static int ReadSDistArray (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, CoordInfo **coords) { int status; CoordInfo *newrec; int NewCoord6 (CoordInfo **, CoordInfo *); if ((newrec = malloc (sizeof (CoordInfo))) == NULL) { printf ("ERROR (GetSDC) can't allocate memory.\n"); return (OUT_OF_MEMORY); } newrec->next = NULL; /* Get size info and coordinate parameters. */ c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_sporder, row, &newrec->sporder); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_a2center, row, &newrec->a2center); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_cdelt2, row, &newrec->cdelt2); c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_npix, row, &newrec->npix); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); /* Insert in the coords list. */ if ((status = NewCoord6 (coords, newrec))) return (status); free (newrec); return (0); }
static int ReadLinTab (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, TblRow *tabrow) { extern int status; c_tbegtt (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_det, row, tabrow->detector, ACS_CBUF-1); if (c_iraferr()) return (status = TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_global, row, &tabrow->global_limit); if (c_iraferr()) return (status = TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_local, row, &tabrow->local_limit); if (c_iraferr()) return (status = TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_tau, row, &tabrow->tau); if (c_iraferr()) return (status = TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtr (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_expand, row, &tabrow->expand); if (c_iraferr()) return (status = TABLE_ERROR); return (status); }
static int ReadProfileArray (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, ProfileArray **profa, double *subscale) { int status; int npts1, npts2; ProfileArray *newp; int NewProfile (ProfileArray **, ProfileArray *); if ((newp = (ProfileArray *) malloc (sizeof (ProfileArray))) == NULL) { printf ("ERROR Can't allocate memory.\n"); return (OUT_OF_MEMORY); } newp->next = NULL; /* Get profile scalar data. */ c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_npts, row, &newp->npts); c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_nptsoff, row, &newp->nptsoff); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_subscale, row, subscale); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_minw, row, &newp->minw); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_maxw, row, &newp->maxw); c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_minp, row, &newp->minp); c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_maxp, row, &newp->maxp); c_tbegtr (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_sn, row, &newp->sn); /* Alloc array memory. */ newp->profoff = (double *) malloc (newp->nptsoff * sizeof (double)); newp->prof = (double *) malloc (newp->npts * sizeof (double)); if (newp->profoff == NULL || newp->prof == NULL) { printf ("ERROR Can't allocate memory.\n"); return (OUT_OF_MEMORY); } /* Get profile array data. */ npts1 = c_tbagtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_profoff, row, newp->profoff, 1, newp->nptsoff); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); npts2 = c_tbagtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_prof, row, newp->prof, 1, newp->npts); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); if (npts1 != newp->nptsoff) { c_tbtclo (tabinfo->tp); printf ("ERROR Inconsistent array info in OPROFTAB\n"); return (TABLE_ERROR); } /* Insert newp into the profile list. */ if ((status = NewProfile (profa, newp))) return (status); free (newp->profoff); free (newp->prof); free (newp); return (0); }
