Пример #1
void network_thread ()
     * We loop forever waiting on either data from the ppp drivers or from
     * our network socket.  Control handling is no longer done here.
    struct sockaddr_in from;
    struct in_pktinfo to;
    unsigned int fromlen;
    int tunnel, call;           /* Tunnel and call */
    int recvsize;               /* Length of data received */
    struct buffer *buf;         /* Payload buffer */
    struct call *c, *sc;        /* Call to send this off to */
    struct tunnel *st;          /* Tunnel */
    fd_set readfds;             /* Descriptors to watch for reading */
    int max;                    /* Highest fd */
    struct timeval tv, *ptv;    /* Timeout for select */
    struct msghdr msgh;
    struct iovec iov;
    char cbuf[256];
    unsigned int refme, refhim;
    int * currentfd;
    int server_socket_processed;

#ifdef HIGH_PRIO
    /* set high priority */
    if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -20) < 0)
	l2tp_log (LOG_INFO, "xl2tpd: can't set priority to high: %m");

    /* This one buffer can be recycled for everything except control packets */
    buf = new_buf (MAX_RECV_SIZE);

    tunnel = 0;
    call = 0;

    for (;;)
        int ret;
        max = build_fdset (&readfds);
        ptv = process_schedule(&tv);
        ret = select (max + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, ptv);

        if (ret <= 0)
            if (ret == 0)
                if (gconfig.debug_network)
                    l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG, "%s: select timeout\n", __FUNCTION__);
                if (gconfig.debug_network)
                    l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG,
                        "%s: select returned error %d (%s)\n",
                        __FUNCTION__, errno, strerror (errno));

        if (FD_ISSET (control_fd, &readfds))
            do_control ();
        server_socket_processed = 0;
        currentfd = NULL;
        st = tunnels.head;
        while (st || !server_socket_processed) {
            if (st && (st->udp_fd == -1)) {
            if (st) {
                currentfd = &st->udp_fd;
            } else {
                currentfd = &server_socket;
                server_socket_processed = 1;
            if (FD_ISSET (*currentfd, &readfds))
             * Okay, now we're ready for reading and processing new data.
            recycle_buf (buf);

            /* Reserve space for expanding payload packet headers */
            buf->start += PAYLOAD_BUF;
            buf->len -= PAYLOAD_BUF;

	    memset(&from, 0, sizeof(from));
	    memset(&to,   0, sizeof(to));
	    fromlen = sizeof(from);
	    memset(&msgh, 0, sizeof(struct msghdr));
	    iov.iov_base = buf->start;
	    iov.iov_len  = buf->len;
	    msgh.msg_control = cbuf;
	    msgh.msg_controllen = sizeof(cbuf);
	    msgh.msg_name = &from;
	    msgh.msg_namelen = fromlen;
	    msgh.msg_iov  = &iov;
	    msgh.msg_iovlen = 1;
	    msgh.msg_flags = 0;
	    /* Receive one packet. */
	    recvsize = recvmsg(*currentfd, &msgh, 0);

            if (recvsize < MIN_PAYLOAD_HDR_LEN)
                if (recvsize < 0)
                    if (errno == ECONNREFUSED) {
                    if ((errno == ECONNREFUSED) ||
                        (errno == EBADF)) {
                        *currentfd = -1;
                    if (errno != EAGAIN)
                        l2tp_log (LOG_WARNING,
                             "%s: recvfrom returned error %d (%s)\n",
                             __FUNCTION__, errno, strerror (errno));
                    l2tp_log (LOG_WARNING, "%s: received too small a packet\n",
                if (st) st=st->next;


		struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
		/* Process auxiliary received data in msgh */
		for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msgh);
			cmsg != NULL;
			cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msgh,cmsg)) {
			/* extract destination(our) addr */
			if (cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP && cmsg->cmsg_type == IP_PKTINFO) {
				struct in_pktinfo* pktInfo = ((struct in_pktinfo*)CMSG_DATA(cmsg));
				to = *pktInfo;
			/* extract IPsec info out */
			else if (gconfig.ipsecsaref && cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP
			&& cmsg->cmsg_type == gconfig.sarefnum) {
				unsigned int *refp;
				refp = (unsigned int *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg);
				refme =refp[0];

