Пример #1
// compute optimal pose and scale using a procedure described by Umeyame,
// Least-squares estimation of transformation parameters between two point patterns (IEEE Pami 1991)
double computeScalingFactor(MeshType* mesh1, MeshType* mesh2)
    if (mesh1->GetNumberOfPoints() != mesh2->GetNumberOfPoints()) {
        throw std::runtime_error("meshes should be in correspondence when computing specificity");

    PointListType points1;
    PointListType points2;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < mesh1->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++) {

        MeshType::PointType pt1;
        mesh1->GetPoint(i, &pt1);

        MeshType::PointType pt2;
        mesh2->GetPoint(i, &pt2);

    vnlMatrixType X  = createMatrixFromPoints(points1);
    vnlMatrixType Y =  createMatrixFromPoints(points2);

    vnlVectorType mu_x = calcMean(X);
    vnlVectorType mu_y = calcMean(Y);

    ElementType sigma2_x = calcVar(X, mu_x);
    ElementType sigma2_y = calcVar(Y, mu_y);

    vnlMatrixType Sigma_xy = calcCov(X, Y, mu_x, mu_y);

    vnl_svd<ElementType> SVD(Sigma_xy);

    unsigned m = X.rows();

    vnlMatrixType S(m,m);
    ElementType detU = vnl_qr<ElementType>(SVD.U()).determinant();
    ElementType detV = vnl_qr<ElementType>(SVD.V()).determinant();
    if ( detU * detV == -1) {
        S[m-1][m-1] = -1;

    // the procedure actually computes the optimal rotation, translation and scale. We only
    // use the scaling factor
    vnlMatrixType R = SVD.U() * S * SVD.V().transpose();

    ElementType c = 1/sigma2_x * vnl_trace(SVD.W()*S);
    vnlVectorType t = mu_y - c * R * mu_x;
    ElementType epsilon2 = sigma2_y -  pow(vnl_trace(SVD.W()*S), 2) / sigma2_x;

    return c;
Пример #2
    //Find out which regions has the least variance
int KuwaharaRegions::minVar() {
    int i = 0;
    double var = varianzas[0];
    if (var > varianzas[1]) {var = varianzas[1]; i = 1;}
    if (var > varianzas[2]) {var = varianzas[2]; i = 2;}
    if (var > varianzas[3]) {var = varianzas[3]; i = 3;}
    return i;