int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
if (argc != 3)
clDb = optionVal("db", clDb);
clOrg = optionVal("org", clOrg);
clSearch = optionVal("search", clSearch);
dataDir = optionVal("dataDir", dataDir);
clRepeat = optionInt("repeat", clRepeat);

/* Seed the random number generator. */
seed = optionInt("seed",time(NULL));

hgNearTest(argv[1], argv[2]);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */


/* Set initial seed */
srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
if (argc != 2)
db = argv[1];
chr       = optionVal("chr"      , chr      );
threshold = optionInt("threshold", threshold);
Verbose   = optionInt("verbose"  , Verbose  );


return 0;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
if (argc != 3)
clDb = optionVal("db", clDb);
clOrg = optionVal("org", clOrg);
clGroup = optionVal("group", clGroup);
clTrack = optionVal("track", clTrack);
clTable = optionVal("table", clTable);
clDbs = optionInt("dbs", clDbs);
clOrgs = optionInt("orgs", clOrgs);
clGroups = optionInt("groups", clGroups);
clTracks = optionInt("tracks", clTracks);
clTables = optionInt("tables", clTables);
appendLog = optionExists("appendLog");
if (clOrg != NULL)
   clOrgs = BIGNUM;
hgTablesTest(argv[1], argv[2]);
return 0;
Пример #4
void testOneTable(struct htmlPage *trackPage, char *org, char *db,
	char *group, char *track, char *table)
/* Test stuff on one table if we haven't already tested this table. */
/* Why declared here and not globally? */
static struct hash *uniqHash = NULL;
char fullName[256];
if (uniqHash == NULL)
     uniqHash = newHash(0);
safef(fullName, sizeof(fullName), "%s.%s", db, table);
if (!hashLookup(uniqHash, fullName))
    struct htmlPage *tablePage;
    struct htmlForm *mainForm;

    hashAdd(uniqHash, fullName, NULL);
    verbose(1, "Testing %s %s %s %s %s\n", naForNull(org), db, group, track, table);
    tablePage = quickSubmit(trackPage, org, db, group, 
	    track, table, "selectTable", hgtaTable, table);
    if (!isObsolete(table) && tablePage != NULL)
	if ((mainForm = htmlFormGet(tablePage, "mainForm")) == NULL)
		    "Couldn't get main form on tablePage for %s %s %s %s", db, group, track, table);
	    testSchema(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
	    testSummaryStats(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
	    if (outTypeAvailable(mainForm, "bed")) 
		if (outTypeAvailable(mainForm, "primaryTable"))
		    int rowCount;
		    rowCount = testAllFields(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
		    testOneField(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table, rowCount);
		    testOutSequence(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table, rowCount);
		    testOutBed(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table, rowCount);
		    testOutHyperlink(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table, rowCount);
		    testOutGff(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
		    if (rowCount > 0)
			testOutCustomTrack(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
	    else if (outTypeAvailable(mainForm, "primaryTable"))
		/* If BED type is not available then the region will be ignored, and
		 * we'll end up scanning whole table.  Make sure table is not huge
		 * before proceeding. */
		if (tableSize(db, table) < 500000)
		    int rowCount;
		    rowCount = testAllFields(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table);
		    testOneField(tablePage, mainForm, org, db, group, track, table, rowCount);