static int ReadDSPArray (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, DispRelation *disp, char *ref_aper) { int ncoeff; /* number of coefficients read from table */ int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_DISP_COEFF; i++) disp->coeff[i] = 0.; /* Get name of aperture used to measure dispersion relation. */ c_tbegtt (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_ref_aper, row, ref_aper, STIS_CBUF); /* Number of coefficients in dispersion relation. */ c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_ncoeff, row, &disp->ncoeff); if (disp->ncoeff > MAX_DISP_COEFF) { printf ("Too many dispersion coefficients %d in DISPTAB.\n", disp->ncoeff); return (TABLE_ERROR); } /* Get the coefficients themselves. */ ncoeff = c_tbagtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_coeff, row, disp->coeff, 1, disp->ncoeff); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); if (ncoeff < disp->ncoeff) { c_tbtclo (tabinfo->tp); printf ("Not all coefficients were read from DISPTAB.\n"); return (TABLE_ERROR); } /* Get the a4corr info. */ if (tabinfo->cp_a4corr == 0) { disp->mref = 0; disp->yref = 0.; disp->a4corr = 0.; } else { double yref; c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_mref, row, &disp->mref); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_yref, row, &yref); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); /* convert to zero-indexing */ disp->yref = yref - 1.; c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_a4corr, row, &disp->a4corr); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); } return (0); }
static int ReadTraceArray (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, StisInfo6* sts, SpTrace **trace) { int status; int nelem; /* number of elements read from table */ double mjd; /* MJD */ double degperyr; /* rate of trace rotation */ SpTrace *newd; int NewTrace6 (SpTrace **, SpTrace *); if ((newd = (SpTrace *) malloc (sizeof (SpTrace))) == NULL) { printf ("ERROR Can't allocate memory.\n"); return (OUT_OF_MEMORY); } newd->next = NULL; /* Get spectrum trace and other info. */ c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_a1center, row, &newd->a1center); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_a2center, row, &newd->a2center); c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_nelem, row, &newd->nelem); if (newd->nelem > MAX_SP_TRACE) { printf ("ERROR Spectrum trace in SPTRCTAB is too large.\n"); return (TABLE_ERROR); } nelem = c_tbagtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_a2displ, row, newd->a2displ, 1, newd->nelem); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); if (tabinfo->cp_mjd != 0) { c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_mjd, row, &mjd); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_degperyr, row, °peryr); sts->trace_rotation = rotatetrace(sts->expstart, mjd, degperyr, newd->a2displ, nelem); } /* Convert a1center and a2center to zero-indexed. */ newd->a1center--; newd->a2center--; if (nelem < newd->nelem) { c_tbtclo (tabinfo->tp); printf ("ERROR Not all elements were read from SPTRCTAB\n"); return (TABLE_ERROR); } /* Insert newd into the SpTrace list. */ if ((status = NewTrace6 (trace, newd))) return (status); free (newd); return (0); }
static int ReadApTab (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, TblRow *tabrow) { c_tbegtt (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_aperture, row, tabrow->aperture, STIS_CBUF-1); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_offset[0], row, &tabrow->offset[0]); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_offset[1], row, &tabrow->offset[1]); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); return (0); }
