void cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (GKeyFile *pKeyFile, const gchar *cConfFilePath)
	cd_debug ("%s (%s)", __func__, cConfFilePath);
	GError *erreur = NULL;

	gchar *cDirectory = g_path_get_dirname (cConfFilePath);
	if (! g_file_test (cDirectory, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_EXECUTABLE))
		g_mkdir_with_parents (cDirectory, 7*8*8+7*8+5);
	g_free (cDirectory);

	gsize length=0;
	gchar *cNewConfFileContent = g_key_file_to_data (pKeyFile, &length, &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Error while fetching data : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		return ;
	g_return_if_fail (cNewConfFileContent != NULL && *cNewConfFileContent != '\0');

	g_file_set_contents (cConfFilePath, cNewConfFileContent, length, &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Error while writing data to %s : %s", cConfFilePath, erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		return ;
	g_free (cNewConfFileContent);
static CDBookmarkItem *_parse_bookmarks (const gchar *cFilePath)
	gsize length = 0;
	gchar *cBookmarksContent = NULL;
	g_file_get_contents (cFilePath,
	if (cBookmarksContent == NULL)
		cd_warning ("can't read bookmarks");
		return NULL;
	gchar *str = g_strstr_len (cBookmarksContent, -1, "<DL>");
	if (!str)
		cd_warning ("empty bookmarks");
		return NULL;
	CDBookmarkItem *pRootItem = g_new0 (CDBookmarkItem, 1);
	pRootItem->pSubItems = _parse_folder (str+4, &str);
	g_free (cBookmarksContent);
	return pRootItem;
Пример #3
static void _get_theme (void)
    // get the user images first, as they overwrite the theme.
    if (myConfig.cEmptyUserImage != NULL)
        gchar *cPath = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path (myConfig.cEmptyUserImage, CAIRO_DOCK_DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE);
        if (! g_file_test (cPath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
            g_free (myConfig.cEmptyUserImage);
            myConfig.cEmptyUserImage = NULL;
        g_free (cPath);
    if (myConfig.cFullUserImage != NULL)
        gchar *cPath = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path (myConfig.cFullUserImage, CAIRO_DOCK_DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE);
        if (! g_file_test (cPath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
            g_free (myConfig.cFullUserImage);
            myConfig.cFullUserImage = NULL;
        g_free (cPath);
    // if a theme is defined, and user images are not defined, use the theme.
    if (myConfig.cThemePath != NULL)
        if (myConfig.cEmptyUserImage == NULL)
            myConfig.cEmptyUserImage = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", myConfig.cThemePath, "trashcan_empty.svg");
            if (! g_file_test (myConfig.cEmptyUserImage, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
                g_free (myConfig.cEmptyUserImage);
                myConfig.cEmptyUserImage = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", myConfig.cThemePath, "trashcan_empty.png");
                if (! g_file_test (myConfig.cEmptyUserImage, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))  // no svg nor png, use the default theme.
                    g_free (myConfig.cEmptyUserImage);
                    myConfig.cEmptyUserImage = g_strdup (MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/themes/default/trashcan_empty.svg");
                    cd_warning ("using the default theme for Dustbin, as neither the user image (%s) nor the theme (%s) are valid", myConfig.cEmptyUserImage, myConfig.cThemePath);
        if (myConfig.cFullUserImage == NULL)
            myConfig.cFullUserImage = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", myConfig.cThemePath, "trashcan_full.svg");
            if (! g_file_test (myConfig.cFullUserImage, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
                g_free (myConfig.cFullUserImage);
                myConfig.cFullUserImage = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", myConfig.cThemePath, "trashcan_full.png");
                if (! g_file_test (myConfig.cFullUserImage, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
