Пример #1
 * evaluate a test expression.
 * flag is 0 on outer level
 * flag is 1 when in parenthesis
 * flag is 2 when evaluating -a 
static int expr(struct test *tp,register int flag)
	register int r;
	register char *p;
	r = e3(tp);
	while(tp->ap < tp->ac)
		p = nxtarg(tp,0);
		/* check for -o and -a */
		if(flag && c_eq(p,')'))
		if(*p=='-' && *(p+2)==0)
			if(*++p == 'o')
				r |= expr(tp,3);
			else if(*p == 'a')
				r &= expr(tp,2);
Пример #2
void apply(board *b, move m) {
	// Disable the old en passant eligibility for a file
	if (b->en_passant_pawn_push_col_history[b->last_move_ply] != -1) {
		b->hash ^= zobrist_en_passant_files[b->en_passant_pawn_push_col_history[b->last_move_ply]];

	// Information
	piece moved_piece = at(b, m.from);
	piece new_piece = p_eq(m.promote_to, no_piece) ? moved_piece : m.promote_to;

	// If the move we will apply is en passant, remove the captured pawn
	if (m.en_passant_capture) {
		uint8_t en_passant_capture_row = moved_piece.white ? 4 : 3;
		coord en_pasant_capture_square = (coord){b->en_passant_pawn_push_col_history[b->last_move_ply], en_passant_capture_row};
		set(b, en_pasant_capture_square, no_piece);

	// Transform board and hash
	b->hash ^= tt_pieceval(b, m.from);
	b->hash ^= tt_pieceval(b, m.to);
	set(b, m.to, new_piece);
	set(b, m.from, no_piece);
	b->hash ^= tt_pieceval(b, m.to);
	b->hash ^= zobrist_black_to_move;
	b->black_to_move = !b->black_to_move;

	// For en passant
	b->en_passant_pawn_push_col_history[b->last_move_ply] = -1;
	if (at(b, m.to).type == 'P' && abs(m.to.row - m.from.row) == 2) {
		b->en_passant_pawn_push_col_history[b->last_move_ply] = m.to.col;
		// En passant capture now enabled on this file
		b->hash ^= zobrist_en_passant_files[b->en_passant_pawn_push_col_history[b->last_move_ply]];

	// Manually move rook for castling
	if (m.c != N) { // Manually move rook
		uint8_t rook_from_col = ((m.c == K) ? 7 : 0);
		uint8_t rook_to_col = ((m.c == K) ? 5 : 3);
		b->hash ^= tt_pieceval(b, (coord){rook_from_col, m.from.row});
		b->b[rook_to_col][m.to.row] = (piece){'R', at(b, m.to).white}; // !!
		b->b[rook_from_col][m.from.row] = no_piece;
		b->hash ^= tt_pieceval(b, (coord){rook_to_col, m.to.row});

	// King moves always strip castling rights
	if (moved_piece.white && moved_piece.type == 'K') {
		if (b->castle_rights_wk) {
			b->hash ^= zobrist_castle_wk;
			b->castle_wk_lost_on_ply = b->last_move_ply;
			b->castle_rights_wk = false;
		if (b->castle_rights_wq) {
			b->hash ^= zobrist_castle_wq;
			b->castle_wq_lost_on_ply = b->last_move_ply;
			b->castle_rights_wq = false;
	} else if (!moved_piece.white && moved_piece.type == 'K') {
		if (b->castle_rights_bk) {
			b->hash ^= zobrist_castle_bk;
			b->castle_bk_lost_on_ply = b->last_move_ply;
			b->castle_rights_bk = false;
		if (b->castle_rights_bq) {
			b->hash ^= zobrist_castle_bq;
			b->castle_bq_lost_on_ply = b->last_move_ply;
			b->castle_rights_bq = false;

	if (moved_piece.type == 'K') {
		if (moved_piece.white) b->white_king = m.to;
		else b->black_king = m.to;