static int ReadTdcTab (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, TblRow *tabrow) { c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_mjd, row, &tabrow->mjd); if (c_iraferr()) return TABLE_ERROR; c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_scale, row, &tabrow->scale); if (c_iraferr()) return TABLE_ERROR; c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_norm, row, &tabrow->norm); if (c_iraferr()) return TABLE_ERROR; c_tbegtr (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_tmin, row, &tabrow->tmin); if (c_iraferr()) return TABLE_ERROR; c_tbegtr (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_thermcst, row, &tabrow->thermcst); if (c_iraferr()) return TABLE_ERROR; return 0; }
static int ReadDSPArray (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, DispRelation **disp) { int status; int ncoeff; /* number of coefficients read from table */ DispRelation *newrec; int NewDisp (DispRelation **, DispRelation *); if ((newrec = malloc (sizeof (DispRelation))) == NULL) { printf ("ERROR (GetDisp) can't allocate memory.\n"); return (OUT_OF_MEMORY); } newrec->next = NULL; /* Get dispersion coefficients and other info. */ c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_a2center, row, &newrec->a2center); c_tbegtt (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_ref_aper, row, newrec->ref_aper, STIS_CBUF); c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_ncoeff, row, &newrec->ncoeff); if (newrec->ncoeff > MAX_DISP_COEFF) { printf ( "ERROR Too many dispersion coefficients %d in DISPTAB.\n", newrec->ncoeff); return (TABLE_ERROR); } ncoeff = c_tbagtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_coeff, row, newrec->coeff, 1, newrec->ncoeff); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); /* Convert a2center to zero-indexed. */ newrec->a2center--; if (ncoeff < newrec->ncoeff) { c_tbtclo (tabinfo->tp); printf ("ERROR Not all coefficients were read from DISPTAB.\n"); return (TABLE_ERROR); } /* Insert newrec into the disp list. */ if ((status = NewDisp (disp, newrec))) return (status); free (newrec); return (0); }
static int ReadDSPTab (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, TblRow *tabrow) { c_tbegtt (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_opt_elem, row, tabrow->opt_elem, STIS_CBUF); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_cenwave, row, &tabrow->cenwave); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_a2center, row, &tabrow->a2center); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); return (0); }
static int ReadAtoDTab (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, TblRow *tabrow) { c_tbegtt (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_amp, row, tabrow->ccdamp, STIS_CBUF); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_gain, row, &tabrow->ccdgain); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtt (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_key, row, tabrow->ref_key, STIS_CBUF); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_keyval, row, &tabrow->ref_key_value); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); return (0); }
static int ReadAtoDTab (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, TblRow *tabrow) { extern int status; c_tbegtt (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_amp, row, tabrow->ccdamp, SZ_CBUF); if (c_iraferr()) return (status = TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtr (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_gain, row, &tabrow->ccdgain); if (c_iraferr()) return (status = TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtt (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_key, row, tabrow->ref_key, SZ_CBUF); if (c_iraferr()) return (status = TABLE_ERROR); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_keyval, row, &tabrow->ref_key_value); if (c_iraferr()) return (status = TABLE_ERROR); return (status); }
