cJSON *cJSON_CreateDoubleArray(const double *numbers,int count) {int i;cJSON *n=0,*p=0,*a=cJSON_CreateArray();for(i=0;a && i<count;i++){n=cJSON_CreateNumber(numbers[i]);if(!i)a->child=n;else suffix_object(p,n);p=n;}return a;}
void server_masters(socket_t * client, http_request_t * req, db_t * db) { char buffer[10240] = ""; if (strcmp(req->method, "GET") == 0) { list_t * masters = list_new(); char * countK = (char *)http_request_getArg(req, "countK"); char * countP = (char *)http_request_getArg(req, "countP"); if(countK != NULL && countP != NULL) { db_filtration(db, masters, atoi(countK), atoi(countP)); } else { db_parse(db, masters); } cJSON * jPageText = cJSON_CreateArray(); for(int i = 0; i < list_size(masters); i++) { master_t * sm = list_get(masters, i); cJSON * jText = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jText, "Name", cJSON_CreateString(master_getName(sm))); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jText, "Surname", cJSON_CreateString(master_getSurname(sm))); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jText, "CountK", cJSON_CreateNumber(master_getCountK(sm))); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jText, "CountP", cJSON_CreateNumber(master_getCountP(sm))); cJSON_AddItemToArray(jPageText, jText); } char * pageText = cJSON_Print(jPageText); list_free(masters); char * textJSON = textToJSON(pageText); strcat(buffer, textJSON); free(textJSON); } else if (strcmp(req->method, "POST") == 0) { char * name = (char *)http_request_getArg(req, "name"); char * surname = (char *)http_request_getArg(req, "surname"); char * countK = (char *)http_request_getArg(req, "countK"); char * countP = (char *)http_request_getArg(req, "countP"); if(verification(name, surname, countK, countP) == 1) { db_insertData(db, name, surname, atoi(countK), atoi(countP)); cJSON * jText = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jText, "Name", cJSON_CreateString(name)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jText, "Surname", cJSON_CreateString(surname)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jText, "CountK", cJSON_CreateNumber(atoi(countK))); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jText, "CountP", cJSON_CreateNumber(atoi(countP))); char * pageText = cJSON_Print(jText); char * textJSON = textToJSON(pageText); strcat(buffer, textJSON); free(textJSON); } else { cJSON * jText = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jText, "Error", cJSON_CreateString("Wrong input")); char * pageText = cJSON_Print(jText); char * textJSON = textToJSON(pageText); strcat(buffer, textJSON); free(textJSON); } } socket_write_string(client, buffer); socket_close(client); }
void conference_event_mod_channel_handler(const char *event_channel, cJSON *json, const char *key, switch_event_channel_id_t id) { cJSON *data, *addobj = NULL; const char *action = NULL; char *value = NULL; cJSON *jid = 0; char *conference_name = strdup(event_channel + 15); char cid[32] = ""; char *p; switch_stream_handle_t stream = { 0 }; char *exec = NULL; cJSON *msg, *jdata, *jvalue; char *argv[10] = {0}; int argc = 0; if (conference_name && (p = strchr(conference_name, '@'))) { *p = '\0'; } if ((data = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "data"))) { action = cJSON_GetObjectCstr(data, "command"); if ((jid = cJSON_GetObjectItem(data, "id"))) { if (jid->valueint) { switch_snprintf(cid, sizeof(cid), "%d", jid->valueint); } else if (!zstr(jid->valuestring)) { switch_snprintf(cid, sizeof(cid), "%s", jid->valuestring); } } if ((jvalue = cJSON_GetObjectItem(data, "value"))) { if (jvalue->type == cJSON_Array) { int i; argc = cJSON_GetArraySize(jvalue); if (argc > 10) argc = 10; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { cJSON *str = cJSON_GetArrayItem(jvalue, i); if (str->type == cJSON_String) { argv[i] = str->valuestring; } } } else if (jvalue->type == cJSON_String) { value = jvalue->valuestring; argv[argc++] = value; } } } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "conf %s CMD %s [%s] %s\n", conference_name, key, action, cid); if (zstr(action)) { goto end; } SWITCH_STANDARD_STREAM(stream); if (!strcasecmp(action, "kick")) { exec = switch_mprintf("%s %s %s", conference_name, action, cid); } else if (!strcasecmp(action, "mute") || !strcasecmp(action, "unmute") || !strcasecmp(action, "tmute") || !strcasecmp(action, "vmute") || !strcasecmp(action, "unvmute") || !strcasecmp(action, "tvmute")) { if (argv[0]) { exec = switch_mprintf("%s %s %s %s", conference_name, action, cid, argv[0]); } else { exec = switch_mprintf("%s %s %s", conference_name, action, cid); } } else if (!strcasecmp(action, "volume_in") || !strcasecmp(action, "volume_out") || !strcasecmp(action, "vid-res-id") || !strcasecmp(action, "vid-floor") || !strcasecmp(action, "vid-layer") || !strcasecmp(action, "vid-canvas") || !strcasecmp(action, "vid-watching-canvas") || !strcasecmp(action, "vid-banner")) { exec = switch_mprintf("%s %s %s %s", conference_name, action, cid, argv[0]); } else if (!strcasecmp(action, "play") || !strcasecmp(action, "stop")) { exec = switch_mprintf("%s %s %s", conference_name, action, argv[0]); } else if (!strcasecmp(action, "recording") || !strcasecmp(action, "vid-layout") || !strcasecmp(action, "vid-write-png")) { if (!argv[1]) { argv[1] = "all"; } exec = switch_mprintf("%s %s %s %s", conference_name, action, argv[0], argv[1]); } else if (!strcasecmp(action, "transfer")) { conference_member_t *member; conference_obj_t *conference; if (cid[0] == '\0') { stream.write_function(&stream, "-ERR Call transfer requires id"); goto end; } exec = switch_mprintf("%s %s %s", argv[0], switch_str_nil(argv[1]), switch_str_nil(argv[2])); stream.write_function(&stream, "+OK Call transferred to %s", argv[0]); if ((conference = conference_find(conference_name, NULL))) { if ((member = conference_member_get(conference, atoi(cid)))) { switch_ivr_session_transfer(member->session, argv[0], argv[1], argv[2]); switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(member->rwlock); } switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(conference->rwlock); } goto end; } else if (!strcasecmp(action, "list-videoLayouts")) { switch_hash_index_t *hi; void *val; const void *vvar; cJSON *array = cJSON_CreateArray(); conference_obj_t *conference = NULL; if ((conference = conference_find(conference_name, NULL))) { switch_mutex_lock(conference_globals.setup_mutex); if (conference->layout_hash) { for (hi = switch_core_hash_first(conference->layout_hash); hi; hi = switch_core_hash_next(&hi)) { switch_core_hash_this(hi, &vvar, NULL, &val); cJSON_AddItemToArray(array, cJSON_CreateString((char *)vvar)); } } if (conference->layout_group_hash) { for (hi = switch_core_hash_first(conference->layout_group_hash); hi; hi = switch_core_hash_next(&hi)) { char *name; switch_core_hash_this(hi, &vvar, NULL, &val); name = switch_mprintf("group:%s", (char *)vvar); cJSON_AddItemToArray(array, cJSON_CreateString(name)); free(name); } } switch_mutex_unlock(conference_globals.setup_mutex); switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(conference->rwlock); } addobj = array; } if (exec) { conference_api_main_real(exec, NULL, &stream); } end: msg = cJSON_CreateObject(); jdata = json_add_child_obj(msg, "data", NULL); cJSON_AddItemToObject(msg, "eventChannel", cJSON_CreateString(event_channel)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jdata, "action", cJSON_CreateString("response")); if (addobj) { cJSON_AddItemToObject(jdata, "conf-command", cJSON_CreateString(action)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jdata, "response", cJSON_CreateString("OK")); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jdata, "responseData", addobj); } else if (exec) { cJSON_AddItemToObject(jdata, "conf-command", cJSON_CreateString(exec)); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jdata, "response", cJSON_CreateString((char *)stream.data)); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ALERT,"RES [%s][%s]\n", exec, (char *)stream.data); } else { cJSON_AddItemToObject(jdata, "error", cJSON_CreateString("Invalid Command")); } switch_event_channel_broadcast(event_channel, &msg, __FILE__, conference_globals.event_channel_id); switch_safe_free(stream.data); switch_safe_free(exec); switch_safe_free(conference_name); }
cJSON* CHPRepPayloadToJson(OCRepPayload* repData) { cJSON *outJson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (outJson == NULL) { return NULL; } OCRepPayloadValue* val = repData->values; while (val) { switch (val->type) { case OCREP_PROP_NULL: break; case OCREP_PROP_INT: OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "%s(int):%d", val->name, (int)val->i); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(outJson,val->name,(int)val->i); break; case OCREP_PROP_DOUBLE: OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "%s(double):%f", val->name, val->d); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(outJson,val->name,val->d); break; case OCREP_PROP_BOOL: OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "%s(bool):%s", val->name, val->b ? "true" : "false"); cJSON_AddBoolToObject(outJson,val->name,val->b); break; case OCREP_PROP_STRING: OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "%s(string):%s", val->name, val->str); cJSON_AddStringToObject(outJson,val->name,val->str); break; case OCREP_PROP_OBJECT: { cJSON *objJson = CHPRepPayloadToJson(val->obj); if (objJson != NULL) { cJSON_AddItemToObject(outJson,val->name,objJson); } break; } case OCREP_PROP_ARRAY: { unsigned int i = 0; int arraySize = (int)val->arr.dimensions[0]; switch (val->arr.type) { case OCREP_PROP_INT: OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "%s(int array)", val->name); if (arraySize > 0) { int castVal[val->arr.dimensions[0]]; for (i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)arraySize ; i++) { castVal[i] = (int)val->arr.iArray[i]; } cJSON *array = cJSON_CreateIntArray(castVal,arraySize); if (array != NULL) { cJSON_AddItemToObject(outJson,val->name,array); } } break; case OCREP_PROP_DOUBLE: OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "%s(double array)", val->name); if (arraySize > 0) { cJSON *array = cJSON_CreateDoubleArray(val->arr.dArray,arraySize); if (array != NULL) { cJSON_AddItemToObject(outJson,val->name,array); } } break; case OCREP_PROP_STRING: OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "%s(string array)", val->name); if (arraySize > 0) { cJSON *array = cJSON_CreateStringArray((const char**)val->arr.strArray, arraySize); if (array != NULL) { cJSON_AddItemToObject(outJson,val->name,array); } } break; case OCREP_PROP_OBJECT: if (arraySize > 0) { cJSON *arrayJson = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i = 0 ; i < (unsigned int)arraySize ; i++) { cJSON *objJson = CHPRepPayloadToJson(val->arr.objArray[i]); if (objJson != NULL && arrayJson != NULL) { cJSON_AddItemToArray(arrayJson, objJson); } } if (arrayJson != NULL) { cJSON_AddItemToObject(outJson,val->name,arrayJson); } } break; case OCREP_PROP_BOOL: //TODO : Not support - cJSON_CreateBoolArray break; default: OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "Unknown/unsupported array type: %s", val->name); break; } break; } default: OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "Unknown type: %s", val->name); break; } val = val->next; } if( repData->values != NULL) { return outJson; } else { cJSON_Delete(outJson); return NULL; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *dir = DEFAULTDIR; const char *group = GROUPGLOBAL; const char *user = USER; const char *agent_id = NULL; gid_t gid; uid_t uid; int c = 0, info_agent = 0, update_rootcheck = 0, list_agents = 0, show_last = 0, resolved_only = 0; int active_only = 0, csv_output = 0, json_output = 0; char shost[512]; cJSON *json_root = NULL; /* Set the name */ OS_SetName(ARGV0); /* User arguments */ if (argc < 2) { helpmsg(); } while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "VhqrDdLlcsju:i:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'V': print_version(); break; case 'h': helpmsg(); break; case 'D': nowDebug(); break; case 'l': list_agents++; break; case 's': csv_output = 1; break; case 'j': json_output = 1; break; case 'c': active_only++; break; case 'r': resolved_only = 1; break; case 'q': resolved_only = 2; break; case 'L': show_last = 1; break; case 'i': info_agent++; if (!optarg) { merror("%s: -u needs an argument", ARGV0); helpmsg(); } agent_id = optarg; break; case 'u': if (!optarg) { merror("%s: -u needs an argument", ARGV0); helpmsg(); } agent_id = optarg; update_rootcheck = 1; break; default: helpmsg(); break; } } if (json_output) json_root = cJSON_CreateObject(); /* Get the group name */ gid = Privsep_GetGroup(group); uid = Privsep_GetUser(user); if (uid == (uid_t) - 1 || gid == (gid_t) - 1) { ErrorExit(USER_ERROR, ARGV0, user, group); } /* Set the group */ if (Privsep_SetGroup(gid) < 0) { ErrorExit(SETGID_ERROR, ARGV0, group, errno, strerror(errno)); } /* Chroot to the default directory */ if (Privsep_Chroot(dir) < 0) { ErrorExit(CHROOT_ERROR, ARGV0, dir, errno, strerror(errno)); } /* Inside chroot now */ nowChroot(); /* Set the user */ if (Privsep_SetUser(uid) < 0) { ErrorExit(SETUID_ERROR, ARGV0, user, errno, strerror(errno)); } /* Get server hostname */ memset(shost, '\0', 512); if (gethostname(shost, 512 - 1) != 0) { strncpy(shost, "localhost", 32); return (0); } /* List available agents */ if (list_agents) { if (!csv_output) { printf("\nOSSEC HIDS %s. List of available agents:", ARGV0); printf("\n ID: 000, Name: %s (server), IP:, " "Active/Local\n", shost); } else { printf("000,%s (server),,Active/Local,\n", shost); } print_agents(1, active_only, csv_output, 0); printf("\n"); exit(0); } /* Update rootcheck database */ if (update_rootcheck) { char