                    g_free (myConfig.cFullUserImage);
                    myConfig.cFullUserImage = g_strdup (MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/themes/default/trashcan_full.svg");
                    cd_warning ("using the default theme for Dustbin, as neither the user image (%s) nor the theme (%s) are valid", myConfig.cFullUserImage, myConfig.cThemePath);
static void _on_got_song_infos (DBusGProxy *proxy, DBusGProxyCall *call_id, GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
	cd_debug ("=== %s ()", __func__);
	s_pGetSongInfosCall = NULL;
	GHashTable *pMetadata = NULL;
	GValue v = G_VALUE_INIT;
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	dbus_g_proxy_end_call (proxy,
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("couldn't get MPRIS song infos (%s)\n", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		pMetadata = NULL;
			pMetadata = g_value_get_boxed (&v);  // since we don't destroy the value, we'll take care of the hash-table when we're done with it.
	if (pMetadata != NULL)
		_extract_metadata (pMetadata);
		g_hash_table_destroy (pMetadata);
		cd_warning ("  can't get song properties");
		g_free (myData.cPlayingUri);
		myData.cPlayingUri = NULL;
		g_free (myData.cTitle);
		myData.cTitle = NULL;
		g_free (myData.cAlbum);
		myData.cAlbum = NULL;
		g_free (myData.cArtist);
		myData.cArtist = NULL;
		g_free (myData.cCoverPath);
		myData.cCoverPath = NULL;
		myData.iSongLength = 0;
		myData.iTrackNumber = 0;
		myData.cover_exist = FALSE;
	cd_musicplayer_update_icon ();
	cd_musicplayer_relaunch_handler ();
void cd_shortcuts_rename_one_bookmark (const gchar *cURI, const gchar *cName, GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
	g_return_if_fail (cURI != NULL);
	cd_message ("%s (%s, %s)", __func__, cURI, cName);
	gchar *cContent = NULL;
	gsize length=0;
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	g_file_get_contents  (myData.cBookmarksURI, &cContent, &length, &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("while trying to read bookmarks file : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		gchar **cBookmarksList = g_strsplit (cContent, "\n", -1);
		g_free (cContent);
		gchar *cOneBookmark, *str;
		int i = 0;
		for (i = 0; cBookmarksList[i] != NULL; i ++)
			cOneBookmark = cBookmarksList[i];
			if (*cOneBookmark == '\0' || *cOneBookmark == '#')
			str = strchr (cOneBookmark, ' ');
			if ((str && strncmp (cOneBookmark, cURI, str - cOneBookmark) == 0) || (!str && strcmp (cOneBookmark, cURI) == 0))
				cBookmarksList[i] = g_strdup_printf ("%s %s", cURI, cName);
				g_free (cOneBookmark);
		if (cBookmarksList[i] == NULL)
			cd_warning ("bookmark '%s' not found", cURI);
			cContent = g_strjoinv ("\n", cBookmarksList);
			g_file_set_contents (myData.cBookmarksURI, cContent, -1, &erreur);
			if (erreur != NULL)
				cd_warning ("while trying to write bookmarks file : %s", erreur->message);
				g_error_free (erreur);
			g_free (cContent);
		g_strfreev (cBookmarksList);
Пример #6
static void _post_initialize_opengl_backend (G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkWidget *pWidget, GldiContainer *pContainer)  // initialisation necessitant un contexte opengl.
	g_return_if_fail (!s_bInitialized);
	if (! gldi_gl_container_make_current (pContainer))
		return ;
	s_bInitialized = TRUE;
	g_openglConfig.bNonPowerOfTwoAvailable = _check_gl_extension ("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two");
	g_openglConfig.bFboAvailable = _check_gl_extension ("GL_EXT_framebuffer_object");
	if (!g_openglConfig.bFboAvailable)
		cd_warning ("No FBO support, some applets will be invisible if placed inside the dock.");
	g_openglConfig.bNonPowerOfTwoAvailable = _check_gl_extension ("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two");
	g_openglConfig.bAccumBufferAvailable = _check_gl_extension ("GL_SUN_slice_accum");
	GLfloat fMaximumAnistropy = 0.;
	if (_check_gl_extension ("GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"))
		glGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &fMaximumAnistropy);
		glTexParameterf (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, fMaximumAnistropy);

