TER Transactor::payFee() { STAmount saPaid = mTxn.getTransactionFee(); // Only check fee is sufficient when the ledger is open. if (isSetBit(mParams, tapOPEN_LEDGER) && saPaid < mFeeDue) { cLog(lsINFO) << "applyTransaction: insufficient fee"; return telINSUF_FEE_P; } if (saPaid.isNegative() || !saPaid.isNative()) return temBAD_FEE; if (!saPaid) return tesSUCCESS; // Deduct the fee, so it's not available during the transaction. // Will only write the account back, if the transaction succeeds. if (mSourceBalance < saPaid) { cLog(lsINFO) << boost::str(boost::format("applyTransaction: Delay: insufficient balance: balance=%s paid=%s") % mSourceBalance.getText() % saPaid.getText()); return terINSUF_FEE_B; } mSourceBalance -= saPaid; mTxnAccount->setFieldAmount(sfBalance, mSourceBalance); return tesSUCCESS; }
TER Transactor::checkSeq() { uint32 t_seq = mTxn.getSequence(); uint32 a_seq = mTxnAccount->getFieldU32(sfSequence); cLog(lsTRACE) << "Aseq=" << a_seq << ", Tseq=" << t_seq; if (t_seq != a_seq) { if (a_seq < t_seq) { cLog(lsINFO) << "applyTransaction: future sequence number"; return terPRE_SEQ; } else { uint256 txID = mTxn.getTransactionID(); if (mEngine->getLedger()->hasTransaction(txID)) return tefALREADY; } cLog(lsWARNING) << "applyTransaction: past sequence number"; return tefPAST_SEQ; }else { mTxnAccount->setFieldU32(sfSequence, t_seq + 1); } return tesSUCCESS; }
// check stuff before you bother to lock the ledger TER Transactor::preCheck() { mTxnAccountID = mTxn.getSourceAccount().getAccountID(); if (!mTxnAccountID) { cLog(lsWARNING) << "applyTransaction: bad source id"; return temBAD_SRC_ACCOUNT; } // Extract signing key // Transactions contain a signing key. This allows us to trivially verify a transaction has at least been properly signed // without going to disk. Each transaction also notes a source account id. This is used to verify that the signing key is // associated with the account. // XXX This could be a lot cleaner to prevent unnecessary copying. mSigningPubKey = RippleAddress::createAccountPublic(mTxn.getSigningPubKey()); // Consistency: really signed. if ( !isSetBit(mParams, tapNO_CHECK_SIGN) && !mTxn.checkSign(mSigningPubKey)) { cLog(lsWARNING) << "applyTransaction: Invalid transaction: bad signature"; return temINVALID; } return tesSUCCESS; }
bool HashedObjectStore::store(HashedObjectType type, uint32 index, const std::vector<unsigned char>& data, const uint256& hash) { // return: false = already in cache, true = added to cache if (!theApp->getHashNodeDB()) { cLog(lsTRACE) << "HOS: no db"; return true; } if (mCache.touch(hash)) { cLog(lsTRACE) << "HOS: " << hash << " store: incache"; return false; } assert(hash == Serializer::getSHA512Half(data)); HashedObject::pointer object = boost::make_shared<HashedObject>(type, index, data, hash); if (!mCache.canonicalize(hash, object)) { // cLog(lsTRACE) << "Queuing write for " << hash; boost::mutex::scoped_lock sl(mWriteMutex); mWriteSet.push_back(object); if (!mWritePending) { mWritePending = true; theApp->getJobQueue().addJob(jtWRITE, boost::bind(&HashedObjectStore::bulkWrite, this)); } } // else // cLog(lsTRACE) << "HOS: already had " << hash; mNegativeCache.del(hash); return true; }
TER Transactor::checkSig() { // Consistency: Check signature // Verify the transaction's signing public key is the key authorized for signing. if (mHasAuthKey && mSigningPubKey.getAccountID() == mTxnAccount->getFieldAccount(sfRegularKey).getAccountID()) { // Authorized to continue. nothing(); } else if (mSigningPubKey.getAccountID() == mTxnAccountID) { // Authorized to continue. nothing(); } else if (mHasAuthKey) { cLog(lsINFO) << "applyTransaction: Delay: Not authorized to use account."; return tefBAD_AUTH; } else { cLog(lsINFO) << "applyTransaction: Invalid: Not authorized to use account."; return temBAD_AUTH_MASTER; } return tesSUCCESS; }
std::vector<unsigned char> RippleAddress::accountPrivateDecrypt(const RippleAddress& naPublicFrom, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vucCipherText) const { CKey ckPrivate; CKey ckPublic; std::vector<unsigned char> vucPlainText; if (!ckPublic.SetPubKey(naPublicFrom.getAccountPublic())) { // Bad public key. cLog(lsWARNING) << "accountPrivateDecrypt: Bad public key."; } else if (!ckPrivate.SetPrivateKeyU(getAccountPrivate())) { // Bad private key. cLog(lsWARNING) << "accountPrivateDecrypt: Bad private key."; } else { try { vucPlainText = ckPrivate.decryptECIES(ckPublic, vucCipherText); } catch (...) { nothing(); } } return vucPlainText; }