	     * some logic could be added here to verify that we only
	     * get L2TP packets inside of IPsec, or to provide different
	     * classes of service to packets not inside of IPsec.
	    buf->len = recvsize;
	    fix_hdr (buf->start);
	    extract (buf->start, &tunnel, &call);

	    if (gconfig.debug_network)
		l2tp_log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: recv packet from %s, size = %d, "
			 "tunnel = %d, call = %d ref=%u refhim=%u\n",
			 __FUNCTION__, inet_ntoa (from.sin_addr),
			 recvsize, tunnel, call, refme, refhim);

	    if (gconfig.packet_dump)
		do_packet_dump (buf);
			if (!(c = get_call (tunnel, call, from.sin_addr,
			       from.sin_port, refme, refhim)))
				if ((c = get_tunnel (tunnel, from.sin_addr.s_addr, from.sin_port)))
		     * It is theoretically possible that we could be sent
		     * a control message (say a StopCCN) on a call that we
		     * have already closed or some such nonsense.  To
		     * prevent this from closing the tunnel, if we get a
		     * call on a valid tunnel, but not with a valid CID,
		     * we'll just send a ZLB to ack receiving the packet.
		    if (gconfig.debug_tunnel)
			l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG,
				  "%s: no such call %d on tunnel %d. Sending special ZLB\n",
				  __FUNCTION__, call, tunnel);
		    if (handle_special (buf, c, call) == 0)
			/* get a new buffer */
			buf = new_buf (MAX_RECV_SIZE);
		    l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG,
			      "%s: unable to find call or tunnel to handle packet.  call = %d, tunnel = %d Dumping.\n",
			      __FUNCTION__, call, tunnel);
		if (c->container) {
			c->container->my_addr = to;

		buf->peer = from;
		/* Handle the packet */
		c->container->chal_us.vector = NULL;
		if (handle_packet (buf, c->container, c))
		    if (gconfig.debug_tunnel)
			l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG, "%s: bad packet\n", __FUNCTION__);
		if (c->cnu)
		    /* Send Zero Byte Packet */
		    control_zlb (buf, c->container, c);
		    c->cnu = 0;
	if (st) st=st->next;

	 * finished obvious sources, look for data from PPP connections.
	st = tunnels.head;
        while (st)
            sc = st->call_head;
            while (sc)
                if ((sc->fd >= 0) && FD_ISSET (sc->fd, &readfds))
                    /* Got some payload to send */
                    int result;

                    while ((result = read_packet (sc)) > 0)
                        add_payload_hdr (sc->container, sc, sc->ppp_buf);
                        if (gconfig.packet_dump)
                            do_packet_dump (sc->ppp_buf);

                        sc->prx = sc->data_rec_seq_num;
                        if (sc->zlb_xmit)
                            deschedule (sc->zlb_xmit);
                            sc->zlb_xmit = NULL;
                        sc->tx_bytes += sc->ppp_buf->len;
                        udp_xmit (sc->ppp_buf, st);
                        recycle_payload (sc->ppp_buf, sc->container->peer);
                    if (result != 0)
                        l2tp_log (LOG_WARNING,
                             "%s: tossing read packet, error = %s (%d).  Closing call.\n",
                             __FUNCTION__, strerror (-result), -result);
                        strcpy (sc->errormsg, strerror (-result));
                        sc->needclose = -1;
                sc = sc->next;
            st = st->next;

Пример #2
void network_thread ()
     * We loop forever waiting on either data from the ppp drivers or from
     * our network socket.  Control handling is no longer done here.
    struct sockaddr_in from, to;
    unsigned int fromlen, tolen;
    int tunnel, call;           /* Tunnel and call */
    int recvsize;               /* Length of data received */
    struct buffer *buf;         /* Payload buffer */
    struct call *c, *sc;        /* Call to send this off to */
    struct tunnel *st;          /* Tunnel */
    fd_set readfds;             /* Descriptors to watch for reading */
    int max;                    /* Highest fd */
    struct timeval tv, *ptv;    /* Timeout for select */
    struct msghdr msgh;
    struct iovec iov;
    char cbuf[256];
    unsigned int refme, refhim;

    /* This one buffer can be recycled for everything except control packets */
    buf = new_buf (MAX_RECV_SIZE);

    tunnel = 0;
    call = 0;

    for (;;)
        int ret;
        max = build_fdset (&readfds);
        ptv = process_schedule(&tv);
        ret = select (max + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, ptv);
        if (ret <= 0)
            if (ret == 0)
                if (gconfig.debug_network)
                    l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG, "%s: select timeout\n", __FUNCTION__);
                if (gconfig.debug_network)
                    l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG,
                        "%s: select returned error %d (%s)\n",
                        __FUNCTION__, errno, strerror (errno));
        if (FD_ISSET (control_fd, &readfds))
            do_control ();
        if (FD_ISSET (server_socket, &readfds))
             * Okay, now we're ready for reading and processing new data.
            recycle_buf (buf);

