Пример #1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	std::ifstream in_file(argv[1]);
	std::string input((std::istreambuf_iterator<char_type>(in_file)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char_type>());
	std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), input.begin(), caesar_cipher(std::atoi(argv[2])));
	std::ofstream out_file("caesar_cipher.txt");
	std::cout << input << std::endl;
	out_file << input;
Пример #2
int main(int argc, string argv[])
    //Verify the command-line argument exists
    if (argc != 2)
        printf("Try again with a positive number\n");
        return 1;
        //Convert the cipher to an integer from a string 
        int cipher = atoi(argv[1]);
        string phrase = GetString();
        //Set the cypher to be 0-25
        cipher = cipher % 26;
        //print the return of the caesar_cipher() function
        printf("%s\n", caesar_cipher(cipher, phrase));