json_buffer[1024]; /* Clean all agents (and server) db */ if (strcmp(agent_id, "all") == 0) { DIR *sys_dir; struct dirent *entry; sys_dir = opendir(ROOTCHECK_DIR); if (!sys_dir) { if (json_output) { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_root, "error", 11); snprintf(json_buffer, 1023, "%s: Unable to open: '%s'", ARGV0, ROOTCHECK_DIR); cJSON_AddStringToObject(json_root, "message", json_buffer); printf("%s", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json_root)); exit(1); } else ErrorExit("%s: Unable to open: '%s'", ARGV0, ROOTCHECK_DIR); } while ((entry = readdir(sys_dir)) != NULL) { FILE *fp; char full_path[OS_MAXSTR + 1]; /* Do not even attempt to delete . and .. :) */ if ((strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0) || (strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0)) { continue; } snprintf(full_path, OS_MAXSTR, "%s/%s", ROOTCHECK_DIR, entry->d_name); fp = fopen(full_path, "w"); if (fp) { fclose(fp); } if (entry->d_name[0] == '.') { unlink(full_path); } } closedir(sys_dir); if (json_output) { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_root, "error", 0); cJSON_AddStringToObject(json_root, "data", "Policy and auditing database updated"); printf("%s", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json_root)); } else printf("\n** Policy and auditing database updated.\n\n"); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(agent_id, "000") == 0) || (strcmp(agent_id, "local") == 0)) { char final_dir[1024]; FILE *fp; snprintf(final_dir, 1020, "/%s/rootcheck", ROOTCHECK_DIR); fp = fopen(final_dir, "w"); if (fp) { fclose(fp); } unlink(final_dir); if (json_output) { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_root, "error", 0); cJSON_AddStringToObject(json_root, "data", "Policy and auditing database updated"); printf("%s", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json_root)); } else printf("\n** Policy and auditing database updated.\n\n"); exit(0); } /* Database from remote agents */ else { int i; keystore keys; OS_ReadKeys(&keys); i = OS_IsAllowedID(&keys, agent_id); if (i < 0) { if (json_output) { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_root, "error", 12); snprintf(json_buffer, 1023, "Invalid agent id '%s'.", agent_id); cJSON_AddStringToObject(json_root, "message", json_buffer); printf("%s", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json_root)); exit(1); } else { printf("\n** Invalid agent id '%s'.\n", agent_id); helpmsg(); } } /* Delete syscheck */ delete_rootcheck(keys.keyentries[i]->name, keys.keyentries[i]->ip->ip, 0); if (json_output) { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_root, "error", 0); cJSON_AddStringToObject(json_root, "data", "Policy and auditing database updated"); printf("%s", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json_root)); } else printf("\n** Policy and auditing database updated.\n\n"); exit(0); } } /* Print information from an agent */ if (info_agent) { int i; char final_ip[128 + 1]; char final_mask[128 + 1]; keystore keys; cJSON *json_events = NULL; if (json_output) json_events = cJSON_CreateArray(); if ((strcmp(agent_id, "000") == 0) || (strcmp(agent_id, "local") == 0)) { if (!(csv_output || json_output)) printf("\nPolicy and auditing events for local system '%s - %s':\n", shost, ""); print_rootcheck(NULL, NULL, NULL, resolved_only, csv_output, json_events, show_last); if (json_output) { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_root, "error", 0); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_root, "data", json_events); printf("%s", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json_root)); } } else { OS_ReadKeys(&keys); i = OS_IsAllowedID(&keys, agent_id); if (i < 0) { if (json_output) { char json_buffer[1024]; snprintf(json_buffer, 1023, "Invalid agent id '%s'", agent_id); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_root, "error", 13); cJSON_AddStringToObject(json_root, "message", json_buffer); printf("%s", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json_root)); exit(1); } else { printf("\n** Invalid agent id '%s'.\n", agent_id); helpmsg(); } } final_ip[128] = '\0'; final_mask[128] = '\0'; getNetmask(keys.keyentries[i]->ip->netmask, final_mask, 128); snprintf(final_ip, 128, "%s%s", keys.keyentries[i]->ip->ip, final_mask); if (!csv_output) printf("\nPolicy and auditing events for agent " "'%s (%s) - %s':\n", keys.keyentries[i]->name, keys.keyentries[i]->id, final_ip); print_rootcheck(keys.keyentries[i]->name, keys.keyentries[i]->ip->ip, NULL, resolved_only, csv_output, json_events, show_last); if (json_output) { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_root, "error", 0); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json_root, "data", json_events); printf("%s", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json_root)); } } exit(0); } if (json_output) { cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json_root, "error", 10); cJSON_AddStringToObject(json_root, "message", "Invalid argument combination"); printf("%s", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json_root)); exit(1); } else { printf("\n** Invalid argument combination.\n"); helpmsg(); } return (0); }
char * BinToDoxmJSON(const OicSecDoxm_t * doxm, const bool isIncResName) { if (NULL == doxm) { return NULL; } char *jsonStr = NULL; cJSON *jsonDoxm = NULL; char base64Buff[B64ENCODE_OUT_SAFESIZE(sizeof(((OicUuid_t*)0)->id)) + 1] = {}; uint32_t outLen = 0; B64Result b64Ret = B64_OK; cJSON *jsonRoot = cJSON_CreateObject(); VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, jsonRoot, ERROR); if(isIncResName) { jsonDoxm = cJSON_CreateObject(); VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, jsonDoxm, ERROR); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jsonRoot, OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME, jsonDoxm ); } else { jsonDoxm = jsonRoot; } //Oxm -- Not Mandatory if(doxm->oxmLen > 0) { cJSON *jsonOxmArray = cJSON_CreateArray(); VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, jsonOxmArray, ERROR); cJSON_AddItemToObject (jsonDoxm, OIC_JSON_OXM_NAME,jsonOxmArray ); for (size_t i = 0; i < doxm->oxmLen; i++) { cJSON_AddItemToArray (jsonOxmArray, cJSON_CreateNumber(doxm->oxm[i])); } } //OxmSel -- Mandatory cJSON_AddNumberToObject(jsonDoxm, OIC_JSON_OXM_SEL_NAME, (int)doxm->oxmSel); //sct -- Mandatory cJSON_AddNumberToObject(jsonDoxm, OIC_JSON_SUPPORTED_CRED_TYPE_NAME, (int)doxm->sct); //Owned -- Mandatory cJSON_AddBoolToObject(jsonDoxm, OIC_JSON_OWNED_NAME, doxm->owned); //TODO: Need more clarification on deviceIDFormat field type. #if 0 //DeviceIdFormat -- Mandatory cJSON_AddNumberToObject(jsonDoxm, OIC_JSON_DEVICE_ID_FORMAT_NAME, doxm->deviceIDFormat); #endif //DeviceId -- Mandatory outLen = 0; b64Ret = b64Encode(doxm->deviceID.id, sizeof(doxm->deviceID.id), base64Buff, sizeof(base64Buff), &outLen); VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, b64Ret == B64_OK, ERROR); cJSON_AddStringToObject(jsonDoxm, OIC_JSON_DEVICE_ID_NAME, base64Buff); //Owner -- Mandatory outLen = 0; b64Ret = b64Encode(doxm->owner.id, sizeof(doxm->owner.id), base64Buff, sizeof(base64Buff), &outLen); VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, b64Ret == B64_OK, ERROR); cJSON_AddStringToObject(jsonDoxm, OIC_JSON_DEV_OWNER_NAME, base64Buff); outLen = 0; b64Ret = b64Encode(doxm->owner.id, sizeof(doxm->owner.id), base64Buff, sizeof(base64Buff), &outLen); VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, b64Ret == B64_OK, ERROR); //Rowner -- Mandatory cJSON_AddStringToObject(jsonDoxm, OIC_JSON_OWNER_NAME, base64Buff); jsonStr = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(jsonRoot); exit: if (jsonRoot) { cJSON_Delete(jsonRoot); } return jsonStr; }