STPathSet* STPathSet::construct(SerializerIterator& s, SField::ref name) { std::vector<STPath> paths; std::vector<STPathElement> path; do { int iType = s.get8(); if (iType == STPathElement::typeEnd || iType == STPathElement::typeBoundary) { if (path.empty()) { cLog(lsINFO) << "STPathSet: Empty path."; throw std::runtime_error("empty path"); } paths.push_back(path); path.clear(); if (iType == STPathElement::typeEnd) { return new STPathSet(name, paths); } } else if (iType & ~STPathElement::typeValidBits) { cLog(lsINFO) << "STPathSet: Bad path element: " << iType; throw std::runtime_error("bad path element"); } else { const bool bAccount = !!(iType & STPathElement::typeAccount); const bool bCurrency = !!(iType & STPathElement::typeCurrency); const bool bIssuer = !!(iType & STPathElement::typeIssuer); uint160 uAccountID; uint160 uCurrency; uint160 uIssuerID; if (bAccount) uAccountID = s.get160(); if (bCurrency) uCurrency = s.get160(); if (bIssuer) uIssuerID = s.get160(); path.push_back(STPathElement(uAccountID, uCurrency, uIssuerID, bCurrency)); } } while(1); }
int main() { static const int SERVER_PORT = 7892; char in_buffer[1024]; struct sockaddr_in serverAddr; struct sockaddr_storage serverStorage; socklen_t addr_size; serverLogger = createLogger(__FILE__, LOG_LEVEL); // set up socket, call to socket returns a file descriptor (fd) welcomeSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); signal(SIGINT, intHandler); createSockaddr_in(&serverAddr, SERVER_PORT, ""); int bindStatus = bind(welcomeSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr)); if (bindStatus != 0) { printf("bind error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); cLog("bind error"); exit(0); } do { memset(in_buffer, 0, 1024); // max 5 connections... however only prints "Error!" if hits the limit int listenWelcomeSocket = listen(welcomeSocket, 5); //if(listen(welcomeSocket, 5) == 0) { if(listenWelcomeSocket == 0) { cLog("Server Listening"); printf("Server Listening\n"); printf("welcomeSocket output: %d\n", listenWelcomeSocket); } else { printf("Error!\n"); } // accept connection addr_size = sizeof(serverStorage); int newSocket = accept(welcomeSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &serverAddr, &addr_size); printf("Accepted new socket: %d\n", newSocket); // receive data int recvBytes = recv(newSocket, in_buffer, 1024, 0); printf("Received: '%s' from client\n", in_buffer); printf("Received: %d bytes from client\n", recvBytes); handleRequest(newSocket, in_buffer, "Server"); //int shutdownStatus = shutdown(newSocket, 0); int shutdownStatus = close(newSocket); printf("(server.c) Closed socket: %d, with status: %d\n", newSocket, shutdownStatus); usleep(50000); } while(true); int shutdownStatus = close(welcomeSocket); printf("(server.c) Closed socket: %d, with status: %d\n", welcomeSocket, shutdownStatus); return 0; }
void CalamaresApplication::initSettings() { QFileInfo settingsFile; if ( CalamaresUtils::isAppDataDirOverridden() ) { settingsFile = QFileInfo( CalamaresUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( "settings.conf" ) ); if ( !settingsFile.exists() || !settingsFile.isReadable() ) { cLog() << "FATAL ERROR: explicitly configured application data directory" << CalamaresUtils::appDataDir().absolutePath() << "does not contain a valid settings.conf file." << "\nCowardly refusing to continue startup without settings."; ::exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } else { QStringList settingsFileCandidatesByPriority; if ( isDebug() ) { settingsFileCandidatesByPriority.append( QDir::currentPath() + QDir::separator() + "settings.conf" ); } settingsFileCandidatesByPriority.append( CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_SYSCONFDIR "/calamares/settings.conf" ); settingsFileCandidatesByPriority.append( CalamaresUtils::appDataDir() .absoluteFilePath( "settings.conf" ) ); foreach ( const QString& path, settingsFileCandidatesByPriority ) { QFileInfo pathFi( path ); if ( pathFi.exists() && pathFi.isReadable() ) { settingsFile = pathFi; break; } } if ( !settingsFile.exists() || !settingsFile.isReadable() ) { cLog() << "FATAL ERROR: none of the expected configuration file paths (" << settingsFileCandidatesByPriority.join( ", " ) << ") contain a valid settings.conf file." << "\nCowardly refusing to continue startup without settings."; ::exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } }
void LedgerMaster::pushLedger(Ledger::ref newLedger) { // Caller should already have properly assembled this ledger into "ready-to-close" form -- // all candidate transactions must already be applied cLog(lsINFO) << "PushLedger: " << newLedger->getHash(); boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock ml(mLock); if (!!mFinalizedLedger) { mFinalizedLedger->setClosed(); cLog(lsTRACE) << "Finalizes: " << mFinalizedLedger->getHash(); } mFinalizedLedger = mCurrentLedger; mCurrentLedger = newLedger; mEngine.setLedger(newLedger); }
void WSDoor::startListening() { // Generate a single SSL context for use by all connections. boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::ssl::context> mCtx; mCtx = boost::make_shared<boost::asio::ssl::context>(boost::asio::ssl::context::sslv23); mCtx->set_options( boost::asio::ssl::context::default_workarounds | boost::asio::ssl::context::no_sslv2 | boost::asio::ssl::context::single_dh_use); SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback(mCtx->native_handle(), handleTmpDh); // Construct a single handler for all requests. websocketpp::server_autotls::handler::ptr handler(new WSServerHandler<websocketpp::server_autotls>(mCtx, mPublic)); // Construct a websocket server. mSEndpoint = new websocketpp::server_autotls(handler); // mEndpoint->alog().unset_level(websocketpp::log::alevel::ALL); // mEndpoint->elog().unset_level(websocketpp::log::elevel::ALL); // Call the main-event-loop of the websocket server. try { mSEndpoint->listen( boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( boost::asio::ip::address().from_string(mIp), mPort)); } catch (websocketpp::exception& e) { cLog(lsWARNING) << "websocketpp exception: " << e.what(); while (1) // temporary workaround for websocketpp throwing exceptions on access/close races { // https://github.com/zaphoyd/websocketpp/issues/98 try { mSEndpoint->get_io_service().run(); break; } catch (websocketpp::exception& e) { cLog(lsWARNING) << "websocketpp exception: " << e.what(); } } } delete mSEndpoint; }
Ledger::pointer LedgerMaster::closeLedger(bool recover) { boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock sl(mLock); Ledger::pointer closingLedger = mCurrentLedger; if (recover) { int recovers = 0; for (CanonicalTXSet::iterator it = mHeldTransactions.begin(), end = mHeldTransactions.end(); it != end; ++it) { try { bool didApply; mEngine.applyTransaction(*it->second, tapOPEN_LEDGER, didApply); if (didApply) ++recovers; } catch (...) { cLog(lsWARNING) << "Held transaction throws"; } } tLog(recovers != 0, lsINFO) << "Recovered " << recovers << " held transactions"; mHeldTransactions.reset(closingLedger->getHash()); } mCurrentLedger = boost::make_shared<Ledger>(boost::ref(*closingLedger), true); mEngine.setLedger(mCurrentLedger); return closingLedger; }
void intHandler(int handle_this) { keepRunning = 0; close(welcomeSocket); // TODO how to take in string(s) for formating? '...' arg? cLog("closing socket"); printf("\nclosing socket: %d\n", welcomeSocket); exit(0); }
std::auto_ptr<SerializedType> STObject::makeDefaultObject(SerializedTypeID id, SField::ref name) { assert((id == STI_NOTPRESENT) || (id == name.fieldType)); switch(id) { case STI_NOTPRESENT: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new SerializedType(name)); case STI_UINT8: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STUInt8(name)); case STI_UINT16: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STUInt16(name)); case STI_UINT32: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STUInt32(name)); case STI_UINT64: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STUInt64(name)); case