	const gchar *cVersion  = (const gchar *) glGetString (GL_VERSION);
	const gchar *cVendor   = (const gchar *) glGetString (GL_VENDOR);
	const gchar *cRenderer = (const gchar *) glGetString (GL_RENDERER);

	cd_message ("OpenGL config summary :\n - bNonPowerOfTwoAvailable : %d\n - bFboAvailable : %d\n - direct rendering : %d\n - bTextureFromPixmapAvailable : %d\n - bAccumBufferAvailable : %d\n - Anisotroy filtering level max : %.1f\n - OpenGL version: %s\n - OpenGL vendor: %s\n - OpenGL renderer: %s\n\n",

	// we need a context to use glGetString, this is why we did it now
	if (! s_bForceOpenGL && _is_blacklisted (cVersion, cVendor, cRenderer))
		cd_warning ("%s 'cairo-dock -o'\n"
			" OpenGL Version: %s\n OpenGL Vendor: %s\n OpenGL Renderer: %s",
			"The OpenGL backend will be deactivated. Note that you can force "
			"this OpenGL backend by launching the dock with this command:",
			cVersion, cVendor, cRenderer);
		gldi_gl_backend_deactivate ();
static inline gboolean _window_overlaps_dock (GtkAllocation *pWindowGeometry, gboolean bIsHidden, CairoDock *pDock)
	if (pWindowGeometry->width != 0 && pWindowGeometry->height != 0)
		int iDockX, iDockY, iDockWidth, iDockHeight;
		if (pDock->container.bIsHorizontal)
			iDockWidth = pDock->iMinDockWidth;
			iDockHeight = pDock->iMinDockHeight;
			iDockX = pDock->container.iWindowPositionX + (pDock->container.iWidth - iDockWidth)/2;
			iDockY = pDock->container.iWindowPositionY + (pDock->container.bDirectionUp ? pDock->container.iHeight - pDock->iMinDockHeight : 0);
			iDockWidth = pDock->iMinDockHeight;
			iDockHeight = pDock->iMinDockWidth;
			iDockX = pDock->container.iWindowPositionY + (pDock->container.bDirectionUp ? pDock->container.iHeight - pDock->iMinDockHeight : 0);
			iDockY = pDock->container.iWindowPositionX + (pDock->container.iWidth - iDockHeight)/2;
		if (! bIsHidden && pWindowGeometry->x < iDockX + iDockWidth && pWindowGeometry->x + pWindowGeometry->width > iDockX && pWindowGeometry->y < iDockY + iDockHeight && pWindowGeometry->y + pWindowGeometry->height > iDockY)
			return TRUE;
		cd_warning (" unknown window geometry");
	return FALSE;
Пример #8
GList * cd_shortcuts_list_drives (CDSharedMemory *pSharedMemory)
    GList *pIconList = NULL;
    gchar *cFullURI = NULL;

    //\_______________________ Get the list of mount points.
    pIconList = cairo_dock_fm_list_directory (CAIRO_DOCK_FM_VFS_ROOT,
    cd_message ("  cFullURI : %s", cFullURI);
    if (pIconList == NULL)
        cd_warning ("couldn't detect any drives");  // continue: for bookmarks
    /// TODO: if ! bListBookmarks, then we should add the Home in the drives list, to have the disk space information...

    pSharedMemory->cDisksURI = cFullURI;

    //\_______________________ Initialize disk usages.
    Icon *pIcon;
    GList *ic;
    for (ic = pIconList; ic != NULL; ic = ic->next)
        pIcon = ic->data;
        _init_disk_usage (pIcon, pSharedMemory->pApplet);

    return pIconList;
static gchar *_get_bookmarks_path (void)
	gchar *cPath = g_strdup_printf ("%s/.mozilla/firefox", g_getenv ("HOME"));
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	GDir *dir = g_dir_open (cPath, 0, &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning (erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		g_free (cPath);
		return NULL;
	gchar *cBookmarks = NULL;
	const gchar *cFileName;
		cFileName = g_dir_read_name (dir);
		if (cFileName == NULL)
			break ;
		cBookmarks = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/bookmarks.html", cPath, cFileName);
		if (g_file_test (cBookmarks, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
			break;  // on en prend qu'un.
			g_free (cBookmarks);
			cBookmarks = NULL;
	while (1);
	g_dir_close (dir);
	g_free (cPath);
	return cBookmarks;
static gboolean get_config (GKeyFile *pKeyFile, CairoConfigTaskBar *pTaskBar)
	gboolean bFlushConfFileNeeded = FALSE;
	pTaskBar->bShowAppli = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "show applications", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, TRUE, "Applications", NULL);
	///pTaskBar->bUniquePid = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "unique PID", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, FALSE, "Applications", NULL);
	pTaskBar->bGroupAppliByClass = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "group by class", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, TRUE, "Applications", NULL);
	pTaskBar->cGroupException = cairo_dock_get_string_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "group exception", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, "pidgin;xchat", NULL, NULL);
	if (pTaskBar->cGroupException)
		int i;
		for (i = 0; pTaskBar->cGroupException[i] != '\0'; i ++)
			pTaskBar->cGroupException[i] = g_ascii_tolower (pTaskBar->cGroupException[i]);
	pTaskBar->iAppliMaxNameLength = cairo_dock_get_integer_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "max name length", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, 15, "Applications", NULL);

