// Callback from tactile touch sensors
void tactileCallBack(naoqi_msgs::TactileTouch msg){
  headTouched = msg.state;
  ROS_INFO("Head: %d", headTouched);
  if(countStiffness > 20 && headTouched == 1){
    std_srvs::Empty e;
    actionlib::SimpleActionClient<naoqi_msgs::BodyPoseAction> bodyPoseClient("body_pose", true);

    exited = true;
Пример #2
 * \brief Callback for joystick messages
 * @param joy
void TeleopNaoJoy::joyCallback(const Joy::ConstPtr& joy) {

    // Buttons:
    // TODO: make buttons generally configurable by mapping btn_id => pose_string

    if (m_enabled && buttonTriggered(m_crouchBtn, joy) && m_bodyPoseClient.isServerConnected()) {
        if (callBodyPoseClient("crouch")) {
            std_srvs::Empty e;

    if (m_enabled && buttonTriggered(m_initPoseBtn, joy) && m_bodyPoseClient.isServerConnected()) {
        ROS_INFO("going to init pose");

    /*if(m_enabled && buttonTriggered(m_stopWalkBtn, joy)){
      // not yet inhibited: publish zero walk command before inhibiting joystick
      m_motion.linear.x = 0.0;
      m_motion.linear.y = 0.0;
      m_motion.linear.z = 0.0;
      m_motion.angular.x = 0.0;
      m_motion.angular.y = 0.0;
      m_motion.angular.z = 0.0;
      naoqi_bridge_msgs::CmdVelService service_call;
      service_call.request.twist = m_motion;
      ROS_INFO("-- stop walk asked");

    if (buttonTriggered(m_enableBtn, joy)) {
        std_msgs::String string;
        if (m_enabled) {
            m_enabled = false;
            string.data = "Gamepad control disabled";

        } else {
            m_enabled = true;
            string.data = "Gamepad control enabled";
            std_srvs::Empty e;
        ROS_INFO("%s", (string.data).c_str());


    // directional commands
    // walking velocities and head movements
    if (!axisValid(m_xAxis, joy) ||  !axisValid(m_yAxis, joy) || !axisValid(m_turnAxis, joy)) {
        m_motion.linear.x = m_motion.linear.y = m_motion.angular.z = 0.0f;
        m_headAngles.joint_angles[0] = m_headAngles.joint_angles[1] = 0.0f;
        ROS_WARN("Joystick message too short for Move or Turn axis!\n");
    } else {
        if (buttonPressed(m_modifyHeadBtn, joy)) {
            ROS_INFO_STREAM("moving the head");
            // move head
            m_headAngles.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
            m_headAngles.relative = 1;
            m_headAngles.joint_angles[0] = joy->axes[m_turnAxis];
            m_headAngles.joint_angles[1] = joy->axes[m_xAxis];

        } else {
            // stop head:
            //m_headAngles.joint_angles[0] = m_headAngles.joint_angles[1] = 0.0f;
            // move base:
            m_motion.linear.x = m_maxVx * std::max(std::min(joy->axes[m_xAxis], 1.0f), -1.0f);
            m_motion.linear.y = m_maxVy * std::max(std::min(joy->axes[m_yAxis], 1.0f), -1.0f);
            m_motion.angular.z = m_maxVw * std::max(std::min(joy->axes[m_turnAxis], 1.0f), -1.0f);


        // Head pos:
        if (!axisValid(m_headPitchAxis, joy) || !axisValid(m_headYawAxis, joy)){
        m_headAngles.absolute = 0;
        m_headAngles.yaw = 0.0;
        m_headAngles.pitch = 0.0;
        } else {
        m_headAngles.absolute = 0;
        m_headAngles.yaw = joy->axes[m_headYawAxis];
        m_headAngles.pitch = joy->axes[m_headPitchAxis];


// NAO teleoperation control
void nao_gesture_control(){
  actionlib::SimpleActionClient<naoqi_msgs::BodyPoseAction> bodyPoseClient("body_pose", true);
  // Teleop system starts when the operator stands up
  if(!isStandUp && left_hip_y > standUp_mark && right_hip_y > standUp_mark){
    callBodyPoseClient("init"); //init
    // Send standup pose command more than one, because sometimes it does not react at first time
    // Teleoperation starts after robot stands up
    if(countStand == 5){
      isStandUp = true;
      countStand = 0;

      std_msgs::String text_msg;
      text_msg.data = "Active pour contrôler les mouvements de la";

