Пример #1
static inline void idct_1d(int *Y)
	int z1[8], z2[8], z3[8];
	int t;

	/* Stage 1: */
	but(Y[0], Y[4], z1[1], z1[0]);

	/* rot(sqrt(2), 6, Y[2], Y[6], &z1[2], &z1[3]); */

	but(Y[1], Y[7], z1[4], z1[7]);
	/* z1[5] = CMUL(sqrt(2), Y[3]);
	   z1[6] = CMUL(sqrt(2), Y[5]);
	z1[5] = CMUL2(SQRT2, Y[3]);
	z1[6] = CMUL2(SQRT2, Y[5]);

	/* Stage 2: */
	but(z1[0], z1[3], z2[3], z2[0]);
	but(z1[1], z1[2], z2[2], z2[1]);
	but(z1[4], z1[6], z2[6], z2[4]);
	but(z1[7], z1[5], z2[5], z2[7]);

	/* Stage 3: */
	z3[0] = z2[0];
	z3[1] = z2[1];
	z3[2] = z2[2];
	z3[3] = z2[3];

	/* rot(1, 3, z2[4], z2[7], &z3[4], &z3[7]); */

	/* rot(1, 1, z2[5], z2[6], &z3[5], &z3[6]); */

	/* Final stage 4: */
	but(z3[0], z3[7], Y[7], Y[0]);
	but(z3[1], z3[6], Y[6], Y[1]);
	but(z3[2], z3[5], Y[5], Y[2]);
	but(z3[3], z3[4], Y[4], Y[3]);

Пример #2
/* Inverse 1-D Discrete Cosine Transform.
   Result Y is scaled up by factor sqrt(8).
   Original Loeffler algorithm.
static void idct_1d(int *Y)
	int z1[8], z2[8], z3[8];

	/* Stage 1: */
	but(Y[0], Y[4], z1[1], z1[0]);
	/* rot(sqrt(2), 6, Y[2], Y[6], &z1[2], &z1[3]); */
	z1[2] = SUB(CMUL(8867, Y[2]), CMUL(21407, Y[6]));
	z1[3] = ADD(CMUL(21407, Y[2]), CMUL(8867, Y[6]));
	but(Y[1], Y[7], z1[4], z1[7]);
	/* z1[5] = CMUL(sqrt(2), Y[3]);
	   z1[6] = CMUL(sqrt(2), Y[5]);
	z1[5] = CMUL(23170, Y[3]);
	z1[6] = CMUL(23170, Y[5]);

	/* Stage 2: */
	but(z1[0], z1[3], z2[3], z2[0]);
	but(z1[1], z1[2], z2[2], z2[1]);
	but(z1[4], z1[6], z2[6], z2[4]);
	but(z1[7], z1[5], z2[5], z2[7]);

	/* Stage 3: */
	z3[0] = z2[0];
	z3[1] = z2[1];
	z3[2] = z2[2];
	z3[3] = z2[3];
	/* rot(1, 3, z2[4], z2[7], &z3[4], &z3[7]); */
	z3[4] = SUB(CMUL(13623, z2[4]), CMUL(9102, z2[7]));
	z3[7] = ADD(CMUL(9102, z2[4]), CMUL(13623, z2[7]));
	/* rot(1, 1, z2[5], z2[6], &z3[5], &z3[6]); */
	z3[5] = SUB(CMUL(16069, z2[5]), CMUL(3196, z2[6]));
	z3[6] = ADD(CMUL(3196, z2[5]), CMUL(16069, z2[6]));

	/* Final stage 4: */
	but(z3[0], z3[7], Y[7], Y[0]);
	but(z3[1], z3[6], Y[6], Y[1]);
	but(z3[2], z3[5], Y[5], Y[2]);
	but(z3[3], z3[4], Y[4], Y[3]);
Пример #3
 * @brief Résout un puzzle
 * @param[in,out] p le puzzle à résoudre
 * @param[in] t le damier initial
 * @param[in,out] os flux de sortie
void jouer(Puzzle& p, const Tab2D& t, std::ostream& os) {
	Etat etatInitial;
	Etat etatCourant;
	Tab2D damierFinal;
	Etat etatDerive;

	double tempsDebutRecherche = getTime();

	but(damierFinal, t.nbL, t.nbC);
	initialiser(etatInitial.damier, t.nbL, t.nbC);
	etatInitial.mouvement = FIXE;
	etatInitial.precedent = 0;
	etatInitial.g = 0;