	pTaskBar->bMinimizeOnClick = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "minimize on click", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, TRUE, "Applications", NULL);
	pTaskBar->bCloseAppliOnMiddleClick = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "close on middle click", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, TRUE, "Applications", NULL);

	pTaskBar->bHideVisibleApplis = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "hide visible", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, FALSE, "Applications", NULL);
	pTaskBar->fVisibleAppliAlpha = cairo_dock_get_double_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "visibility alpha", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, .35, "Applications", NULL);  // >0 <=> les fenetres minimisees sont transparentes.
	if (pTaskBar->bHideVisibleApplis && pTaskBar->fVisibleAppliAlpha < 0)
		pTaskBar->fVisibleAppliAlpha = 0.;  // on inhibe ce parametre, puisqu'il ne sert alors a rien.
	else if (pTaskBar->fVisibleAppliAlpha > .6)
		pTaskBar->fVisibleAppliAlpha = .6;
	else if (pTaskBar->fVisibleAppliAlpha < -.6)
		pTaskBar->fVisibleAppliAlpha = -.6;
	pTaskBar->bAppliOnCurrentDesktopOnly = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "current desktop only", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, FALSE, "Applications", NULL);
	pTaskBar->bDemandsAttentionWithDialog = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "demands attention with dialog", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, TRUE, "Applications", NULL);
	pTaskBar->iDialogDuration = cairo_dock_get_integer_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "duration", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, 2, NULL, NULL);
	pTaskBar->cAnimationOnDemandsAttention = cairo_dock_get_string_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "animation on demands attention", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, "fire", NULL, NULL);
	gchar *cForceDemandsAttention = cairo_dock_get_string_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "force demands attention", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, "pidgin;xchat", NULL, NULL);
	pTaskBar->cForceDemandsAttention = g_ascii_strdown (cForceDemandsAttention, -1);
	g_free (cForceDemandsAttention);
	pTaskBar->cAnimationOnActiveWindow = cairo_dock_get_string_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "animation on active window", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, "wobbly", NULL, NULL);
	pTaskBar->bMixLauncherAppli = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "mix launcher appli", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, TRUE, NULL, NULL);
	pTaskBar->bDrawIndicatorOnAppli = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "indic on appli", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
	pTaskBar->bOverWriteXIcons = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "overwrite xicon", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, TRUE, NULL, NULL);
	pTaskBar->cOverwriteException = cairo_dock_get_string_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "overwrite exception", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, "pidgin;xchat", NULL, NULL);
	if (pTaskBar->cOverwriteException)
		int i;
		for (i = 0; pTaskBar->cOverwriteException[i] != '\0'; i ++)
			pTaskBar->cOverwriteException[i] = g_ascii_tolower (pTaskBar->cOverwriteException[i]);
	pTaskBar->bShowThumbnail = cairo_dock_get_boolean_key_value (pKeyFile, "TaskBar", "window thumbnail", &bFlushConfFileNeeded, TRUE, NULL, NULL);
	if (pTaskBar->bShowThumbnail && ! cairo_dock_xcomposite_is_available ())
		cd_warning ("Sorry but either your X server does not have the XComposite extension, or your version of Cairo-Dock was not built with the support of XComposite.\n You can't have window thumbnails in the dock");
		pTaskBar->bShowThumbnail = FALSE;

	return bFlushConfFileNeeded;
void gldi_desklet_add_interactive_widget_with_margin (CairoDesklet *pDesklet, GtkWidget *pInteractiveWidget, int iRightMargin)
	g_return_if_fail (pDesklet != NULL && pInteractiveWidget != NULL);
	if (pDesklet->pInteractiveWidget != NULL || gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (pDesklet->container.pWidget)) != NULL)
		cd_warning ("This desklet already has an interactive widget !");
	//gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (pDesklet->container.pWidget), pInteractiveWidget);
	GtkWidget *pHBox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0);
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (pDesklet->container.pWidget), pHBox);
	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (pHBox), pInteractiveWidget, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
	pDesklet->pInteractiveWidget = pInteractiveWidget;
	if (iRightMargin != 0)
		GtkWidget *pMarginBox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
		g_object_set (pMarginBox, "width-request", iRightMargin, NULL);
		gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (pHBox), pMarginBox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);  // a tester ...
	gtk_widget_show_all (pHBox);
static void upload (const gchar *cText, gchar *cLocalDir, gboolean bAnonymous, gint iLimitRate, gchar **cResultUrls, GError **pError)
	if (cText == NULL || *cText == '\0')
		g_set_error (pError, 1, 1, D_("Your text is empty and couldn't be uploaded to this server"));