static int ReadPhotData (TblInfo *tabinfo, int row, PhotInfo *phot) { int nwl, nthru; /* number of elements actually read */ /* Find out how many elements there are in the throughput arrays, and allocate space for the arrays to be read from the table. */ c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_nelem, row, &phot->nelem); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); phot->wl = (double *) malloc (phot->nelem * sizeof(double)); phot->thru = (double *) malloc (phot->nelem * sizeof(double)); if (phot->wl == NULL || phot->thru == NULL) return (OUT_OF_MEMORY); nwl = c_tbagtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_wl, row, phot->wl, 1, phot->nelem); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); nthru = c_tbagtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_thru, row, phot->thru, 1, phot->nelem); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); if (nwl < phot->nelem || nthru < phot->nelem) { c_tbtclo (tabinfo->tp); free (phot->wl); free (phot->thru); printf ("ERROR Not all elements were read from PHOTTAB.\n"); return (TABLE_ERROR); } phot->allocated = 1; /* set flag */ if (phot->blazecorr == PERFORM) { c_tbegti (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_mref, row, &phot->mref); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_wref, row, &phot->wref); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_yref, row, &phot->yref); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_mjd, row, &phot->mjd); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_mx, row, &phot->mx); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_my, row, &phot->my); c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_mt, row, &phot->mt); if (tabinfo->cp_m0 == 0) phot->m0 = 0.; else c_tbegtd (tabinfo->tp, tabinfo->cp_m0, row, &phot->m0); if (c_iraferr()) { free (phot->wl); free (phot->thru); free (phot->error); return (TABLE_ERROR); } /* Reference data is 1-indexed ! */ phot->yref -= 1.0; } return (0); }
double c_tbeGetDouble (const IRAFPointer tp, const IRAFPointer cp, int row) { double ret = 0; c_tbegtd(tp, cp, row, &ret); return ret; }
static int GetHalo (char *name, ScatterFunctions *scf, Image *halo1, Image *halo2, Image *halo3) { /* char *name; i: name of HALOTAB reference file ScatterFunctions *scf; o: data structure with scattering functions Image *halo1,2,3; o: halo images, previously initialized */ IRAFPointer tp; IRAFPointer cp_optelem, cp_refwave, cp_haldim, cp_halo; char opt_elem[STIS_CBUF]; int row, nrows, i, status, k, haldim; double rw; int Alloc2DImage (Image *, int, int); tp = c_tbtopn (name, IRAF_READ_ONLY, 0); if (c_iraferr()) { printf ("ERROR HALOTAB `%s' not found\n", name); return (OPEN_FAILED); } nrows = c_tbpsta (tp, TBL_NROWS); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "OPT_ELEM", &cp_optelem); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "HALOWAVE", &cp_refwave); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "HALDIM", &cp_haldim); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "HALO", &cp_halo); if (cp_optelem == 0 || cp_refwave == 0 || cp_haldim == 0 || cp_halo == 0) { printf( "ERROR Column not found in HALOTAB\n"); c_tbtclo (tp); return (COLUMN_NOT_FOUND); } k = 0; for (row = 1; row <= nrows ; row++) { c_tbegtt (tp, cp_optelem, row, opt_elem, STIS_CBUF-1); c_tbegtd (tp, cp_refwave, row, &rw); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); if ((rw == scf->kernw[k]) && (streq_ic (opt_elem, scf->opt_elem))) { c_tbegti (tp, cp_haldim, row, &haldim); /* This awful code is a consequence of the change in reference file format that took place after the original code was completed. */ switch (k) { case 0: if ((status = Alloc2DImage (halo1, haldim, haldim))) return (status); i = c_tbagtr (tp, cp_halo, row, halo1->pix, 