Пример #1
int main(void) {
	apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
	apr_status_t s = APR_SUCCESS;
	properties_pt config = NULL;
	char *autoStart = NULL;
    apr_pool_t *pool = NULL;
    bundle_pt fwBundle = NULL;

	rv = apr_initialize();
    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
        return CELIX_START_ERROR;
    apr_pool_t *memoryPool;
    s = apr_pool_create(&memoryPool, NULL);
    if (s != APR_SUCCESS) {
        return CELIX_START_ERROR;

    struct framework * framework = NULL;
    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
    status = framework_create(&framework, memoryPool, config);
    if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
		status = fw_init(framework);
		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
            // Start the system bundle
            framework_getFrameworkBundle(framework, &fwBundle);
            bundle_context_pt context = NULL;
            bundle_getContext(fwBundle, &context);

            // do some stuff
            bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
            status = CELIX_DO_IF(status, bundleContext_installBundle(context, "../test_bundle1/test_bundle1.zip", &bundle));
            status = CELIX_DO_IF(status, bundle_start(bundle));

            // Stop the system bundle, sleep a bit to let stuff settle down


    if (status != CELIX_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Problem creating framework\n");


	printf("LAUNCHER: Exit\n");

    return 0;
Пример #2
celix_status_t importRegistrationFactory_open(import_registration_factory_pt registration_factory)
	celix_status_t status;

	char *bundleStore = NULL;
	bundleContext_getProperty(registration_factory->context, BUNDLE_STORE_PROPERTY_NAME, &bundleStore);

	if (bundleStore == NULL) {

	char name[256];
	snprintf(name, 256, "%s/%s_proxy.zip", bundleStore, registration_factory->serviceName);

	status = bundleContext_installBundle(registration_factory->context, name, &registration_factory->bundle);

	if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
		status = bundle_start(registration_factory->bundle);
		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
			logHelper_log(registration_factory->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_INFO, "%s successfully started.", name);
	else {
		logHelper_log(registration_factory->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_ERROR, "%s could not be installed.", name);

	return status;
Пример #3
celix_status_t driverLoader_loadDriverForLocator(driver_loader_pt loader, driver_locator_service_pt locator, char *driverId, array_list_pt *references) {
	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
	//The list is created in the bundle_getRegisteredServices chain

	char *filename = NULL;
	status = locator->loadDriver(locator->locator, driverId, &filename);
	if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
		bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
		int length = strlen(DRIVER_LOCATION_PREFIX) + strlen(driverId);
		char location[length];
		snprintf(location, length, "%s%s", DRIVER_LOCATION_PREFIX, driverId);
		status = bundleContext_installBundle2(loader->context, location, filename, &bundle);
		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
			status = bundle_start(bundle);
			if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
				status = bundle_getRegisteredServices(bundle, references);
				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
					arrayList_addAll(loader->loadedDrivers, *references);

	return status;
Пример #4
celix_status_t importRegistrationFactory_open(import_registration_factory_pt registration_factory)
	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;

	char *bundleStore = NULL;
	bundleContext_getProperty(registration_factory->context, BUNDLE_STORE_PROPERTY_NAME, &bundleStore);

	if (bundleStore == NULL) {

	char *name = apr_pstrcat(registration_factory->pool, bundleStore, "/", registration_factory->serviceName, "_proxy.zip", NULL);
	status = bundleContext_installBundle(registration_factory->context, name, &registration_factory->bundle);

	if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
		status = bundle_start(registration_factory->bundle);
		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
			printf("%s sucessfully started\n", name);

		printf("%s could not be installed.\n", name);

	return status;
Пример #5
celix_status_t deploymentAdmin_startDeploymentPackageCustomizerBundles(deployment_admin_pt admin, deployment_package_pt source, deployment_package_pt target) {
	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;

	array_list_pt bundles = NULL;
	array_list_pt sourceInfos = NULL;


	deploymentPackage_getBundleInfos(source, &sourceInfos);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(sourceInfos); i++) {
		bundle_info_pt sourceInfo = arrayList_get(sourceInfos, i);
		if (sourceInfo->customizer) {
			bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
			deploymentPackage_getBundle(source, sourceInfo->symbolicName, &bundle);
			if (bundle != NULL) {
				arrayList_add(bundles, bundle);

	if (target != NULL) {
		array_list_pt targetInfos = NULL;
		deploymentPackage_getBundleInfos(target, &targetInfos);
		for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(targetInfos); i++) {
			bundle_info_pt targetInfo = arrayList_get(targetInfos, i);
			if (targetInfo->customizer) {
				bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
				deploymentPackage_getBundle(target, targetInfo->symbolicName, &bundle);
				if (bundle != NULL) {
					arrayList_add(bundles, bundle);

	for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(bundles); i++) {
		bundle_pt bundle = arrayList_get(bundles, i);

	return status;
Пример #6
celix_status_t deploymentAdmin_startDeploymentPackageBundles(deployment_admin_pt admin, deployment_package_pt source) {
	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;

	array_list_pt infos = NULL;
	deploymentPackage_getBundleInfos(source, &infos);
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(infos); i++) {
		bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
		bundle_info_pt info = arrayList_get(infos, i);
		if (!info->customizer) {
			deploymentPackage_getBundle(source, info->symbolicName, &bundle);
			if (bundle != NULL) {
			} else {
				printf("DEPLOYMENT_ADMIN: Could not start bundle %s\n", info->symbolicName);

	return status;
Пример #7
	static celix_status_t stopStartPermutation(bundle_context_pt context, long* permutation, int size) {
		celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
		int y = 0;

		printf("Test stop/start permutation: ");

		for (y = 0; (y < size) && (status == CELIX_SUCCESS); y++) {
			bundle_pt bundle = NULL;

			status = bundleContext_getBundleById(context, permutation[y], &bundle);

			if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
				module_pt module = NULL;
				const char *name = NULL;

				status = bundle_getCurrentModule(bundle, &module);

				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
					status = module_getSymbolicName(module, &name);
					printf("%s (%ld) ", name, permutation[y]);

		// stop all bundles
		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
			for (y = 0; (y < size) && (status == CELIX_SUCCESS); y++) {
				bundle_pt bundle = NULL;

				status = bundleContext_getBundleById(context, permutation[y], &bundle);

				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
					printf("stop bundle: %ld\n", permutation[y]);
					status = bundle_stop(bundle);

		// verify stop state
		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
			for (y = 0; (y < size) && (status == CELIX_SUCCESS); y++) {
				bundle_pt bundle = NULL;

				status = bundleContext_getBundleById(context, permutation[y], &bundle);

				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
					bundle_state_e state;
					status = bundle_getState(bundle, &state);

						printf("bundle %ld has state %d (should be %d) \n", permutation[y], state, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_RESOLVED);
						status = CELIX_ILLEGAL_STATE;

		// start all bundles
		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {

			for (y = 0; (y < size) && (status == CELIX_SUCCESS); y++) {
				bundle_pt bundle = NULL;

				status = bundleContext_getBundleById(context, permutation[y], &bundle);

				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
					printf("start bundle: %ld\n", permutation[y]);
					status = bundle_start(bundle);

		// verify started state
		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
			for (y = 0; (y < size) && (status == CELIX_SUCCESS); y++) {
				bundle_pt bundle = NULL;

				status = bundleContext_getBundleById(context, permutation[y], &bundle);

				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
					bundle_state_e state;
					status = bundle_getState(bundle, &state);

						printf("bundle %ld has state %d (should be %d) \n", permutation[y], state, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_ACTIVE);
						status = CELIX_ILLEGAL_STATE;

		return status;