	// Moves involving rook squares always strip castling rights
	if ((c_eq(m.from, wqr) || c_eq(m.to, wqr)) && b->castle_rights_wq) {
		b->castle_rights_wq = false;
		b->hash ^= zobrist_castle_wq;
		b->castle_wq_lost_on_ply = b->last_move_ply;
	if ((c_eq(m.from, wkr) || c_eq(m.to, wkr)) && b->castle_rights_wk) {
		b->castle_rights_wk = false;
		b->hash ^= zobrist_castle_wk;
		b->castle_wk_lost_on_ply = b->last_move_ply;
	if ((c_eq(m.from, bqr) || c_eq(m.to, bqr)) && b->castle_rights_bq) {
		b->castle_rights_bq = false;
		b->hash ^= zobrist_castle_bq;
		b->castle_bq_lost_on_ply = b->last_move_ply;
	if ((c_eq(m.from, bkr) || c_eq(m.to, bkr)) && b->castle_rights_bk) {
		b->castle_rights_bk = false;
		b->hash ^= zobrist_castle_bk;
		b->castle_bk_lost_on_ply = b->last_move_ply;
Пример #3
/*! \brief
 * <pre>
 * Purpose
 * =======
 *    ilu_cdrop_row() - Drop some small rows from the previous 
 *    supernode (L-part only).
 * </pre>
int ilu_cdrop_row(
	superlu_options_t *options, /* options */
	int    first,	    /* index of the first column in the supernode */
	int    last,	    /* index of the last column in the supernode */
	double drop_tol,    /* dropping parameter */
	int    quota,	    /* maximum nonzero entries allowed */
	int    *nnzLj,	    /* in/out number of nonzeros in L(:, 1:last) */
	double *fill_tol,   /* in/out - on exit, fill_tol=-num_zero_pivots,
			     * does not change if options->ILU_MILU != SMILU1 */
	GlobalLU_t *Glu,    /* modified */
	float swork[],   /* working space
	                     * the length of swork[] should be no less than
			     * the number of rows in the supernode */
	float swork2[], /* working space with the same size as swork[],
			     * used only by the second dropping rule */
	int    lastc	    /* if lastc == 0, there is nothing after the
			     * working supernode [first:last];
			     * if lastc == 1, there is one more column after
			     * the working supernode. */ )
    register int i, j, k, m1;
    register int nzlc; /* number of nonzeros in column last+1 */
    register int xlusup_first, xlsub_first;
    int m, n; /* m x n is the size of the supernode */
    int r = 0; /* number of dropped rows */
    register float *temp;
    register complex *lusup = (complex *) Glu->lusup;
    register int *lsub = Glu->lsub;
    register int *xlsub = Glu->xlsub;
    register int *xlusup = Glu->xlusup;
    register float d_max = 0.0, d_min = 1.0;
    int    drop_rule = options->ILU_DropRule;
    milu_t milu = options->ILU_MILU;
    norm_t nrm = options->ILU_Norm;
    complex zero = {0.0, 0.0};
    complex one = {1.0, 0.0};
    complex none = {-1.0, 0.0};
    int i_1 = 1;
    int inc_diag; /* inc_diag = m + 1 */
    int nzp = 0;  /* number of zero pivots */
    float alpha = pow((double)(Glu->n), -1.0 / options->ILU_MILU_Dim);

    xlusup_first = xlusup[first];
    xlsub_first = xlsub[first];
    m = xlusup[first + 1] - xlusup_first;
    n = last - first + 1;
    m1 = m - 1;
    inc_diag = m + 1;
    nzlc = lastc ? (xlusup[last + 2] - xlusup[last + 1]) : 0;
    temp = swork - n;

    /* Quick return if nothing to do. */
    if (m == 0 || m == n || drop_rule == NODROP)
	*nnzLj += m * n;
	return 0;

    /* basic dropping: ILU(tau) */
    for (i = n; i <= m1; )
	/* the average abs value of ith row */
	switch (nrm)
	    case ONE_NORM:
		temp[i] = scasum_(&n, &lusup[xlusup_first + i], &m) / (double)n;
	    case TWO_NORM:
		temp[i] = scnrm2_(&n, &lusup[xlusup_first + i], &m)
		    / sqrt((double)n);
	    case INF_NORM:
		k = icamax_(&n, &lusup[xlusup_first + i], &m) - 1;
		temp[i] = c_abs1(&lusup[xlusup_first + i + m * k]);