	GError *erreur = NULL;
	// http://pastebin.com/api
	gchar *cResult = cairo_dock_get_url_data_with_post (URL, FALSE, &erreur,
		"api_option", OPTION,
		"api_user_key", "", // guest
		"api_paste_private", bAnonymous ? "1" : "0", // unlisted or public
		"api_paste_name", bAnonymous ? "" : g_getenv ("USER"),
		"api_paste_expire_date", EXPIRE,
		"api_paste_format", FORMAT,
		"api_dev_key", DEV_KEY,
		"api_paste_code", cText,
	if (erreur)
		cd_warning (erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		cd_debug (" --> got '%s'", cResult);
		if (cResult == NULL || ! g_str_has_prefix (cResult, "http"))
			cResultUrls[0] = cResult;
Пример #13
static void _vfs_backend_mount_callback (gpointer pObject, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer *data)
//static void _vfs_backend_mount_callback (gboolean succeeded, char *error, char *detailed_error, gpointer *data)
	cd_message ("%s (%d)", __func__, GPOINTER_TO_INT (data[1]));
	CairoDockFMMountCallback pCallback = data[0];
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	gboolean bSuccess;
	if (GPOINTER_TO_INT (data[1]) == 1)
		bSuccess = (g_file_mount_mountable_finish (G_FILE (pObject), res, &erreur) != NULL);
		//bSuccess = (g_volume_mount_finish (G_VOLUME (pObject), res, &erreur));
	else if (GPOINTER_TO_INT (data[1]) == 0)
		bSuccess = g_mount_unmount_finish (G_MOUNT (pObject), res, &erreur);
		bSuccess = g_mount_eject_finish (G_MOUNT (pObject), res, &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
	cd_message ("(un)mount fini -> %d", bSuccess);
	pCallback (GPOINTER_TO_INT (data[1]) == 1, bSuccess, data[2], data[3], data[4]);
	//g_free (data[2]);
	//g_object_unref (pObject);
	//g_free (data);
Пример #14
gboolean vfs_backend_move_file (const gchar *cURI, const gchar *cDirectoryURI)
	g_return_val_if_fail (cURI != NULL, FALSE);
	cd_message (" %s -> %s", cURI, cDirectoryURI);
	GFile *pFile = (*cURI == '/' ? g_file_new_for_path (cURI) : g_file_new_for_uri (cURI));
	gchar *cFileName = g_file_get_basename (pFile);
	gchar *cNewFileURI = g_strconcat (cDirectoryURI, "/", cFileName, NULL);  // un peu moyen mais bon...
	GFile *pDestinationFile = (*cNewFileURI == '/' ? g_file_new_for_path (cNewFileURI) : g_file_new_for_uri (cNewFileURI));
	g_free (cNewFileURI);
	g_free (cFileName);
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	gboolean bSuccess = g_file_move (pFile,
		NULL,  // GFileProgressCallback
		NULL,  // data
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
	g_object_unref (pFile);
	g_object_unref (pDestinationFile);
	return bSuccess;
Пример #15
void vfs_backend_add_monitor (const gchar *cURI, gboolean bDirectory, CairoDockFMMonitorCallback pCallback, gpointer user_data)
	g_return_if_fail (cURI != NULL);
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	GFileMonitor *pMonitor;
	GFile *pFile = (*cURI == '/' ? g_file_new_for_path (cURI) : g_file_new_for_uri (cURI));
	if (bDirectory)
		pMonitor = g_file_monitor_directory (pFile,
		pMonitor = g_file_monitor_file (pFile,
	//g_object_unref (pFile);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention : couldn't add monitor on '%s' (%d) [%s]", cURI, bDirectory, erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		return ;
	gpointer *data = g_new0 (gpointer, 3);
	data[0] = pCallback;
	data[1] = user_data;
	data[2] = pMonitor;
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (pMonitor), "changed", G_CALLBACK (_on_monitor_changed), data);
	g_hash_table_insert (s_hMonitorHandleTable, g_strdup (cURI), data);
	cd_message (">>> moniteur ajoute sur %s (%x)", cURI, user_data);
/* Recupere tout chaque seconde (aucun signal).
static void cd_exaile_read_data (void)
	if (! myData.dbus_enable)
		cd_warning ("couldn't connect to bus");
	if (! myData.bIsRunning)
		cd_musicplayer_dbus_detect_player ();
	if (myData.bIsRunning)
		g_print ("Exaile is running\n");
		cd_exaile_getSongInfos ();
		if (myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_PLAYING && cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cRawTitle, myData.cPreviousRawTitle))
			cd_exaile_getCoverPath ();
		else if (myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_STOPPED)  // en pause le temps et la chanson reste constants.
			myData.iCurrentTime = 0;
		cd_message (" myData.iCurrentTime <- %d", __func__, myData.iCurrentTime);
		cd_debug ("MP : lecteur non ouvert");
		myData.iPlayingStatus = PLAYER_NONE;
cd_keybinder_bind (const char           *keystring,
		       CDBindkeyHandler  handler,
		       gpointer              user_data)
	Binding *binding;
	gboolean success;