static int create_conman_config(char **config) { cJSON *root = NULL, *connections = NULL, *connection = NULL, *links = NULL, *link = NULL; root = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (!root) { exapp_dbg("cJSON_CreateObject failed\n"); return ERROR; } connections = cJSON_CreateArray(); if (!connections) { exapp_dbg("cJSON_CreateArray failed\n"); goto errout_free; } connection = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (!connection) { exapp_dbg("cJSON_CreateObject failed\n"); goto errout_free; } links = cJSON_CreateArray(); if (!links) { exapp_dbg("cJSON_CreateArray failed\n"); goto errout_free; } link = cJSON_CreateObject(); if (!link) { exapp_dbg("cJSON_CreateObject failed\n"); goto errout_free; } #ifdef CONFIG_SDK_EXAMPLE_APP_CONNECTION_MODEM cJSON_AddNumberToObject(link, "connectionId", 0); cJSON_AddStringToObject(link, "pinCode", CONFIG_SDK_EXAMPLE_APP_CONNECTION_SIM_PIN); cJSON_AddStringToObject(link, "accessPointName", CONFIG_SDK_EXAMPLE_APP_CONNECTION_SIM_APN_NAME); cJSON_AddStringToObject(link, "userName", CONFIG_SDK_EXAMPLE_APP_CONNECTION_SIM_APN_USER); cJSON_AddStringToObject(link, "password", CONFIG_SDK_EXAMPLE_APP_CONNECTION_SIM_APN_PASSWD); cJSON_AddItemToArray(links, link); cJSON_AddItemToObject(connection, "cellularConnections", links); #elif defined CONFIG_SDK_EXAMPLE_APP_CONNECTION_WIFI cJSON_AddNumberToObject(link, "connectionId", 0); cJSON_AddStringToObject(link, "ssid", CONFIG_SDK_EXAMPLE_APP_CONNECTION_WIFI_SSID); cJSON_AddStringToObject(link, "password", CONFIG_SDK_EXAMPLE_APP_CONNECTION_WIFI_PSK); cJSON_AddStringToObject(link, "encryption", "wpa2"); cJSON_AddItemToArray(links, link); cJSON_AddItemToObject(connection, "wifiConnections", links); #else # error "Connectivity misconfigured" #endif cJSON_AddItemToArray(connections, connection); cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "connections", connections); *config = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(root); cJSON_Delete(root); /* Deletes the whole tree */ return OK; errout_free: cJSON_Delete(root); cJSON_Delete(connections); cJSON_Delete(connection); cJSON_Delete(links); cJSON_Delete(link); return ERROR; }
int callback(middleware_t *middleware, http_method_t http_method, const char *url, const char *request, char *response) { if (strcmp(url, "/api/directors") == 0) { if (http_method == http_method_get) { cJSON *json = cJSON_CreateArray(); const director_t *directorArray; size_t numberOfDirectors; directors_get_all(middleware->directors, &directorArray, &numberOfDirectors); for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfDirectors; ++i) { const director_t *director = directorArray + i; cJSON *jsonDir = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(jsonDir, "id", director->id); cJSON_AddStringToObject(jsonDir, "name", director->name); cJSON_AddStringToObject(jsonDir, "surname", director->surname); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(jsonDir, "salary", director->salary); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(jsonDir, "rating", director->rating); char birthdateStr[128]; sprintf(birthdateStr, "%i-%i-%i", director->birthdate.tm_year + 1900, director->birthdate.tm_mon + 1, director->birthdate.tm_mday); cJSON_AddStringToObject(jsonDir, "birthdate", birthdateStr); cJSON *jsonStartup = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddStringToObject(jsonStartup, "name", director->startup.name); cJSON_AddStringToObject(jsonStartup, "country", director->startup.country); cJSON_AddItemToObject(jsonDir, "startup", jsonStartup); cJSON_AddItemToArray(json, jsonDir); } strcpy(response, cJSON_Print(json)); cJSON_Delete(json); return 1; } else if (http_method == http_method_post) { cJSON *json = cJSON_Parse(request); if (json) { cJSON *jsonName = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "name"); cJSON *jsonSurname = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "surname"); cJSON *jsonSalary = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "salary"); cJSON *jsonRating = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "rating"); cJSON *jsonBirthdate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "birthdate"); cJSON *jsonStartup = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "startup"); if (jsonName && jsonSurname && jsonSalary && jsonRating && jsonBirthdate && jsonStartup) { cJSON *jsonStartupName = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonStartup, "name"); cJSON *jsonStartupCountry = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonStartup, "country"); if (jsonStartupName && jsonStartupCountry) { director_t director; strcpy(director.name, jsonName->valuestring); strcpy(director.surname, jsonSurname->valuestring); director.salary = jsonSalary->valueint; director.rating = jsonRating->valuedouble; memset(&director.birthdate, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); sscanf(jsonBirthdate->valuestring, "%i-%i-%i", &director.birthdate.tm_year, &director.birthdate.tm_mon, &director.birthdate.tm_mday); director.birthdate.tm_year -= 1900; director.birthdate.tm_mon -= 1; strcpy(director.startup.name, jsonStartupName->valuestring); strcpy(director.startup.country, jsonStartupCountry->valuestring); directors_insert(middleware->directors, &director); cJSON_Delete(json); strcpy(response, "OK"); return 1; } } } cJSON_Delete(json); } } else if (strncmp(url, "/api/directors/", strlen("/api/directors/")) == 0) { size_t directorId = atoi(strstr(strstr(url + 1, "/") + 1, "/") + 1); if (http_method == http_method_get) { const director_t *director = directors_get(middleware->directors, directorId); if (director) { cJSON *json = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, "id", director->id); cJSON_AddStringToObject(json, "name", director->name); cJSON_AddStringToObject(json, "surname", director->surname); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, "salary", director->salary); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(json, "rating", director->rating); char birthdateStr[128]; sprintf(birthdateStr, "%i-%i-%i", director->birthdate.tm_year + 1900, director->birthdate.tm_mon + 1, director->birthdate.tm_mday); cJSON_AddStringToObject(json, "birthdate", birthdateStr); cJSON *jsonStartup = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddStringToObject(jsonStartup, "name", director->startup.name); cJSON_AddStringToObject(jsonStartup, "country", director->startup.country); cJSON_AddItemToObject(json, "startup", jsonStartup); strcpy(response, cJSON_Print(json)); cJSON_Delete(json); return 1; } } else if (http_method == http_method_delete) { if (directors_remove(middleware->directors, directorId)) { strcpy(response, "OK"); return 1; } } } else if (strcmp(url, "/") == 0) { response[0] = 0; stradd(response, "<html><body><h1>Hello!