Пример #1
void newSheep::StageLaser_callback(sensor_msgs::LaserScan msg)
  distance = msg.ranges[20];
  se306_example::IdentityRequest request;
  if(distance <= 5) {

    RobotNode_cmdvel.linear.x = linear_x;
    RobotNode_cmdvel.angular.z = angular_z;

    request.sender = robot_name;

    std::list<double> pose = calculateTheta(theta, distance);
    double x = pose.front();
    double y = pose.back();

    request.px = this->px+x+(width/2.0);
    request.py = py+y+(length/2.0);

    replyReceived = false;
    requestSent = true;

Пример #2
// Basic Right wall following code
void wallFollowingR()
    int rightSideIR, leftSideIR, rightFrontIR, leftFrontIR, distAhead, i;
    while (1)
    //for(i = 0; i < 170; i++)
        if (thetaAcc > 40)
            { break; }

        get_front_ir_dists(&leftFrontIR, &rightFrontIR);
        get_side_ir_dists(&leftSideIR, &rightSideIR);
        distAhead = get_us_dist();

        int lbump, rbump;
        check_bumpers(&lbump, &rbump);
        if (lbump){
            set_motors(SPEED+20, SPEED-20);
        if (rbump){
            set_motors(SPEED-20, SPEED+20);
        if (distAhead < 35){    //in the L shape
            if (leftFrontIR - rightFrontIR > 0){
                set_motors(-SPEED, SPEED);

            else {

        else if (rightFrontIR > 30)
            {   set_motors(SPEED+10, SPEED-20); } //turn right

        else if (rightFrontIR < 20)
            {   set_motors (SPEED-25, SPEED+15); } //turn left

            {set_motors(SPEED+7, SPEED+7); } // Straight

Пример #3
void cartesianToPolar(float x, float y, double *radiusPtr, double *thetaPtr)
    // Es radiusPtr diferente de NULL?
    if(radiusPtr) {
        // Guardamos el valor del radio con esta formula
        *radiusPtr = sqrt(x * x + y * y);

    // Es thetaPtr NULL?
    if(!thetaPtr) {
        // Saltarnos la funcion entera
    // Calculamos theta
    *thetaPtr = calculateTheta(x, y);
Пример #4
bool KMeans::trainModel(MatrixFloat &data){
    if( numClusters == 0 ){
        errorLog << "trainModel(MatrixFloat &data) - Failed to train model. NumClusters is zero!" << std::endl;
		return false;
    if( clusters.getNumRows() != numClusters ){
        errorLog << "trainModel(MatrixFloat &data) - Failed to train model. The number of rows in the cluster matrix does not match the number of clusters! You should need to initalize the clusters matrix first before calling this function!" << std::endl;
		return false;
    if( clusters.getNumCols() != numInputDimensions ){
        errorLog << "trainModel(MatrixFloat &data) - Failed to train model. The number of columns in the cluster matrix does not match the number of input dimensions! You should need to initalize the clusters matrix first before calling this function!" << std::endl;
		return false;

    Timer timer;
	UINT currentIter = 0;
    UINT numChanged = 0;
	bool keepTraining = true;
    Float theta = 0;
    Float lastTheta = 0;
    Float delta = 0;
    Float startTime = 0;
    finalTheta = 0;
    numTrainingIterationsToConverge = 0;
    trained = false;
    converged = false;
    //Scale the data if needed
    ranges = data.getRanges();
    if( useScaling ){

    //Init the assign and count Vectors
    //Assign is set to K+1 so that the nChanged values in the eStep at the first iteration will be updated correctly
    for(UINT m=0; m<numTrainingSamples; m++) assign[m] = numClusters+1;
	for(UINT k=0; k<numClusters; k++) count[k] = 0;

    //Run the training loop
	while( keepTraining ){
        startTime = timer.getMilliSeconds();

		//Compute the E step
		numChanged = estep( data );

        //Compute the M step
        mstep( data );

