static gchar *_cairo_dock_generate_desktop_file_for_file (const gchar *cURI, const gchar *cDockName, double fOrder, GError **erreur)
	//\___________________ On recupere le type mime du fichier.
	gchar *cIconName = NULL, *cName = NULL, *cRealURI = NULL;
	gboolean bIsDirectory;
	int iVolumeID;
	double fUnusedOrder;
	if (! cairo_dock_fm_get_file_info (cURI, &cName, &cRealURI, &cIconName, &bIsDirectory, &iVolumeID, &fUnusedOrder, mySystem.iFileSortType) || cIconName == NULL)
		return NULL;
	cd_message (" -> cIconName : %s; bIsDirectory : %d; iVolumeID : %d\n", cIconName, bIsDirectory, iVolumeID);

	if (bIsDirectory)
		int answer = cairo_dock_ask_general_question_and_wait (_("Do you want to monitor the content of the directory ?"));
		if (answer != GTK_RESPONSE_YES)
			bIsDirectory = FALSE;

	//\___________________ On ouvre le patron.
	gchar *cDesktopFileTemplate = cairo_dock_get_launcher_template_conf_file (bIsDirectory ? CAIRO_DOCK_LAUNCHER_FOR_CONTAINER : CAIRO_DOCK_LAUNCHER_FROM_DESKTOP_FILE);

	GKeyFile *pKeyFile = cairo_dock_open_key_file (cDesktopFileTemplate);
	g_free (cDesktopFileTemplate);
	if (pKeyFile == NULL)
		return NULL;

	//\___________________ On renseigne ce qu'on peut.
	g_key_file_set_double (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Order", fOrder);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Container", cDockName);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Base URI", cURI);

	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Name", cName);
	g_free (cName);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", cRealURI);
	g_free (cRealURI);
	g_key_file_set_string (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Icon", (cIconName != NULL ? cIconName : ""));
	g_free (cIconName);

	g_key_file_set_boolean (pKeyFile, "Desktop Entry", "Is mounting point", (iVolumeID > 0));

	//\___________________ On lui choisit un nom de fichier tel qu'il n'y ait pas de collision.
	gchar *cNewDesktopFileName = cairo_dock_generate_desktop_filename ("file-launcher.desktop", g_cCurrentLaunchersPath);

	//\___________________ On ecrit tout.
	gchar *cNewDesktopFilePath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", g_cCurrentLaunchersPath, cNewDesktopFileName);
	cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (pKeyFile, cNewDesktopFilePath);
	g_free (cNewDesktopFilePath);
	g_key_file_free (pKeyFile);

	return cNewDesktopFileName;
static gboolean _cd_do_fill_file_entry (CDEntry *pEntry)
	gchar *cName = NULL, *cURI = NULL, *cIconName = NULL;
	gboolean bIsDirectory;
	int iVolumeID;
	double fOrder;
	cairo_dock_fm_get_file_info (pEntry->cPath, &cName, &cURI, &cIconName, &bIsDirectory, &iVolumeID, &fOrder, 0);
	g_free (cName);
	g_free (cURI);
	if (cIconName != NULL && pEntry->pIconSurface == NULL)
		cairo_t* pSourceContext = cairo_dock_create_context_from_container (CAIRO_CONTAINER (g_pMainDock));
		pEntry->pIconSurface = cairo_dock_create_surface_from_icon (cIconName,
		g_free (cIconName);
		cairo_destroy (pSourceContext);
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Пример #3
static void _fill_submenu_with_items (CDQuickBrowserItem *pRootItem, int iNbSubItemsAtOnce)
	GldiModuleInstance *myApplet = pRootItem->pApplet;
	GtkWidget *pMenu = pRootItem->pSubMenu;
	GList *pFirstItem = pRootItem->pCurrentItem;

	// static GtkTargetEntry s_pMenuItemTargets[] = { {(gchar*) "text/uri-list", 0, 0} }; // for drag and drop support