1, halo1->npix); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); break; case 1: if ((status = Alloc2DImage (halo2, haldim, haldim))) return (status); i = c_tbagtr (tp, cp_halo, row, halo2->pix, 1, halo2->npix); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); break; case 2: if ((status = Alloc2DImage (halo3, haldim, haldim))) return (status); i = c_tbagtr (tp, cp_halo, row, halo3->pix, 1, halo3->npix); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); break; default: break; } k++; } } if (k == 0) { printf ("ERROR No matching rows in HALOTAB `%s'\n", name); return (TABLE_ERROR); } c_tbtclo (tp); return (STIS_OK); }
static int GetPSF (char *name, Hdr *phdr, double xsize, double ysize, ScatterFunctions *scf, Image *psf1, Image *psf2, Image *psf3) { /* char *name; i: name of TELTAB reference file Hdr *phdr i: primary header double xsize, ysize; i: aperture size in arcsec ScatterFunctions *scf; o: data structure with scattering functions Image *psf1,2,3; o: PSF images, previously initialized */ IRAFPointer tp; IRAFPointer cp_refwave, cp_pscale, cp_psfdim, cp_telepsf; int row, nrows, psfdim; double rw, psfscale; Image ospsf; Image imtemp, psf; char keyword[STIS_CBUF]; double xplate, yplate; double sbox, lbox; double rstart, rstop; double frac1, frac2; float fhold; double sum; int i, j, k, kk, ms, ml, ns, nl, s, l; int ns2, nl2, s1, s2, l1, l2; int istart, istop; int status; int Alloc1DImage (Image *, int); int Alloc2DImage (Image *, int, int); void InitImage (Image *); void FreeImage (Image *); /* Define plate scale. */ if (streq_ic (scf->opt_elem, "E140M")) xplate = 0.036; else if (streq_ic (scf->opt_elem, "E140H")) xplate = 0.0466; else if (streq_ic (scf->opt_elem, "E230M")) xplate = 0.033; else if (streq_ic (scf->opt_elem, "E230H")) xplate = 0.0466; else { printf ("Non supported grating.\n"); return (ERROR_RETURN); } yplate = 0.029; /* Truncate the aperture size if it extends beyond the borders of an image. */ /* See if uniformly illuminated aperture was used. */ if ((status = Get_KeyS (phdr, "SCLAMP", 0, "", keyword, STIS_CBUF))) return (status); if (!streq_ic (keyword, "NONE")) { ml = (int)floor (ysize / yplate); if (ml % 2) { status = Alloc1DImage (psf1, ml+1); status |= Alloc1DImage (psf2, ml+1); status |= Alloc1DImage (psf3, ml+1); if (status) return (status); for (i = 1; i < ml; i++) { psf1->pix[i] = 1.0 / ml; psf2->pix[i] = 1.0 / ml; psf3->pix[i] = 1.0 / ml; } psf1->pix[0] = 0.5 / ml; psf1->pix[ml] = 0.5 / ml; psf2->pix[0] = 0.5 / ml; psf2->pix[ml] = 0.5 / ml; psf3->pix[0] = 0.5 / ml; psf3->pix[ml] = 0.5 / ml; } else { status = Alloc1DImage (psf1, ml); status |= Alloc1DImage (psf2, ml); status |= Alloc1DImage (psf3, ml); if (status) return (status); for (i = 0; i < ml; i++) { psf1->pix[i] = 1.0 / ml; psf2->pix[i] = 1.0 / ml; psf3->pix[i] = 1.0 / ml; } } return (STIS_OK); } /* Scan reference file and process each PSF. */ tp = c_tbtopn (name, IRAF_READ_ONLY, 0); if (c_iraferr()) { printf ("ERROR TELTAB `%s' not found\n", name); return (OPEN_FAILED); } nrows = c_tbpsta (tp, TBL_NROWS); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "PSFWAVE", &cp_refwave); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "PSCALE", &cp_pscale); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "PSFDIM", &cp_psfdim); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "TELEPSF", &cp_telepsf); if (cp_refwave == 0 || cp_psfdim == 0 || cp_pscale == 0 || cp_telepsf == 0) { printf( "ERROR Column not found in TELTAB\n"); c_tbtclo (tp); return (COLUMN_NOT_FOUND); } kk = 0; for (row = 1; row <= nrows ; row++) { c_tbegtd (tp, cp_refwave, row, &rw); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); /* Matching reference wavelenghts. */ if (rw == scf->psfw[kk]) { /* Read PSF image and associated data. */ c_tbegtd (tp, cp_pscale, row, &psfscale); c_tbegti (tp, cp_psfdim, row, &psfdim); InitImage (&imtemp); if ((status = Alloc2DImage (&imtemp, psfdim, psfdim))) return (status); i = c_tbagtr (tp, cp_telepsf, row, imtemp.pix, 1, imtemp.npix); if (c_iraferr()) return (TABLE_ERROR); /* Find peak. */ ns = imtemp.nx; nl = imtemp.ny; fhold = -FLT_MAX; for (i = 0; i < ns; i++) { for (j = 0; j < nl; j++) { if (PIX (imtemp, i, j) > fhold) { s = i; l = j; fhold = PIX (imtemp, i, j); } } } /* Determine portion of PSF that made it through aperture. */ ns2 = ((int)NINT (xsize / psfscale)) / 2; nl2 = ((int)NINT (ysize / psfscale)) / 2; s1 = ((s - ns2) >= 0) ? (s - ns2) : 0; s2 = ((s + ns2) <= (ns - 1)) ? (s + ns2) : (ns - 1); l1 = ((l - nl2) >= 0) ? (l - nl2) : 0; l2 = ((l + nl2) <= (nl - 1)) ? (l + nl2) : (nl - 1); /* Extract sub-image. */ InitImage (&ospsf); if ((status = Alloc2DImage (&ospsf, s2 - s1 + 1, l2 - l1 + 1))) return (status); k = 0; /* location of braces looks like a typo, but harmless */ for (j = l1; j <= l2; j++) for (i = s1; i <= s2; i++) { ospsf.pix[k++] = PIX (imtemp, i, j); } FreeImage (&imtemp); ns = ospsf.nx; nl = ospsf.ny; /* # of STIS pixels (ms*ml) illuminated by aperture. */ /* modified on 2013 Nov 13 by PEH xplate / psfscale and yplate / psfscale are the factors by which the PSF in the _tel.fits file are oversampled. */ ms = (NINT (ns / (xplate / psfscale))) / 2; ml = (NINT (nl / (yplate / psfscale))) / 2; ms = 2 * ms + 1; ml = 2 * ml + 1; /* Bin oversampled PSF to STIS pixel scale. */ /* Bin columns. */ if ((status = Alloc2DImage (&imtemp, ms, nl))) return (status); sbox = ns / (double)ms; for (i = 0; i < ms; i++) { rstart = i * sbox; rstop = (i+1) * sbox; istart = (int) floor (rstart); istop = (int) floor (rstop); istop = (istop < ns) ? istop : ns-1; frac1 = rstart - istart; frac2 = 1.0 - (rstop - istop); for (j = 0; j < nl; j++) { for (k = istart+1; k < istop; PIX (imtemp, i, j) += PIX (ospsf, k++, j)); PIX (imtemp, i, j) += PIX (ospsf, istart, j) * (1.0 - frac1); PIX (imtemp, i, j) += PIX (ospsf, istop, j) * (1.0 - frac2); } } FreeImage (&ospsf); /* Bin rows. */ InitImage (&psf); if ((status = Alloc2DImage (&psf, ms, ml))) return (status); lbox = nl / (double)ml; for (j = 0; j < ml; j++) { rstart = j * lbox; rstop = (j+1) * lbox; istart = (int) floor (rstart); istop = (int) floor (rstop); istop = (istop < nl) ? istop : nl-1; frac1 = rstart - istart; frac2 = 1.0 - (rstop - istop); for (i = 0; i < ms; i++) { for (k = istart+1; k < istop; PIX (psf, i, j) += PIX (imtemp, i, k++)); PIX (psf, i, j) += PIX (imtemp, i, istart) * (1.0 - frac1); PIX (psf, i, j) += PIX (imtemp, i, istop) * (1.0 - frac2); } } FreeImage (&imtemp); /* Normalize PSF to unit area. */ sum = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < psf.npix; sum += psf.pix[i++]); for (i = 0; i < psf.npix; psf.pix[i++] /= sum); /* This awful code is a consequence of the change in reference file format that took place after the original code was completed. */ switch (kk) { case 0: if ((status = Alloc2DImage (psf1, psf.nx, psf.ny))) return (status); for (i= 0 ; i < psf1->npix; i++) psf1->pix[i] = psf.pix[i]; break; case 1: if ((status = Alloc2DImage (psf2, psf.nx, psf.ny))) return (status); for (i= 0 ; i < psf2->npix; i++) psf2->pix[i] = psf.pix[i]; break; case 2: if ((status = Alloc2DImage (psf3, psf.nx, psf.ny))) return (status); for (i= 0 ; i < psf3->npix; i++) psf3->pix[i] = psf.pix[i]; break; default: break; } FreeImage (&psf); kk++; } } if (kk == 0) { printf ("ERROR No matching rows in TELTAB `%s'\n", name); return (TABLE_ERROR); } c_tbtclo (tp); return (STIS_OK); }
