)actualReadCount );

        // Put the content of the entire internal buffer into the output buffer.
            cb.BufferedInvokation( buffer + sliceStartOffset, 0, bufferSize );

            fileSeek.Seek( localFileSeek += bufferSize );

        // Read the part after the internal buffer slice.
        // This part must be executed on the buffer context.
        size_t sliceEndOffset = (size_t)( readSlice.GetSliceEndPoint() - bufferSlice.GetSliceEndPoint() );

        if ( sliceEndOffset > 0 )
            // Update execution parameters and continue to dispatch.
            buffer += sliceStartOffset + bufferSize;
            requestedReadCount = sliceEndOffset;

            goto repeatMethod;
    else if ( seekSlice_t::isFloatingIntersect( intResult ) || intResult == seekSlice_t::INTERSECT_UNKNOWN )
		// Notify the callback about out-of-bounds content access.
		bool shouldContinue = cb.FloatingInvokation( buffer, localFileSeek, requestedReadCount, intResult );

		if ( shouldContinue )
			// Update buffer contents depending on the stream position.

			// Attempt to repeat reading.
			goto repeatMethod;
        // We have no hit in any way that we can detect.
        // Throw an exception.
        assert( 0 );
Пример #4
Variant HHVM_FUNCTION(wordwrap, const String& str, int64_t linewidth /* = 75 */,
                      const String& brk /* = s_nl */, bool cut /* = false */) {
  const char* brkstr = brk.data();
  size_t textlen = str.size();
  size_t brklen = brk.size();

  if (textlen == 0) {
    return empty_string();
  if (brklen == 0) {
    raise_warning("Break string cannot be empty");
    return false;
  if (linewidth == 0 && cut) {
    raise_warning("Can't force cut when width is zero");
    return false;
  size_t w = linewidth >= 0 ? linewidth : 0;

  // If the string's length is less than or equal to the specified
  // width, there's nothing to do and we can just return the string.
  if (textlen <= w) return str;

  // Special case for a single-character break as it needs no
  // additional storage space
  if (brklen == 1 && !cut) {
    auto new_sd = StringData::Make(str.get(), CopyString);
    Variant ret = new_sd;
    auto const bs = new_sd->bufferSlice();
    char* newtext = bs.begin();
    auto bc = brkstr[0];
    size_t current = 0, laststart = 0, lastspace = 0;
    for (; current < textlen; current++) {
      if (newtext[current] == bc) {
        laststart = lastspace = current + 1;
      } else if (newtext[current] == ' ') {
        if (current - laststart >= w) {
          newtext[current] = bc;
          laststart = current + 1;
        lastspace = current;
      } else if (current - laststart >= w && laststart != lastspace) {
        newtext[lastspace] = bc;
        laststart = lastspace + 1;
    return ret;

  // Multiple character line break or forced cut

  // Estimate how big the output string will be. It's okay if this estimate
  // is wrong as we will grow or shrink as needed. The goals here are two-
  // fold: (1) avoid the need to grow or shrink in the common case, and
  // (2) for extreme cases where it's hard to make an accurate estimate
  // (ex. when w is very small or brk is very large) we should be careful
  // to avoid making huge over-estimations.
  StringBuffer strbuf(
    textlen +
    textlen / (std::max<size_t>(w, 16) - 8) * std::min<size_t>(brklen, 8));

  const char* text = str.data();
  size_t current = 0, laststart = 0, lastspace = 0;
  for (; current < textlen; current++) {
    // when we hit an existing break, copy to new buffer, and
    // fix up laststart and lastspace
    if (text[current] == brkstr[0] && current + brklen < textlen &&
        !strncmp(text + current, brkstr, brklen)) {
      strbuf.append(text + laststart, current - laststart + brklen);
      current += brklen - 1;
      laststart = lastspace = current + 1;
    // if it is a space, check if it is at the line boundary,
    // copy and insert a break, or just keep track of it
    else if (text[current] == ' ') {
      if (current - laststart >= w) {
        strbuf.append(text + laststart, current - laststart);
        strbuf.append(brkstr, brklen);
        laststart = current + 1;
      lastspace = current;
    // if we are cutting, and we've accumulated enough
    // characters, and we haven't see a space for this line,
    // copy and insert a break.
    else if (current - laststart >= w && cut && laststart >= lastspace) {
      strbuf.append(text + laststart, current - laststart);
      strbuf.append(brkstr, brklen);
      laststart = lastspace = current;
    // if the current word puts us over width w, copy back up
    // until the last space, insert a break, and move up the
    // laststart
    else if (current - laststart >= w && laststart < lastspace) {
      strbuf.append(text + laststart, lastspace - laststart);
      strbuf.append(brkstr, brklen);
      laststart = lastspace = lastspace + 1;
  // copy over any stragglers
  if (laststart != current) {
    strbuf.append(text + laststart, current - laststart);

  auto s = strbuf.detach();

  // if it's not possible to reduce the output string's capacity by more
  // than 25%, then we can just return the string as is.
  size_t estShrinkCap =
    MemoryManager::estimateSmartCap(sizeof(StringData) + s.size() + 1);
  if (estShrinkCap * 4 >= (size_t)s.capacity() * 3) {
    return s;
  // reallocate into a smaller buffer so that we don't waste memory
  return StringData::Make(s.get(), CopyString);