            /* Reserve space for expanding payload packet headers */
            buf->start += PAYLOAD_BUF;
            buf->len -= PAYLOAD_BUF;

	    memset(&from, 0, sizeof(from));
	    memset(&to,   0, sizeof(to));
	    fromlen = sizeof(from);
	    tolen   = sizeof(to);
	    memset(&msgh, 0, sizeof(struct msghdr));
	    iov.iov_base = buf->start;
	    iov.iov_len  = buf->len;
	    msgh.msg_control = cbuf;
	    msgh.msg_controllen = sizeof(cbuf);
	    msgh.msg_name = &from;
	    msgh.msg_namelen = fromlen;
	    msgh.msg_iov  = &iov;
	    msgh.msg_iovlen = 1;
	    msgh.msg_flags = 0;
	    /* Receive one packet. */
	    recvsize = recvmsg(server_socket, &msgh, 0);

            if (recvsize < MIN_PAYLOAD_HDR_LEN)
                if (recvsize < 0)
                    if (errno != EAGAIN)
                        l2tp_log (LOG_WARNING,
                             "%s: recvfrom returned error %d (%s)\n",
                             __FUNCTION__, errno, strerror (errno));
                    l2tp_log (LOG_WARNING, "%s: received too small a packet\n",


	    /* extract IPsec info out */
	    if(gconfig.ipsecsaref) {
		    struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
		    /* Process auxiliary received data in msgh */
		    for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msgh);
			 cmsg != NULL;
			 cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msgh,cmsg)) {
			    if (cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP
				&& cmsg->cmsg_type == IP_IPSEC_REFINFO) {
				    unsigned int *refp;
				    refp = (unsigned int *)CMSG_DATA(cmsg);
				    refme =refp[0];

	     * some logic could be added here to verify that we only
	     * get L2TP packets inside of IPsec, or to provide different
	     * classes of service to packets not inside of IPsec.
	    buf->len = recvsize;
	    fix_hdr (buf->start);
	    extract (buf->start, &tunnel, &call);

	    if (gconfig.debug_network)
		l2tp_log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: recv packet from %s, size = %d, "
			 "tunnel = %d, call = %d ref=%u refhim=%u\n",
			 __FUNCTION__, inet_ntoa (from.sin_addr),
			 recvsize, tunnel, call, refme, refhim);

	    if (gconfig.packet_dump)
		do_packet_dump (buf);
	    if (!
		(c = get_call (tunnel, call, from.sin_addr.s_addr,
			       from.sin_port, refme, refhim)))
		if ((c =
		     get_tunnel (tunnel, from.sin_addr.s_addr,
		     * It is theoretically possible that we could be sent
		     * a control message (say a StopCCN) on a call that we
		     * have already closed or some such nonsense.  To
		     * prevent this from closing the tunnel, if we get a
		     * call on a valid tunnel, but not with a valid CID,
		     * we'll just send a ZLB to ack receiving the packet.
		    if (gconfig.debug_tunnel)
			l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG,
				  "%s: no such call %d on tunnel %d.  Sending special ZLB\n",
		    handle_special (buf, c, call);

		    /* get a new buffer */
		    buf = new_buf (MAX_RECV_SIZE);
		    l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG,
			      "%s: unable to find call or tunnel to handle packet.  call = %d, tunnel = %d Dumping.\n",
			      __FUNCTION__, call, tunnel);
		buf->peer = from;
		/* Handle the packet */
		c->container->chal_us.vector = NULL;
		if (handle_packet (buf, c->container, c))
		    if (gconfig.debug_tunnel)
			l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG, "%s: bad packet\n", __FUNCTION__);
		if (c->cnu)
		    /* Send Zero Byte Packet */
		    control_zlb (buf, c->container, c);
		    c->cnu = 0;

