void background(int r, int g, int b) { if (pt.PT_USE_DITHERING) { for (int y = 0; y < pt.PT_bitmap_height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < pt.PT_bitmap_width; x++) { set_pixel_in_bitmap(x, y, r, g, b, 255); } } } else { caca_clear_canvas(pt.cv); } }
static int refresh_screen(void) { caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_DEFAULT, CACA_DEFAULT); caca_clear_canvas(cv); caca_blit(cv, - x, - y, image, NULL); caca_refresh_display(dp); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { caca_canvas_t *cv; caca_canvas_t *figcv; caca_display_t *dp; uint32_t w, h, fw, fh; char *format = "%R:%S"; char *font = "/usr/share/figlet/mono12.tlf"; for(;;) { int option_index = 0; static struct caca_option long_options[] = { { "font", 1, NULL, 'f' }, { "dateformat", 1, NULL, 'd' }, { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", 0, NULL, 'v' }, }; int c = caca_getopt(argc, argv, "f:d:hv", long_options, &option_index); if(c == -1) break; switch(c) { case 'h': /* --help */ usage(argc, argv); return 0; break; case 'v': /* --version */ version(); return 0; break; case 'f': /* --font */ font = caca_optarg; break; case 'd': /* --dateformat */ format = caca_optarg; break; default: return 1; break; } } cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0); figcv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0); if(!cv || !figcv) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to initialise libcaca\n", argv[0]); return 1; } if(caca_canvas_set_figfont(figcv, font)) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open font\n"); return -1; } dp = caca_create_display(cv); if(!dp) { printf("Can't open window. CACA_DRIVER problem ?\n"); return -1; } caca_set_color_ansi(figcv, CACA_DEFAULT, CACA_DEFAULT); caca_clear_canvas(cv); for(;;) { caca_event_t ev; while(caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | CACA_EVENT_QUIT, &ev, 1)) { if(caca_get_event_type(&ev)) goto end; } char *d = get_date(format); uint32_t o = 0; // figfont API is not complete, and does not allow us to put a string // at another position than 0,0 // So, we have to create a canvas which will hold the figfont string, // then blit this canvas to the main one at the desired position. caca_clear_canvas(cv); caca_clear_canvas(figcv); while(d[o]) { caca_put_figchar(figcv, d[o++]); } caca_flush_figlet (figcv); free(d); w = caca_get_canvas_width (cv); h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv); fw = caca_get_canvas_width (figcv); fh = caca_get_canvas_height(figcv); uint32_t x = (w/2) - (fw/2); uint32_t y = (h/2) - (fh/2); caca_blit(cv, x, y, figcv, NULL); caca_refresh_display(dp); usleep(250000); } end: caca_free_canvas(figcv); caca_free_canvas(cv); caca_free_display(dp); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { caca_event_t *events; int i, h, quit; cv = caca_create_canvas(80, 24); if(cv == NULL) { printf("Failed to create canvas\n"); return 1; } dp = caca_create_display(cv); if(dp == NULL) { printf("Failed to create display\n"); return 1; } h = caca_get_canvas_height(cv) - 1; caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE); caca_draw_line(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, 0, ' '); caca_draw_line(cv, 0, h, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, h, ' '); caca_put_str(cv, 0, h, "type \"quit\" to exit"); caca_refresh_display(dp); events = malloc(h * sizeof(caca_event_t)); memset(events, 0, h * sizeof(caca_event_t)); for(quit = 0; quit < 4; ) { caca_event_t ev; static char const * quit_string[] = { "", "q", "qu", "qui", "quit" }; int ret = caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_ANY, &ev, -1); if(!ret) continue; do { /* "quit" quits */ if(caca_get_event_type(&ev) & CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS) { int key = caca_get_event_key_ch(&ev); if((key == 'q' && quit == 0) || (key == 'u' && quit == 1) || (key == 'i' && quit == 2) || (key == 't' && quit == 3)) quit++; else if(key == 'q') quit = 1; else