STI_AMOUNT: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STAmount(name)); case STI_HASH128: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STHash128(name)); case STI_HASH160: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STHash160(name)); case STI_HASH256: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STHash256(name)); case STI_VECTOR256: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STVector256(name)); case STI_VL: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STVariableLength(name)); case STI_ACCOUNT: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STAccount(name)); case STI_PATHSET: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STPathSet(name)); case STI_OBJECT: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STObject(name)); case STI_ARRAY: return std::auto_ptr<SerializedType>(new STArray(name)); default: cLog(lsFATAL) << "Object type: " << lexical_cast_i(id); assert(false); throw std::runtime_error("Unknown object type"); } }
bool LedgerMaster::acquireMissingLedger(Ledger::ref origLedger, const uint256& ledgerHash, uint32 ledgerSeq) { // return: false = already gave up recently if (mTooFast) return true; Ledger::pointer ledger = mLedgerHistory.getLedgerBySeq(ledgerSeq); if (ledger && (Ledger::getHashByIndex(ledgerSeq) == ledgerHash)) { cLog(lsTRACE) << "Ledger hash found in database"; mTooFast = true; theApp->getJobQueue().addJob(jtPUBOLDLEDGER, boost::bind(&LedgerMaster::asyncAccept, this, ledger)); return true; } if (theApp->getMasterLedgerAcquire().isFailure(ledgerHash)) return false; mMissingLedger = theApp->getMasterLedgerAcquire().findCreate(ledgerHash); if (mMissingLedger->isComplete()) { Ledger::pointer lgr = mMissingLedger->getLedger(); if (lgr && (lgr->getLedgerSeq() == ledgerSeq)) missingAcquireComplete(mMissingLedger); mMissingLedger.reset(); return true; } else if (mMissingLedger->isDone()) { mMissingLedger.reset(); return false; } mMissingSeq = ledgerSeq; if (mMissingLedger->setAccept()) { if (!mMissingLedger->addOnComplete(boost::bind(&LedgerMaster::missingAcquireComplete, this, _1))) theApp->getIOService().post(boost::bind(&LedgerMaster::missingAcquireComplete, this, mMissingLedger)); } int fetch = theConfig.getSize(siLedgerFetch); if (theApp->getMasterLedgerAcquire().getFetchCount() < fetch) { int count = 0; typedef std::pair<uint32, uint256> u_pair; std::vector<u_pair> vec = origLedger->getLedgerHashes(); BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH(const u_pair& it, vec) { if ((count < fetch) && (it.first < ledgerSeq) && !mCompleteLedgers.hasValue(it.first) && !theApp->getMasterLedgerAcquire().find(it.second)) { ++count; theApp->getMasterLedgerAcquire().findCreate(it.second); } } }
Json::Value STUInt8::getJson(int) const { if (getFName() == sfTransactionResult) { std::string token, human; if (transResultInfo(static_cast<TER>(value), token, human)) return token; else cLog(lsWARNING) << "Unknown result code in metadata: " << value; } return value; }
void ViewManager::onInstallationFailed( const QString& message, const QString& details ) { cLog() << "Installation failed:"; cLog() << "- message:" << message; cLog() << "- details:" << details; QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Critical ); msgBox.setWindowTitle( tr("Error") ); msgBox.setText( "<strong>" + tr( "Installation Failed" ) + "</strong>" ); msgBox.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Close ); QString text = "<p>" + message + "</p>"; if ( !details.isEmpty() ) { text += "<p>" + details + "</p>"; } msgBox.setInformativeText( text ); msgBox.exec(); QApplication::quit(); }
WSDoor* WSDoor::createWSDoor(const std::string& strIp, const int iPort, bool bPublic) { WSDoor* wdpResult = new WSDoor(strIp, iPort, bPublic); cLog(lsINFO) << boost::str(boost::format("Websocket: %s: Listening: %s %d ") % (bPublic ? "Public" : "Private") % strIp % iPort); wdpResult->mThread = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&WSDoor::startListening, wdpResult)); return wdpResult; }
