Пример #1
static svn_error_t *
unparse_implicit_length(const char **msg,
                        svn_boolean_t msg_only,
                        svn_test_opts_t *opts,
                        apr_pool_t *pool)
  *msg = "unparse implicit-length atoms";

  if (msg_only)
    return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* Unparse and check every single-byte implicit-length atom.  */
    int byte;

    for (byte = 0; byte < 256; byte++)
      if (skel_is_name( (apr_byte_t)byte))
          svn_stringbuf_t *str = get_empty_string(pool);
          char buf =  (char)byte;
          svn_skel_t *skel = build_atom(1, &buf, pool);

          str = svn_skel__unparse(skel, pool);

          if (! (str
                 && str->len == 1
                 && str->data[0] == (char)byte))
            return fail(pool, "incorrectly unparsed single-byte "
                        "implicit-length atom");

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Пример #2
static svn_error_t *
unparse_list(const char **msg,
             svn_boolean_t msg_only,
             svn_test_opts_t *opts,
             apr_pool_t *pool)
  *msg = "unparse lists";

  if (msg_only)
    return SVN_NO_ERROR;

  /* Make a list of all the single-byte implicit-length atoms.  */
    svn_stringbuf_t *str = get_empty_string(pool);
    int byte;
    svn_skel_t *list = empty(pool);
    svn_skel_t *reparsed, *elt;

    for (byte = 0; byte < 256; byte++)
      if (skel_is_name( (apr_byte_t)byte))
          char buf = byte;
          add(build_atom(1, &buf, pool), list);

    /* Unparse that, parse it again, and see if we got the same thing
       back.  */
    str = svn_skel__unparse(list, pool);
    reparsed = svn_skel__parse(str->data, str->len, pool);

    if (! reparsed || reparsed->is_atom)
      return fail(pool, "result is syntactically misformed, or not a list");

    if (! skel_equal(list, reparsed))
      return fail(pool, "unparsing and parsing didn't preserve contents");

    elt = reparsed->children;
    for (byte = 255; byte >= 0; byte--)
      if (skel_is_name( (apr_byte_t)byte))
          if (! (elt
                 && elt->is_atom
                 && elt->len == 1
                 && elt->data[0] == byte))
            return fail(pool, "bad element");

          /* Verify that each element's data falls within the string.  */
          if (elt->data < str->data
              || elt->data + elt->len > str->data + str->len)
            return fail(pool, "bad element");

          elt = elt->next;

    /* We should have reached the end of the list at this point.  */
    if (elt)
      return fail(pool, "list too long");

  /* Make a list of lists.  */
    svn_stringbuf_t *str = get_empty_string(pool);
    svn_skel_t *top = empty(pool);
    svn_skel_t *reparsed;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        svn_skel_t *middle = empty(pool);
        int j;

        for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
            char buf[10];
            apr_size_t k;
            int val;

            /* Make some interesting atom, containing lots of binary
               characters.  */
            val = i * 10 + j;
            for (k = 0; k < sizeof(buf); k++)
                buf[k] = val;
                val += j;

            add(build_atom(sizeof(buf), buf, pool), middle);

        add(middle, top);

    str = svn_skel__unparse(top, pool);
    reparsed = svn_skel__parse(str->data, str->len, pool);

    if (! skel_equal(top, reparsed))
      return fail(pool, "failed to reparse list of lists");

  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Пример #3
swexp_list_node *parse_s_expr(parser *p, char opening_brace) {
  char c;

  swexp_list_node fakehead, *tail = &fakehead;
  fakehead.next = NULL;
  fakehead.content = NULL;
  fakehead.type = UNDEFINED;

  char closing_brace = brace_pair(opening_brace);

  while ((c = pgetc(p)) != EOF && !is_closing_brace(c)) {
    // if we encounter a comment in any state, strip it out

    switch (p->state) {
    case SKIP_SPACE:
      if (is_space(c) || is_newline(c)) {
        // do nothing if it is space or newline
      } else if (is_opening_brace(c)) {
        // parse the parenthesized s expression into a list
        // and append it to the thing
        swexp_list_node *list = malloc(sizeof(swexp_list_node));
        list->type = LIST;
        list->next = NULL;
        list->location = NULL;
        list->content = parse_s_expr(p, c);

        tail->next = list;
        tail = list;
      } else {
        // step back and start collecting the atom
        prewind(p, c);
      if (is_space(c) || is_newline(c)) {
        prewind(p, c);
        tail->next = close_atom(p);
        tail = tail->next;
      } else if (is_opening_brace(c)) {
        swexp_list_node *node = close_atom(p);
        node->next = parse_s_expr(p, c);
        tail->next = listof(node);
        tail = chain_tail(tail);
      } else {
        build_atom(p, c);
      printf("unexpected state %d in parse_s_expr", p->state);

  if (is_closing_brace(c) && c != closing_brace) {
    printf("mismatched braces in s expression\n");

  if (p->state == COLLECTING_ATOM) {
    tail->next = close_atom(p);

  if (c == EOF) {
    printf("unexpected EOF while parsing s expression\n");

  p->state = SKIP_SPACE;

  return fakehead.next;
Пример #4
swexp_list_node *parse_line(parser *p) {
  // parses a line of text, starting at a non-whitespace char
  char c;

  // build a list of expressions started by this
  // list head on the stack.
  swexp_list_node head, *tail;
  head.next = NULL;
  head.content = NULL;
  head.type = UNDEFINED;
  tail = &head;

  p->state = SKIP_SPACE;

  while ((c = pgetc(p)) != EOF && !is_newline(c) && !is_closing_brace(c)) {
    // if we encounter a comment in any state, strip it out

    switch (p->state) {
      if (is_space(c)) {
        // end atom
        tail->next = close_atom(p);
        tail = tail->next;
        prewind(p, c);
      } else if (is_opening_brace(c)) {
        swexp_list_node *bracehead = close_atom(p);
        swexp_list_node *bracecontent = parse_s_expr(p, c);
        bracehead->next = bracecontent;
        tail->next = listof(bracehead);
        tail = chain_tail(tail);
      } else {
        // continue to build item
        build_atom(p, c);
    case SKIP_SPACE:
      if (is_opening_brace(c)) {
        swexp_list_node *brace = parse_s_expr(p, c);
        tail->next = brace;
        tail = chain_tail(tail);
      } else if (!is_space(c)) {
        prewind(p, c);
      printf("unexpected state %d in parse_line\n", p->state);

  if (is_newline(c)) {
    p->indentation = 0;
  if (is_closing_brace(c)) {
    printf("encountered unmatched closing brace\n");

  // close ongoing capture
  if (p->state == COLLECTING_ATOM) {
    tail->next = close_atom(p);

  // if the number of collected atoms is more than one,
  // make it a list and return it
  if (chain_len(head.next) > 1) {
    swexp_list_node *listhead = malloc(sizeof(swexp_list_node));
    listhead->type = LIST;
    listhead->next = NULL;
    listhead->content = head.next;
    listhead->location = NULL;
    return listhead;
  } else {
    return head.next;