	/* drop small entries due to drop_tol */
	if (drop_rule & DROP_BASIC && temp[i] < drop_tol)
	    /* drop the current row and move the last undropped row here */
	    if (r > 1) /* add to last row */
		/* accumulate the sum (for MILU) */
		switch (milu)
		    case SMILU_1:
		    case SMILU_2:
			caxpy_(&n, &one, &lusup[xlusup_first + i], &m,
				&lusup[xlusup_first + m - 1], &m);
		    case SMILU_3:
			for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
			    lusup[xlusup_first + (m - 1) + j * m].r +=
				    c_abs1(&lusup[xlusup_first + i + j * m]);
		    case SILU:
		ccopy_(&n, &lusup[xlusup_first + m1], &m,
                       &lusup[xlusup_first + i], &m);
	    } /* if (r > 1) */
	    else /* move to last row */
		cswap_(&n, &lusup[xlusup_first + m1], &m,
			&lusup[xlusup_first + i], &m);
		if (milu == SMILU_3)
		    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
			lusup[xlusup_first + m1 + j * m].r =
				c_abs1(&lusup[xlusup_first + m1 + j * m]);
			lusup[xlusup_first + m1 + j * m].i = 0.0;
	    lsub[xlsub_first + i] = lsub[xlsub_first + m1];
	} /* if dropping */
	    if (temp[i] > d_max) d_max = temp[i];
	    if (temp[i] < d_min) d_min = temp[i];
    } /* for */

    /* Secondary dropping: drop more rows according to the quota. */
    quota = ceil((double)quota / (double)n);
    if (drop_rule & DROP_SECONDARY && m - r > quota)
	register double tol = d_max;

	/* Calculate the second dropping tolerance */
	if (quota > n)
	    if (drop_rule & DROP_INTERP) /* by interpolation */
		d_max = 1.0 / d_max; d_min = 1.0 / d_min;
		tol = 1.0 / (d_max + (d_min - d_max) * quota / (m - n - r));
	    else /* by quick select */
		int len = m1 - n + 1;
		scopy_(&len, swork, &i_1, swork2, &i_1);
		tol = sqselect(len, swork2, quota - n);
#if 0
		register int *itemp = iwork - n;
		A = temp;
		for (i = n; i <= m1; i++) itemp[i] = i;
		qsort(iwork, m1 - n + 1, sizeof(int), _compare_);
		tol = temp[itemp[quota]];

	for (i = n; i <= m1; )
	    if (temp[i] <= tol)
		register int j;
		/* drop the current row and move the last undropped row here */
		if (r > 1) /* add to last row */
		    /* accumulate the sum (for MILU) */
		    switch (milu)
			case SMILU_1:
			case SMILU_2:
			    caxpy_(&n, &one, &lusup[xlusup_first + i], &m,
				    &lusup[xlusup_first + m - 1], &m);
			case SMILU_3:
			    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
				lusup[xlusup_first + (m - 1) + j * m].r +=
   				  c_abs1(&lusup[xlusup_first + i + j * m]);
			case SILU:
		    ccopy_(&n, &lusup[xlusup_first + m1], &m,
			    &lusup[xlusup_first + i], &m);
		} /* if (r > 1) */
		else /* move to last row */
		    cswap_(&n, &lusup[xlusup_first + m1], &m,
			    &lusup[xlusup_first + i], &m);
		    if (milu == SMILU_3)
			for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
			    lusup[xlusup_first + m1 + j * m].r =
				    c_abs1(&lusup[xlusup_first + m1 + j * m]);
			    lusup[xlusup_first + m1 + j * m].i = 0.0;
		lsub[xlsub_first + i] = lsub[xlsub_first + m1];
		temp[i] = temp[m1];


	} /* for */

    } /* if secondary dropping */

    for (i = n; i < m; i++) temp[i] = 0.0;

    if (r == 0)
	*nnzLj += m * n;
	return 0;

