int add_global_opts(cargo_t cargo) { int ret = 0; ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--opt1", "String used for global option 1", "s", &global_1); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--opt2", "String used for global option 2", "s", &global_2); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { cargo_t cargo; int ret = 0; int *integers = NULL; size_t integer_count = 0; accumulator_f accumulator = max_ints; int sum_flag = 0; printf("cargo version v%s\n", cargo_get_version()); if (cargo_init(&cargo, 0, "%s", argv[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init command line parsing\n"); return -1; } cargo_set_description(cargo, "Process some integers."); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "integers", "An integer for the accumulator", "[i]+", &integers, &integer_count); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--sum -s", "Sum the integers (default: find the max)", "b", &sum_flag); assert(ret == 0); if (cargo_parse(cargo, 0, 1, argc, argv)) return -1; if (sum_flag) accumulator = sum_ints; printf("%d\n", accumulator(integers, integer_count)); cargo_destroy(&cargo); free(integers); return 0; }
int add_module1_opts(cargo_t cargo) { int ret = 0; ret |= cargo_add_group(cargo, 0, "module1", "Module 1 options", NULL); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<module1> --og1_1", "String used for option 1 1", "s", &og1_1); return ret; }
int subcommand2(int start, int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0; cargo_t mod2; if (!argv) return -1; if (cargo_init(&mod2, 0, "%s command2", argv[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init command line parsing\n"); return -1; } ret |= add_global_opts(mod2); // Module 1. ret |= add_module1_opts(mod2); // Module 2. ret |= cargo_add_group(mod2, 0, "module2", "Module 2 options", NULL); ret |= cargo_add_option(mod2, 0, "<module2> --og2_1", "String used for option 1 1", "s", &og1_1); assert(ret == 0); cargo_destroy(&mod2); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0; cargo_t cargo; debug_level_t debug_level = NONE; debug_level2_t debug_level2 = NONE2; if (cargo_init(&cargo, 0, "%s", argv[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init command line parsing\n"); return -1; } // Combine flags using OR. ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--verbose -v", "Verbosity level", "b|", &debug_level, 4, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG); // Store the flags and overwrite previous value. ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--loud -l", "Loudness level", "b_", &debug_level2, 4, ERROR2, WARN2, INFO2, DEBUG2); if (cargo_parse(cargo, 0, 1, argc, argv)) { return -1; } printf("debug level: 0x%x\n", debug_level); if (debug_level & ERROR) printf("ERROR\n"); if (debug_level & WARN) printf("WARN\n"); if (debug_level & INFO) printf("INFO\n"); if (debug_level & DEBUG) printf("DEBUG\n"); printf("debug level2: %d\n", debug_level2); if (debug_level2 == ERROR2) printf("ERROR2\n"); if (debug_level2 == WARN2) printf("WARN2\n"); if (debug_level2 == INFO2) printf("INFO2\n"); if (debug_level2 == DEBUG2) printf("DEBUG2\n"); cargo_destroy(&cargo); return 0; }
static int add_options(catcierge_args_t *args) { int ret = 0; cargo_t cargo = args->cargo; ret |= cargo_add_group(cargo, 0, "test", "Test Settings", "Settings for testing inputing a set of images to the catcierge matcher."); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, CARGO_OPT_REQUIRED, "<test> --images", "Input images that are passed to catcierge.", "[s]+", &ctx.img_paths, &ctx.img_count); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<test> --test_save", "Save the match result images.", "b", &; ctx.output_path = strdup("output"); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<test> --test_output", "Path were to save the output when using --save.", "s", &ctx.output_path); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<test> --test_show", "Show the images being matched in a window.", "b", &; ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<test> --test_obstructed", "Test if the image causes what catcierge considers to be an obstruction " "which is what catcierge uses to decide when to start to match.", "b", &ctx.test_matchable); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<test> --debug", "Turn on internal debugging in the matcher.", "b", &ctx.debug); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<test> --preload", "Preload the images before we start any tests, " "so the speed is not affected by disk IO at the time of the matching.", "b", &ctx.preload); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { cargo_t cargo; int ret = 0; int *integers = NULL; size_t i; size_t integer_count = 0; if (cargo_init(&cargo, 0, "%s", argv[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init command line parsing\n"); return -1; } ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--integers", "A list of integers", "[i]+", &integers, &integer_count); ret |= cargo_add_validation(cargo, 0, "--integers", even_validate_int(20)); assert(ret == 0); if (argc < 2) { cargo_print_usage(cargo, 0); return -1; } if (cargo_parse(cargo, 0, 1, argc, argv)) { return -1; } for (i = 0; i < integer_count; i++) { printf("%2lu: %d\n", i+1, integers[i]); } cargo_destroy(&cargo); return 0; }