void Module::loadConfigurationFile( const QString& configFileName ) //throws YAML::Exception { QStringList configFilesByPriority; if ( CalamaresUtils::isAppDataDirOverridden() ) { configFilesByPriority.append( CalamaresUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( QString( "modules/%1" ).arg( configFileName ) ) ); } else { if ( Settings::instance()->debugMode() ) { configFilesByPriority.append( QDir( QDir::currentPath() ).absoluteFilePath( QString( "src/modules/%1/%2" ).arg( m_name ) .arg( configFileName ) ) ); } configFilesByPriority.append( QString( "/etc/calamares/modules/%1" ).arg( configFileName ) ); configFilesByPriority.append( CalamaresUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( QString( "modules/%2" ).arg( configFileName ) ) ); } foreach ( const QString& path, configFilesByPriority ) { QFile configFile( path ); if ( configFile.exists() && configFile.open( QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text ) ) { QByteArray ba = configFile.readAll(); YAML::Node doc = YAML::Load( ba.constData() ); if ( !doc.IsMap() ) { cLog() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bad module configuration format" << path; return; } m_configurationMap = CalamaresUtils::yamlMapToVariant( doc ).toMap(); return; } else continue; }
uint32 RangeSet::prevMissing(uint32 v) const { // largest number not in the set that is less than the given number cLog(lsTRACE) << "prevMissing(" << v << ") " << toString(); for (const_reverse_iterator it = rbegin(); it != rend(); ++it) { if ((upper(it) + 1) < v) return upper(it) + 1; if (lower(it) == 0) return RangeSetAbsent; if ((lower(it) - 1) < v) return lower(it) - 1; } if (v > 0) return v - 1; return RangeSetAbsent; }
bool RippleAddress::accountPrivateVerify(const uint256& uHash, const std::vector<unsigned char>& vucSig) const { CKey ckPrivate; bool bVerified; if (!ckPrivate.SetPrivateKeyU(getAccountPrivate())) { // Bad private key. cLog(lsWARNING) << "accountPrivateVerify: Bad private key."; bVerified = false; } else { bVerified = ckPrivate.Verify(uHash, vucSig); } return bVerified; }
bool RippleAddress::accountPrivateSign(const uint256& uHash, std::vector<unsigned char>& vucSig) const { CKey ckPrivate; bool bResult; if (!ckPrivate.SetPrivateKeyU(getAccountPrivate())) { // Bad private key. cLog(lsWARNING) << "accountPrivateSign: Bad private key."; bResult = false; } else { bResult = ckPrivate.Sign(uHash, vucSig); tLog(!bResult, lsWARNING) << "accountPrivateSign: Signing failed."; } return bResult; }
QModelIndex PartitionModel::parent( const QModelIndex& child ) const { if ( !child.isValid() ) return QModelIndex(); Partition* partition = partitionForIndex( child ); PartitionNode* parentNode = partition->parent(); if ( parentNode == m_device->partitionTable() ) return QModelIndex(); int row = 0; for ( auto p : m_device->partitionTable()->children() ) { if ( parentNode == p ) return createIndex( row, 0, parentNode ); ++row; } cLog() << "No parent found!"; return QModelIndex(); }
TER Transactor::apply() { TER terResult = tesSUCCESS; terResult=preCheck(); if(terResult != tesSUCCESS) return(terResult); calculateFee(); boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock sl(mEngine->getLedger()->mLock); mTxnAccount = mEngine->entryCache(ltACCOUNT_ROOT, Ledger::getAccountRootIndex(mTxnAccountID)); // Find source account // If are only forwarding, due to resource limitations, we might verifying only some transactions, this would be probabilistic. if (!mTxnAccount) { cLog(lsTRACE) << boost::str(boost::format("applyTransaction: Delay transaction: source account does not exist: %s") % mTxn.getSourceAccount().humanAccountID()); return terNO_ACCOUNT; } else { mSourceBalance = mTxnAccount->getFieldAmount(sfBalance); mHasAuthKey = mTxnAccount->isFieldPresent(sfRegularKey); } terResult = checkSeq(); if (terResult != tesSUCCESS) return(terResult); terResult = payFee(); if (terResult != tesSUCCESS) return(terResult); terResult = checkSig(); if (terResult != tesSUCCESS) return(terResult); mEngine->entryModify(mTxnAccount); return doApply(); }
void LedgerMaster::pushLedger(Ledger::ref newLCL, Ledger::ref newOL, bool fromConsensus) { assert(newLCL->isClosed() && newLCL->isAccepted()); assert(!newOL->isClosed() && !newOL->isAccepted()); if (newLCL->isAccepted()) { assert(newLCL->isClosed()); assert(newLCL->isImmutable()); mLedgerHistory.addAcceptedLedger(newLCL, fromConsensus); cLog(lsINFO) << "StashAccepted: " << newLCL->getHash(); } { boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock ml(mLock); mFinalizedLedger = newLCL; mCurrentLedger = newOL; mEngine.setLedger(newOL); } checkAccept(newLCL->getHash(), newLCL->getLedgerSeq()); }