    /* add dropped entries to the diagnal */
    if (milu != SILU)
	register int j;
	complex t;
	float omega;
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
	    t = lusup[xlusup_first + (m - 1) + j * m];
            if (t.r == 0.0 && t.i == 0.0) continue;
            omega = SUPERLU_MIN(2.0 * (1.0 - alpha) / c_abs1(&t), 1.0);
	    cs_mult(&t, &t, omega);

 	    switch (milu)
		case SMILU_1:
		    if ( !(c_eq(&t, &none)) ) {
                        c_add(&t, &t, &one);
                        cc_mult(&lusup[xlusup_first + j * inc_diag],
			                  &lusup[xlusup_first + j * inc_diag],
                                &lusup[xlusup_first + j * inc_diag],
			        &lusup[xlusup_first + j * inc_diag],
#ifdef DEBUG
			printf("[1] ZERO PIVOT: FILL col %d.\n", first + j);
		case SMILU_2:
                    cs_mult(&lusup[xlusup_first + j * inc_diag],
                                          &lusup[xlusup_first + j * inc_diag],
                                          1.0 + c_abs1(&t));
		case SMILU_3:
                    c_add(&t, &t, &one);
                    cc_mult(&lusup[xlusup_first + j * inc_diag],
	                              &lusup[xlusup_first + j * inc_diag],
		case SILU:
	if (nzp > 0) *fill_tol = -nzp;

    /* Remove dropped entries from the memory and fix the pointers. */
    m1 = m - r;
    for (j = 1; j < n; j++)
	register int tmp1, tmp2;
	tmp1 = xlusup_first + j * m1;
	tmp2 = xlusup_first + j * m;
	for (i = 0; i < m1; i++)
	    lusup[i + tmp1] = lusup[i + tmp2];
    for (i = 0; i < nzlc; i++)
	lusup[xlusup_first + i + n * m1] = lusup[xlusup_first + i + n * m];
    for (i = 0; i < nzlc; i++)
	lsub[xlsub[last + 1] - r + i] = lsub[xlsub[last + 1] + i];
    for (i = first + 1; i <= last + 1; i++)
	xlusup[i] -= r * (i - first);
	xlsub[i] -= r;
    if (lastc)
	xlusup[last + 2] -= r * n;
	xlsub[last + 2] -= r;

    *nnzLj += (m - r) * n;
    return r;
Пример #4
/*! \brief Performs one of the matrix-vector operations y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y
 * <pre>  
 *   Purpose   
 *   =======   
 *   sp_cgemv()  performs one of the matrix-vector operations   
 *      y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y,   
 *   where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is a
 *   sparse A->nrow by A->ncol matrix.   
 *   Parameters   
 *   ==========   
 *   TRANS  - (input) char*
 *            On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as   
 *            follows:   
 *               TRANS = 'N' or 'n'   y := alpha*A*x + beta*y.   
 *               TRANS = 'T' or 't'   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y.   
 *               TRANS = 'C' or 'c'   y := alpha*A^H*x + beta*y.   
 *   ALPHA  - (input) complex
 *            On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.   
 *   A      - (input) SuperMatrix*
 *            Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array A must   
 *            contain the matrix of coefficients.   
 *   X      - (input) complex*, array of DIMENSION at least   
 *            ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) when TRANS = 'N' or 'n'   
 *           and at least   
 *            ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) otherwise.   
 *            Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the   
 *            vector x.   
 *   INCX   - (input) int
 *            On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of   
 *            X. INCX must not be zero.   
 *   BETA   - (input) complex
 *            On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is   
 *            supplied as zero then Y need not be set on input.   
 *   Y      - (output) complex*,  array of DIMENSION at least   
 *            ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) when TRANS = 'N' or 'n'   
 *            and at least   
 *            ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) otherwise.   
 *            Before entry with BETA non-zero, the incremented array Y   
 *            must contain the vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the 
 *            updated vector y.
 *   INCY   - (input) int
 *            On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of   
 *            Y. INCY must not be zero.   
 *    ==== Sparse Level 2 Blas routine.   
 * </pre>
sp_cgemv(char *trans, complex alpha, SuperMatrix *A, complex *x, 
	 int incx, complex beta, complex *y, int incy)