	//Copie du damier inititial dans etatInitial
	for (unsigned int l = 0; l < t.nbL; ++l) {
		for (unsigned int c = 0; c < t.nbC; ++c) {
			etatInitial.damier.tab[l][c] = t.tab[l][c];
	etatInitial.h = manhattan(etatInitial.damier, damierFinal);

	initialiser(etatDerive.damier, t.nbL, t.nbC);

	inserer(p.lEAE, 0, etatInitial); //étatInitial dans LEAE

	bool solutionTrouvee = false;
	bool mvtPossible;
	unsigned int pos;

	while (p.lEAE.nb != 0) {
		pos = minimal(p.lEAE);
		etatCourant = lire(p.lEAE, pos); //on prend le 1er état à explorer
		//insérer étatCourant dans LEE
		inserer(p.lEE, longueur(p.lEE), etatCourant);
		supprimer(p.lEAE, pos); //supprimer étatCourant de LEAE

		if (etatCourant.h == 0) { // le damier de étatCourant est le damier but
			solutionTrouvee = true;
			break; //sortir de la boucle while

		/*pour_tout (mouvement possible associé à étatCourant)
		mouvement possible relatif à damier de étatCourant (etatCourant.damier)
		ordre d'exploration (obligatoire) NORD, EST, SUD, OUEST */
		//initialiser un étatDérivé // d'après le mouvement

		for(int m = OUEST; m >= NORD; --m) {
			mvtPossible = deriver(etatCourant, (Mouvement) m, etatDerive);
			if (mvtPossible && !rechercher(etatDerive, p.lEAE)\
				&& !rechercher(etatDerive, p.lEE)) {
				etatDerive.precedent = longueur(p.lEE) - 1;
				etatDerive.h = manhattan(etatDerive.damier, damierFinal);
				etatDerive.g = etatCourant.g + 1;
				//insérer étatDérivé dans LEAE
				inserer(p.lEAE, longueur(p.lEAE), etatDerive);

	double tempsFinRecherche = getTime();
	cout << "Durée de recherche : " << tempsFinRecherche - tempsDebutRecherche
		<<" seconde(s)."<< endl;

	if (solutionTrouvee) {
		Pile sol;
		Etat etatSol;
		initialiser(sol, 3, 2);
		initialiser(etatSol.damier, t.nbL, t.nbC);

		//Stockage de la solution
		etatSol = lire(p.lEE, longueur(p.lEE)-1);
		empiler(sol, etatSol);
		while (etatSol.precedent != 0) {
			etatSol = lire(p.lEE, etatSol.precedent);
			empiler(sol, etatSol);
		empiler(sol, etatInitial);

		//Affichage de la solution
		os << "Damier : " << t.nbL << " lignes " << t.nbC << " colonnes"
			<< endl;
		os << "Solution en " << sol.sommet << " mouvements" << endl;
		while (!estVide(sol)) {
			afficher(sommet(sol), os);
			os << endl;
	else {
		os << "Solution non trouvée" << endl;
Пример #4
Ultra1::StateNumber Ultra1::HelpState::Run( )
	Sim::Image bg( UBD_PREFIX "/images/mountains.jpg" );	
	Sim::Image but( UBD_PREFIX "/images/button.png", 255, 0, 0 );
	Sim::Button menu( 0, 480, 450, 50, 3, 0, 0, 0, 40, 7, true );
	menu.SetBackGround( but.image );
	menu.SetForeGround( "Main Menu", app->text_writer.GetFont( GALAPOGO_36 ), 0, 0, 0 );
	Sim::Button quit( 0, 540, 450, 50, 3, 0, 0, 0, 40, 7, true );
	quit.SetBackGround( but.image );
	quit.SetForeGround( "Quit", app->text_writer.GetFont( GALAPOGO_36 ), 0, 0, 0 );

	Sim::Image bear_i( UBD_PREFIX "/images/bear.png", 0, 0, 255 );
	Sim::Sprite bear( 10, 130, 20, 40, 1 );
	bear.AddAnimation( 0, 0, 3, true, bear_i.image, 200, true );

