Пример #1
void usb1208ls_ReadAnalogueOut (acqchanPtr acqchan)
    portPtr up = acqchan->upLvl;
    MCCdevPtr dev = acqchan->dev;
    sourcePtr src = up->port.analogueIOport.IO.source;
    float temp;
    unsigned short reading;
    cbFromEngUnits(dev->BoardNum, up->port.analogueIOport.range, src->biaslevel, &reading);
    cbToEngUnits (dev->BoardNum, up->port.analogueIOport.range, reading, &temp);
    acqchan->reading = (double)temp * 4;   // due to bug in MCC!!!
    acqchan->newreading = TRUE;
Пример #2
void main ()
    /* Variable Declarations */
    int ch;
    int Row, Col;
    int BdNum = 0;
    int DevNum = 0;
    int ConfigVal = 0;
    int ULStat = 0;
    int Gain = BIP10VOLTS;
    int chan, ExitFlag;
    WORD DataValue;
    float volts;

    /* Initiate error handling
            PRINTALL :all warnings and errors encountered will be printed
            DONTSTOP :program will continue even if error occurs.
                     Note that STOPALL and STOPFATAL are only effective in 
                     Windows applications, not Console applications. 
    cbErrHandling (PRINTALL, DONTSTOP);


    // Initialize output to ground.
    // Note that the default behavior is to update D/A's immediately
    //  upon cbAOut or cbAOutScan.
    volts = 0.0;
    chan = 0;
    ULStat = cbFromEngUnits(BdNum, Gain, volts, &DataValue);
    ULStat = cbAOut (BdNum, chan, Gain, DataValue);

   // Set DAC Update mode to hold off updating D/A's until issued Update Command
   // Parameters
   //   BOARDINFO    : General information about the board
   //   BdNum        : Number used by CB.CFG to describe this board
   //   DevNum       : Selects device; in this case, selects D/A channel to configure
   //                  Note that -1 selects all D/A channels
   //   BIDACUPDATEMODE : Selects update mode for D/A, whether immediately (via cbAOut
   //                    or cbAOutScan) or upon issuing BIDACUPDATECMD
   //   UPDATEONCOMMAND : Delay D/A output updates from cbAOut or cbAOutScan until
   //                     BIDACUPDATECMD is issued.
    DevNum = ALLDEVICES;

    ExitFlag = FALSE;
   while (!ExitFlag)
      // Set up the display screen 
      printf ("Demonstration of DAC Update Modes with cbAOut()\n\n");
      GetTextCursor (&Col, &Row);
      MoveCursor (0, 3);

      printf ("Enter a voltage between -10.0 and +10.0: ");
      MoveCursor (41, 3);

      if (0==scanf ("%f", &volts))
         printf("Error : Invalid entry.");
      ULStat = cbFromEngUnits(BdNum, Gain, volts, &DataValue);
      ULStat = cbAOut (BdNum, chan, Gain, DataValue);
      printf ("\n  %.2f volts has been sent to D/A 0.\n\n", volts);

      printf ("Press U to update D/A output, Q to quit, \n or any other key to continue:\n ");
      while (!kbhit()){}
      if (ch=='q' || ch=='Q')
      else if (ch=='u' || ch=='U')
         // Issue command to update all the D/A's with the last value written
         //   to them via cbAOut or cbAOutScan
         // Parameters
         //   BOARDINFO   : General information about the board
         //   BdNum       : Number used by CB.CFG to describe this board
         //   DevNum      : Not used for BIDACUPDATECMD
         //   BIDACUPDATECMD : Update D/A outputs with last value written
         //   ConfigVal   : Note used for BIDACUPDATECMD 
         DevNum = NOT_USED;
         ConfigVal = NOT_USED;
         ULStat = cbSetConfig(BOARDINFO, BdNum, DevNum, BIDACUPDATECMD, ConfigVal);
         printf("\nD/A output 0 has been updated.    ");
         printf("\nD/A output 0 has not been updated!");

    printf ("\n");