        if (!keystring)
          return FALSE;
	binding = g_new0 (Binding, 1);
	binding->keystring = g_strdup (keystring);
	binding->handler = handler;
	binding->user_data = user_data;

	/* Sets the binding's keycode and modifiers */
	cd_debug ("%s", keystring);
	success = do_grab_key (binding);

	if (success) {
		bindings = g_slist_prepend (bindings, binding);
	} else {
		cd_warning ("couldnt bind %s", keystring);
		g_free (binding->keystring);
		g_free (binding);

	return success;
Пример #18
static void _on_got_playing_status (DBusGProxy *proxy, DBusGProxyCall *call_id, GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
	cd_debug ("=== %s ()", __func__);
	s_pGetStatusCall = NULL;
	gchar *cStatus = NULL;
	GValue v = G_VALUE_INIT;
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	dbus_g_proxy_end_call (proxy,
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("couldn't get MPRIS status (%s)\n", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
			cStatus = (gchar*)g_value_get_string (&v);
			myData.iPlayingStatus = _extract_status (cStatus);
			g_free (cStatus);  // since we don't destroy the value, we destroy its content.
	cd_mpris2_getSongInfos_async ();
static void cd_quodlibet_getSongInfos (void)
	GHashTable *data_list = NULL;
	if (dbus_g_proxy_call (myData.dbus_proxy_player, "CurrentSong", NULL,
		_extract_metadata (data_list);
		g_hash_table_destroy (data_list);
		cd_warning ("MP : Can't get song properties");
		g_free (myData.cPlayingUri);
		myData.cPlayingUri = NULL;
		g_free (myData.cTitle);
		myData.cTitle = NULL;
		g_free (myData.cAlbum);
		myData.cAlbum = NULL;
		g_free (myData.cArtist);
		myData.cArtist = NULL;
		g_free (myData.cCoverPath);
		myData.cCoverPath = NULL;
		myData.iSongLength = 0;
		myData.iTrackNumber = 0;
		myData.cover_exist = FALSE;
gchar *cairo_dock_get_chosen_theme (gchar *cConfFile, gboolean *bUseThemeBehaviour, gboolean *bUseThemeLaunchers)
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	GKeyFile *pKeyFile = g_key_file_new ();

	g_key_file_load_from_file (pKeyFile, cConfFile, G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_COMMENTS | G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_TRANSLATIONS, &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		return NULL;

	gchar *cThemeName = g_key_file_get_string (pKeyFile, "Themes", "chosen theme", &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		return NULL;
	if (cThemeName != NULL && *cThemeName == '\0')
		g_free (cThemeName);
		cThemeName = NULL;

	*bUseThemeBehaviour = g_key_file_get_boolean (pKeyFile, "Themes", "use theme behaviour", &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		g_free (cThemeName);
		return NULL;

	*bUseThemeLaunchers = g_key_file_get_boolean (pKeyFile, "Themes", "use theme launchers", &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		g_free (cThemeName);
		return NULL;

	g_key_file_free (pKeyFile);
	return cThemeName;
GList *cd_shortcuts_list_bookmarks (gchar *cBookmarkFilePath, GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
	GList *pBookmarkIconList = NULL;
	Icon *pNewIcon;
	double fCurrentOrder = 0.;

