Пример #1
 * Create a rendezvous "init recv" packet and send it on its merry way.
 * This is the first packet sent to the proxy server by the second client
 * involved in this rendezvous proxy session.
 * @param conn The peer connection.
 * @param pin The 2 byte PIN sent to us by the other user.  This acts
 *        as our passcode when establishing the proxy session.
static void
peer_proxy_send_join_existing_conn(PeerConnection *conn, guint16 pin)
	ProxyFrame frame;
	PurpleAccount *account;
	const gchar *bn;
	guint8 bn_length;

	memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(ProxyFrame));
	frame.type = PEER_PROXY_TYPE_JOIN;
	frame.flags = 0x0000;

	account = purple_connection_get_account(conn->od->gc);
	bn = purple_account_get_username(account);
	bn_length = strlen(bn);
	byte_stream_new(&frame.payload, 1 + bn_length + 2 + 8 + 20);
	byte_stream_put8(&frame.payload, bn_length);
	byte_stream_putraw(&frame.payload, (const guint8 *)bn, bn_length);
	byte_stream_put16(&frame.payload, pin);
	byte_stream_putraw(&frame.payload, conn->cookie, 8);

	byte_stream_put16(&frame.payload, 0x0001); /* Type */
	byte_stream_put16(&frame.payload, 16); /* Length */
	byte_stream_putcaps(&frame.payload, conn->type); /* Value */

	peer_proxy_send(conn, &frame);
Пример #2
static void
peer_proxy_send(PeerConnection *conn, ProxyFrame *frame)
	size_t length;
	ByteStream bs;

	purple_debug_info("oscar", "Outgoing peer proxy frame with "
			"type=0x%04hx, unknown=0x%08x, "
			"flags=0x%04hx, and payload length=%hd\n",
			frame->type, frame->unknown,
			frame->flags, frame->payload.len);

	length = 12 + frame->payload.len;
	byte_stream_new(&bs, length);
	byte_stream_put16(&bs, length - 2);
	byte_stream_put16(&bs, PEER_PROXY_PACKET_VERSION);
	byte_stream_put16(&bs, frame->type);
	byte_stream_put32(&bs, frame->unknown);
	byte_stream_put16(&bs, frame->flags);
	byte_stream_putraw(&bs, frame->payload.data, frame->payload.len);

	peer_connection_send(conn, &bs);

Пример #3
Файл: odc.c Проект: VoxOx/VoxOx
 * Write the given OdcFrame to a ByteStream and send it out
 * on the established PeerConnection.
static void
peer_odc_send(PeerConnection *conn, OdcFrame *frame)
    GaimAccount *account;
    const char *username;
    size_t length;
    ByteStream bs;

    gaim_debug_info("oscar", "Outgoing ODC frame to %s with "
                    "type=0x%04x, flags=0x%04x, payload length=%u\n",
                    conn->sn, frame->type, frame->flags, frame->payload.len);

    account = gaim_connection_get_account(conn->od->gc);
    username = gaim_account_get_username(account);
    memcpy(frame->sn, username, strlen(username));
    memcpy(frame->cookie, conn->cookie, 8);

    length = 76;
    byte_stream_new(&bs, length + frame->payload.len);
    byte_stream_putraw(&bs, conn->magic, 4);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, length);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, frame->type);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, frame->subtype);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0x0000);
    byte_stream_putraw(&bs, frame->cookie, 8);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0x0000);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0x0000);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0x0000);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0x0000);
    byte_stream_put32(&bs, frame->payload.len);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0x0000);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, frame->encoding);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0x0000);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, frame->flags);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0x0000);
    byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0x0000);
    byte_stream_putraw(&bs, frame->sn, 32);
    byte_stream_putraw(&bs, frame->payload.data, frame->payload.len);

    peer_connection_send(conn, &bs);