	CDQuickBrowserItem *pItem;
	gchar *cFileName;
	GtkWidget *pMenuItem;
	gchar *cName = NULL, *cURI = NULL, *cIconName = NULL;
	gboolean bIsDirectory;
	int iVolumeID;
	double fOrder;
	GList *l;
	int i;
	for (l = pFirstItem, i = 0; l != NULL && i < iNbSubItemsAtOnce; l = l->next, i ++)
		pItem = l->data;
		//\______________ On cree l'entree avec son icone si necessaire.
		if (myConfig.bHasIcons)
			cairo_dock_fm_get_file_info (pItem->cPath, &cName, &cURI, &cIconName, &bIsDirectory, &iVolumeID, &fOrder, 0);
			g_free (cName);
			cName = NULL;
			g_free (cURI);
			cURI = NULL;

		cFileName = strrchr (pItem->cPath, '/');
		if (cFileName)
			cFileName ++;
		if (cIconName != NULL)
			gchar *cPath = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path (cIconName, cairo_dock_search_icon_size (GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU));
			pMenuItem = gldi_menu_item_new (cFileName, cPath);
			g_free (cPath);
			g_free (cIconName);
			cIconName = NULL;
			pMenuItem = gldi_menu_item_new (cFileName, "");

		//\______________ On l'insere dans le menu.
		gtk_menu_shell_append  (GTK_MENU_SHELL (pMenu), pMenuItem);
		if (pItem->pSubMenu != NULL)
			gtk_menu_item_set_submenu (GTK_MENU_ITEM (pMenuItem), pItem->pSubMenu);
			//\______________ Add drag and drop support for files only
			gtk_drag_source_set (pMenuItem, GDK_BUTTON1_MASK | GDK_BUTTON2_MASK,
				NULL, 0,
			gtk_drag_source_add_text_targets (pMenuItem);
			gtk_drag_source_add_uri_targets (pMenuItem);
			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (pMenuItem), "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(_on_click_item), pItem); // left and right click
			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (pMenuItem), "drag-begin", G_CALLBACK (_drag_begin), pMenuItem); // to create pixbuf
			g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (pMenuItem), "drag-data-get", G_CALLBACK (_drag_data_get), pItem); // when the item is dropped
		g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (pMenuItem), "activate", G_CALLBACK(_on_activate_item), pItem); // select or over (submenu)
	pRootItem->pCurrentItem = l;
static Icon * _cd_shortcuts_get_icon (gchar *cFileName, const gchar *cUserName, double fCurrentOrder)
	cd_debug ("New icon: %s, %s, %f", cFileName, cUserName, fCurrentOrder);

	/* Nautilus adds custom prefixes which are not supported by gvfs...
	 * gvfs-integration plugin can read x-nautilus-desktop but not others, e.g.:
	 * x-nautilus-search://0/ => specific to Nautilus: open these URI with it.
	 * Note that all these URI have a user-name
	if (g_str_has_prefix (cFileName, "x-nautilus-")
	    && ! g_str_has_prefix (cFileName, "x-nautilus-desktop://"))
		Icon *pNewIcon = cairo_dock_create_dummy_launcher (
			cUserName ? g_strdup (cUserName) : g_strdup (cFileName),
			cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path (
			g_strdup_printf ("nautilus %s", cFileName),
		pNewIcon->iGroup = CD_BOOKMARK_GROUP;
		pNewIcon->cBaseURI = cFileName;
		return pNewIcon;

	gchar *cName, *cRealURI, *cIconName;
	gboolean bIsDirectory;
	gint iVolumeID;
	gdouble fOrder;
	if (! cairo_dock_fm_get_file_info (cFileName, &cName, &cRealURI, &cIconName,
		&bIsDirectory, &iVolumeID, &fOrder, CAIRO_DOCK_FM_SORT_BY_NAME))
		return NULL;
	if (cUserName != NULL)
		g_free (cName);
		if (cName == NULL)  // a bookmark on a unmounted system or a folder that doesn't exist any more
			cName = g_strdup_printf ("%s\n[%s]", cUserName, D_("Unmounted"));
			cName = g_strdup (cUserName);
	else if (cName == NULL)  // a bookmark on a unmounted system
		gchar *cGuessedName = g_path_get_basename (cFileName);
		cairo_dock_remove_html_spaces (cGuessedName); // or: g_uri_unescape_string
		cName = g_strdup_printf ("%s\n[%s]", cGuessedName, D_("Unmounted"));
		g_free (cGuessedName);
	if (cRealURI == NULL)
		cRealURI = g_strdup (cFileName);
	if (cIconName == NULL)
		cIconName = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path (
			CAIRO_DOCK_DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE); // should be the default icon