void c_tbegtt (const IRAFPointer tp, const IRAFPointer cp, int row, char *buffer, int maxch) { /* Read a string value from a table column. arguments: IRAFPointer tp i: table descriptor IRAFPointer cp i: column descriptor int row i: row number (one indexed) char *buffer o: value read from table int maxch i: maximum length of the string (not incl NULL) */ TableDescr *tbl_descr; ColumnDescr *col_descr; int anynul=0; long firstelem=1, nelem=1; char *value; int len; int status = 0; tbl_descr = (TableDescr *)tp; col_descr = (ColumnDescr *)cp; if (col_descr->datatype < 0) { if (col_descr->width >= maxch) len = col_descr->width; else len = maxch; } else { len = SZ_FITS_STR; } value = (char *)calloc (len+1, sizeof(char)); if (col_descr->datatype == IRAF_BOOL) { Bool b_value; c_tbegtb (tp, cp, row, &b_value); if (b_value == True) strcpy (value, "yes"); else strcpy (value, "no"); } else if (col_descr->datatype == IRAF_DOUBLE) { double d_value; c_tbegtd (tp, cp, row, &d_value); if (d_value == IRAF_INDEFD) strcpy (value, "INDEF"); else sprintf (value, "%.16g", d_value); } else if (col_descr->datatype == IRAF_REAL) { float r_value; c_tbegtr (tp, cp, row, &r_value); if (r_value >= 0.99999 * IRAF_INDEFR && r_value <= 1.00001 * IRAF_INDEFR) { strcpy (value, "INDEF"); } else { sprintf (value, "%.7g", r_value); } } else if (col_descr->datatype == IRAF_INT) { int i_value; c_tbegti (tp, cp, row, &i_value); if (i_value == IRAF_INDEFI) strcpy (value, "INDEF"); else sprintf (value, "%d", i_value); } else if (col_descr->datatype == IRAF_SHORT) { short si_value; c_tbegts (tp, cp, row, &si_value); if (si_value == IRAF_INDEFS) strcpy (value, "INDEF"); else sprintf (value, "%hd", si_value); } else { /* fits_read_col_str = ffgcvs */ fits_read_col_str (tbl_descr->fptr, col_descr->colnum, (long)row, firstelem, nelem, "INDEF", &value, &anynul, &status); if (status != 0) setError (status, "c_tbegtt: error reading element"); } copyString (buffer, value, maxch); free (value); }
static int postSM4TdcCorr(StisInfo1 *sts, double mean_dark, double *factor) { /* arguments: StisInfo1 *sts i: calibration switches, etc double mean_dark i: mean of good pixels of dark reference image (binned to 1024x1024 pixels in size) double *factor o: NUV correction factor for dark image */ /*int status;*/ IRAFPointer tp; /* pointer to table descriptor */ /* column descriptors */ IRAFPointer cp_date0, cp_temp0, cp_a1, cp_d1, cp_a2, cp_d2, cp_ta, cp_tb, cp_tc; int nrows; /* number of rows in table */ /* values read from a table row */ double date0; /* reference date */ double temp0; /* reference temperature */ double a1; double d1; double a2; double d2; double ta; double tb; double tc; int row; /* loop index for row number */ int read_this_row = -1; /* number of row of table to read */ double min_date0 = 0.; /* min value of data0 */ double best_date0 = 0.; /* date0 in row to use */ double d_date; /* expstart - date0 */ double d_temp; /* temperature - temp0 */ double count_rate; /* computed count rate at EXPSTART */ tp = c_tbtopn(sts->, IRAF_READ_ONLY, 0); if (c_iraferr()) { printf("ERROR Can't open TDCTAB `%s'.\n", sts->; return OPEN_FAILED; } nrows = c_tbpsta(tp, TBL_NROWS); if (nrows < 1) { printf("ERROR TDCTAB %s is empty.\n", sts->; c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } /* Look for all of the columns we require. */ c_tbcfnd1(tp, "DATE0", &cp_date0); c_tbcfnd1(tp, "TEMP0", &cp_temp0); c_tbcfnd1(tp, "A1", &cp_a1); c_tbcfnd1(tp, "D1", &cp_d1); c_tbcfnd1(tp, "A2", &cp_a2); c_tbcfnd1(tp, "D2", &cp_d2); c_tbcfnd1(tp, "TA", &cp_ta); c_tbcfnd1(tp, "TB", &cp_tb); c_tbcfnd1(tp, "TC", &cp_tc); if (cp_date0 == 0 || cp_temp0 == 0 || cp_a1 == 0 || cp_d1 == 0 || cp_a2 == 0 || cp_d2 == 0 || cp_ta == 0 || cp_tb == 0 || cp_tc == 0) { printf("ERROR Column not found in TDCTAB.\n"); c_tbtclo(tp); return COLUMN_NOT_FOUND; } /* Find the minimum value in the DATE0 column. */ for (row = 1; row <= nrows; row++) { /* row number is one-indexed */ c_tbegtd(tp, cp_date0, row, &date0); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } if (row == 1) min_date0 = date0; else if (date0 < min_date0) min_date0 = date0; } if (sts->expstart < min_date0) { printf("ERROR Exposure start time precedes earliest date " "in TDCTAB.