int catcierge_haar_matcher_add_options(cargo_t cargo, catcierge_haar_matcher_args_t *args) { int ret = 0; assert(cargo); assert(args); ret |= cargo_add_group(cargo, 0, "haar", "Haar cascade matcher settings", "Settings for when --haar_matcher is used.\n" "This is the recommended matcher type."); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<haar> --cascade", "Path to the haar cascade xml generated by opencv_traincascade.", "s", &args->cascade); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<haar> --in_direction", "The direction which is considered going inside.", "c", parse_in_direction, &args->in_direction); ret |= cargo_set_metavar(cargo, "--in_direction", "LEFT|RIGHT"); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<haar> --min_size", "The size of the minimum sized box that fits the matched cat head.", "c", parse_width_height, args); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<haar> --no_match_is_fail", "If no cat head is found in the picture, consider this a failure. " "The default is to only consider found prey a failure.", "b", &args->no_match_is_fail); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<haar> --equalize_histogram --eqhist", "Equalize the histogram of the image before doing. " "the haar cascade detection step.", "b", &args->eq_histogram); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<haar> --prey_steps", "Only applicable for normal prey mode. 2 means a secondary " "search should be made if no prey is found initially.", "i", &args->prey_steps); ret |= cargo_set_metavar(cargo, "--prey_steps", "1|2"); ret |= cargo_add_validation(cargo, 0, "--prey_steps", cargo_validate_int_range(1, 2)); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "<haar> --prey_method", "Sets the prey matching method. Adaptive combines the result " "of both a global and adaptive thresholding to be better able to " "find prey parts otherwise blended into the background. " "Normal is simpler and doesn't catch such corner cases as well.", "c", parse_prey_method, &args->prey_method); ret |= cargo_set_metavar(cargo, "--prey_method", "ADAPTIVE|NORMAL"); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { cargo_t cargo; int ret = 0; size_t i; char **args = NULL; size_t args_count = 0; int verbose = 0; int help = 0; int stop_index = 0; cmd_t cmd = INVALID_COMMAND; if (cargo_init(&cargo, CARGO_AUTOCLEAN | CARGO_NO_AUTOHELP, "%s", argv[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init command line parsing\n"); return -1; } // // Commands, one required, but only one at a time. // ret |= cargo_add_mutex_group(cargo, CARGO_MUTEXGRP_ONE_REQUIRED | CARGO_MUTEXGRP_GROUP_USAGE, "cmds", "Commands", NULL); ret |= cargo_mutex_group_set_metavar(cargo, "cmds", "COMMAND"); // This option will stop the parsing. ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, CARGO_OPT_NOT_REQUIRED | CARGO_OPT_STOP, "<!cmds> command1", "Silly example command", "c", parse_command_cb, &cmd); // This is just a dummy, it will not parse anything that is left to command1 // but still show up in usage and so on. ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, CARGO_OPT_NOT_REQUIRED, "<!cmds> command2", "Another silly example command", "c0", NULL, NULL); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, CARGO_OPT_NOT_REQUIRED, "<!cmds> command3", "The third silly command", "D"); // // Some other arguments. // ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--help --usage -h", NULL, "b", &help); ret |= cargo_set_option_description(cargo, "--help", "Show this help. \n" "To get help for any of the commands:\n" " %s COMMAND --help", argv[0]); // Allow -vvv or multiple --verbosity and -v are counted to raise the count. ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--verbose -v", "Verbosity", "b!", &verbose); ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, CARGO_OPT_NOT_REQUIRED, "args", "Some more args", "D", &args, &args_count); ret |= cargo_set_metavar(cargo, "args", "ARGS ..."); assert(ret == 0); if (cargo_parse(cargo, CARGO_NOERR_OUTPUT, 1, argc, argv)) { if (help) { cargo_print_usage(cargo, 0); return 0; } fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cargo_get_error(cargo)); return -1; } if (help) { cargo_print_usage(cargo, 0); return 0; } stop_index = cargo_get_stop_index(cargo); printf("Stop index: %d\n", stop_index); switch (cmd) { default: case INVALID_COMMAND: printf("Invalid command\n"); break; case COMMAND1: printf("Command 1\n"); subcommand1(stop_index, argc, argv); break; case COMMAND2: printf("Command 2\n"); subcommand2(stop_index, argc, argv); break; case COMMAND3: printf("Command 3\n"); break; } if (verbose) { printf("Got %lu extra arguments\n", args_count); } if (verbose >= 2) { for (i = 0; i < args_count; i++) { printf("%s\n", args[i]); } } cargo_destroy(&cargo); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0; cargo_t cargo; size_t i; const char **args = NULL; size_t args_count = 0; rect_t rect; rect_t *rects = NULL; size_t rect_count = 0; rect_t squares[4]; size_t squares_count = 0; memset(&rect, 0, sizeof(rect)); if (cargo_init(&cargo, 0, "%s", argv[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init command line parsing\n"); return -1; } ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--rect","The rect", "c", parse_rect_cb, &rect); // Allocated array with "unlimited" count. ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--rectangles --rects -r", "Rectangles", "[c]+", parse_rect_list_cb, &rects, &rect_count); // Fixed size array. ret |= cargo_add_option(cargo, 0, "--squares --sq -s", "Squares", "[c]#", parse_rect_static_list_cb, &squares, &squares_count, sizeof(squares) / sizeof(squares[0])); // Max elements. assert(ret == 0); if (cargo_parse(cargo, 0, 1, argc, argv)) { return -1; } args = cargo_get_args(cargo, &args_count); // Print remaining commandline arguments. for (i = 0; i < args_count; i++) { printf("Extra argument: %s\n", args[i]); } printf("Lone Rectangle: %d x %d\n", rect.width, rect.height); for (i = 0; i < rect_count; i++) { printf("Rectangle %lu: %d x %d\n", (i + 1), rects[i].width, rects[i].height); } for (i = 0; i < squares_count; i++) { printf("Square %lu: %d x %d\n", (i + 1), squares[i].width, squares[i].height); } cargo_destroy(&cargo); return 0; }