    /* Local variables */
    NCformat *Astore;
    complex   *Aval;
    int info;
    complex temp, temp1;
    int lenx, leny, i, j, irow;
    int iy, jx, jy, kx, ky;
    int notran;
    complex comp_zero = {0.0, 0.0};
    complex comp_one = {1.0, 0.0};

    notran = ( strncmp(trans, "N", 1)==0 || strncmp(trans, "n", 1)==0 );
    Astore = A->Store;
    Aval = Astore->nzval;
    /* Test the input parameters */
    info = 0;
    if ( !notran && strncmp(trans, "T", 1)!=0 && strncmp(trans, "C", 1)!=0)
        info = 1;
    else if ( A->nrow < 0 || A->ncol < 0 ) info = 3;
    else if (incx == 0) info = 5;
    else if (incy == 0)	info = 8;
    if (info != 0) {
	input_error("sp_cgemv ", &info);
	return 0;

    /* Quick return if possible. */
    if (A->nrow == 0 || A->ncol == 0 || 
	c_eq(&alpha, &comp_zero) && 
	c_eq(&beta, &comp_one))
	return 0;

    /* Set  LENX  and  LENY, the lengths of the vectors x and y, and set 
       up the start points in  X  and  Y. */
    if ( notran ) {
	lenx = A->ncol;
	leny = A->nrow;
    } else {
	lenx = A->nrow;
	leny = A->ncol;
    if (incx > 0) kx = 0;
    else kx =  - (lenx - 1) * incx;
    if (incy > 0) ky = 0;
    else ky =  - (leny - 1) * incy;

    /* Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are   
       accessed sequentially with one pass through A. */
    /* First form  y := beta*y. */
    if ( !c_eq(&beta, &comp_one) ) {
	if (incy == 1) {
	    if ( c_eq(&beta, &comp_zero) )
		for (i = 0; i < leny; ++i) y[i] = comp_zero;
		for (i = 0; i < leny; ++i) 
		  cc_mult(&y[i], &beta, &y[i]);
	} else {
	    iy = ky;
	    if ( c_eq(&beta, &comp_zero) )
		for (i = 0; i < leny; ++i) {
		    y[iy] = comp_zero;
		    iy += incy;
		for (i = 0; i < leny; ++i) {
		    cc_mult(&y[iy], &beta, &y[iy]);
		    iy += incy;
    if ( c_eq(&alpha, &comp_zero) ) return 0;

    if ( notran ) {
	/* Form  y := alpha*A*x + y. */
	jx = kx;
	if (incy == 1) {
	    for (j = 0; j < A->ncol; ++j) {
		if ( !c_eq(&x[jx], &comp_zero) ) {
		    cc_mult(&temp, &alpha, &x[jx]);
		    for (i = Astore->colptr[j]; i < Astore->colptr[j+1]; ++i) {
			irow = Astore->rowind[i];
			cc_mult(&temp1, &temp,  &Aval[i]);
			c_add(&y[irow], &y[irow], &temp1);
		jx += incx;
	} else {
	    ABORT("Not implemented.");
    } else if (strncmp(trans, "T", 1) == 0 || strncmp(trans, "t", 1) == 0) {
	/* Form  y := alpha*A'*x + y. */
	jy = ky;
	if (incx == 1) {
	    for (j = 0; j < A->ncol; ++j) {
		temp = comp_zero;
		for (i = Astore->colptr[j]; i < Astore->colptr[j+1]; ++i) {
		    irow = Astore->rowind[i];
		    cc_mult(&temp1, &Aval[i], &x[irow]);
		    c_add(&temp, &temp, &temp1);
		cc_mult(&temp1, &alpha, &temp);
		c_add(&y[jy], &y[jy], &temp1);
		jy += incy;
	} else {
	    ABORT("Not implemented.");
    } else { /* trans == 'C' or 'c' */
	/* Form  y := alpha * conj(A) * x + y. */
	complex temp2;
	jy = ky;
	if (incx == 1) {
	    for (j = 0; j < A->ncol; ++j) {
		temp = comp_zero;
		for (i = Astore->colptr[j]; i < Astore->colptr[j+1]; ++i) {
		    irow = Astore->rowind[i];
		    temp2.r = Aval[i].r;
		    temp2.i = -Aval[i].i;  /* conjugation */
		    cc_mult(&temp1, &temp2, &x[irow]);
		    c_add(&temp, &temp, &temp1);
		cc_mult(&temp1, &alpha, &temp);
		c_add(&y[jy], &y[jy], &temp1);
		jy += incy;
	} else {
	    ABORT("Not implemented.");