</h1><br>"); stradd(response, "<h2>Navigate to <a href=\"/directors\">directors list</a></h2><br>"); stradd(response, "<h2>Navigate to <a href=\"/api/directors\">api</a></h2><br>"); stradd(response, "<body><html>"); return 1; } else if (strcmp(url, "/directors") == 0) { if (http_method == http_method_get) { response[0] = 0; stradd(response, "<html><body><h1>Directors</h1><br><ul>"); const director_t *directorArray; size_t numberOfDirectors; directors_get_all(middleware->directors, &directorArray, &numberOfDirectors); for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfDirectors; ++i) { const director_t *director = directorArray + i; stradd(response, "<li>"); char hrefBuffer[32]; sprintf(hrefBuffer, "<a href=\"/directors/%u\">", director->id); stradd(response, hrefBuffer); stradd(response, director->name); stradd(response, " "); stradd(response, director->surname); stradd(response, "</a>"); stradd(response, "</li>"); } stradd(response, "</ul>"); stradd(response, "<h2>Navigate to <a href=\"/new-director\">new director creation page</a></h2>"); stradd(response, "</body></html>"); return 1; } else if (http_method == http_method_post) { url_params_t *url_params = url_params_parse(request); const char *name = url_params_get(url_params, "name"); if((strlen(name)) == 0) return 0; const char *surname = url_params_get(url_params, "surname"); if((strlen(surname)) == 0) return 0; const char *salary = url_params_get(url_params, "salary"); if((strlen(salary)) == 0) return 0; const char *rating = url_params_get(url_params, "rating"); if((strlen(rating)) == 0) return 0; const char *birthdate = url_params_get(url_params, "birthdate"); if((strlen(birthdate)) == 0) return 0; const char *startupName = url_params_get(url_params, "startup_name"); if((strlen(startupName)) == 0) return 0; const char *startupCountry = url_params_get(url_params, "startup_country"); if((strlen(startupCountry)) == 0) return 0; director_t director; strcpy(director.name, name); strcpy(director.surname, surname); director.salary = atoi(salary); director.rating = atof(rating); memset(&director.birthdate, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); sscanf(birthdate, "%i-%i-%i", &director.birthdate.tm_year, &director.birthdate.tm_mon, &director.birthdate.tm_mday); director.birthdate.tm_year -= 1900; director.birthdate.tm_mon -= 1; strcpy(director.startup.name, startupName); strcpy(director.startup.country, startupCountry); directors_insert(middleware->directors, &director); strcpy(response, "<html><body><h2>Successfully added</h2><br><h1><a href=\"/directors\">Go back</a></h2><br><h2><a href=\"/new-director\">Add new</a></h2></body></html>"); return 1; } } else if (strncmp(url, "/directors/", strlen("/directors/")) == 0) { size_t directorId = atoi(strstr(url + 1, "/") + 1); if (http_method == http_method_get) { const director_t *director = directors_get(middleware->directors, directorId); if (director) { response[0] = 0; stradd(response, "<html><body><h1>Director: "); stradd(response, director->name); stradd(response, " "); stradd(response, director->surname); stradd(response, "</h1><br><ul>"); char buffer[32]; stradd(response, "<li>"); stradd(response, "Salary: "); sprintf(buffer, "%u", director->salary); stradd(response, buffer); stradd(response, "</li>"); stradd(response, "<li>"); stradd(response, "Rating: "); sprintf(buffer, "%f", director->rating); stradd(response, buffer); stradd(response, "</li>"); stradd(response, "<li>"); stradd(response, "Birthdate: "); sprintf(buffer, "%i-%i-%i", director->birthdate.tm_year + 1900, director->birthdate.tm_mon + 1, director->birthdate.tm_mday); stradd(response, buffer); stradd(response, "</li>"); stradd(response, "<li>Startup: <ul><li>"); stradd(response, "Name: "); stradd(response, director->startup.name); stradd(response, "</li><li>"); stradd(response, "Country: "); stradd(response, director->startup.country); stradd(response, "</li></ul></li></ul>"); stradd(response, "<form method=\"post\" action=\""); stradd(response, url); stradd(response, "\"><button type=\"submit\"><h1>Delete</h1></button>"); stradd(response, "</body></html>"); return 1; } } else if (http_method == http_method_post) { if (directors_remove(middleware->directors, directorId)) { strcpy(response, "<html><body><h2>Successfully deleted</h2><br><h1><a href=\"/directors\">Go back</a></h2></body></html>"); return 1; } } } else if (strcmp(url, "/new-director") == 0) { response[0] = 0; stradd(response, "<html><body><h1>Add new director</h1><br>"); stradd(response, "<form method=\"post\" action=\"/directors\">"); stradd(response, "Name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\"><br><br>"); stradd(response, "Surname: <input type=\"text\" name=\"surname\"><br><br>"); stradd(response, "Salary: <input type=\"text\" name=\"salary\"><br><br>"); stradd(response, "Rating: <input type=\"text\" name=\"rating\"><br><br>"); stradd(response, "Birthdate: <input type=\"text\" name=\"birthdate\"><br><br>"); stradd(response, "Startup name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"startup_name\"><br><br>"); stradd(response, "Startup country: <input type=\"text\" name=\"startup_country\"><br><br>"); stradd(response, "<button type=\"Submit\">Submit</button>"); stradd(response, "</form></body></html>"); return 1; } return 0; }