	 * finished obvious sources, look for data from PPP connections.
	st = tunnels.head;
        while (st)
            sc = st->call_head;
            while (sc)
                if ((sc->fd >= 0) && FD_ISSET (sc->fd, &readfds))
                    /* Got some payload to send */
                    int result;
                    recycle_payload (buf, sc->container->peer);
                    l2tp_log (LOG_DEBUG, "%s: rws = %d, pSs = %d, pLr = %d\n",
                         __FUNCTION__, sc->rws, sc->pSs, sc->pLr);
		    if ((sc->rws>0) && (sc->pSs > sc->pLr + sc->rws) && !sc->rbit) {
						log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: throttling payload (call = %d, tunnel = %d, Lr = %d, Ss = %d, rws = %d)!\n",__FUNCTION__,
								 sc->cid, sc->container->tid, sc->pLr, sc->pSs, sc->rws); 
						sc->throttle = -1;
						We unthrottle in handle_packet if we get a payload packet, 
						valid or ZLB, but we also schedule a dethrottle in which
						case the R-bit will be set
						FIXME: Rate Adaptive timeout? 						
						tv.tv_sec = 2;
						tv.tv_usec = 0;
						sc->dethrottle = schedule(tv, dethrottle, sc); 					
					} else */
/*					while ((result=read_packet(buf,sc->fd,sc->frame & SYNC_FRAMING))>0) { */
                    while ((result =
                            read_packet (buf, sc->fd, SYNC_FRAMING)) > 0)
                        add_payload_hdr (sc->container, sc, buf);
                        if (gconfig.packet_dump)
                            do_packet_dump (buf);

                        sc->prx = sc->data_rec_seq_num;
                        if (sc->zlb_xmit)
                            deschedule (sc->zlb_xmit);
                            sc->zlb_xmit = NULL;
                        sc->tx_bytes += buf->len;
                        udp_xmit (buf, st);
                        recycle_payload (buf, sc->container->peer);
                    if (result != 0)
                        l2tp_log (LOG_WARNING,
                             "%s: tossing read packet, error = %s (%d).  Closing call.\n",
                             __FUNCTION__, strerror (-result), -result);
                        strcpy (sc->errormsg, strerror (-result));
                        sc->needclose = -1;
                sc = sc->next;
            st = st->next;

Пример #3
  this is where it all happens...
int main_loop(void) {
	fd_set readset, writeset;
	struct timespec tv;
	sigset_t omask, block_mask;
	time_t next_event;
	struct timeval tv;
	int r, maxfd;
	time_t last_ping_check, last_config_check, last_graph_dump;
	event_t *event;

	last_ping_check = now;
	last_config_check = now;
	last_graph_dump = now;

	if(lookup_config(config_tree, "GraphDumpFile"))
		graph_dump = true;
	/* Block SIGHUP & SIGALRM */
	sigaddset(&block_mask, SIGHUP);
	sigaddset(&block_mask, SIGALRM);
	sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &block_mask, &omask);

	running = true;

	while(running) {
		next_event = last_ping_check + pingtimeout;
		if(graph_dump && next_event > last_graph_dump + 60)
			next_event = last_graph_dump + 60;

		if((event = peek_next_event()) && next_event > event->time)
			next_event = event->time;

		if(next_event <= now)
			tv.tv_sec = 0;
			tv.tv_sec = next_event - now;
		tv.tv_nsec = 0;
		tv.tv_sec = 1;
		tv.tv_usec = 0;

		maxfd = build_fdset(&readset, &writeset);

		r = pselect(maxfd + 1, &readset, &writeset, NULL, &tv, &omask);
		r = select(maxfd + 1, &readset, &writeset, NULL, &tv);
		now = time(NULL);

		if(r < 0) {
			if(!sockwouldblock(sockerrno)) {
				logger(LOG_ERR, "Error while waiting for input: %s", sockstrerror(sockerrno));
				return 1;

		if(r > 0)
			check_network_activity(&readset, &writeset);

		if(do_purge) {
			do_purge = false;

		/* Let's check if everybody is still alive */

		if(last_ping_check + pingtimeout <= now) {
			last_ping_check = now;

			if(routing_mode == RMODE_SWITCH)


			/* Should we regenerate our key? */

			if(keyexpires <= now) {
				avl_node_t *node;
				node_t *n;

				ifdebug(STATUS) logger(LOG_INFO, "Expiring symmetric keys");

				for(node = node_tree->head; node; node = node->next) {
					n = node->data;
					if(n->inkey) {
						n->inkey = NULL;

				keyexpires = now + keylifetime;

