Пример #1
void BioXASMirrorRollControl::updateValue()
	if (isConnected()) {
		setValue( calculateRoll(upstreamInboard_->xPosition(), upstreamInboard_->yPosition(), upstreamInboard_->zPosition(), upstreamOutboard_->xPosition(), upstreamOutboard_->yPosition(), upstreamOutboard_->zPosition(), downstream_->xPosition(), downstream_->yPosition(), downstream_->zPosition()) );
Пример #2
  * @brief  System starts here and delegates different actions.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void acc_thread(void const *argument){
	st_system_state state = ST_INIT ;	
	err_type	error	= NONE;
	float pitchRadians, rollRadians, pitchDegrees, rollDegrees;
	/* global variable */
	int init_time = 0;	

	filterState accPitchFilter;
	filterState accRollFilter;
	float filteredPitch=0.0;
	float filteredRoll=0.0;
	/* Main function */
	while (1) {
		/* The system can be in multiple states, this is just good coding practice */
		switch ( state ){
			/* Initialization state */
			case ST_INIT :
				/************ initialization **********/
				initializeFilter(&accPitchFilter, 35);
				initializeFilter(&accRollFilter, 35);
				state = ST_IDLE ;
				break ;
			/* Idle State */
			case ST_IDLE :
				/**************** idle ****************/
				state = ST_RUNNING ;
				break ;
			/* The system is running here the majority of the time */
			case ST_RUNNING :
				/***************** run ****************/

				/* Accelerometer Interrupt. When high run the following: */
				//if(interrupt_EXTI0 == 1){
					/* Reset flag */
					interrupt_EXTI0 = 0;
					/* Read accelerometer data X,Y,Z into */
					float data[3];

					//printf("%f\t%f\t%f\n", data[0]/*x*/, data[1]/*y*/, data[2]/*z*/);
					/* Calculate the pitch and roll in radians based on the following equation: */
					/* Pitch = arctan(Ax1/sqrt((Ay1)^2+(Az1)^2 */
					/* Roll = arctan(Ay1/sqrt((Ax1)^2+(Az1)^2 */
					pitchRadians = calculatePitch(data);
					rollRadians = calculateRoll(data);
					/* Converting pitch and roll to degrees */
					pitchDegrees = convertToDegrees(pitchRadians);
					rollDegrees =  convertToDegrees(rollRadians);
					/* Filtering the pitch and roll angles in degrees using a moving average filter*/
					filteredPitch = modify_filterState(&accPitchFilter, pitchDegrees);
					filteredRoll = modify_filterState(&accRollFilter, rollDegrees);
					/* Create message */
					message_acc* acc_message = (message_acc*) osPoolAlloc(acc_mpool);
					acc_message->pitch = filteredPitch;
					acc_message->roll = filteredRoll;
					osMessagePut(acc_mqueue, (uint32_t)acc_message, osWaitForever);					
					printf("%lf\t%f\t%lf\t%f\n", pitchDegrees, filteredPitch, rollDegrees, filteredRoll);
				break ;
			case ST_ERROR :
				/**************** error ***************/
				switch ( error ){
					case NONE :
						//You didn't set error type...
						break ;
					case ERR_ERROR_1 :
						break ;
					case ERR_ERROR_2 :
						break ;
					case ERR_ERROR_3 :
						break ;
					case ERR_ERROR_4 :
						break ;
				break ;