Json::Value rpcError(int iError, Json::Value jvResult) { static struct { int iError; const char* pToken; const char* pMessage; } errorInfoA[] = { { rpcACT_EXISTS, "actExists", "Account already exists." }, { rpcACT_MALFORMED, "actMalformed", "Account malformed." }, { rpcACT_NOT_FOUND, "actNotFound", "Account not found." }, { rpcBAD_BLOB, "badBlob", "Blob must be a non-empty hex string." }, { rpcBAD_SEED, "badSeed", "Disallowed seed." }, { rpcBAD_SYNTAX, "badSyntax", "Syntax error." }, { rpcCOMMAND_MISSING, "commandMissing", "Missing command entry." }, { rpcDST_ACT_MALFORMED, "dstActMalformed", "Destination account is malformed." }, { rpcDST_ACT_MISSING, "dstActMissing", "Destination account does not exists." }, { rpcDST_AMT_MALFORMED, "dstAmtMalformed", "Destination amount/currency/issuer is malformed." }, { rpcFORBIDDEN, "forbidden", "Bad credentials." }, { rpcFAIL_GEN_DECRPYT, "failGenDecrypt", "Failed to decrypt generator." }, { rpcGETS_ACT_MALFORMED, "getsActMalformed", "Gets account malformed." }, { rpcGETS_AMT_MALFORMED, "getsAmtMalformed", "Gets amount malformed." }, { rpcHOST_IP_MALFORMED, "hostIpMalformed", "Host IP is malformed." }, { rpcINSUF_FUNDS, "insufFunds", "Insufficient funds." }, { rpcINTERNAL, "internal", "Internal error." }, { rpcINVALID_PARAMS, "invalidParams", "Invalid parameters." }, { rpcJSON_RPC, "json_rpc", "JSON-RPC transport error." }, { rpcLGR_IDXS_INVALID, "lgrIdxsInvalid", "Ledger indexes invalid." }, { rpcLGR_IDX_MALFORMED, "lgrIdxMalformed", "Ledger index malformed." }, { rpcLGR_NOT_FOUND, "lgrNotFound", "Ledger not found." }, { rpcNICKNAME_MALFORMED, "nicknameMalformed","Nickname is malformed." }, { rpcNICKNAME_MISSING, "nicknameMissing", "Nickname does not exist." }, { rpcNICKNAME_PERM, "nicknamePerm", "Account does not control nickname." }, { rpcNOT_IMPL, "notImpl", "Not implemented." }, { rpcNO_ACCOUNT, "noAccount", "No such account." }, { rpcNO_CLOSED, "noClosed", "Closed ledger is unavailable." }, { rpcNO_CURRENT, "noCurrent", "Current ledger is unavailable." }, { rpcNO_EVENTS, "noEvents", "Current transport does not support events." }, { rpcNO_GEN_DECRPYT, "noGenDectypt", "Password failed to decrypt master public generator." }, { rpcNO_NETWORK, "noNetwork", "Network not available." }, { rpcNO_PATH, "noPath", "Unable to find a ripple path." }, { rpcNO_PERMISSION, "noPermission", "You don't have permission for this command." }, { rpcNOT_STANDALONE, "notStandAlone", "Operation valid in debug mode only." }, { rpcNOT_SUPPORTED, "notSupported", "Operation not supported." }, { rpcPASSWD_CHANGED, "passwdChanged", "Wrong key, password changed." }, { rpcPAYS_ACT_MALFORMED, "paysActMalformed", "Pays account malformed." }, { rpcPAYS_AMT_MALFORMED, "paysAmtMalformed", "Pays amount malformed." }, { rpcPORT_MALFORMED, "portMalformed", "Port is malformed." }, { rpcPUBLIC_MALFORMED, "publicMalformed", "Public key is malformed." }, { rpcQUALITY_MALFORMED, "qualityMalformed", "Quality malformed." }, { rpcSRC_ACT_MALFORMED, "srcActMalformed", "Source account is malformed." }, { rpcSRC_ACT_MISSING, "srcActMissing", "Source account not provided." }, { rpcSRC_ACT_NOT_FOUND, "srcActNotFound", "Source amount not found." }, { rpcSRC_AMT_MALFORMED, "srcAmtMalformed", "Source amount/currency/issuer is malformed." }, { rpcSRC_CUR_MALFORMED, "srcCurMalformed", "Source currency is malformed." }, { rpcSRC_ISR_MALFORMED, "srcIsrMalformed", "Source issuer is malformed." }, { rpcSRC_UNCLAIMED, "srcUnclaimed", "Source account is not claimed." }, { rpcTXN_NOT_FOUND, "txnNotFound", "Transaction not found." }, { rpcUNKNOWN_COMMAND, "unknownCmd", "Unknown method." }, { rpcWRONG_SEED, "wrongSeed", "The regular key does not point as the master key." }, }; int i; for (i=NUMBER(errorInfoA); i-- && errorInfoA[i].iError != iError;) ; jvResult["error"] = i >= 0 ? errorInfoA[i].pToken : lexical_cast_i(iError); jvResult["error_message"] = i >= 0 ? errorInfoA[i].pMessage : lexical_cast_i(iError); jvResult["error_code"] = iError; if (i >= 0) { cLog(lsDEBUG) << "rpcError: " << errorInfoA[i].pToken << ": " << errorInfoA[i].pMessage << std::endl; } return jvResult; }