	// Home
	gchar *cHome = g_strdup_printf ("file://%s", g_getenv ("HOME"));
	pNewIcon = _cd_shortcuts_get_icon (cHome, D_("Home Folder"), fCurrentOrder++);
	if (pNewIcon != NULL)
		_init_disk_usage (pNewIcon, myApplet);
		CDDiskUsage *pDiskUsage = CD_APPLET_GET_MY_ICON_DATA (pNewIcon);
		if (pDiskUsage) // so that this bookmark will never be considered old, and therefore removed.
			pDiskUsage->iLastCheckTime = 1e9;
		pBookmarkIconList = g_list_append (pBookmarkIconList, pNewIcon);
		g_free (cHome);

	gchar *cContent = NULL;
	gsize length = 0;
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	g_file_get_contents  (cBookmarkFilePath, &cContent, &length, &erreur);
	if (erreur != NULL)
		cd_warning ("Attention: %s\n  no bookmark will be available", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
		gchar **cBookmarksList = g_strsplit (cContent, "\n", -1);
		g_free (cContent);
		gchar *cOneBookmark;
		const gchar *cUserName;
		int i = 0;
		for (i = 0; cBookmarksList[i] != NULL; i ++)
			cUserName = _get_custom_name_and_uri (cBookmarksList[i], &cOneBookmark);
			if (*cOneBookmark != '\0' && *cOneBookmark != '#')
				cd_message (" + 1 bookmark : %s", cOneBookmark);
				pNewIcon = _cd_shortcuts_get_icon (cOneBookmark, cUserName, fCurrentOrder++);
				if (pNewIcon)
					pBookmarkIconList = g_list_append (pBookmarkIconList, pNewIcon);
					g_free (cOneBookmark);
				g_free (cOneBookmark);
		g_free (cBookmarksList);
	return pBookmarkIconList;
void cairo_dock_activate_modules_from_list (gchar **cActiveModuleList, CairoDock *pDock, double fTime)
	if (cActiveModuleList == NULL)
		return ;