void accept_thread(void *asdf) { sigset_t sigs_to_block; int e, n; struct pollfd *acceptpfd = NULL; struct listen_t **acceptpl = NULL; int listen_n = 0; int poll_n = 0; struct listen_t *l; pthreads_profiling_reset("accept"); sigemptyset(&sigs_to_block); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGALRM); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGINT); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGQUIT); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGURG); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGPIPE); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGUSR1); sigaddset(&sigs_to_block, SIGUSR2); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigs_to_block, NULL); /* start the accept thread, which will start server threads */ hlog(LOG_INFO, "Accept thread starting..."); /* we allocate a worker structure to be used within the accept thread * for parsing incoming UDP packets and passing them on to the dupecheck * thread. */ udp_worker = worker_alloc(); udp_worker->id = 81; /* we also need a client structure to be used with incoming * HTTP position uploads */ udp_pseudoclient = pseudoclient_setup(81); udp_pseudoclient->flags |= CLFLAGS_UDPSUBMIT; accept_reconfiguring = 1; while (!accept_shutting_down) { if (accept_reconfiguring) { accept_reconfiguring = 0; listen_n -= close_removed_listeners(); /* start listening on the sockets */ listen_n += open_missing_listeners(); if (listen_n < 1) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "Failed to listen on any ports."); exit(2); } /* reconfiguration must scan old clients against ACL */ rescan_client_acls(); /* how many are we polling */ poll_n = 0; for (l = listen_list; (l); l = l->next) if (!l->corepeer) poll_n++; hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Generating polling list for %d/%d listeners...", poll_n, listen_n); /* array of FDs for poll() */ if (acceptpfd) hfree(acceptpfd); acceptpfd = hmalloc(poll_n * sizeof(*acceptpfd)); /* array of listeners */ if (acceptpl) hfree(acceptpl); acceptpl = hmalloc(poll_n * sizeof(*acceptpl)); n = 0; for (l = listen_list; (l); l = l->next) { /* The accept thread does not poll() UDP sockets for core peers. * Worker 0 takes care of that, and processes the incoming packets. */ if (l->corepeer) { hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "... %d: fd %d (%s) - not polled, is corepeer", n, (l->udp) ? l->udp->fd : l->fd, l->addr_s); continue; } int fd; if (l->udp) { l->udp->polled = 1; fd = l->udp->fd; } else { fd = l->fd; } hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "... %d: fd %d (%s)", n, fd, l->addr_s); acceptpfd[n].fd = fd; acceptpfd[n].events = POLLIN|POLLPRI|POLLERR|POLLHUP; acceptpl[n] = l; n++; } hlog(LOG_INFO, "Accept thread ready."); /* stop the dupechecking and uplink threads while adjusting * the amount of workers... they walk the worker list, and * might get confused when workers are stopped or started. */ if (workers_running != workers_configured) { uplink_stop(); dupecheck_stop(); workers_start(); dupecheck_start(); uplink_start(); } /* * generate UDP peer clients */ peerip_clients_close(); if (peerip_config) peerip_clients_config(); /* accept liveupgrade clients */ if (liveupgrade_status) accept_liveupgrade_accept(); } /* check for new connections */ e = poll(acceptpfd, poll_n, 200); if (e == 0) continue; if (e < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; hlog(LOG_ERR, "poll() on accept failed: %s (continuing)", strerror(errno)); continue; } /* now, which socket was that on? */ for (n = 0; n < poll_n; n++) { l = acceptpl[n]; if (!(l) || (l->udp ? l->udp->fd : l->fd) != acceptpfd[n].fd) { hlog(LOG_CRIT, "accept_thread: polling list and listener list do mot match!"); exit(1); } if (acceptpfd[n].revents) { if (l->udp) accept_udp_recv(l); /* receive UDP packets */ else do_accept(l); /* accept a single connection */ } } } if (accept_shutting_down == 2) worker_shutdown_clients = cJSON_CreateArray(); hlog(LOG_DEBUG, "Accept thread shutting down listening sockets and worker threads..."); uplink_stop(); close_listeners(); dupecheck_stop(); http_shutting_down = 1; workers_stop(accept_shutting_down); hfree(acceptpfd); hfree(acceptpl); acceptpfd = NULL; acceptpl = NULL; /* free up the pseudo-client */ client_free(udp_pseudoclient); udp_pseudoclient = NULL; /* free up the pseudo-worker structure, after dupecheck is long dead */ worker_free_buffers(udp_worker); hfree(udp_worker); udp_worker = NULL; }
static cJSON* process_task( cJSON* input ) { struct TaskCommandHandler* handler; UTV_RESULT result; UTV_BOOL failedRequest = UTV_FALSE; int idx; cJSON* requests; cJSON* request; cJSON* command; cJSON* inputs; cJSON* commandName; UTV_UINT32 commandNameLength; cJSON* output; cJSON* responses; cJSON* response; cJSON* outputs; responses = cJSON_CreateArray(); requests = cJSON_GetObjectItem( input, "REQUESTS" ); for ( idx = 0; idx < cJSON_GetArraySize( requests ); idx++ ) { request = cJSON_GetArrayItem( requests, idx ); command = cJSON_DetachItemFromObject( request, "COMMAND" ); inputs = cJSON_GetObjectItem( request, "INPUTS" ); commandName = cJSON_GetObjectItem( command, "NAME" ); commandNameLength = UtvStrlen( (UTV_BYTE*) commandName->valuestring ); response = cJSON_CreateObject(); outputs = cJSON_CreateArray(); cJSON_AddItemToObject( response, "COMMAND", command ); if ( !failedRequest ) { handler = s_handler_list; while ( handler != NULL ) { if ( commandNameLength == UtvStrlen( handler->command_name ) ) { if ( !UtvMemcmp( commandName->valuestring, handler->command_name, commandNameLength ) ) { result = handler->command_handler( inputs, outputs ); break; } } handler = handler->next; } if ( NULL == handler ) { UtvMessage( UTV_LEVEL_WARN, "%s: Unknown command \"%s\"", __FUNCTION__, commandName->valuestring ); result = UTV_LIVE_SUPPORT_COMMAND_UNKNOWN; } failedRequest = ( result != UTV_OK ); } else { UtvMessage( UTV_LEVEL_WARN, "%s: Command \"%s\" not processed", __FUNCTION__, commandName->valuestring ); result = UTV_LIVE_SUPPORT_COMMAND_NOT_PROCESSED; } cJSON_AddNumberToObject( response, "RESULT", result ); cJSON_AddItemToObject( response, "OUTPUTS", outputs ); cJSON_AddItemToArray( responses, response ); } output = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject( output, "RESPONSES", responses ); return ( output ); }
bool Library::process_phrase(const char *loc_str, read_line &io, bool force, bool json) { if (NULL==loc_str) return true; std::string query; analyze_query(loc_str, query); if (!query.empty()) io.add_to_history(query.c_str()); gsize bytes_read; gsize bytes_written; GError *err=NULL; char *str=NULL; if (!utf8_input) str=g_locale_to_utf8(loc_str, -1, &bytes_read, &bytes_written, &err); else str=g_strdup(loc_str); if (NULL==str) { fprintf(stderr, _("Can not convert %s to utf8.\n"), loc_str); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err->message); g_error_free(err); return false; } if (str[0]=='\0') return true; TSearchResultList res_list; switch (analyze_query(str, query)) { case qtFUZZY: LookupWithFuzzy(query, res_list); break; case qtREGEXP: LookupWithRule(query, res_list); break; case qtSIMPLE: SimpleLookup(str, res_list); if (res_list.empty()) LookupWithFuzzy(str, res_list); break; case qtDATA: LookupData(query, res_list); break; default: /*nothing*/; } if (!res_list.empty()) { /* try to be more clever, if there are one or zero results per dictionary show all */ bool show_all_results=true; typedef std::map< string, int, std::less<string> > DictResMap; if (!force) { DictResMap res_per_dict; for(TSearchResultList::iterator ptr=res_list.begin(); ptr!