\n"); c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } /* Select the row such that DATE0 is less than but closest to the exposure start time. */ best_date0 = min_date0; /* initial value */ for (row = 1; row <= nrows; row++) { c_tbegtd(tp, cp_date0, row, &date0); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } if (date0 < sts->expstart && (row == 1 || date0 > best_date0)) { best_date0 = date0; read_this_row = row; } } if (read_this_row < 1) { c_tbtclo(tp); printf("Warning: No valid row found in TDCTAB %s\n", sts->; *factor = 1.; return 0; } c_tbegtd(tp, cp_date0, read_this_row, &date0); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } d_date = sts->expstart - date0; c_tbegtd(tp, cp_temp0, read_this_row, &temp0); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } d_temp = sts->detector_temp - temp0; c_tbegtd(tp, cp_a1, read_this_row, &a1); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } c_tbegtd(tp, cp_d1, read_this_row, &d1); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } c_tbegtd(tp, cp_a2, read_this_row, &a2); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } c_tbegtd(tp, cp_d2, read_this_row, &d2); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } c_tbegtd(tp, cp_ta, read_this_row, &ta); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } c_tbegtd(tp, cp_tb, read_this_row, &tb); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } c_tbegtd(tp, cp_tc, read_this_row, &tc); if (c_iraferr()) { c_tbtclo(tp); return TABLE_ERROR; } c_tbtclo(tp); count_rate = a1 * exp(-d_date / d1) + a2 * exp(-d_date / d2) + ta + tb * d_temp + tc * d_temp * d_temp; if (count_rate > 100.) { printf("Warning TDC dark count rate = %.6g\n", count_rate); } *factor = count_rate / mean_dark; if (fabs(*factor) > 100. || fabs(*factor) < 0.01) { printf("Warning TDC correction factor = %.6g.\n", *factor); } return 0; }
static void GetSDC (StisInfo4 *sts) { IRAFPointer tp; IRAFPointer cp_opt_elem; IRAFPointer cp_a2center, cp_cdelt2; IRAFPointer cp_pedigree, cp_descrip; char opt_elem[STIS_CBUF+1]; /* grating or prism name */ int nrows, row; int foundit; /* default values */ sts->crpix[1] = PRISM_CRPIX2 - 1.; /* zero indexed */ sts->cdelt[1] = PRISM_CDELT2; /* degrees per pixel */ sts->crpix[0] = 0.; /* the rest are not used */ sts->cdelt[0] = 0.; sts->crval[0] = 0.; sts->crval[1] = 0.; tp = c_tbtopn (sts->, IRAF_READ_ONLY, 0); if (c_iraferr()) { printf ("Warning SDCTAB `%s' not found; default values used.\n", sts->; clear_cvoserr(); return; } nrows = c_tbpsta (tp, TBL_NROWS); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "OPT_ELEM", &cp_opt_elem); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "A2CENTER", &cp_a2center); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "CDELT2", &cp_cdelt2); if (cp_opt_elem == 0 || cp_a2center == 0 || cp_cdelt2 == 0) { printf ("Warning Column(s) not found in SDCTAB; defaults used.\n"); c_tbtclo (tp); return; } c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "PEDIGREE", &cp_pedigree); c_tbcfnd1 (tp, "DESCRIP", &cp_descrip); foundit = 0; for (row = 1; row <= nrows; row++) { c_tbegtt (tp, cp_opt_elem, row, opt_elem, STIS_CBUF); if (c_iraferr()) { strcpy (opt_elem, "dummy"); clear_cvoserr(); } if (SameString (opt_elem, sts->opt_elem)) { foundit = 1; c_tbegtd (tp, cp_a2center, row, &sts->crpix[1]); c_tbegtd (tp, cp_cdelt2, row, &sts->cdelt[1]); sts->crpix[1] -= 1.; /* zero indexed */ sts->cdelt[1] /= 3600.; /* degrees per pixel */ RowPedigree (&sts->sdctab, row, tp, cp_pedigree, cp_descrip); break; } } c_tbtclo (tp); if (!foundit) printf ("Warning PRISM not found in SDCTAB; defaults used.\n"); }