quit = 0; } memmove(events + 1, events, (h - 1) * sizeof(caca_event_t)); events[0] = ev; ret = caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_ANY, &ev, 0); } while(ret); caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK); caca_clear_canvas(cv); /* Print current event */ caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE); caca_draw_line(cv, 0, 0, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, 0, ' '); print_event(0, 0, events); caca_draw_line(cv, 0, h, caca_get_canvas_width(cv) - 1, h, ' '); caca_printf(cv, 0, h, "type \"quit\" to exit: %s", quit_string[quit]); /* Print previous events */ caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLACK); for(i = 1; i < h && caca_get_event_type(&events[i]); i++) print_event(0, i, events + i); caca_refresh_display(dp); } /* Clean up */ free(events); caca_free_display(dp); caca_free_canvas(cv); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { static caca_display_t *dp; static caca_canvas_t *frontcv, *backcv, *mask; int demo, next = -1, paused = 0, next_transition = DEMO_FRAMES; unsigned int i; int tmode = caca_rand(0, TRANSITION_COUNT); /* Set up two canvases, a mask, and attach a display to the front one */ frontcv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0); backcv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0); mask = caca_create_canvas(0, 0); dp = caca_create_display(frontcv); if(!dp) return 1; caca_set_canvas_size(backcv, caca_get_canvas_width(frontcv), caca_get_canvas_height(frontcv)); caca_set_canvas_size(mask, caca_get_canvas_width(frontcv), caca_get_canvas_height(frontcv)); caca_set_display_time(dp, 20000); /* Initialise all demos' lookup tables */ for(i = 0; i < DEMOS; i++) fn[i](PREPARE, frontcv); /* Choose a demo at random */ demo = caca_rand(0, DEMOS); fn[demo](INIT, frontcv); for(;;) { /* Handle events */ caca_event_t ev; while(caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | CACA_EVENT_QUIT, &ev, 0)) { if(caca_get_event_type(&ev) == CACA_EVENT_QUIT) goto end; switch(caca_get_event_key_ch(&ev)) { case CACA_KEY_ESCAPE: case CACA_KEY_CTRL_C: case CACA_KEY_CTRL_Z: goto end; case ' ': paused = !paused; break; case '\r': if(next == -1) next_transition = frame; break; } } /* Resize the spare canvas, just in case the main one changed */ caca_set_canvas_size(backcv, caca_get_canvas_width(frontcv), caca_get_canvas_height(frontcv)); caca_set_canvas_size(mask, caca_get_canvas_width(frontcv), caca_get_canvas_height(frontcv)); if(paused) goto _paused; /* Update demo's data */ fn[demo](UPDATE, frontcv); /* Handle transitions */ if(frame == next_transition) { next = caca_rand(0, DEMOS); if(next == demo) next = (next + 1) % DEMOS; fn[next](INIT, backcv); } else if(frame == next_transition + TRANSITION_FRAMES) { fn[demo](FREE, frontcv); demo = next; next = -1; next_transition = frame + DEMO_FRAMES; tmode = caca_rand(0, TRANSITION_COUNT); } if(next != -1) fn[next](UPDATE, backcv); frame++; _paused: /* Render main demo's canvas */ fn[demo](RENDER, frontcv); /* If a transition is on its way, render it */ if(next != -1) { fn[next](RENDER, backcv); caca_set_color_ansi(mask, CACA_LIGHTGRAY, CACA_BLACK); caca_clear_canvas(mask); caca_set_color_ansi(mask, CACA_WHITE, CACA_WHITE); transition(mask, tmode, 100 * (frame - next_transition) / TRANSITION_FRAMES); caca_blit(frontcv, 0, 0, backcv, mask); } caca_set_color_ansi(frontcv, CACA_WHITE, CACA_BLUE); if(frame < 100) caca_put_str(frontcv, caca_get_canvas_width(frontcv) - 30, caca_get_canvas_height(frontcv) - 2, " -=[ Powered by libcaca ]=- "); caca_refresh_display(dp); } end: if(next != -1) fn[next](FREE, frontcv); fn[demo](FREE, frontcv); caca_free_display(dp); caca_free_canvas(mask); caca_free_canvas(backcv); caca_free_canvas(frontcv); return 0; }