	Sim::Image armor_i( UBD_PREFIX "/images/armor.png", 0, 0, 255 );
	Sim::Sprite armor( 10, 190, 20, 20, 1 );
	armor.AddAnimation( 0, 0, 2, true, armor_i.image, 125, false );

	Sim::Image force_i( UBD_PREFIX "/images/force.png", 0, 0, 255 );
	Sim::Sprite force( 10, 230, 20, 20, 1 );
	force.AddAnimation( 0, 0, 2, true, force_i.image, 125, false );

	Sim::Image life_i( UBD_PREFIX "/images/extralife.png", 0, 0, 255 );
	Sim::Sprite life( 10, 270, 20, 20, 1 );
	life.AddAnimation( 0, 0, 2, true, life_i.image, 125, false );

	Sim::Image coin_i( UBD_PREFIX "/images/coin.png", 0, 0, 255 );
	Sim::Sprite coin( 10, 310, 20, 20, 1 );
	coin.AddAnimation( 0, 0, 3, true, coin_i.image, 125, false );

	SDL_Event event;
	while( true )
		while( SDL_PollEvent(&event) )
			if( event.type == SDL_QUIT )
				app->FadeTo( 100 );
				return QUIT_STATE;
			else if( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN )
				if( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE )
					app->FadeTo( 100 );
					return MENU_STATE;
			else if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN )
				menu.HandleMouseDown( event.button.x, event.button.y );
				quit.HandleMouseDown( event.button.x, event.button.y );
			else if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP )
				if( menu.HandleMouseUp( event.button.x, event.button.y ) )
					app->PlaySound( BUTTON_NOISE );
					app->FadeTo( 100 );
					return MENU_STATE;
				if( quit.HandleMouseUp( event.button.x, event.button.y ) )
					app->PlaySound( BUTTON_NOISE );
					app->FadeTo( 100 );
					return QUIT_STATE;

		bear.Update( );
		armor.Update( );
		force.Update( );
		life.Update( );
		coin.Update( );

		app->Clear( 0, 0, 0 );
		SDL_BlitSurface( bg.image, NULL, app->screen, NULL );

		app->text_writer.WriteText( app->screen, GALAPOGO_72, "Help", 10, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

		// Write basic info at top...
		app->text_writer.WriteText( app->screen, PLAIN_FONT_14, "In this game, you must guide Ultra Bear to the South Pole by working through every level on the map.", 10, 65, 0, 0, 0 );
		app->text_writer.WriteText( app->screen, PLAIN_FONT_14, "To beat a level, you must move Ultra Bear to the right while avoiding all of the enemies. You can kill", 10, 82, 0, 0, 0 );
		app->text_writer.WriteText( app->screen, PLAIN_FONT_14, "enemies by bouncing on their heads. Here are a few things that you will encounter:", 10, 99, 0,0,0 );

		// Info beside UB and crew...
		app->text_writer.WriteText( app->screen, PLAIN_FONT_14, "Ultra Bear. This is the bear you must guide south. He is very Ultra.", 50, 139, 0, 0, 0 );
		app->text_writer.WriteText( app->screen, PLAIN_FONT_14, "Armor. This pickup will protect Ultra Bear from one blow by an enemy.", 50, 190, 0, 0, 0 );
		app->text_writer.WriteText( app->screen, PLAIN_FONT_14, "Force. This magic force field will eliminate all enemies Ultra Bear touches. It will wear off though.", 50, 230, 0, 0, 0 );
		app->text_writer.WriteText( app->screen, PLAIN_FONT_14, "Extra Life. This pickup will credit Ultra Bear with one extra life.", 50, 270, 0, 0, 0 );
		app->text_writer.WriteText( app->screen, PLAIN_FONT_14, "Coin. This pickup deposits one coin in Ultra Bear's account. Once he has 100, he can trade them in for an extra life.", 50, 310, 0, 0, 0 );
		app->text_writer.WriteText( app->screen, PLAIN_FONT_14, "The controls can be configured by clicking Options from the Main Menu", 10, 380, 0, 0, 0 );

		menu.Draw( app->screen );
		quit.Draw( app->screen );
		bear.Draw( app->screen );
		armor.Draw( app->screen );
		force.Draw( app->screen );
		life.Draw( app->screen );
		coin.Draw( app->screen );

		app->Flip( );
Пример #5
void MyQGraphicsScene::chargerGraphiques(int **carte)
        //--- CHARGEMENT DU TERRAIN ---

