Пример #1
 * @fn     void setup_radio( uint8_t (*callback)(void) )
 * @brief  Initialize radio and register Rx Callback function
 * ****************************************************************************/
void setup_cc2500( uint8_t (*callback)(uint8_t*, uint8_t) )
  uint8_t initial_power = 0xFB;				// 0 dBm

  // Set-up rx_callback function
  rx_callback = callback;

  spi_setup();                         // Initialize SPI port

  cc_powerup_reset();               // Reset CCxxxx

  wait_cycles(500);  // Wait for device to reset (Not sure why this is needed)

  writeRFSettings();                        // Write RF settings to config reg
  cc_write_burst_reg( TI_CCxxx0_PATABLE, &initial_power, 1);//Write PATABLE

  cc_strobe(TI_CCxxx0_SRX);           // Initialize CCxxxx in RX mode.
                                            // When a pkt is received, it will
                                            // signal on GDO0 and wake CPU

  // Configure GDO0 port
  GDO0_PxIES |= GDO0_PIN;       // Int on falling edge (end of pkt)
  GDO0_PxIFG &= ~GDO0_PIN;      // Clear flag
  GDO0_PxIE |= GDO0_PIN;        // Enable int on end of packet

Пример #2
uint8_t setup_cc2500(void) {

	uint8_t returnValue=0;
	uint8_t initial_power = 0xFB;				// 0 dBm
	// Set-up rx_callback function

		// Changed
		//spi_init();                         // Initialize SPI port

		// FIXME Add uscib0 files
		cc_powerup_reset();               // Reset CCxxxx

		// TODO implement this
		wait_cycles(500);  // Wait for device to reset (Not sure why this is needed)

		if(writeRFSettings())                        // Write RF settings to config reg
			returnValue = 1; // Failed

		// FIXME Add uscib0 files
		cc_write_burst_reg( TI_CCxxx0_PATABLE, &initial_power, 1);//Write PATABLE

		// FIXME Add uscib0 files

		cc_strobe(TI_CCxxx0_SFRX);      // Flush RXFIFO
		cc_strobe(TI_CCxxx0_SFTX);      // Flush RXFIFO

		cc_strobe(TI_CCxxx0_SRX);           // Initialize CCxxxx in RX mode.

		returnValue = cc_read_status(TI_CCxxx0_MARCSTATE);
		returnValue =0;

		// When a pkt is received, it will
		// signal on GDO0 and wake CPU

		// FIXME
		// Configure GDO0 port
	//	GDO0_PxIES |= GDO0_PIN;       // Int on falling edge (end of pkt)
	//	GDO0_PxIFG &= ~GDO0_PIN;      // Clear flag
	//	GDO0_PxIE |= GDO0_PIN;        // Enable int on end of packet
		CC_2500_SETUP_DONE = true;

	return returnValue;
Пример #3
 * @fn     cc2500_tx( uint8_t* p_buffer, uint8_t length )
 * @brief  Send raw message through radio
 * ****************************************************************************/
void cc2500_tx( uint8_t* p_buffer, uint8_t length )
  volatile int i;
  //  GDO0_PxIE &= ~GDO0_PIN;
  // Disable interrupt

  cc_write_burst_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TXFIFO, p_buffer, length); // Write TX data
  cc_strobe(TI_CCxxx0_STX);           // Change state to TX, initiating
                                            // data transfer

// sometimes the chip hangs on while(!(GDO0_PxIN&GDO0_PIN)); line, see http://alvarop.com/2011/12/cc2500-project-part-1/#comment-467755523
  //for (i=0;i<10000 && !(GDO0_PxIN&GDO0_PIN);i++); // Wait GDO0 to go hi or timeout -> sync TX'ed

 // for (i=0;i<10000 && (GDO0_PxIN&GDO0_PIN);i++);  // Wait GDO0 to clear or timeout -> end of pkt
//no used anymore
//  while (!(GDO0_PxIN&GDO0_PIN));
                                            // Wait GDO0 to go hi -> sync TX'ed
//  while (GDO0_PxIN&GDO0_PIN);
                                            // Wait GDO0 to clear -> end of pkt
//  GDO0_PxIFG &= ~GDO0_PIN;      // After pkt TX, this flag is set.
//                                            // Has to be cleared before existing
//  GDO0_PxIFG &= ~GDO0_PIN;

  // Clear flag
  //PORT_PDD_ClearInterruptFlags(PORTD_BASE_PTR, GDO0_PIN);

//  GDO0_PxIE |= GDO0_PIN;            // Enable interrupt
Пример #4
 * @fn     cc2500_tx( uint8_t* p_buffer, uint8_t length )
 * @brief  Send raw message through radio
 * ****************************************************************************/
void cc2500_tx( uint8_t* p_buffer, uint8_t length )
  GDO0_PxIE &= ~GDO0_PIN;          // Disable interrupt

  cc_write_burst_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TXFIFO, p_buffer, length); // Write TX data
  cc_strobe(TI_CCxxx0_STX);           // Change state to TX, initiating
                                            // data transfer

  while (!(GDO0_PxIN&GDO0_PIN));
                                            // Wait GDO0 to go hi -> sync TX'ed
  while (GDO0_PxIN&GDO0_PIN);
                                            // Wait GDO0 to clear -> end of pkt
  GDO0_PxIFG &= ~GDO0_PIN;      // After pkt TX, this flag is set.
                                            // Has to be cleared before existing

  GDO0_PxIFG &= ~GDO0_PIN;          // Clear flag
  GDO0_PxIE |= GDO0_PIN;            // Enable interrupt
Пример #5
 * @fn     cc2500_set_power( uint8_t );
 * @brief  Set device transmit power
 * ****************************************************************************/
void cc2500_set_power( uint8_t power )
  // Set TX power
  cc_write_burst_reg(TI_CCxxx0_PATABLE, &power, 1 );