static bool caca_gfx_frame(void *data, const void *frame, unsigned frame_width, unsigned frame_height, uint64_t frame_count, unsigned pitch, const char *msg) { size_t len = 0; void *buffer = NULL; const void *frame_to_copy = frame; unsigned width = 0; unsigned height = 0; bool draw = true; (void)data; (void)frame; (void)frame_width; (void)frame_height; (void)pitch; (void)msg; if (!frame || !frame_width || !frame_height) return true; if (caca_video_width != frame_width || caca_video_height != frame_height || caca_video_pitch != pitch) { if (frame_width > 4 && frame_height > 4) { caca_video_width = frame_width; caca_video_height = frame_height; caca_video_pitch = pitch; caca_gfx_free(NULL); caca_gfx_create(); } } if (!caca_cv) return true; if (caca_menu_frame) frame_to_copy = caca_menu_frame; width = caca_get_canvas_width(caca_cv); height = caca_get_canvas_height(caca_cv); if (frame_to_copy == frame && frame_width == 4 && frame_height == 4 && (frame_width < width && frame_height < height)) draw = false; caca_clear_canvas(caca_cv); #ifdef HAVE_MENU menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_FRAME, NULL); #endif if (msg) font_driver_render_msg(NULL, msg, NULL); if (draw) { caca_dither_bitmap(caca_cv, 0, 0, width, height, caca_dither, frame_to_copy); buffer = caca_export_canvas_to_memory(caca_cv, "caca", &len); if (buffer) { if (len) caca_refresh_display(caca_display); free(buffer); } } return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ SDL_AudioSpec requested, obtained; int quit = 0; int xo, yo; int i, j, k; int meter[4]; static char chars[10] = { '+', '-', '*', '#', 'X', '@', '%', '$', 'M', 'W' }; caca_display_t *dp; caca_canvas_t *cv; caca_canvas_t *pineapple; if(SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_AUDIO ) < 0){ err(1, "Couldnt initialize SDL\n"); exit(1); } cv = caca_create_canvas(80, 24); pineapple = caca_create_canvas(0, 0); if((cv == NULL) || (pineapple == NULL)){ printf("failed to create canvas\n"); return 1; } dp = caca_create_display(cv); caca_set_display_time(dp, 20000); if(dp == NULL){ printf("Failed to create display\n"); return 1; } caca_import_file(pineapple, "./pineapple", ""); atexit(SDL_Quit); requested.freq = 16000; requested.format = AUDIO_U8; requested.samples = 256; requested.callback = audiocb; requested.channels = 1; if(SDL_OpenAudio(&requested, &obtained) == -1){ err(1, "SDL_OpenAudio"); } initchip(); loadfile(argv[1]); SDL_PauseAudio(0); silence(); startplaysong(0); while(!quit) { caca_event_t ev; caca_set_color_ansi(cv, CACA_DEFAULT, CACA_DEFAULT); caca_clear_canvas(cv); xo = caca_get_canvas_width(cv); yo = caca_get_canvas_height(cv); //caca_blit(cv, 0, 0, pineapple, NULL); caca_blit(cv, 55, 0, pineapple, NULL); caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), caca_rand(0, 16)); caca_put_str(cv, (xo - strlen("pineapple player")) / 2, (yo / 2) - 5, "pineapple player"); caca_set_color_ansi(cv, caca_rand(0, 16), caca_rand(0, 16)); caca_printf(cv, (xo - strlen("song pos -> ")) / 2, (yo / 2) - 3, "song pos -> %x", songpos); for(i = 0; i < 4; i ++) meter[i] = (osc[i].volume*20)/255; /* note visualizer */ i = 0; for(j = 0; j < 25; j=j+6){ for(k = 0; k < 4; k++){ caca_draw_line(cv, (((xo/2)+10)-j)-k, yo, (((xo/2)+10)-j)-k, yo - meter[i], chars[caca_rand(0, 9)]); } i++; } for(i = 0; i < 4; i ++) caca_printf(cv, 0, i, "%0x", osc[i].volume); while(caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_ANY, &ev, 0)) { if(caca_get_event_type(&ev) & CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS) { switch(caca_get_event_key_ch(&ev)) { case 'q': case 'Q': case CACA_KEY_ESCAPE: quit = 1; break; } } } caca_refresh_display(dp); } silence(); caca_free_display(dp); caca_free_canvas(cv); return 0; }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_zoy_caca_Canvas_clearCanvas(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jlong ptr) { caca_clear_canvas((caca_canvas_t *)ptr); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* libcaca/libcaca contexts */ caca_canvas_t *cv; caca_display_t *dp; caca_canvas_t *tex; /* cached canvas size */ int ww, wh, tw, th; /* logic */ int quit = 0; int update = 1; int px, py; float angle = 0; float