        QPixmap cheminHorizontal("data/Chemin/cheminHorizontal.jpg");
        QPixmap cheminVertical("data/Chemin/cheminVertical.jpg");
        QPixmap coinBD("data/Chemin/coinBD.jpg");
        QPixmap coinBG("data/Chemin/coinBG.jpg");
        QPixmap coinHD("data/Chemin/coinHD.jpg");
        QPixmap coinHG("data/Chemin/coinHG.jpg");
        QPixmap herbe("data/herbe.jpg");
        QPixmap but("data/but.png");
        QPixmap boue("data/Chemin/boue.jpg");


        QGraphicsPixmapItem *I;

        for(int i=0;i<16;++i){
            for(int j=0;j<16;++j){
                if(carte[i][j] != 0)
                    if(carte[i][j] == 1)      // vers le NORD
                        I = this->addPixmap(cheminVertical);
                    else if(carte[i][j] == 2)   // vers le SUD
                        I = this->addPixmap(cheminVertical);
                    else if(carte[i][j] == 4)   // vers l'EST
                        I = this->addPixmap(cheminHorizontal);
                    else if(carte[i][j] == 8)   // vers l'OUEST
                        I = this->addPixmap(cheminHorizontal);
                    else if(carte[i][j] == 5)   // vers le Nord EST

                        if(carte[i][j+1] != 1 && carte[i+1][j] != 17) I = this->addPixmap(coinBD);
                        else I = this->addPixmap(coinHG);
                    else if(carte[i][j] == 6)   // vers le Sud EST

                        if(carte[i][j-1] != 2 && carte[i-1][j] != 18) I = this->addPixmap(coinHD);
                        else I = this->addPixmap(coinBG);
                    else if(carte[i][j] == 9)   // vers le Nord OUEST
                        if(carte[i][j+1] != 1 && carte[i+1][j] != 17) I = this->addPixmap(coinBG);
                        else I = this->addPixmap(coinHD);

                    else if(carte[i][j] == 10)  // vers le Sud OUEST
                        if(carte[i][j-1] != 2 && carte[i-1][j] != 18) I = this->addPixmap(coinHG);
                        else I = this->addPixmap(coinBD);


                            // TRAITER LES DIFFERENTS DEPARTS

                    else if(carte[i][j] < 32 && carte[i][j] >= 17) // case de DEPART
                        if(carte[i][j] == 17)      // vers le NORD
                            I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/cheminVerticalDepartSud.jpg"));
                        else if(carte[i][j] == 18)   // vers le SUD
                            I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/cheminVerticalDepartNord.jpg"));
                        else if(carte[i][j] == 19)   // vers l'EST
                            I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/cheminHorizontalDepartOuest.jpg"));
                        else if(carte[i][j] == 24)   // vers l'OUEST
                            I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/cheminHorizontalDepartEst.jpg"));
                        else if(carte[i][j] == 21)   // vers le Nord EST
                            if(j == 0) I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/coinBGDepartNordEst.jpg"));
                            else I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/coinHGDepartNordEst.jpg"));
                        else if(carte[i][j] == 22)   // vers le Sud EST
                            if(i == 0) I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/coinBGDepartSudEst.jpg"));
                            else I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/coinHDDepartSudEst.jpg"));
                        else if(carte[i][j] == 25)   // vers le Nord OUEST
                            if(j == 15) I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/coinBGDepartNordOuest.jpg"));
                            else I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/coinHDDepartNordOuest.jpg"));
                        else if(carte[i][j] == 26)  // vers le Sud OUEST
                            if(i == 0) I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/coinHDDepartSudOuest.jpg"));
                            else I = this->addPixmap(QPixmap("data/Chemin/Depart/coinHGDepartSudEst.jpg"));
                    else if(carte[i][j] == 32) // le but
                        I = this->addPixmap(but);
                        float scale1 = (float)32/but.size().width();
                        float scale2 = (float)32/but.size().height();
                        if(scale2 > scale1) scale1 = scale2;
                    else if(carte[i][j] == 64) // la boue
                        I = this->addPixmap(boue);
                else // de l'herbe
                    // on ajoute un item afin de respecter le quadrillage 16x16