Пример #1
void CameraTool::zoomout ()
    if ( _isInConstraintMode && ( _currentScale <= _minScale ))
	_currentScale = _minScale;
	_currentScale /= 1.2;

    camera_scale ( _pview->camid(), _currentScale );
    _pview->updateWindow ();
Пример #2
float CameraTool::find_view ( const SGR::vec3f& minvec, const SGR::vec3f& maxvec, float percentOfView )
    // translate
    SGR::vec3f center = ( minvec + maxvec ) / 2.0f;

    // scale
    float s = calcScale ( minvec, maxvec );
    if ( s != 0 )
	_currentScale = percentOfView / s;

	camera_reset ( _pview->camid() );
	camera_translate ( _pview->camid(), center.x(), center.y(), center.z() );
	camera_scale ( _pview->camid(), _currentScale );
	_currentTranslate.xyz ( center.x(), center.y(), center.z() );
    return _currentScale;
Пример #3
void CameraTool::locateAll ()
    float min[3], max[3];
    get_bbox ( 0, min, max );
    SGR::vec3f dimension ( max[0]-min[0], max[1]-min[1], max[2]-min[2] );

    // calculate scale
    if ( dimension.x() > dimension.y() )
	_currentScale = _pview->getHeight() / (_pview->getVPM() * SGR::vec4f(1,0,0,1)).mod();
	_currentScale = _pview->getWidth() / (_pview->getVPM() * SGR::vec4f(1,0,0,1)).mod();

    // calculate center
    _currentTranslate = SGR::vec3f ( (max[0]+min[0])/2.0, (max[1]+min[1])/2.0, (max[2]+min[2])/2.0 );
    // do change camera
    camera_translate ( _pview->camid(), _currentTranslate.x(), _currentTranslate.y(), _currentTranslate.z() );
    camera_scale ( _pview->camid(), _currentScale );

Пример #4
        KFbxXMatrix FilmboxNode::GetWorldTransform( int frame ) const
            KFbxXMatrix value;

            if( m_node )
                KFbxScene*         scene     = m_node->GetScene();
                KFbxAnimEvaluator* evaluator = scene->GetEvaluator();
                KTime frame_time;

                if( frame == 0xFFFFFFFF )
                    frame_time = KTIME_INFINITE;
                    frame_time.SetTime( 0, 0, 0, frame );

                value = evaluator->GetNodeGlobalTransform( m_node, frame_time );

                if( m_type == MCE::FBX::SceneObjectType::CAMERA )
                    KFbxNode* fbx_target_node = m_node->GetTarget();

                    if( fbx_target_node )
                        // For target cameras we need to manually replace the rotation to point towards the target
                        KFbxVector4 camera_position = value.GetT();

                        MCE::FBX::FilmboxNode mce_target_node( fbx_target_node );

                        KFbxXMatrix target_transform = mce_target_node.GetWorldTransform( frame );
                        KFbxVector4 target_position  = target_transform.GetT();

                        KFbxVector4 up_vector( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

                        KFbxVector4 look_axis = -( target_position - camera_position );

                        KFbxVector4 right_axis = up_vector.CrossProduct( look_axis );
                        KFbxVector4 up_axis    = look_axis.CrossProduct( right_axis );

                        KFbxMatrix rotation_matrix;
                        rotation_matrix.SetRow( 0, right_axis );
                        rotation_matrix.SetRow( 1, up_axis );
                        rotation_matrix.SetRow( 2, look_axis );
                        rotation_matrix.SetRow( 3, KFbxVector4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );

                        KFbxQuaternion camera_rotation;
                        double determinant;
                        rotation_matrix.GetElements( KFbxVector4(), camera_rotation, KFbxVector4(), KFbxVector4(), determinant );

                        KFbxVector4 camera_scale( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
                        value.SetTQS( camera_position, camera_rotation, camera_scale );
                        // Even though the SDK docs say that GetNodeGlobalTransform takes all transforms into account
                        // For cameras it appears that you have to manually apply post-rotation
                        KFbxVector4 post_rotation = m_node->GetPostRotation( KFbxNode::eSOURCE_SET );

                        KFbxXMatrix fbx_to_mce_camera;
                        fbx_to_mce_camera.SetR( post_rotation );

                        value *= fbx_to_mce_camera;

            return value;