    return 0;    
} /* sp_cgemv */
Пример #5
static int e3(struct test *tp)
	register char *arg, *cp;
	register int op;
	char *binop;
	if(arg && c_eq(arg, '!'))
	if(c_eq(arg, '('))
		op = expr(tp,1);
		cp = nxtarg(tp,0);
		if(!cp || !c_eq(cp, ')'))
	cp = nxtarg(tp,1);
	if(cp!=0 && (c_eq(cp,'=') || c2_eq(cp,'!','=')))
		goto skip;
			op = strtol(cp,&binop, 10);
		/* test -t with no arguments */
	if(*arg=='-' && arg[2]==0)
		op = arg[1];
			/* for backward compatibility with new flags */
			if(op==0 || !strchr(test_opchars+10,op))
	op = sh_lookup(binop=cp,shtab_testops);
		cp = nxtarg(tp,0);
	if(op==TEST_AND || op==TEST_OR)
Пример #6
int b_test(int argc, char *argv[],Shbltin_t *context)
	struct test tdata;
	register char *cp = argv[0];
	register int not;
	tdata.sh = context->shp;
	tdata.av = argv;
	tdata.ap = 1;
		cp = argv[--argc];
		if(!c_eq(cp, ']'))
	if(argc <= 1)
	cp = argv[1];
	if(c_eq(cp,'(') && argc<=6 && c_eq(argv[argc-1],')'))
		/* special case  ( binop ) to conform with standard */
		if(!(argc==4  && (not=sh_lookup(cp=argv[2],shtab_testops))))
			cp =  (++argv)[1];
			argc -= 2;
	not = c_eq(cp,'!');
	/* posix portion for test */
		case 5:
			/* fall through */
		case 4:
			register int op = sh_lookup(cp=argv[2],shtab_testops);
				if(not && cp[0]=='-' && cp[2]==0)
				else if(argv[1][0]=='-' && argv[1][2]==0)
				else if(not && c_eq(argv[2],'!'))
		case 3:
			if(cp[0] != '-' || cp[2] || cp[1]=='?')
				if(cp[0]=='-' && (cp[1]=='-' || cp[1]=='?') &&
					char *av[3];
					av[0] = argv[0];
					av[1] = argv[1];
					av[2] = 0;
					errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_usage(2), "%s",opt_info.arg);
		case 2:
	tdata.ac = argc;
ConstitutiveModelParameters<EvalT, Traits>::
ConstitutiveModelParameters(Teuchos::ParameterList& p,
    const Teuchos::RCP<Albany::Layouts>& dl) :
  // get number of integration points and spatial dimensions
  std::vector<PHX::DataLayout::size_type> dims;
  num_pts_ = dims[1];
  num_dims_ = dims[2];

  // get the Parameter Library
  Teuchos::RCP<ParamLib> paramLib =
      p.get<Teuchos::RCP<ParamLib> >("Parameter Library", Teuchos::null);

  // get the material parameter list
  Teuchos::ParameterList* mat_params =
      p.get<Teuchos::ParameterList*>("Material Parameters");

  // Check for optional field: temperature
  if (p.isType<std::string>("Temperature Name")) {
    have_temperature_ = true;
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint>
    tmp(p.get<std::string>("Temperature Name"), dl_->qp_scalar);
    temperature_ = tmp;