square[6][2] = { {-SQUARE_SIZE, -SQUARE_SIZE}, {SQUARE_SIZE, -SQUARE_SIZE}, {SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE}, {-SQUARE_SIZE, SQUARE_SIZE}, }; float uv1[6] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 }; float uv2[6] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 }; float rotated[4][2]; int coords1[6], coords2[6]; /* Create displayed canvas */ cv = caca_create_canvas(0, 0); if (!cv) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to initialise libcaca\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* Create texture holding canvas */ tex = caca_create_canvas(16, 16); if (!tex) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to initialise libcaca\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* Open window */ dp = caca_create_display(cv); if (!dp) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to initialise libcaca\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* Set the window title */ caca_set_display_title(dp, "trifiller"); /* Frame duration */ caca_set_display_time(dp, 10000); /* Get displayed canvas size */ ww = caca_get_canvas_width(cv); wh = caca_get_canvas_height(cv); /* Texture size */ tw = caca_get_canvas_width(tex); th = caca_get_canvas_height(tex); /* Load texture if any */ if (argc == 2) { struct image *im = load_image(argv[1]); if (!im) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to load image '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[1]); return 1; } caca_set_dither_algorithm(im->dither, caca_get_dither_algorithm_list(NULL)[4]); caca_dither_bitmap(tex, 0, 0, tw, th, im->dither, im->pixels); unload_image(im); } /* or generate one */ else { int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { caca_set_color_ansi(tex, (i + 1) % 0xF, i % 0xF); caca_put_str(tex, 0, i, "0123456789ABCDEF"); } } px = 0; py = 0; while (!quit) { caca_event_t ev; unsigned int const event_mask = CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS | CACA_EVENT_RESIZE | CACA_EVENT_QUIT; int event; if (update) event = caca_get_event(dp, event_mask, &ev, 0); else event = caca_get_event(dp, event_mask, &ev, -1); while (event) { if (caca_get_event_type(&ev) & CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS) switch (caca_get_event_key_ch(&ev)) { case 'q': case 'Q': case CACA_KEY_ESCAPE: quit = 1; break; case CACA_KEY_UP: py--; break; case CACA_KEY_DOWN: py++; break; case CACA_KEY_LEFT: px--; break; case CACA_KEY_RIGHT: px++; break; case 'a': angle += 1.0f; break; case 's': angle -= 1.0f; break; } else if (caca_get_event_type(&ev) == CACA_EVENT_RESIZE) { caca_refresh_display(dp); ww = caca_get_event_resize_width(&ev); wh = caca_get_event_resize_height(&ev); update = 1; } else if (caca_get_event_type(&ev) & CACA_EVENT_QUIT) quit = 1; event = caca_get_event(dp, CACA_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, &ev, 0); } /* 2D Rotation around screen center */ int p; for (p = 0; p < 4; p++) { rotated[p][0] = square[p][0] * cos(angle * M_PI / 180.0f) - square[p][1] * sin(angle * M_PI / 180.0f); rotated[p][1] = square[p][0] * sin(angle * M_PI / 180.0f) + square[p][1] * cos(angle * M_PI / 180.0f); rotated[p][0] += ww / 2 + px; rotated[p][1] += wh / 2 + py; } angle += 1.0f; /* Reaarange coordinates to fit libcaca's format */ coords1[0] = rotated[0][0]; coords1[1] = rotated[0][1]; coords1[2] = rotated[1][0]; coords1[3] = rotated[1][1]; coords1[4] = rotated[2][0]; coords1[5] = rotated[2][1]; coords2[0] = rotated[0][0]; coords2[1] = rotated[0][1]; coords2[2] = rotated[2][0]; coords2[3] = rotated[2][1]; coords2[4] = rotated[3][0]; coords2[5] = rotated[3][1]; /* Display two triangles */ caca_fill_triangle_textured(cv, /* canvas */ coords1, /* triangle coordinates */ tex, /* texture canvas */ uv1); /* texture coordinates */ caca_fill_triangle_textured(cv, coords2, tex, uv2); /* Refresh display and clear for next frame */ caca_refresh_display(dp); caca_clear_canvas(cv); } caca_free_display(dp); caca_free_canvas(cv); caca_free_canvas(tex); return 0; }