Module* Module::fromDescriptor( const QVariantMap& moduleDescriptor, const QString& instanceId, const QString& configFileName, const QString& moduleDirectory ) { Module* m = nullptr; QString typeString = moduleDescriptor.value( "type" ).toString(); QString intfString = moduleDescriptor.value( "interface" ).toString(); if ( typeString.isEmpty() || intfString.isEmpty() ) { cLog() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bad module descriptor format" << instanceId; return nullptr; } if ( typeString == "view" && intfString == "qtplugin" ) { m = new ViewModule(); } else if ( typeString == "job" ) { if ( intfString == "process" ) { m = new ProcessJobModule(); } #ifdef WITH_PYTHON else if ( intfString == "python" ) { m = new PythonJobModule(); } #endif } if ( !m ) { cLog() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bad module type or interface string" << instanceId << typeString << intfString; return nullptr; } QDir moduleDir( moduleDirectory ); if ( moduleDir.exists() && moduleDir.isReadable() ) m->m_directory = moduleDir.absolutePath(); else { cLog() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "bad module directory" << instanceId; return nullptr; } m->m_instanceId = instanceId; m->initFrom( moduleDescriptor ); try { m->loadConfigurationFile( configFileName ); } catch ( YAML::Exception& e ) { cDebug() << "WARNING: YAML parser error " << e.what(); delete m; return nullptr; } return m; }
void HashedObjectStore::bulkWrite() { while (1) { std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<HashedObject> > set; set.reserve(128); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock sl(mWriteMutex); mWriteSet.swap(set); assert(mWriteSet.empty()); ++mWriteGeneration; mWriteCondition.notify_all(); if (set.empty()) { mWritePending = false; return; } } // cLog(lsTRACE) << "HOS: writing " << set.size(); #ifndef NO_SQLITE3_PREPARE { Database* db = theApp->getHashNodeDB()->getDB(); ScopedLock sl(theApp->getHashNodeDB()->getDBLock()); static SqliteStatement pSt(db->getSqliteDB(), "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO CommittedObjects " "(Hash,ObjType,LedgerIndex,Object) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);"); db->executeSQL("BEGIN TRANSACTION;"); BOOST_FOREACH(const boost::shared_ptr<HashedObject>& it, set) { const char* type; switch (it->getType()) { case hotLEDGER: type = "L"; break; case hotTRANSACTION: type = "T"; break; case hotACCOUNT_NODE: type = "A"; break; case hotTRANSACTION_NODE: type = "N"; break; default: type = "U"; } pSt.reset(); pSt.bind(1, it->getHash().GetHex()); pSt.bind(2, type); pSt.bind(3, it->getIndex()); pSt.bindStatic(4, it->getData()); int ret = pSt.step(); if (!pSt.isDone(ret)) { cLog(lsFATAL) << "Error saving hashed object " << ret; assert(false); } } db->executeSQL("END TRANSACTION;"); } #else static boost::format fAdd("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO CommittedObjects " "(Hash,ObjType,LedgerIndex,Object) VALUES ('%s','%c','%u',%s);"); Database* db = theApp->getHashNodeDB()->getDB(); { ScopedLock sl(theApp->getHashNodeDB()->getDBLock()); db->executeSQL("BEGIN TRANSACTION;"); BOOST_FOREACH(const boost::shared_ptr<HashedObject>& it, set) { char type; switch (it->getType()) { case hotLEDGER: type = 'L'; break; case hotTRANSACTION: type = 'T'; break; case hotACCOUNT_NODE: type = 'A'; break; case hotTRANSACTION_NODE: type = 'N'; break; default: type = 'U'; } db->executeSQL(boost::str(fAdd % it->getHash().GetHex() % type % it->getIndex() % sqlEscape(it->getData()))); } db->executeSQL("END TRANSACTION;"); } #endif }