        //Update the iteration counter

		//Compute theta if needed
		if( computeTheta ){
            theta = calculateTheta(data);
            delta = lastTheta - theta;
            lastTheta = theta;
        }else theta = delta = 0;
        //Check convergance
		if( numChanged == 0 && currentIter > minNumEpochs ){ converged = true; keepTraining = false; }
		if( currentIter >= maxNumEpochs ){ keepTraining = false; }
		if( fabs( delta ) < minChange && computeTheta && currentIter > minNumEpochs ){ converged = true; keepTraining = false; }
        if( computeTheta )  thetaTracker.push_back( theta );
        trainingLog << "Epoch: " << currentIter << "/" << maxNumEpochs;
        trainingLog << " Epoch time: " << (timer.getMilliSeconds()-startTime)/1000.0 << " seconds";
        trainingLog << " Theta: " << theta << " Delta: " << delta << std::endl;
    trainingLog << "Model Trained at epoch: " << currentIter << " with a theta value of: " << theta << std::endl;

    finalTheta = theta;
    numTrainingIterationsToConverge = currentIter;
	trained = true;
    //Setup the cluster labels
    for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
        clusterLabels[i] = i+1;
	return true;
Пример #5
//Basic wall following code
void wallFollowing()
    //Sensor readings 
    int rightSideIR, leftSideIR, rightFrontIR, leftFrontIR;
    int ultrasound;
    get_front_ir_dists(&leftFrontIR, &rightFrontIR);
    get_side_ir_dists(&leftSideIR, &rightSideIR);

    while (1)
        if (thetaAcc > 40)
            { break; }

        int lbump, rbump;
        check_bumpers(&lbump, &rbump);
        if (lbump){
            set_motors(SPEED+20, SPEED-20);
        if (rbump){
            set_motors(SPEED-20, SPEED+20);

        get_front_ir_dists(&leftFrontIR, &rightFrontIR);
        get_side_ir_dists(&leftSideIR, &rightSideIR);
        ultrasound = get_us_dist(); 

        //Hit wall
        if (ultrasound < 30){
            int i;
           for(i=0; i<20; i++){
                set_motors(-SPEED, -SPEED);
                ultrasound = get_us_dist();
            //set_ir_angle(RIGHT, 45);
            //set_ir_angle(LEFT, -45);

        get_front_ir_dists(&leftFrontIR, &rightFrontIR);
            //for (i=0; i<15; i++){
        if (leftFrontIR - rightFrontIR > 0){
        set_motors(-SPEED, -SPEED);
        //set_motors(-SPEED, SPEED);
        set_motors(-SPEED, -SPEED);         
                 set_motors(SPEED, -SPEED);
    get_front_ir_dists(&leftFrontIR, &rightFrontIR);

        if (ultrasound < 30 && leftFrontIR < 40 && rightFrontIR < 40)
            int i;

            //while ((ultrasound < 80 && leftFrontIR < 45) || (ultrasound < 80 && rightFrontIR < 45))
            while (ultrasound < 87)
                { set_motors(-SPEED, -SPEED); 
                   //get_side_ir_dists(&leftFrontIR, &rightSideIR); 
                   ultrasound = get_us_dist();
               set_ir_angle(RIGHT, 45);
               set_ir_angle(LEFT, -45);
               get_front_ir_dists(&leftFrontIR, &rightFrontIR);
               //printf("%d %d\n", leftFrontIR, rightFrontIR);
                   if (leftFrontIR - rightFrontIR > 0){
                    //for (i=0; i<20; i++)
                        set_motors(-SPEED-20, -SPEED+20);
                   else if (rightFrontIR - leftFrontIR > 0){
                    //for (i=0; i<20; i++)
                        set_motors(-SPEED+20, -SPEED-20);


           //Make 90 deg left turn 
               //for (i=0; i<35; i++)
               //{ set_motors(SPEED, -SPEED); }

            if (leftFrontIR > rightFrontIR)
                set_motors(SPEED-25, SPEED+25);

                //addNode(pointer, LEFT);

            else if (rightFrontIR > leftFrontIR )
                set_motors(SPEED+25, SPEED-25);

                //addNode(pointer, RIGHT);

                set_motors(SPEED, SPEED);

                //addNode(pointer, STRAIGHT);