=res_list.end(); ++ptr){ std::pair<DictResMap::iterator, DictResMap::iterator> r = res_per_dict.equal_range(ptr->bookname); DictResMap tmp(r.first, r.second); if (tmp.empty()) //there are no yet such bookname in map res_per_dict.insert(DictResMap::value_type(ptr->bookname, 1)); else { ++((tmp.begin())->second); if (tmp.begin()->second>1) { show_all_results=false; break; } } } }//if (!force) if (!show_all_results && !force) { printf(_("Found %d items, similar to %s.\n"), res_list.size(), utf8_output ? str : utf8_to_locale_ign_err(str).c_str()); for (size_t i=0; i<res_list.size(); ++i) { string loc_bookname, loc_def; loc_bookname=utf8_to_locale_ign_err(res_list[i].bookname); loc_def=utf8_to_locale_ign_err(res_list[i].def); printf("%d)%s-->%s\n", i, utf8_output ? res_list[i].bookname.c_str() : loc_bookname.c_str(), utf8_output ? res_list[i].def.c_str() : loc_def.c_str()); } int choise; for (;;) { string str_choise; printf(_("Your choice[-1 to abort]: ")); if(!stdio_getline(stdin, str_choise)){ putchar('\n'); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } sscanf(str_choise.c_str(), "%d", &choise); if (choise>=0 && choise<int(res_list.size())) { sdcv_pager pager; print_search_result(pager.get_stream(), res_list[choise]); break; } else if (choise==-1) break; else printf(_("Invalid choise.\nIt must be from 0 to %d or -1.\n"), res_list.size()-1); } } else { sdcv_pager pager(force); if (!json) { fprintf(pager.get_stream(), _("Found %d items, similar to %s.\n"), res_list.size(), utf8_output ? str : utf8_to_locale_ign_err(str).c_str()); for (PSearchResult ptr=res_list.begin(); ptr!=res_list.end(); ++ptr) print_search_result(pager.get_stream(), *ptr); } else { char *out; cJSON *root,*fld; root=cJSON_CreateArray(); for (PSearchResult ptr=res_list.begin(); ptr!=res_list.end(); ++ptr) { const TSearchResult & res = *ptr; string loc_bookname, loc_def, loc_exp; if(!utf8_output){ loc_bookname=utf8_to_locale_ign_err(res.bookname); loc_def=utf8_to_locale_ign_err(res.def); loc_exp=utf8_to_locale_ign_err(res.exp); } cJSON_AddItemToArray(root,fld=cJSON_CreateObject()); cJSON_AddStringToObject(fld, "dict", utf8_output ? res.bookname.c_str() : loc_bookname.c_str()); cJSON_AddStringToObject(fld, "word", utf8_output ? res.def.c_str() : loc_def.c_str()); cJSON_AddStringToObject(fld, "definition", utf8_output ? res.exp.c_str() : loc_exp.c_str()); } out=cJSON_Print(root); cJSON_Delete(root); fprintf(pager.get_stream(), "%s", out); free(out); } } } else { string loc_str; if (!utf8_output) loc_str=utf8_to_locale_ign_err(str); printf(_("Nothing similar to %s, sorry :(\n"), utf8_output ? str : loc_str.c_str()); } g_free(str); return true; }
uint8 ALI_trade(ORDER_ST *order) { struct MAP_ST *p; uint16 len; uint8 res; char *key,*value,*text; cJSON *root,*item,*arr; p = ALI_mapInsert("service",(char *)gatewayStr); p = ALI_mapInsert("partner",(char *)partner); p = ALI_mapInsert("seller_email",(char *)seller_email); p = ALI_mapInsert("_input_charset",(char *)charset); p = ALI_mapInsert("product_code","QR_CODE_OFFLINE"); arr = cJSON_CreateArray(); if(arr == NULL){ print_ali("cJSON_CreateArray == NULL"); return 0; } item = cJSON_CreateObject(); if(item == NULL){ print_ali("cJSON_CreateObject == NULL"); cJSON_Delete(arr); return 0; } cJSON_AddItemToArray(arr,item); cJSON_AddStringToObject(item,"goodsName","Yibao"); cJSON_AddStringToObject(item,"quantity","1"); cJSON_AddStringToObject(item,"price","0.01"); text = cJSON_Print(arr); cJSON_Delete(arr); print_ali("text=%s\r\n",text); p = ALI_mapInsert("total_fee","0.01"); p = ALI_mapInsert("out_trade_no","yoc201507281214"); p = ALI_mapInsert("subject","subject"); p = ALI_mapInsert("goods_detail",text); free(text); text = ALI_buildRequestMysign(&head); //签名结果与签名方式加入请求提交参数组中 p = ALI_mapInsert("sign",text); p = ALI_mapInsert("sign_type","MD5"); text = ALI_createLinkString(&head); ALI_mapFree(&head); len = strlen(text); print_ali("ALI_trade:order="); Uart0PutStr(text,len); print_ali("\r\n"); res = GPRS_httpPost(text,"https://mapi.alipay.com:80/gateway.do?_input_charset=utf-8"); if(res == 0) print_ali("GPRS_http:FAIL GPRS_http:FAIL GPRS_http:FAIL GPRS_http:FAILres=%d\r\n\r\n",res); }
cJSON *iguana_blockjson(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block,int32_t txidsflag) { char str[65],hexstr[1024]; int32_t i,len,size; struct iguana_txid *tx,T; struct iguana_msgzblock zmsg; struct iguana_msgblock *msg = (void *)&zmsg; struct iguana_zblock *zblock; bits256 hash2,nexthash2; uint8_t serialized[1024]; cJSON *array,*json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"result","success"); jaddstr(json,"hash",bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2)); jaddnum(json,"height",block->height); //jaddnum(json,"ipbits",block->fpipbits); jaddstr(json,"merkleroot",bits256_str(str,block->RO.merkle_root)); jaddstr(json,"previousblockhash",bits256_str(str,block->RO.prev_block)); if ( block->height > 0 ) { nexthash2 = iguana_blockhash(coin,block->height+1); if ( bits256_nonz(nexthash2) != 0 ) jaddstr(json,"nextblockhash",bits256_str(str,nexthash2)); } jaddnum(json,"timestamp",block->RO.timestamp); jaddstr(json,"utc",utc_str(str,block->RO.timestamp)); jaddnum(json,"nonce",block->RO.nonce); jaddnum(json,"version",block->RO.version); jaddnum(json,"numvouts",block->RO.numvouts); jaddnum(json,"numvins",block->RO.numvins); jaddnum(json,"recvlen",block->RO.recvlen); jaddnum(json,"hdrsi",block->hdrsi); jaddnum(json,"difficulty",PoW_from_compact(block->RO.bits,coin->chain->unitval)); jaddnum(json,"bundlei",block->bundlei); jaddnum(json,"mainchain",block->mainchain); jaddnum(json,"valid",block->valid); jaddnum(json,"txn_count",block->RO.txn_count); jaddnum(json,"nBits",block->RO.bits); serialized[0] = ((uint8_t *)&block->RO.bits)[3]; serialized[1] = ((uint8_t *)&block->RO.bits)[2]; serialized[2] = ((uint8_t *)&block->RO.bits)[1]; serialized[3] = ((uint8_t *)&block->RO.bits)[0]; init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,serialized,sizeof(uint32_t)); jaddstr(json,"nBitshex",hexstr); if ( block->RO.allocsize == sizeof(struct iguana_zblock) ) { zblock = (void *)block; memset(&zmsg,0,sizeof(zmsg)); zmsg.zH.version = zblock->RO.version; zmsg.zH.merkle_root = zblock->RO.merkle_root; zmsg.zH.timestamp = zblock->RO.timestamp; zmsg.zH.bits = zblock->RO.bits; zmsg.zH.bignonce = zblock->zRO.bignonce; if ( iguana_rwvarint32(1,zmsg.zH.var_numelements,&zblock->zRO.numelements) != sizeof(zmsg.zH.var_numelements) ) printf("unexpected varint size for zmsg.zH.numelements <- %d\n",zblock->zRO.numelements); for (i=0; i<ZCASH_SOLUTION_ELEMENTS; i++) zmsg.zH.solution[i] = zblock->zRO.solution[i]; zmsg.txn_count = 0;//block->RO.txn_count; len = iguana_rwblock(myinfo,coin->symbol,coin->chain->zcash,coin->chain->auxpow,coin->chain->hashalgo,1,&hash2,serialized,&zmsg,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE*2); } else { memset(msg,0,sizeof(&msg)); msg->H.version = block->RO.version; msg->H.prev_block = block->RO.prev_block; msg->H.merkle_root = block->RO.merkle_root; msg->H.timestamp = block->RO.timestamp; msg->H.bits = block->RO.bits; msg->H.nonce = block->RO.nonce; msg->txn_count = 0;//block->RO.txn_count; len = iguana_rwblock(myinfo,coin->symbol,coin->chain->zcash,coin->chain->auxpow,coin->chain->hashalgo,1,&hash2,serialized,&zmsg,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE*2); } init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,serialized,len); jaddstr(json,"blockheader",hexstr); if ( txidsflag != 0 ) { array = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0; i<block->RO.txn_count; i++) { if ( (tx= iguana_blocktx(coin,&T,block,i)) != 0 ) jaddistr(array,bits256_str(str,tx->txid)); } jadd(json,"tx",array); //printf("add txids[%d]\n",block->txn_count); } if ( (size= iguana_peerblockrequest(myinfo,coin,coin->blockspace,coin->blockspacesize,0,block->RO.hash2,0)) < 0 ) jaddstr(json,"error","couldnt generate raw bytes for block"); else jaddnum(json,"size",size); return(json); }