	Icon *pNewIcon = cairo_dock_create_dummy_launcher (cName,
	pNewIcon->iGroup = CD_BOOKMARK_GROUP;
	pNewIcon->cBaseURI = cFileName;
	pNewIcon->iVolumeID = iVolumeID;
	return pNewIcon;
Пример #5
void cd_shortcuts_on_drive_event (CairoDockFMEventType iEventType, const gchar *cURI, GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
    g_return_if_fail (cURI != NULL);
    //\________________ Manage event about this mount point
    GList *pIconsList = CD_APPLET_MY_ICONS_LIST;
    GldiContainer *pContainer = CD_APPLET_MY_ICONS_LIST_CONTAINER;
    CD_APPLET_LEAVE_IF_FAIL (pContainer != NULL);

    _manage_event_on_drive (iEventType, cURI, pIconsList, pContainer, myApplet);

    //\________________ Update bookmarks which are linked to this mount point
    if (!myConfig.bListBookmarks || pIconsList == NULL)
    GList *ic;
    Icon *icon;
    gboolean bIsMounted;
    gchar *cTargetURI = cairo_dock_fm_is_mounted (cURI, &bIsMounted);
    if (cTargetURI != NULL)  // optimized version.
        //g_print ("test bookmarks in '%s'...\n", cTargetURI);
        pIconsList = CD_APPLET_MY_ICONS_LIST;
        for (ic = pIconsList; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
            icon = ic->data;
            if (icon->iGroup == (CairoDockIconGroup) CD_BOOKMARK_GROUP)
                if (strncmp (cTargetURI, icon->cBaseURI, strlen (cTargetURI)) == 0)
                    //g_print ("bookmark '%s' is located in a mount point which has changed (%s)\n", icon->cBaseURI, cTargetURI);
                    gchar *cName = NULL, *cRealURI = NULL, *cIconName = NULL;
                    int iVolumeID = 0;
                    gboolean bIsDirectory = FALSE;
                    double fOrder;
                    if (cairo_dock_fm_get_file_info (icon->cBaseURI, &cName,
                                                     &cRealURI, &cIconName, &bIsDirectory, &iVolumeID,
                                                     &fOrder, CAIRO_DOCK_FM_SORT_BY_NAME))
                        //g_print (" -> %s (%d)\n", cIconName, bIsMounted);
                        if (bIsMounted/** || cIconName == NULL*/)
                            gchar *str;
                            /* if it was previously an unmounted bookmark, just
                             * remove the 'unmounted' part to avoid changing the
                             * name (when mounted, gvfs returns the path whereas
                             * we want to display the bookmark name). Note that
                             * the icon might also changes (it was NULL when the
                             * bookmark was not mounted), and we can use this
                             * new one which is probably more accurate.
                            if ((str = strchr (icon->cName, '\n')) != NULL)
                                *str = '\0';
                                g_free (icon->cName);
                                icon->cName = cName;
                            g_free (icon->cName);
                            icon->cName = g_strdup_printf ("%s\n[%s]", cName, D_("Unmounted"));
                            g_free (cName);
                        g_free (icon->cCommand);
                        icon->cCommand = cRealURI;
                        g_free (icon->cFileName);
                        icon->cFileName = cIconName;
                        icon->iVolumeID = iVolumeID;
                        cairo_dock_load_icon_buffers (icon, pContainer);
        g_free (cTargetURI);
static void _on_got_events (ZeitgeistResultSet *pEvents, GtkListStore *pModel)
	int i, n;
	ZeitgeistEvent *event;
	ZeitgeistSubject *subject;
	gint64 iTimeStamp;
	const gchar *cEventURI;
	guint id;
	gchar *cName = NULL, *cURI = NULL, *cIconName = NULL, *cIconPath, *cPath = NULL;
	double fOrder;
	int iVolumeID;
	gboolean bIsDirectory;