      ROS_INFO("J'ai leve");
      teleopStarted = true;
  // Teleop system finishes when the operator takes crouch pose
  else if(isStandUp && left_hip_y < standUp_mark && right_hip_y < standUp_mark){
    // Send crouch pose command more than one, because sometimes it does not react at first time
    if(countCrouch == 5){
      isStandUp = false;
      countCrouch = 0;
  // Eserita dagoela, esertzeko posearekin jarraituz gero stiffness desaktibatzen da
  else if(teleopStarted && !isStandUp && left_hip_y < standUp_mark && right_hip_y < standUp_mark){
    ROS_INFO("countStiffness: %d", countStiffness);
    //if(countStiffness > 30){
    if (countStiffness == 21){				
      std_msgs::String text_msg;
      text_msg.data = "Le contrôle des mouvements est desactive";
  // When NAO is stand up
  else if(isStandUp){
    if(sonar_status == 0){
      // Move forward
      if(left_foot_z < forward_mark && right_foot_z < forward_mark){
	obstacleFront = false;
	countObstacle = 0;
	cmd.linear.x = forwardVel;
	cmd.linear.y = 0.0;
	// Move forward and turn left
	if(left_shoulder_x < turnLeft_mark){
	  cmd.angular.z = turnVel;
	// Move forward and turn right
	else if(right_shoulder_x > turnRight_mark){
	  cmd.angular.z = -turnVel;
	  cmd.angular.z = 0.0;
      // Move backward
      else if(left_foot_z > backward_mark && right_foot_z > backward_mark){
	cmd.linear.x = backwardVel;
	cmd.linear.y = 0.0;
	// Move backward and turn left
	if(left_shoulder_x < turnLeft_mark){
	  cmd.angular.z = turnVel;
	// Move backward and turn right
	else if(right_shoulder_x > turnRight_mark){
	  cmd.angular.z = -turnVel;
	// Move backward without turn 
	  cmd.angular.z = 0.0;
      // Move left - lateral displacement
      else if(left_foot_x < -0.3){
	cmd.linear.x = 0.0;
	cmd.linear.y = lateralVel;
      // Move right - lateral displacement
      else if(right_foot_x > 0.3){
	cmd.linear.x = 0.0;
	cmd.linear.y = -lateralVel;
      // Stop movements in the X and Y axes
	cmd.linear.y = 0.0;
	cmd.linear.x = 0.0;
	// Turn left
	if(left_shoulder_x < turnLeft_mark){
	  cmd.angular.z = turnVel;
	// Turn right
	else if(right_shoulder_x > turnRight_mark){
	  cmd.angular.z = -turnVel;
	// NAO is completely stopped
	  cmd.angular.z = 0.0;
    // if(sonar_status == 1){
    else {
      if(leftSonar >= obstacleMinDist && rightSonar >= obstacleMinDist){
	// Move forward
	if(left_foot_z < forward_mark && right_foot_z < forward_mark){
	  obstacleFront = false;
	  countObstacle = 0;
	  cmd.linear.x = forwardVel;
	  cmd.linear.y = 0.0;
	  // Move forward and turn left
	  if(left_shoulder_x < turnLeft_mark){
	    cmd.angular.z = turnVel;
	  // Move forward and turn right
	  else if(right_shoulder_x > turnRight_mark){
	    cmd.angular.z = -turnVel;
	    cmd.angular.z = 0.0;
	// Move backward
	else if(left_foot_z > backward_mark && right_foot_z > backward_mark){
	  cmd.linear.x = backwardVel;
	  cmd.linear.y = 0.0;
	  // Move backward and turn left
	  if(left_shoulder_x < turnLeft_mark){
	    cmd.angular.z = turnVel;
	  // Move backward and turn right
	  else if(right_shoulder_x > turnRight_mark){
	    cmd.angular.z = -turnVel;
	  // Move backward without turn 
	    cmd.angular.z = 0.0;
	// Move left - lateral displacement
	else if(left_foot_x < -0.3){
	  cmd.linear.x = 0.0;
	  cmd.linear.y = lateralVel;
	// Move right - lateral displacement
	else if(right_foot_x > 0.3){
	  cmd.linear.x = 0.0;
	  cmd.linear.y = -lateralVel;
	// Stop movements in the X and Y axes
	  cmd.linear.y = 0.0;
	  cmd.linear.x = 0.0;
	  // Turn left
	  if(left_shoulder_x < turnLeft_mark){
	    cmd.angular.z = turnVel;
	  // Turn right
	  else if(right_shoulder_x > turnRight_mark){
	    cmd.angular.z = -turnVel;
	  // NAO is completely stopped
	    cmd.angular.z = 0.0;
	obstacleFront = true;

	// cmd.linear.y = 0.0;
	// cmd.linear.x = 0.0;
	// velPub.publish(cmd);
	// ros::spinOnce();

	if(obstacleFront && countObstacle == 10){
	  std_msgs::String text_msg;
	  text_msg.data = "Je ne peux pas proceder";
	// Move backward
	if(left_foot_z > backward_mark && right_foot_z > backward_mark){
	  cmd.linear.x = backwardVel;
	  cmd.linear.y = 0.0;
	  // Move backward and turn left
	  if(left_shoulder_x < turnLeft_mark){
	    cmd.angular.z = turnVel;
	  // Move backward and turn right
	  else if(right_shoulder_x > turnRight_mark){
	    cmd.angular.z = -turnVel;
	  // Move backward without turn
	    cmd.angular.z = 0.0;
	// Stop movements in the X and Y axes
	  cmd.linear.y = 0.0;
	  cmd.linear.x = 0.0;
	  // Turn left
	  if(left_shoulder_x < turnLeft_mark){
	    cmd.angular.z = turnVel;
	  // Turn right
	  else if(right_shoulder_x > turnRight_mark){
	    cmd.angular.z = -turnVel;
	  // NAO is completely stopped
	    cmd.angular.z = 0.0;