Пример #1
QStringList FSWatcher::getFSmountpoints() {
    //output line format: name::filesystem::totalspace::usedspace::percent
    // -- sizes all in K
    QStringList output;
    //ZFS Checks
    QStringList zpools = runCMD("zpool list -o name");
    if(zpools.length() > 1) {
        //Then there are ZFS pools available
        for(int i=1; i<zpools.length(); i++) { //skip the header line
            QStringList tmp = runCMD("zfs list -o available,used "+zpools[i]);
            //second line contains the data
            QString avail = tmp[1].section(" ",0,0,QString::SectionSkipEmpty);
            QString used = tmp[1].section(" ",1,1,QString::SectionSkipEmpty);
            double iUsed = floor(displayToDouble(used));
            double iTotal = floor(displayToDouble(avail)) + iUsed;
            int percent = calculatePercentage(iUsed, iTotal);
            //qDebug() << "Percent calc: tot:"<<iTotal<<"used"<<iUsed<<"percent"<<percent;
            //format the output string and add it in
            output << zpools[i]+"::zfs::"+QString::number(iTotal)+"::"+QString::number(iUsed)+"::"+QString::number(percent);
    //Now get all the rest of the mounted filesystems
    QStringList dfout = runCMD("df -h -T");
    //Format: name, filesystem, size, used, available, percent, mountpoint
    for(int i=1; i<dfout.length(); i++) {
        //ignore certain filesystems
        if(dfout[i].startsWith("devfs")) {}
        else if(dfout[i].startsWith("procfs")) {}
        else if(dfout[i].startsWith("linprocfs")) {}
        else if(dfout[i].startsWith("linsysfs")) {}
        else if(dfout[i].startsWith("fdescfs")) {}
        else {
            //Now parse out the info
            dfout[i].replace("\t"," ");
            QString fs = dfout[i].section("  ",1,1,QString::SectionSkipEmpty).simplified();
            if(fs != "zfs" && fs!="cd9660" && fs!="nullfs" && fs!="fusefs") { //ignore zfs filesystems (already taken care of)
                QString name = dfout[i].section("  ",6,6,QString::SectionSkipEmpty).simplified();
                QString total = dfout[i].section("  ",2,2,QString::SectionSkipEmpty).simplified();
                QString used = dfout[i].section("  ",3,3,QString::SectionSkipEmpty).simplified();
                //Calculate the percent
                double iUsed = displayToDouble(used);
                double iTotal = displayToDouble(total);
                int percent = calculatePercentage(iUsed, iTotal);
                //qDebug() << "df Item:" << dfout[i];
                //qDebug() << " - Detected:" << name << fs << iTotal << iUsed << percent;
                //format the output string and add it in
                output << name+"::"+fs+"::"+QString::number(iTotal)+"::"+QString::number(iUsed)+"::"+QString::number(percent);
    //Return the results
    //qDebug() << "FS output:" << output;
    return output;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int EXAMS_TOTAL = 2;
	FILE * fin = NULL;
	char * name = NULL;
	double weightedAvg, gpa;
	int assignmentsTotal, labsTotal, quizzesTotal;
	int * assignments = NULL, *labs = NULL, *quizzes = NULL, exams[EXAMS_TOTAL], finalExam;
	double assignmentsPercentage, labsPercentage, quizzesPercentage, examsPercentage, finalPercentage;

	if(argc == 2)
		fin = openFileNoPrompt(argv[1]);

		if(fin == NULL)
			fin = openFilePrompt();

		name = readName(fin);
		assignments = createAndFillArray(&assignmentsTotal, fin);
		labs = createAndFillArray(&labsTotal, fin);
		quizzes = createAndFillArray(&quizzesTotal, fin);
		fillArray(exams, fin);
		finalExam = readFinalScore(fin);

		fin = NULL;

		assignmentsPercentage = calculatePercentage(assignments, assignmentsTotal, 100, .25);
		labsPercentage = calculatePercentage(labs, labsTotal, 50, .20);
		quizzesPercentage = calculatePercentage(quizzes, quizzesTotal, 25, .05);
		examsPercentage = calculatePercentage(exams, EXAMS_TOTAL, 100, .30);
		finalPercentage = calculatePercentage(&finalExam, 1, 200, .20);

		displayCategoryPercentage(assignmentsPercentage, labsPercentage, quizzesPercentage, examsPercentage, finalPercentage);

		weightedAvg = calcWeightedAvg(assignmentsPercentage, labsPercentage, quizzesPercentage, examsPercentage, finalPercentage);
		gpa = calcGPA(weightedAvg);
		displayGrade(name, weightedAvg, gpa);

		assignments = labs = quizzes = NULL;		
		name = NULL;


	return 0;

}// end main
Пример #3
bool CCInterpolatorSin2Curve::update(const float delta)
    updating = false;
    if( current != NULL )
        if( incrementAmount( delta ) )
            const float percentage = calculatePercentage();
            updateInterpolation( percentage );
            updating = true;
            return true;
        else if( *current != target )
            *current = target;
            current = NULL;
            updating = true;
            return true;
            current = NULL;
    else if( onInterpolated.length > 0 )
        CCLAMBDA_SIGNAL pendingCallbacks;
        for( int i=0; i<onInterpolated.length; ++i )
            pendingCallbacks.add( onInterpolated.list[i] );
        onInterpolated.length = 0;
        CCLAMBDA_EMIT_ONCE( pendingCallbacks );

    return updating;