Пример #1
void state_driving(emc::FSMInterface& fsm, emc::IO& io, void* user_data)
    // The FSM engine does not know what kind of user data will be put into it, so it stores it as a
    // 'void pointer'. A void pointer is simply a pointer to data of which the type is unknown. But
    // we DO know the type! Therefore we can 'cast' it to our MyData type that we defined above. You
    // don't have to exactly know what is going on here, just know that the resulting 'my_data' is a
    // pointer to our data, with the correct type.
    MyData* my_data = static_cast<MyData*>(user_data);

    emc::LaserData scan;
    if (!io.readLaserData(scan))
        return; // No data, so not much to do

    double min_dist = calculateMinimumDistance(scan);
    if (min_dist < my_data->max_obstacle_distance)    // magic number!

    // No obstacles near, so let's go!
    io.sendBaseReference(0.3, 0, 0);

    // We're driving...!
    std::cout << "driving" << std::endl;
Пример #2
void state_waiting(emc::FSMInterface& fsm, emc::IO& io, void* user_data)
    // Cast the data to our MyData type! (See explanation in state_driving)
    MyData* my_data = static_cast<MyData*>(user_data);

    // Stop the base!
    io.sendBaseReference(0, 0, 0);

    // We're waiting..!
    std::cout << "waiting" << std::endl;

    emc::LaserData scan;
    if (!io.readLaserData(scan))
        return; // No data, so not much to do

    double min_dist = calculateMinimumDistance(scan);
    if (min_dist > my_data->max_obstacle_distance)
        // All clear!
Пример #3
void ImplTreetorDistance::calculateTree(
		HTree & tree,
		const HMultipleAlignment & mali ) const

	debug_func_cerr( 5 );
	startUp( tree, mali );

	DistanceMatrixSize swap_temp;	// for swapping indices

#define SWAP(x,y) { swap_temp = x; x = y; y = swap_temp; }

	// start up
	DistanceMatrixSize width = mWorkMatrix->getWidth();
	DistanceMatrixSize i;

	/* in this algorithm I assume that the matrix I use is only a half-matrix using the lower diagonal */
	tree->setNumLeaves( width );					// allocate memory for tree

	mIndices = new Node[width];			        /* allocate array to keep track of indices */

	for (i = 0; i < width; i++) mIndices[i] = i;

	// Perform hierarchical clustering

	DistanceMatrixSize last_row = width - 1;

	/* shrink distance matrix, until it contains only a single cluster */
	while (last_row > 0)

	  debug_cerr( 6, "Last row " << last_row );
	  debug_cerr( 6, "Work matrix " << endl << *mWorkMatrix );

    // find minimum distance in matrix
    DistanceMatrixSize min_row = mMinimumCoord.row;
    DistanceMatrixSize min_col = mMinimumCoord.col;

    debug_cerr( 5, "Joining nodes -> "
			    << "minimum distance :" << mMinimumValue << " "
			    << "node 1: " << mIndices[min_row] << " (" << min_row << ") "
			    << "node 2: " << mIndices[min_col] << " (" << min_col << ") " );

    // move rows around, so that the last two joined cluster are in the two last rows

	-			-
	y-			--
	-y-			---
	-y--		->	----
	xOxx-			-----
	-y--x-			------
	-y--x--			xxxxxxx
	-y--x---		yyyyyyyy

    DistanceMatrixSize second_row = last_row - 1;		// second to last row

    // exchange row with last row
    mWorkMatrix->swap( min_row, last_row);
    SWAP( mIndices[min_row], mIndices[last_row]);
    swapHelpers( min_row, last_row);

    // exchange col with second to last row
    mWorkMatrix->swap( min_col, second_row);
    SWAP( mIndices[min_col], mIndices[second_row]);
    swapHelpers( min_col, second_row);

    // join the two nodes in the tree giving the correct edge weights
    Node new_node = joinNodes( tree, second_row, last_row );

    debug_cerr( 6, "-> new node " << new_node );

    // calculate distance to new cluster and put them in second to last row
    updateDistanceMatrix( tree, second_row, last_row);

    /* delete last row, update mIndices, so that the last row now
       contains the number of the new cluster id */
	-	       	-
	--	       	--
	---	       	---
	----	     ->	----
	-----		-----
	------		------
	xxxxxxx		xxxxxxx


    mIndices[last_row - 1] = new_node;

    last_row = mWorkMatrix->getWidth() - 1;


  delete [] mIndices;
  cleanUp();	// cleans up mWorkMatrix