int main() { static const int SERVER_PORT = 7892; int clientSocket; int num_to_decrement; char in_buffer[1024], temp_in_buffer[1024], out_buffer[1024]; struct sockaddr_in serverAddr; socklen_t addr_size; char *message_format = "%s:%d"; char message[1024]; char* key = "decrement"; char* value = "50"; clientLogger = createLogger(__FILE__, LOG_LEVEL); //char* log_msg = malloc(sizeof(char) * 128); do { //memset(in_buffer, '\0', 1024); //memset(temp_in_buffer, '\0', 1024); // set up data to send num_to_decrement = atoi(value); sprintf(message, message_format, key, num_to_decrement); // set up socket clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); createSockaddr_in(&serverAddr, SERVER_PORT, ""); printf("%s\n", "before connecting to socket"); cLog("before connecting to socket"); // Connect to socket addr_size = sizeof(serverAddr); if(connect(clientSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &serverAddr, addr_size) < 0) { error("Error connecting\n"); } cLog("after connecting to socket"); printf("%s\n", "after connecting to socket"); strcpy(out_buffer, message); int sentBytes = send(clientSocket, out_buffer, sizeof(out_buffer), 0); printf("sent %d bytes from %s\n", sentBytes, "client"); //sprintf(log_msg, "sent %d bytes from %s\n", sentBytes, "client"); //cLog(log_msg); if (sentBytes == -1) { error(""); printf("error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); cLog("failed to send"); } else { cLog("succeeded in sending"); } printf("(client) just sent: %s\n", out_buffer); //sprintf(message_format, key, num_to_decrement); //sprintf(log_msg, message_format, key, num_to_decrement); //cLog(log_msg); //printf("\n"); // read from host recv(clientSocket, in_buffer, 1024, 0); if (!strcmp(in_buffer, "decrement:80")) { printf("special"); } strncpy(temp_in_buffer, in_buffer, 1024); cLog("received data from sever"); printf("Data received from server: '%s'\n", in_buffer); //sprintf(log_msg, "Data received from server: '%s'\n", in_buffer); //cLog(log_msg); printf("temp data: '%s'\n", temp_in_buffer); //sprintf(log_msg, "temp data: '%s'\n", temp_in_buffer); //cLog(log_msg); handleRequest(clientSocket, in_buffer, "client"); setKeyValue(&key, &value, temp_in_buffer); //printf("(client.c): key: %s, value: %s\n", key, value); int shutdownStatus = close(clientSocket); //sprintf(log_msg, "(client.c) Closed socket: %d, with status: %d\n", clientSocket, shutdownStatus); //cLog(log_msg); usleep(50000); } while(true); return 0; }
bool MoveFileSystemJob::copyBlocks( Report& report, CopyTargetDevice& target, CopySourceDevice& source ) { /** @todo copyBlocks() assumes that source.sectorSize() == target.sectorSize(). */ if ( source.sectorSize() != target.sectorSize() ) { report.line() << tr( "The logical sector sizes in the source and target for copying are not the same. This is currently unsupported." ); return false; } bool rval = true; const qint64 blockSize = 16065 * 8; // number of sectors per block to copy const qint64 blocksToCopy = source.length() / blockSize; qint64 readOffset = source.firstSector(); qint64 writeOffset = target.firstSector(); qint32 copyDir = 1; if ( target.firstSector() > source.firstSector() ) { readOffset = source.firstSector() + source.length() - blockSize; writeOffset = target.firstSector() + source.length() - blockSize; copyDir = -1; } qint64 blocksCopied = 0; void* buffer = malloc( blockSize * source.sectorSize() ); int percent = 0; while ( blocksCopied < blocksToCopy ) { rval = source.readSectors( buffer, readOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied * copyDir, blockSize ); if ( !rval ) break; rval = target.writeSectors( buffer, writeOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied * copyDir, blockSize ); if ( !rval ) break; if ( ++blocksCopied * 100 / blocksToCopy != percent ) { percent = blocksCopied * 100 / blocksToCopy; progress( qreal( percent ) / 100. ); } } const qint64 lastBlock = source.length() % blockSize; // copy the remainder if ( rval && lastBlock > 0 ) { if ( lastBlock >= blockSize ) cLog() << "warning: lastBlock: " << lastBlock << ", blockSize: " << blockSize; Q_ASSERT( lastBlock < blockSize ); const qint64 lastBlockReadOffset = copyDir > 0 ? readOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied : source.firstSector(); const qint64 lastBlockWriteOffset = copyDir > 0 ? writeOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied : target.firstSector(); rval = source.readSectors( buffer, lastBlockReadOffset, lastBlock ); if ( rval ) rval = target.writeSectors( buffer, lastBlockWriteOffset, lastBlock ); if ( rval ) emit progress( 1.0 ); } free( buffer ); return rval; }