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
	GtkTreeIter iter;
	GHashTable *pHashTable = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, NULL);  // used to prevent doubles
	//\_____________ parse all the events.
	while (zeitgeist_result_set_has_next (pEvents))
		#ifdef ZEITGEIST_1_0
		event = zeitgeist_result_set_next (pEvents);
		event = zeitgeist_result_set_next_value (pEvents);
		iTimeStamp = zeitgeist_event_get_timestamp (event) / 1e3;
		id = zeitgeist_event_get_id (event);
		n = zeitgeist_event_num_subjects (event);
		if (n > 1)
			cd_debug (" +++ %s, %s, %d", zeitgeist_event_get_interpretation (event), zeitgeist_event_get_manifestation (event), n);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			subject = zeitgeist_event_get_subject (event, i);
			//\_____________ prevent doubles.
			cEventURI = zeitgeist_subject_get_uri (subject);
			if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended  (pHashTable, cEventURI, NULL, NULL))
			//g_print ("  %s:\n    %s, %s\n", cEventURI, zeitgeist_subject_get_interpretation (subject), zeitgeist_subject_get_manifestation (subject));
			//\_____________ ignore files that have been deleted
			cPath = g_filename_from_uri (cEventURI, NULL, NULL);  // NULL for anything else than file://*
			if (strncmp (cEventURI, "file://", 7) == 0 && ! g_file_test (cPath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
				g_hash_table_insert (pHashTable, (gchar*)cEventURI, NULL);  // since we've checked it, insert it, even if we don't display it.
				g_free (cPath);
			//\_____________ get the text to display.
			const gchar *cText = zeitgeist_subject_get_text (subject);
			if (cText == NULL)  // skip empty texts (they are most of the times web page that redirect to another page, which is probably in the next event anyway).
			//\_____________ find the icon.
			if (strncmp (cEventURI, "http", 4) == 0)  // gvfs is deadly slow to get info on distant URI...
				cIconName = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path ("text-html", myData.iDesiredIconSize);
			else if (strncmp (cEventURI, "application://", 14) == 0)  // application URL
				gchar *cClass = cairo_dock_register_class (cEventURI+14);
				cIconName = g_strdup (cairo_dock_get_class_icon (cClass));
				cText = cairo_dock_get_class_name (cClass);  // use the translated name
				g_free (cClass);
				cairo_dock_fm_get_file_info (cEventURI, &cName, &cURI, &cIconName, &bIsDirectory, &iVolumeID, &fOrder, CAIRO_DOCK_FM_SORT_BY_DATE);
			if (cIconName != NULL)
				cIconPath = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path (cIconName, myData.iDesiredIconSize);
				pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size (cIconPath, myData.iDesiredIconSize, myData.iDesiredIconSize, NULL);
				g_free (cIconPath);
				pixbuf = NULL;
			//\_____________ build the path to display.
			const gchar *cDisplayedPath = (cPath ? cPath : cEventURI);

			// need to escape the '&' (and ', etc.) because gtk-tooltips use markups by default.
			gchar *cEscapedPath = g_markup_escape_text (cDisplayedPath, -1);
			//\_____________ store in the model.
			memset (&iter, 0, sizeof (GtkTreeIter));
			gtk_list_store_append (GTK_LIST_STORE (pModel), &iter);
			gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (pModel), &iter,
				CD_MODEL_NAME, cText,
				CD_MODEL_URI, cEventURI,
				CD_MODEL_PATH, cEscapedPath,
				CD_MODEL_ICON, pixbuf,
				CD_MODEL_DATE, iTimeStamp,
				CD_MODEL_ID, id, -1);
			g_free (cIconName);
			cIconName = NULL;
			g_free (cName);
			cName = NULL;
			g_free (cURI);
			cURI = NULL;
			if (pixbuf)
				g_object_unref (pixbuf);
			g_free (cPath);
			g_free (cEscapedPath);
			g_hash_table_insert (pHashTable, (gchar*)cEventURI, NULL);  // cEventURI stays valid in this function.
	g_hash_table_destroy (pHashTable);