  // step through the possible parameters, registering as necessary
  // elastic modulus
  std::string e_mod("Elastic Modulus");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(e_mod)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(e_mod, dl_->qp_scalar);
    elastic_mod_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(e_mod, elastic_mod_));
    parseParameters(e_mod, p, paramLib);
  // Poisson's ratio
  std::string pr("Poissons Ratio");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(pr)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(pr, dl_->qp_scalar);
    poissons_ratio_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(pr, poissons_ratio_));
    parseParameters(pr, p, paramLib);
  // bulk modulus
  std::string b_mod("Bulk Modulus");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(b_mod)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(b_mod, dl_->qp_scalar);
    bulk_mod_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(b_mod, bulk_mod_));
    parseParameters(b_mod, p, paramLib);
  // shear modulus
  std::string s_mod("Shear Modulus");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(s_mod)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(s_mod, dl_->qp_scalar);
    shear_mod_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(s_mod, shear_mod_));
    parseParameters(s_mod, p, paramLib);
  // yield strength
  std::string yield("Yield Strength");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(yield)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(yield, dl_->qp_scalar);
    yield_strength_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(yield, yield_strength_));
    parseParameters(yield, p, paramLib);
  // hardening modulus
  std::string h_mod("Hardening Modulus");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(h_mod)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(h_mod, dl_->qp_scalar);
    hardening_mod_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(h_mod, hardening_mod_));
    parseParameters(h_mod, p, paramLib);
  // recovery modulus
  std::string r_mod("Recovery Modulus");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(r_mod)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(r_mod, dl_->qp_scalar);
    recovery_mod_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(r_mod, recovery_mod_));
    parseParameters(r_mod, p, paramLib);
  // concentration equilibrium parameter
  std::string c_eq("Concentration Equilibrium Parameter");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(c_eq)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(c_eq, dl_->qp_scalar);
    conc_eq_param_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(c_eq, conc_eq_param_));
    parseParameters(c_eq, p, paramLib);
  // diffusion coefficient
  std::string d_coeff("Diffusion Coefficient");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(d_coeff)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(d_coeff, dl_->qp_scalar);
    diff_coeff_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(d_coeff, diff_coeff_));
    parseParameters(d_coeff, p, paramLib);
  // thermal conductivity
  std::string th_cond("Thermal Conductivity");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(th_cond)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(th_cond, dl_->qp_scalar);
    thermal_cond_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(th_cond, thermal_cond_));
    parseParameters(th_cond, p, paramLib);
  // flow rule coefficient
  std::string f_coeff("Flow Rule Coefficient");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(f_coeff)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(f_coeff, dl_->qp_scalar);
    flow_coeff_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(f_coeff, flow_coeff_));
    parseParameters(f_coeff, p, paramLib);
  // flow rule exponent
  std::string f_exp("Flow Rule Exponent");
  if (mat_params->isSublist(f_exp)) {
    PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> tmp(f_exp, dl_->qp_scalar);
    flow_exp_ = tmp;
    field_map_.insert(std::make_pair(f_exp, flow_exp_));
    parseParameters(f_exp, p, paramLib);

  // register evaluated fields
  std::map<std::string, PHX::MDField<ScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> >::iterator it;
  for (it = field_map_.begin();
      it != field_map_.end();
      ++it) {
      "Constitutive Model Parameters" + PHX::TypeString<EvalT>::value);
sp_cgemv(char *trans, complex alpha, SuperMatrix *A, complex *x, 
	 int incx, complex beta, complex *y, int incy)
/*  Purpose   

    sp_cgemv()  performs one of the matrix-vector operations   
       y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y,   
    where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is a
    sparse A->nrow by A->ncol matrix.   


    TRANS  - (input) char*
             On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as   
                TRANS = 'N' or 'n'   y := alpha*A*x + beta*y.   
                TRANS = 'T' or 't'   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y.   
                TRANS = 'C' or 'c'   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y.   

    ALPHA  - (input) complex
             On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha.   

    A      - (input) SuperMatrix*
             Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array A must   
             contain the matrix of coefficients.   

    X      - (input) complex*, array of DIMENSION at least   
             ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) when TRANS = 'N' or 'n'   
             and at least   
             ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) otherwise.   
             Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the   
             vector x.   

    INCX   - (input) int
             On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of   
             X. INCX must not be zero.   