	GError *erreur = NULL;
	gchar *cModuleName;
	CairoDockModule *pModule;
	int i = 0, iOrder = 0;
	while (cActiveModuleList[i] != NULL)
		cModuleName = cActiveModuleList[i];
		//g_print (" + %s\n", cModuleName);
		pModule = g_hash_table_lookup (s_hModuleTable, cModuleName);
		if (pModule != NULL)
			pModule->fLastLoadingTime = fTime;
			if (! pModule->bActive)
				Icon *pIcon = cairo_dock_activate_module (pModule, pDock, &erreur);
				if (erreur != NULL)
					cd_warning ("Attention : %s", erreur->message);
					g_error_free (erreur);
					erreur = NULL;
				if (pIcon != NULL)
					if (pIcon->fOrder == CAIRO_DOCK_LAST_ORDER)
						pIcon->fOrder = g_list_length (pDock->icons);  // pas optimise, mais oblige de leur donner un numero distinct pour chacun, y compris quand on en active seulement 1.
					iOrder ++;
					if (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_DOCK (pModule->pContainer))
						cairo_dock_insert_icon_in_dock (pIcon, CAIRO_DOCK (pModule->pContainer), ! CAIRO_DOCK_UPDATE_DOCK_SIZE, ! CAIRO_DOCK_ANIMATE_ICON, CAIRO_DOCK_APPLY_RATIO, g_bUseSeparator);
				/*CairoDock *pMyDock = NULL;
				Icon *pIcon = NULL;
				if (CAIRO_DOCK_IS_DOCK (pModule->pContainer))
					pIcon = cairo_dock_find_icon_from_module (pModule, pModule->pContainer);
					pMyDock = CAIRO_DOCK (pModule->pContainer);
					pIcon->fWidth /= pMyDock->fRatio;
					pIcon->fHeight /= pMyDock->fRatio;
				cairo_dock_reload_module (pModule, FALSE);
				/*if (pMyDock != NULL && pIcon != NULL)
					pIcon->fWidth *= pMyDock->fRatio;
					pIcon->fHeight *= pMyDock->fRatio;
		i ++;
static void _set_metacity_composite (gboolean bActive)
	int r;
	if (bActive)
		r = system ("gconftool-2 -s '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' --type bool true");
		r = system ("gconftool-2 -s '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' --type bool false");
	if (r < 0)
		cd_warning ("Not able to launch this command: gconftool-2");
static void _set_xfwm_composite (gboolean bActive)
	int r;
	if (bActive)
		r = system ("xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p '/general/use_compositing' -t 'bool' -s 'true'");
		r = system ("xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p '/general/use_compositing' -t 'bool' -s 'false'");
	if (r < 0)
		cd_warning ("Not able to launch this command: xfconf-query");
static void _set_kwin_composite (gboolean bActive)
	int r;
	if (bActive)
		r = system ("if test \"`qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin compositingActive`\" = \"false\";then qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin toggleCompositing; fi");  // not active, so activating
		r = system ("if test \"`qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin compositingActive`\" = \"true\"; then qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin toggleCompositing; fi");  // active, so deactivating
	if (r < 0)
		cd_warning ("Not able to launch this command: qdbus");
void xgamma_set_gamma (XF86VidModeGamma *pGamma)
	g_return_if_fail (pGamma != NULL);
	const Display *dpy = cairo_dock_get_Xdisplay ();
	g_return_if_fail (XF86VidModeSetGamma != NULL);
	if (!XF86VidModeSetGamma(dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy), pGamma))
		cd_warning ("Xgamma : unable to set gamma correction");
void gldi_icon_insert_in_container (Icon *pIcon, GldiContainer *pContainer, gboolean bAnimateIcon)
	g_return_if_fail (pContainer->iface.insert_icon != NULL);  // the container must handle icons
	if (cairo_dock_get_icon_container (pIcon) != NULL)  // the icon must not be in a container yet
		cd_warning ("This icon (%s) is already inside a container !", pIcon->cName);
	cairo_dock_set_icon_container (pIcon, pContainer);  // set the container already, the icon might need it to set its size.
	pContainer->iface.insert_icon (pContainer, pIcon, bAnimateIcon);
void cd_amarok1_control (MyPlayerControl pControl, const gchar *cFile) { //Permet d'effectuer les actions de bases sur le lecteur
	GError *erreur = NULL;
	if (pControl != PLAYER_JUMPBOX && pControl != PLAYER_SHUFFLE && pControl != PLAYER_REPEAT && pControl != PLAYER_ENQUEUE) {
		g_free (myData.cRawTitle);
		myData.cRawTitle = NULL; //Reset the title to detect it for sure ;)
	gchar *cCommand = NULL;
	switch (pControl) {
			cCommand = "dcop amarok player prev";
			cCommand = "dcop amarok player playPause";
		case PLAYER_STOP :
			cCommand = "dcop amarok player stop";
		case PLAYER_NEXT :
			cCommand = "dcop amarok player next";
			cCommand = "dcop amarok playlist shufflePlaylist";
			cCommand = g_strdup_printf("dcop amarok player enableRepeatPlaylist %s",
										cd_dcop_get_boolean("dcop amarok player repeatPlaylistStatu") ?
										"true" : "false");
			 /*recuperer le boolean "dcop amarok player repeatPlaylistStatus"
			 puis lancer : "dcop amarok player enableRepeatPlaylist false/true"*/
			if (cFile != NULL)
				cCommand = g_strdup_printf ("dcop amarok playlist addMediaList [ \"%s\" ]", cFile);
		default :
	cd_debug ("Handler Amarok 1.4: will use '%s'", cCommand);
	g_spawn_command_line_async (cCommand, &erreur);
	if (pControl == PLAYER_ENQUEUE)
		g_free (cCommand);
	if (erreur != NULL) {
		cd_warning ("Attention : when trying to execute command : %s", erreur->message);
		g_error_free (erreur);
Пример #29
// TODO: remove that when Mesa 10.1 will be used by most people
static gboolean _is_blacklisted (const gchar *cVersion, const gchar *cVendor, const gchar *cRenderer)
	g_return_val_if_fail (cVersion && cVendor && cRenderer, FALSE);
	if (strstr (cRenderer, "Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile") != NULL
	    && (strstr (cVersion, "Mesa 9") != NULL // affect all versions <= 10.0
	        || strstr (cVersion, "Mesa 10.0") != NULL)
	    && strstr (cVendor, "Intel Open Source Technology Center") != NULL)
		cd_warning ("This card is blacklisted due to a bug with your video drivers: Intel 4000 HD Ivybridge Mobile.\n Please install Mesa >= 10.1");
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
double xgamma_get_gamma (XF86VidModeGamma *pGamma)
	g_return_val_if_fail (pGamma != NULL, 1);
	const Display *dpy = cairo_dock_get_Xdisplay ();
	g_return_val_if_fail (XF86VidModeGetGamma != NULL, 1.);
	if (!XF86VidModeGetGamma (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy), pGamma))
		cd_warning ("Xgamma : unable to query gamma correction");
		return 1.;
	return (pGamma->red + pGamma->blue + pGamma->green) / 3;