			/* Detect ADD_EDGE/DEL_EDGE storms that are caused when
			 * two tinc daemons with the same name are on the VPN.
			 * If so, sleep a while. If this happens multiple times
			 * in a row, sleep longer. */

			if(contradicting_del_edge > 100 && contradicting_add_edge > 100) {
				logger(LOG_WARNING, "Possible node with same Name as us! Sleeping %d seconds.", sleeptime);
				usleep(sleeptime * 1000000LL);
				sleeptime *= 2;
				if(sleeptime < 0)
					sleeptime = 3600;
			} else {
				sleeptime /= 2;
				if(sleeptime < 10)
					sleeptime = 10;

			contradicting_add_edge = 0;
			contradicting_del_edge = 0;

		if(sigalrm) {
			avl_node_t *node;
			logger(LOG_INFO, "Flushing event queue");
			for(node = connection_tree->head; node; node = node->next) {
				connection_t *c = node->data;
			sigalrm = false;

		while((event = get_expired_event())) {

		if(sighup) {
			connection_t *c;
			avl_node_t *node, *next;
			char *fname;
			struct stat s;
			sighup = false;

			/* Reread our own configuration file */


			if(!read_server_config()) {
				logger(LOG_ERR, "Unable to reread configuration file, exitting.");
				return 1;

			/* Cancel non-active outgoing connections */

			for(node = connection_tree->head; node; node = next) {
				next = node->next;
				c = node->data;

				c->outgoing = NULL;

				if(c->status.connecting) {
					terminate_connection(c, false);

			/* Wipe list of outgoing connections */

			for(list_node_t *node = outgoing_list->head; node; node = node->next) {
				outgoing_t *outgoing = node->data;



			/* Close connections to hosts that have a changed or deleted host config file */
			for(node = connection_tree->head; node; node = node->next) {
				c = node->data;
				xasprintf(&fname, "%s/hosts/%s", confbase, c->name);
				if(stat(fname, &s) || s.st_mtime > last_config_check)
					terminate_connection(c, c->status.active);

			last_config_check = now;

			/* If StrictSubnet is set, expire deleted Subnets and read new ones in */

			if(strictsubnets) {
				subnet_t *subnet;

				for(node = subnet_tree->head; node; node = node->next) {
					subnet = node->data;
					subnet->expires = 1;


				for(node = subnet_tree->head; node; node = next) {
					next = node->next;
					subnet = node->data;
					if(subnet->expires == 1) {
						send_del_subnet(everyone, subnet);
							subnet_update(subnet->owner, subnet, false);
						subnet_del(subnet->owner, subnet);
					} else if(subnet->expires == -1) {
						subnet->expires = 0;
					} else {
						send_add_subnet(everyone, subnet);
							subnet_update(subnet->owner, subnet, true);

			/* Try to make outgoing connections */
		/* Dump graph if wanted every 60 seconds*/

		if(last_graph_dump + 60 <= now) {
			last_graph_dump = now;

	/* Restore SIGHUP & SIGALARM mask */
	sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &omask, NULL);

	return 0;
Пример #4
void network_thread ()
     * We loop forever waiting on either data from the ppp drivers or from
     * our network socket.  Control handling is no longer done here.
    int fromlen;                /* Length of the address */
    int tunnel, call;           /* Tunnel and call */
    int recvsize;               /* Length of data received */
    struct buffer *buf;         /* Payload buffer */
    struct call *c, *sc;        /* Call to send this off to */
    struct tunnel *st;          /* Tunnel */
    fd_set readfds;             /* Descriptors to watch for reading */
    int max;                    /* Highest fd */
    struct timeval tv;          /* Timeout for select */
    /* This one buffer can be recycled for everything except control packets */
    buf = new_buf (MAX_RECV_SIZE);

