Пример #1
//--------- Begin of function Firm::disp_spy_button --------//
void Firm::disp_spy_button(int x, int y, int refreshFlag)
	if( !own_firm() )		// if not own firm, there is not other button other than the spy button, so always display it left-aligned
		x = INFO_X1;		// if own firm, the x passed will be space position on the interface already, taking into account of the other buttons on interface


	if( player_spy_count > 0 )
		//------------ spy menu -----------//

		if( refreshFlag == INFO_REPAINT )
			button_spy_menu.paint( x, y, 'A', "SPYMENU" );


		//---------- bribe button -----------//

		if( nation_recno != nation_array.player_recno ) 	// only display the bribe button for non-player owned towns
			int canBribe=0;

			if( selected_worker_id )
				canBribe = can_spy_bribe(selected_worker_id, nation_array.player_recno );

			else if( overseer_recno )
				canBribe = can_spy_bribe(0, nation_array.player_recno );

			//-------- display the bribe button -------//

			if( refreshFlag == INFO_REPAINT )
				button_bribe.paint( x, y, 'A', "SELBRIBE" );

			if( canBribe )


	//--------- capture button ----------//

	int canCapture = can_worker_capture(nation_array.player_recno);

	if( canCapture )
		if( !button_capture.enable_flag || refreshFlag==INFO_REPAINT )
			button_capture.paint( x, y, 'A', "CAPTURE" );
		if( refreshFlag==INFO_REPAINT )

		else if( button_capture.enable_flag )
Пример #2
//--------- Begin of function Firm::validate_cur_bribe ---------//
// Whether the current bribe action is still valid.
int Firm::validate_cur_bribe()
	if( spy_array.is_deleted(action_spy_recno) ||
		 spy_array[action_spy_recno]->true_nation_recno != nation_array.player_recno )
		return 0;

	return can_spy_bribe( selected_worker_id, spy_array[action_spy_recno]->true_nation_recno );
Пример #3
//--------- Begin of function Firm::spy_bribe ---------//
// The money the spy offers to bribe the unit.
// <int>   bribeAmount	  - the amount offered
// <short> birberSpyRecno - spy recno of the briber
// <short> workerId		  - if 0, then bribe the overseer,
//									 if >0, then bribe a worker.
// return: <int> >0 - bribing succeeded, return the spy recno of the bribed unit (as it has been turned into a spy)
//					  0 - bribing failed
int Firm::spy_bribe(int bribeAmount, short briberSpyRecno, short workerId)
	if( !can_spy_bribe(workerId, spy_array[briberSpyRecno]->true_nation_recno) )		// this can happen in multiplayer as there is a one frame delay when the message is sent and when it is processed
		return 0;


	int succeedChance = spy_bribe_succeed_chance(bribeAmount, briberSpyRecno, workerId);

	Spy* spyPtr = spy_array[briberSpyRecno];

	nation_array[spyPtr->true_nation_recno]->add_expense( EXPENSE_BRIBE, (float) bribeAmount, 0 );

	//------ if the bribe succeeds ------//

	if( succeedChance > 0 && misc.random(100) < succeedChance )
		int spyRecno = spy_array.add_spy();		// add a new Spy record

		Spy* newSpy = spy_array[spyRecno];

		newSpy->spy_skill = 10;
		newSpy->action_mode = SPY_IDLE;
		newSpy->spy_loyalty = MIN( 100, MAX(30,succeedChance) );		// within the 30-100 range

		newSpy->true_nation_recno    = spyPtr->true_nation_recno;
		newSpy->cloaked_nation_recno = spyPtr->cloaked_nation_recno;

		if( workerId )
			Worker* workerPtr = worker_array+workerId-1;

			workerPtr->spy_recno = spyRecno;
			newSpy->race_id = workerPtr->race_id;
			newSpy->name_id = workerPtr->name_id;

			err_when( newSpy->race_id < 1 || newSpy->race_id > MAX_RACE );

			if( !newSpy->name_id )		// if this worker does not have a name, give him one now as a spy must reserve a name (see below on use_name_id() for reasons)
				newSpy->name_id = race_res[newSpy->race_id]->get_new_name_id();
		else if( overseer_recno )
			Unit* unitPtr = unit_array[overseer_recno];

			unitPtr->spy_recno = spyRecno;
			newSpy->race_id = unitPtr->race_id;
			newSpy->name_id = unitPtr->name_id;

			err_when( newSpy->race_id < 1 || newSpy->race_id > MAX_RACE );

		newSpy->set_place( SPY_FIRM, firm_recno );

		//-- Spy always registers its name twice as his name will be freed up in deinit(). Keep an additional right because when a spy is assigned to a town, the normal program will free up the name id., so we have to keep an additional copy


		bribe_result = BRIBE_SUCCEED;

		if( firm_recno == firm_array.selected_recno )

		return newSpy->spy_recno;
	else //------- if the bribe fails --------//
		spyPtr->get_killed(0);		// the spy gets killed when the action failed.
											// 0 - don't display new message for the spy being killed, so we already display the msg on the interface
		bribe_result = BRIBE_FAIL;

		if( firm_recno == firm_array.selected_recno )

		return 0;