cJSON *cJSON_CreateFloatArray(float *numbers,int count) {int i;cJSON *n=0,*p=0,*a=cJSON_CreateArray();for(i=0;i<count;i++){n=cJSON_CreateNumber(numbers[i]);if(!i)a->child=n;else suffix_object(p,n);p=n;}return a;}
cJSON *cJSON_CreateStringArray(const char **strings,int count) {int i;cJSON *n=0,*p=0,*a=cJSON_CreateArray();for(i=0;a && i<count;i++){n=cJSON_CreateString(strings[i]);if(!i)a->child=n;else suffix_object(p,n);p=n;}return a;}
cJSON *cJSON_CreateFloatArray(const float *numbers,int count) {int i;cJSON *n=0,*p=0,*a=cJSON_CreateArray();for(i=0;a && i<count;i++){n=cJSON_CreateNumber(numbers[i]);if(!n){cJSON_Delete(a);return 0;}if(!i)a->child=n;else suffix_object(p,n);p=n;}return a;}
/* Create a bunch of objects as demonstration. */ void create_objects() { cJSON *root,*fmt,*img,*thm,*fld;char *out;int i; /* declare a few. */ /* Our "days of the week" array: */ const char *strings[7]={"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"}; /* Our matrix: */ int numbers[3][3]={{0,-1,0},{1,0,0},{0,0,1}}; /* Our "gallery" item: */ int ids[4]={116,943,234,38793}; /* Our array of "records": */ struct record fields[2]={ {"zip",37.7668,-1.223959e+2,"","SAN FRANCISCO","CA","94107","US"}, {"zip",37.371991,-1.22026e+2,"","SUNNYVALE","CA","94085","US"}}; /* Here we construct some JSON standards, from the JSON site. */ /* Our "Video" datatype: */ root=cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "name", cJSON_CreateString("Jack (\"Bee\") Nimble")); cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "format", fmt=cJSON_CreateObject()); cJSON_AddStringToObject(fmt,"type", "rect"); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(fmt,"width", 1920); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(fmt,"height", 1080); cJSON_AddFalseToObject (fmt,"interlace"); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(fmt,"frame rate", 24); out=cJSON_Print(root); cJSON_Delete(root); printf("%s\n",out); free(out); /* Print to text, Delete the cJSON, print it, release the string. */ /* Our "days of the week" array: */ root=cJSON_CreateStringArray(strings,7); out=cJSON_Print(root); cJSON_Delete(root); printf("%s\n",out); free(out); /* Our matrix: */ root=cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0;i<3;i++) cJSON_AddItemToArray(root,cJSON_CreateIntArray(numbers[i],3)); /* cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(root,1,cJSON_CreateString("Replacement")); */ out=cJSON_Print(root); cJSON_Delete(root); printf("%s\n",out); free(out); /* Our "gallery" item: */ root=cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "Image", img=cJSON_CreateObject()); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(img,"Width",800); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(img,"Height",600); cJSON_AddStringToObject(img,"Title","View from 15th Floor"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(img, "Thumbnail", thm=cJSON_CreateObject()); cJSON_AddStringToObject(thm, "Url", "http:/*www.example.com/image/481989943"); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(thm,"Height",125); cJSON_AddStringToObject(thm,"Width","100"); cJSON_AddItemToObject(img,"IDs", cJSON_CreateIntArray(ids,4)); out=cJSON_Print(root); cJSON_Delete(root); printf("%s\n",out); free(out); /* Our array of "records": */ root=cJSON_CreateArray(); for (i=0;i<2;i++) { cJSON_AddItemToArray(root,fld=cJSON_CreateObject()); cJSON_AddStringToObject(fld, "precision", fields[i].precision); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(fld, "Latitude", fields[i].lat); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(fld, "Longitude", fields[i].lon); cJSON_AddStringToObject(fld, "Address", fields[i].address); cJSON_AddStringToObject(fld, "City", fields[i].city); cJSON_AddStringToObject(fld, "State", fields[i].state); cJSON_AddStringToObject(fld, "Zip", fields[i].zip); cJSON_AddStringToObject(fld, "Country", fields[i].country); } /* cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(cJSON_GetArrayItem(root,1),"City",cJSON_CreateIntArray(ids,4)); */ out=cJSON_Print(root); cJSON_Delete(root); printf("%s\n",out); free(out); }
// This is a function called back when a homegateway is discovered OCStackApplicationResult discoveryReqCB(void* ctx, OCDoHandle handle, OCClientResponse * clientResponse) { char resource_addr[64] = {0}; char register_addr[64] = {0}; char stringAddress[DEV_ADDR_SIZE_MAX]; if (ctx == (void*) DEFAULT_CONTEXT_VALUE) { Serial.println("gw discovered correctly"); } if (clientResponse) { if (clientResponse->result == OC_STACK_OK) { Serial.println("clientResponse ok"); OCStackResult ret; OCDoHandle handle; cJSON *root = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON *rep = cJSON_CreateArray(); cJSON *format_rep, *format; char *jsonPayload; IPAddress ip = Ethernet.localIP(); snprintf(resource_addr, sizeof(resource_addr), "coap://%d.%d.%d.%d:5683/oc/core?rt=com.intel", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]); cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "oc", rep); cJSON_AddItemToArray(rep, format_rep=cJSON_CreateObject()); cJSON_AddItemToObject(format_rep, "rep", format=cJSON_CreateObject()); cJSON_AddStringToObject(format, "name", (char *)"fan"); cJSON_AddStringToObject(format, "address", (char *)resource_addr); jsonPayload = cJSON_Print(root); cJSON_Delete(root); Serial.println(jsonPayload); OCCallbackData cbData; cbData.cb = registerReqCB; cbData.context = (void*)DEFAULT_CONTEXT_VALUE; cbData.cd = NULL; uint8_t a,b,c,d; OCDevAddrToIPv4Addr(clientResponse->addr, &a, &b, &c, &d); snprintf(register_addr, sizeof(register_addr), "coap://%d.%d.%d.%d:5683/gw/sensor", a, b, c, d); ret = OCDoResource(&handle, OC_REST_PUT, register_addr, 0, jsonPayload, OC_IPV4, OC_LOW_QOS, &cbData, NULL, 0); if (ret != OC_STACK_OK) { Serial.println("register error"); Serial.println(ret); } free(jsonPayload); } } return OC_STACK_DELETE_TRANSACTION; }