Пример #1
PROTECTED void NunchuckFilterJoystickSetCalibration( pNunchuckCtlCalibration Calibration )
    pNunchuckCtlJsAxisCal jsCal;

    jsCal = &Calibration->Joystick.X;
    normalizationCal.X.neutral = jsCal->Neutral;
    normalizationCal.X.yIntMin = calculateYIntercept((int32)jsCal->Min, (int32)jsCal->Neutral, -127L);
    normalizationCal.X.yIntMax = calculateYIntercept((int32)jsCal->Max, (int32)jsCal->Neutral, 127L);
    normalizationCal.X.mMin = calculateSlope((int32)jsCal->Min, (int32)jsCal->Neutral, -127L);
    normalizationCal.X.mMax = calculateSlope((int32)jsCal->Max, (int32)jsCal->Neutral, 127L);

    jsCal = &Calibration->Joystick.Y;
    normalizationCal.Y.neutral = jsCal->Neutral;
    normalizationCal.Y.yIntMin = calculateYIntercept((int32)jsCal->Min, (int32)jsCal->Neutral, 127L);
    normalizationCal.Y.yIntMax = calculateYIntercept((int32)jsCal->Max, (int32)jsCal->Neutral, -127L);
    normalizationCal.Y.mMin = calculateSlope((int32)jsCal->Min, (int32)jsCal->Neutral, 127L);
    normalizationCal.Y.mMax = calculateSlope((int32)jsCal->Max, (int32)jsCal->Neutral, -127L);

    LOG_Printf("Joystick Normalized Calibration:\n");
    LOG_Printf("\tX neutral: %d\n", normalizationCal.X.neutral);
    LOG_Printf("\tX yIntMin: %d\n", normalizationCal.X.yIntMin);
    LOG_Printf("\tX yIntMax: %d\n", normalizationCal.X.yIntMax);
    LOG_Printf("\tX mMin: %d\n", normalizationCal.X.mMin);
    LOG_Printf("\tX mMax: %d\n", normalizationCal.X.mMax);
    LOG_Printf("\tY neutral: %d\n", normalizationCal.Y.neutral);
    LOG_Printf("\tY yIntMin: %d\n", normalizationCal.Y.yIntMin);
    LOG_Printf("\tY yIntMax: %d\n", normalizationCal.Y.yIntMax);
    LOG_Printf("\tY mMin: %d\n", normalizationCal.Y.mMin);
    LOG_Printf("\tY mMa: %d\n", normalizationCal.Y.mMax);

Пример #2
// initialize the group class to have sufficient space such that the largest nodeNumber can still be stored
FAGeneral::FAGeneral(double* x,int K, double* ngroup, NumericVector xv, std::string weights, double gamma, NumericMatrix W, int mxSize, bool verb, double eps):K(K),Weights(K,vector<double>(K)),graphsize(K){
  verbose = verb;
  mxSplitSize = mxSize;
  epsilon = eps;
  // calculate the weights we need
  // print_weights();
  if (verbose){
    Rprintf("Graph Construction \n");
  // myGraph.printGraph(cout);
  // set groups, prefuse and set events
  // print_groups();
  // print_events();
Пример #3
float HolisticFeatureExtractor::computeOrientation(const LTKTrace& inTrace)
	int numOfPoints;				// total number of points in the trace

	float orient = 0.0f;			// orientation
	floatVector xData, yData;		// coordinates of the points in the trace
	xData = inTrace.getChannelValues("X");
	yData = inTrace.getChannelValues("Y");

	numOfPoints = xData.size();

	orient = calculateSlope(xData.at(0),yData.at(0),xData.at(numOfPoints-1),yData.at(numOfPoints-1));

	// convert all angles to a range 0 to pi
	if (orient<0)
		orient += PI;

	// normalizing it from 0 to 1
	orient /= PI;	

	// make horizontal stroke as 180 degrees instead of 2 values
	if (orient<(m_horizStrokeAngleThresh/180))
		orient = 1 - orient;

	return orient;		
Пример #4
int cTrendLine::Create(flarb_mapbuilder::MapImage &msg, int x, int y)
	yAxisValuesSum = 0;
	xAxisValuesSum = 0;
	//arrray Max points from laser
	int yAxisValues[1081];
    int xAxisValues[1081];
	int ptr = 0;

	//from here till line 52 must be rebuild to levels
	//now he tries the whole level(Image)	
// Iterator
	vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator itr = msg.data.begin();
	// Write the image to the buffer
	for( int y = 0; y < 512; y++)
		for( int x = 0; x < (512 / 8); x++)
			//Get value and advance the iterator
			int val = *(itr);
			//note all the x and y locations and count them
			for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++){
				if(1 == (val & ( 1 << i )))
					yAxisValues[ptr] = y;
					yAxisValuesSum += y;
					xAxisValues[ptr] = x * 8;
					xAxisValuesSum += x;
	//unnecessary pointer
	count = ptr;
	//sum of x and y
	xxSum = 0;
    xySum = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        xySum += ( xAxisValues[i] * yAxisValues[i] );
        xxSum += ( xAxisValues[i] * xAxisValues[i] );

	Slope = calculateSlope();
    Intercept = calculateIntercept();
    Start = calculateStart();
    End = calculateEnd();
    return 1;
Пример #5
float HolisticFeatureExtractor::computeSweptAngle(const LTKTrace& inTrace)
	float swAng=0.0f;			// Swept Angle
	int numOfPoints;			// total number of points in the trace
	int pointIndex;				// Index to loop over all the points 

	floatVector angles;			// angles made by each line with x-axis

	floatVector angleDiff;		// difference of angles between consecutive lines

	floatVector xData, yData;	// coordinates of the points in the trace
	xData = inTrace.getChannelValues("X");
	yData = inTrace.getChannelValues("Y");

	numOfPoints = xData.size();

	for(pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < numOfPoints-1; ++pointIndex)
		float angle;
		angle = calculateSlope(xData.at(pointIndex),yData.at(pointIndex),xData.at(pointIndex+1),yData.at(pointIndex+1));
		// converting the angles from 0 to 360 degrees
		if (angle < 0)
			angle += 2*PI;

	for(pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < numOfPoints-2; ++pointIndex)
		int sign_angle;


		sign_angle = (angleDiff.at(pointIndex) < 0) ? -1:1;

		// if greater than 180 then correcting it to a value less than 180

		if (fabs(angleDiff.at(pointIndex)) > PI)
			angleDiff.at(pointIndex) = -sign_angle * (2*PI - fabs(angleDiff.at(pointIndex)));

		// if greater than swAngHookThresh then assuming it to be a hook 
		// and disregarding the angle
		if (fabs(angleDiff.at(pointIndex)) > (m_swAngHookThresh*PI/180))
			angleDiff.at(pointIndex) = 0;

		swAng += angleDiff.at(pointIndex);

	// returning the absolute value of swept angle
	swAng = fabs(swAng);

	return swAng;	