const Tooltip &ClientObjectType::constructionTooltip() const { if (_constructionTooltip.hasValue()) return _constructionTooltip.value(); const auto &client = *Client::_instance; _constructionTooltip = Tooltip{}; auto &tooltip = _constructionTooltip.value(); tooltip.setColor(Color::TOOLTIP_NAME); tooltip.addLine(_name); auto descriptionLines = std::vector<std::string>{}; auto gapDrawn = false; if (isDebug()) descriptionLines.push_back(id()); if (canGather()) { std::string text = "Gatherable"; if (!gatherReq().empty()) text += " (requires " + client.tagName(gatherReq()) + ")"; descriptionLines.push_back(text); } if (canDeconstruct()) descriptionLines.push_back("Can pick up as item"); if (containerSlots() > 0) descriptionLines.push_back("Container: " + toString(containerSlots()) + " slots"); if (merchantSlots() > 0) descriptionLines.push_back("Merchant: " + toString(merchantSlots()) + " slots"); if (!descriptionLines.empty()) tooltip.addGap(); for (const auto &line : descriptionLines) tooltip.addLine(line); // Tags if (hasTags()) { tooltip.addGap(); tooltip.setColor(Color::TOOLTIP_TAG); for (const std::string &tag : tags()) tooltip.addLine(client.tagName(tag)); } tooltip.addGap(); tooltip.setColor(Color::TOOLTIP_BODY); tooltip.addLine("Construction materials:"); for (const auto &material : _materials) { const ClientItem &item = *dynamic_cast<const ClientItem *>(material.first); tooltip.addLine(makeArgs(material.second) + "x " +; } if (!_constructionReq.empty()) { tooltip.addGap(); tooltip.addLine("Requires tool: " + client.tagName(_constructionReq)); } return tooltip; }
void GatherState::tick(float deltaTime) { string success; string start; if (canGather()) { if (_actor->getBAC() > .4) { cout << _actor->getName() << " drunkenly swings the tool, hits himself in the foot, and decides not to do that anymore." << "\n"; switchState("null"); } else { bool canPickup = true; string typeName = _target->getName(); Item* removedItem; if (typeName.find("gold") != string::npos) { Item gold("gold", _target->getColor(), true); removedItem = _target->getInventory().removeItem(gold); start = " lifts his pickaxe, and swings it at the rock."; success = " successfully mines some "; } else if (typeName.find("iron") != string::npos) { Item iron("iron", _target->getColor(), true); removedItem = _target->getInventory().removeItem(iron); start = " lifts his pickaxe, and swings it at the rock."; success = " successfully mines some "; } else if (typeName.find("coal") != string::npos) { Item coal("coal", _target->getColor(), true); removedItem = _target->getInventory().removeItem(coal); start = " lifts his pickaxe, and swings it at the rock."; success = " successfully mines some "; } else if (typeName.find("redwood") != string::npos || typeName.find("oak") != string::npos || typeName.find("birch") != string::npos || typeName.find("cedar") != string::npos) { Item wood("wood", _target->getColor(), true); removedItem = _target->getInventory().removeItem(wood); start = " takes out his hatchet, and swings it at the tree."; success = " successfully chops some "; } else if (typeName.find("dock") != string::npos) { Item fish("fish", _target->getColor(), true); removedItem = _target->getInventory().removeItem(fish); start = " pulls out his harpoon, and jabs it at the water."; success = " successfully catches some "; } _actor->reduceStamina(1); string coloredName = Color::colorText(removedItem->getName(), removedItem->getColor()); canPickup = _actor->getInventory().addItem(removedItem); cout << _actor->getName() << start << "\n"; cout << _actor->getName() << success << coloredName << "\n"; if (!canPickup) { delete removedItem; cout << _actor->getName() << " has a full inventory, and drops " << coloredName << " on the ground.\n"; _amount = 0; switchState("null"); } _amount--; } } else { _amount = 0; switchState("null"); } }