    BETA   - (input) complex
             On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is   
             supplied as zero then Y need not be set on input.   

    Y      - (output) complex*,  array of DIMENSION at least   
             ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) when TRANS = 'N' or 'n'   
             and at least   
             ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) otherwise.   
             Before entry with BETA non-zero, the incremented array Y   
             must contain the vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the 
             updated vector y.
    INCY   - (input) int
             On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of   
             Y. INCY must not be zero.   

    ==== Sparse Level 2 Blas routine.   

    /* Local variables */
    NCformat *Astore;
    complex   *Aval;
    int info;
    complex temp, temp1;
    int lenx, leny, i, j, irow;
    int iy, jx, jy, kx, ky;
    int notran;
    complex comp_zero = {0.0, 0.0};
    complex comp_one = {1.0, 0.0};

    notran = lsame_(trans, "N");
    Astore = A->Store;
    Aval = Astore->nzval;
    /* Test the input parameters */
    info = 0;
    if ( !notran && !lsame_(trans, "T") && !lsame_(trans, "C")) info = 1;
    else if ( A->nrow < 0 || A->ncol < 0 ) info = 3;
    else if (incx == 0) info = 5;
    else if (incy == 0)	info = 8;
    if (info != 0) {
	xerbla_("sp_cgemv ", &info);
	return 0;

    /* Quick return if possible. */
    if (A->nrow == 0 || A->ncol == 0 || 
	c_eq(&alpha, &comp_zero) && 
	c_eq(&beta, &comp_one))
	return 0;

    /* Set  LENX  and  LENY, the lengths of the vectors x and y, and set 
       up the start points in  X  and  Y. */
    if (lsame_(trans, "N")) {
	lenx = A->ncol;
	leny = A->nrow;
    } else {
	lenx = A->nrow;
	leny = A->ncol;
    if (incx > 0) kx = 0;
    else kx =  - (lenx - 1) * incx;
    if (incy > 0) ky = 0;
    else ky =  - (leny - 1) * incy;

    /* Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are   
       accessed sequentially with one pass through A. */
    /* First form  y := beta*y. */
    if ( !c_eq(&beta, &comp_one) ) {
	if (incy == 1) {
	    if ( c_eq(&beta, &comp_zero) )
		for (i = 0; i < leny; ++i) y[i] = comp_zero;
		for (i = 0; i < leny; ++i) 
		  cc_mult(&y[i], &beta, &y[i]);
	} else {
	    iy = ky;
	    if ( c_eq(&beta, &comp_zero) )
		for (i = 0; i < leny; ++i) {
		    y[iy] = comp_zero;
		    iy += incy;
		for (i = 0; i < leny; ++i) {
		    cc_mult(&y[iy], &beta, &y[iy]);
		    iy += incy;
    if ( c_eq(&alpha, &comp_zero) ) return 0;

    if ( notran ) {
	/* Form  y := alpha*A*x + y. */
	jx = kx;
	if (incy == 1) {
	    for (j = 0; j < A->ncol; ++j) {
		if ( !c_eq(&x[jx], &comp_zero) ) {
		    cc_mult(&temp, &alpha, &x[jx]);
		    for (i = Astore->colptr[j]; i < Astore->colptr[j+1]; ++i) {
			irow = Astore->rowind[i];
			cc_mult(&temp1, &temp,  &Aval[i]);
			c_add(&y[irow], &y[irow], &temp1);
		jx += incx;
	} else {
	    ABORT("Not implemented.");
    } else {
	/* Form  y := alpha*A'*x + y. */
	jy = ky;
	if (incx == 1) {
	    for (j = 0; j < A->ncol; ++j) {
		temp = comp_zero;
		for (i = Astore->colptr[j]; i < Astore->colptr[j+1]; ++i) {
		    irow = Astore->rowind[i];
		    cc_mult(&temp1, &Aval[i], &x[irow]);
		    c_add(&temp, &temp, &temp1);
		cc_mult(&temp1, &alpha, &temp);
		c_add(&y[jy], &y[jy], &temp1);
		jy += incy;
	} else {
	    ABORT("Not implemented.");
    return 0;    
} /* sp_cgemv */