gconfig.debug_tunnel = 1;
    for (;;)
        max = build_fdset (&readfds);
        tv.tv_sec = 1;
        tv.tv_usec = 0;
        schedule_unlock ();
        select (max + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        schedule_lock ();
        if (FD_ISSET (control_fd, &readfds))
            do_control ();
        if (FD_ISSET (server_socket, &readfds))
             * Okay, now we're ready for reading and processing new data.
            recycle_buf (buf);
            /* Reserve space for expanding payload packet headers */
            buf->start += PAYLOAD_BUF;
            buf->len -= PAYLOAD_BUF;
            fromlen = sizeof (from);
            recvsize =
                recvfrom (server_socket, buf->start, buf->len, 0,
                          (struct sockaddr *) &from, &fromlen);
            if (recvsize < MIN_PAYLOAD_HDR_LEN)
                if (recvsize < 0)
                    if (errno != EAGAIN)
                        log (LOG_WARN,
                             "%s: recvfrom returned error %d (%s)\n",
                             __FUNCTION__, errno, strerror (errno));
                    log (LOG_WARN, "%s: received too small a packet\n",
                buf->len = recvsize;
                if (gconfig.debug_network)
                    log (LOG_DEBUG, "%s: recv packet from %s, size = %d, "
							"tunnel = %d, call = %d\n", __FUNCTION__,
							inet_ntoa (from.sin_addr), recvsize, tunnel, call);
                if (gconfig.packet_dump)
                    do_packet_dump (buf);
                fix_hdr (buf->start);
                extract (buf->start, &tunnel, &call);
                if (!
                    (c =
                     get_call (tunnel, call, from.sin_addr.s_addr,
        log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s(%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
                    if ((c =
                         get_tunnel (tunnel, from.sin_addr.s_addr,
                         * It is theoretically possible that we could be sent
                         * a control message (say a StopCCN) on a call that we
                         * have already closed or some such nonsense.  To prevent
                         * this from closing the tunnel, if we get a call on a valid
                         * tunnel, but not with a valid CID, we'll just send a ZLB
                         * to ack receiving the packet.
                        if (gconfig.debug_tunnel)
                            log (LOG_DEBUG,
                                 "%s: no such call %d on tunnel %d.  Sending special ZLB\n",
                        handle_special (buf, c, call);
                        log (LOG_DEBUG,
                             "%s: unable to find call or tunnel to handle packet.  call = %d, tunnel = %d Dumping.\n",
                             __FUNCTION__, call, tunnel);


                    buf->peer = from;
                    /* Handle the packet */
                    c->container->chal_us.vector = NULL;

                    if (handle_packet (buf, c->container, c))
                        if (gconfig.debug_tunnel)
                            log (LOG_DEBUG, "%s(%d): bad packet\n", __FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
                    if (c->cnu)
                        /* Send Zero Byte Packet */
                        control_zlb (buf, c->container, c);
                        c->cnu = 0;

        st = tunnels.head;

        while (st)
            sc = st->call_head;
            while (sc)
                if ((sc->fd >= 0) && FD_ISSET (sc->fd, &readfds))
                    /* Got some payload to send */
                    int result;
                    recycle_payload (buf, sc->container->peer);
                    log (LOG_DEBUG, "%s: rws = %d, pSs = %d, pLr = %d\n",
                         __FUNCTION__, sc->rws, sc->pSs, sc->pLr);
/*					if ((sc->rws>0) && (sc->pSs > sc->pLr + sc->rws) && !sc->rbit) {
						log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: throttling payload (call = %d, tunnel = %d, Lr = %d, Ss = %d, rws = %d)!\n",__FUNCTION__,
								 sc->cid, sc->container->tid, sc->pLr, sc->pSs, sc->rws);
						sc->throttle = -1;
						We unthrottle in handle_packet if we get a payload packet,
						valid or ZLB, but we also schedule a dethrottle in which
						case the R-bit will be set
						FIXME: Rate Adaptive timeout?
						tv.tv_sec = 2;
						tv.tv_usec = 0;
						sc->dethrottle = schedule(tv, dethrottle, sc);
					} else */
/*					while ((result=read_packet(buf,sc->fd,sc->frame & SYNC_FRAMING))>0) { */
                    while ((result =
                            read_packet (buf, sc->fd, SYNC_FRAMING)) > 0)
                        add_payload_hdr (sc->container, sc, buf);
                        if (gconfig.packet_dump)
                            do_packet_dump (buf);

                        sc->prx = sc->data_rec_seq_num;
                        if (sc->zlb_xmit)
                            deschedule (sc->zlb_xmit);
                            sc->zlb_xmit = NULL;
                        sc->tx_bytes += buf->len;
                        udp_xmit (buf);
                        recycle_payload (buf, sc->container->peer);
                    if (result != 0)
                        log (LOG_WARN,
                             "%s: tossing read packet, error = %s (%d).  Closing call.\n",
                             __FUNCTION__, strerror (-result), -result);
                        strcpy (sc->errormsg, strerror (-result));
                        sc->needclose = -1;
                sc = sc->next;
            st = st->next;