Пример #4
byte_stream_putcaps(ByteStream *bs, guint64 caps)
	int i;

	if (!bs)
		return -EINVAL;

	for (i = 0; byte_stream_bytes_left(bs); i++) {
		if (aim_caps[i].flag == OSCAR_CAPABILITY_LAST)

		if (caps & aim_caps[i].flag)
			byte_stream_putraw(bs, aim_caps[i].data, 0x10);
	return 0;
Пример #5
Файл: odc.c Проект: VoxOx/VoxOx
 * Send client-to-client IM over an established direct connection.
 * To send a direct IM, call this just like you would aim_send_im.
 * @param conn The already-connected ODC connection.
 * @param msg Null-terminated string to send.
 * @param len The length of the message to send, including binary data.
 * @param encoding See the AIM_CHARSET_* defines in oscar.h
 * @param autoreply TRUE if this is any auto-reply.
peer_odc_send_im(PeerConnection *conn, const char *msg, int len, int encoding, gboolean autoreply)
    OdcFrame frame;

    g_return_if_fail(msg != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail(len > 0);

    memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(OdcFrame));
    frame.type = 0x0001;
    frame.subtype = 0x0006;
    frame.payload.len = len;
    frame.encoding = encoding;
    frame.flags = autoreply;
    byte_stream_new(&frame.payload, len);
    byte_stream_putraw(&frame.payload, (guint8 *)msg, len);

    peer_odc_send(conn, &frame);

Пример #6
int byte_stream_putstr(ByteStream *bs, const char *str)
	return byte_stream_putraw(bs, (guint8 *)str, strlen(str));
Пример #7
 * Subtype 0x0005 - Send a Chat Message.
 * Possible flags:
 *   AIM_CHATFLAGS_NOREFLECT   --  Unset the flag that requests messages
 *                                 should be sent to their sender.
 *   AIM_CHATFLAGS_AWAY        --  Mark the message as an autoresponse
 *                                 (Note that WinAIM does not honor this,
 *                                 and displays the message as normal.)
 * XXX convert this to use tlvchains
aim_chat_send_im(OscarData *od, FlapConnection *conn, guint16 flags, const gchar *msg, int msglen, const char *encoding, const char *language)
	int i;
	ByteStream bs;
	IcbmCookie *cookie;
	aim_snacid_t snacid;
	guint8 ckstr[8];
	GSList *tlvlist = NULL, *inner_tlvlist = NULL;

	if (!od || !conn || !msg || (msglen <= 0))
		return 0;

	byte_stream_new(&bs, 1142);

	snacid = aim_cachesnac(od, SNAC_FAMILY_CHAT, 0x0005, 0x0000, NULL, 0);

	 * Cookie
	 * XXX mkcookie should generate the cookie and cache it in one
	 * operation to preserve uniqueness.
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		ckstr[i] = (guint8)rand();

	cookie = aim_mkcookie(ckstr, AIM_COOKIETYPE_CHAT, NULL);
	cookie->data = NULL; /* XXX store something useful here */

	aim_cachecookie(od, cookie);

	/* ICBM Header */
	byte_stream_putraw(&bs, ckstr, 8); /* Cookie */
	byte_stream_put16(&bs, 0x0003); /* Channel */

	 * Type 1: Flag meaning this message is destined to the room.
	aim_tlvlist_add_noval(&tlvlist, 0x0001);

	 * Type 6: Reflect
		aim_tlvlist_add_noval(&tlvlist, 0x0006);

	 * Type 7: Autoresponse
	if (flags & AIM_CHATFLAGS_AWAY)
		aim_tlvlist_add_noval(&tlvlist, 0x0007);

	 * SubTLV: Type 1: Message
	aim_tlvlist_add_raw(&inner_tlvlist, 0x0001, msglen, (guchar *)msg);

	 * SubTLV: Type 2: Encoding
	if (encoding != NULL)
		aim_tlvlist_add_str(&inner_tlvlist, 0x0002, encoding);

	 * SubTLV: Type 3: Language
	if (language != NULL)
		aim_tlvlist_add_str(&inner_tlvlist, 0x0003, language);

	 * Type 5: Message block.  Contains more TLVs.
	 * This could include other information... We just
	 * put in a message TLV however.
	aim_tlvlist_add_frozentlvlist(&tlvlist, 0x0005, &inner_tlvlist);

	aim_tlvlist_write(&bs, &tlvlist);


	flap_connection_send_snac(od, conn, SNAC_FAMILY_CHAT, 0x0005, snacid, &bs);


	return 0;