int DRNG::random (ULONGLONG max, ULONGLONG *rand)
	UINT bits;
	int retries= 1000; // A big enough number make failure extremely unlikely.

	if ( ! HAVE_RDRAND ) return 0;

	if ( max == 0 ) {
		*rand= 0;
		return 1;

	bits= ceiling_log2(max);

	if ( bits > 32 ) {
		ULONG64 val;

		while (retries--) {
			if ( ! rand64(&val) ) return 0;

			val>>= (64-bits);

			if ( val < max ) {
				*rand= (ULONGLONG) val;
				return 1;
	} else {
Пример #2

/* XXX Write random data to make it harder for fake chips to become "smarter".
 * There would be a random seed.
 * Buffer cannot be all 0x00 or all 0xFF.
static void fill_buffer(char *buf, int len)
	memset(buf, 0xAA, len);

int probe_device_max_blocks(struct device *dev)
	uint64_t num_blocks = dev_get_size_byte(dev) >>
	int n = ceiling_log2(num_blocks);

	/* Make sure that there is no overflow in the formula below.
	 * The number 10 is arbitrary here, that is, it's not tight.
	assert(MAX_N_BLOCK_ORDER < sizeof(int) - 10);

		/* search_wrap() */
		1 +
		/* Search_edge()
		 * The number of used blocks is (p * w); see comments in
		 * estimate_best_n_block() for the definition of the variables.
		 * p * w = n/m * (2^m - 1) < n/m * 2^m = n * (2^m / m)
Пример #3
int hs_random(int argc, char *argv[]) {

 if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
    printf("Usage: ./hs-random [ -v ] <Process number>\n");

  int lnum_sent = 0, lnum_recv = 0;
  int tnum_sent = 0, tnum_recv = 0;
  int pnum;

  int verbose = 0;
  if (argc == 3) {
    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-v")) pnum = atoi(argv[2]), verbose = 1;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "-v")) pnum = atoi(argv[1]),  verbose = 1;
  } else if (argc == 2) 
    pnum = atoi(argv[1]);

  int rank, size;
  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); 
  MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);  // get my pid
  MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);  // get number of processes 
  MPI_Status status;
  MPI_Request request;

  if (pnum <= size || pnum/size < 7 || gcd(size, pnum) != 1) {
    printf("Usage: pnum must be at least 7 times larger than and relatively coprime to size.\n");

  int election_sendbuf[SIZE_MSG];
  srand(time(NULL) + rank);
  int uid = (rand() % pnum);
//  int uid = ((rank+1)*pnum) % size;
  int max_so_far = uid;
  int k = 0, d = 0;
  election_sendbuf[0] = uid, election_sendbuf[1] = k, election_sendbuf[2] = d;
  int left = rank-1;
  if (!rank) left = size-1;
  int right = (rank+1)%size;
  int recvbuf[SIZE_MSG];
  int left_recv_tag, right_recv_tag;
  int endLoopFlag = 0;
  int recvReplies[2][2] = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}; // left, right; j, k

  int left_sendbuf[SIZE_MSG] = { max_so_far, k, d }, left_send_tag = TAG_ELECTION, left_send_dest = right;
  int right_sendbuf[SIZE_MSG] = { max_so_far, k, d }, right_send_tag = TAG_ELECTION, right_send_dest = left;

  int last = ceiling_log2((unsigned long long) size);

  int initiator = (((rand()+uid) % size) > (size - 1)/2);
  int participant = 0;

  if (initiator) {
    participant = 1;
    if (verbose) printf("Process %d is an initiator\n", rank);
    MPI_Isend(election_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, left, TAG_ELECTION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
    MPI_Isend(election_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, right, TAG_ELECTION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
    lnum_sent+= 2;

  // Current leader is max_so_far
  while (k < last+1) {

    k = recvbuf[1], d = recvbuf[2];
    if (status.MPI_TAG == TAG_IGNORE) {
      if (recvbuf[0] > max_so_far) max_so_far = recvbuf[0];

    if (k > last) break;
      if (status.MPI_SOURCE == left) {
    left_recv_tag = status.MPI_TAG;

      switch (left_recv_tag) {
        case TAG_ELECTION:    
          if (recvbuf[0] > uid) {
            if (recvbuf[2] <  (1 << k)) {
              left_sendbuf[2] = d + 1, left_sendbuf[0] = recvbuf[0], left_sendbuf[1] = k;
              left_send_tag = TAG_ELECTION, left_send_dest = right;
             } else if (d >= (1 << k)) {
              left_sendbuf[0] = recvbuf[0], left_sendbuf[1] = recvbuf[1];
              left_send_tag = TAG_REPLY, left_send_dest = left;
          } else if (recvbuf[0] == uid) {
            if (recvbuf[0] > max_so_far) max_so_far = recvbuf[0];
            left_sendbuf[0] = uid, left_sendbuf[1] = k+1, left_sendbuf[2] = 1;
            left_send_tag = TAG_ELECTION, left_send_dest = right;
          } else {
            if (!participant) { // initiate an election if the incoming uid is smaller than mine
              participant = 1;
              MPI_Isend(election_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, left, TAG_ELECTION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
              MPI_Isend(election_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, right, TAG_ELECTION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
              lnum_sent+= 2;
          MPI_Isend(left_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, left_send_dest, left_send_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);

      case TAG_REPLY:
          if (recvbuf[0] != max_so_far) { // Improvement #1: compare to max_so_far instead of own uid
            if (recvbuf[0] > max_so_far) max_so_far = recvbuf[0];
            left_sendbuf[0] = recvbuf[0], left_sendbuf[1] = recvbuf[1];
            left_send_dest = right, left_send_tag = TAG_REPLY;
            recvReplies[0][0] = recvbuf[0], recvReplies[0][1] = recvbuf[1];
          } else {
            if (recvbuf[0] > max_so_far) max_so_far = recvbuf[0];
            left_sendbuf[0] = recvbuf[0], left_sendbuf[1] = k + 1, left_sendbuf[2] = 1;
            MPI_Isend(left_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, left, TAG_ELECTION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request); 
            MPI_Isend(left_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, right, TAG_ELECTION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);

      case TAG_IGNORE: break;
      default: endLoopFlag = 1; break;

    // Deal with right received values
      else if (status.MPI_SOURCE == right) {
        right_recv_tag = status.MPI_TAG;
    switch (right_recv_tag) {
      case TAG_ELECTION:
          if (recvbuf[0] > uid) { 
            if (recvbuf[0] > max_so_far) max_so_far = recvbuf[0];
            if (d < (1 << k)) {
              right_sendbuf[2] = recvbuf[2]+1, right_sendbuf[0] = recvbuf[0], right_sendbuf[1] = recvbuf[1];
              right_send_tag = TAG_ELECTION, right_send_dest = left;
            } else if (d >= (1 << k)) {
              right_sendbuf[0] = recvbuf[0], right_sendbuf[1] = recvbuf[1];
              right_send_tag = TAG_REPLY, right_send_dest = right;
          } else if (recvbuf[0] == uid) {
            if (recvbuf[0] > max_so_far) max_so_far = recvbuf[0];
            right_sendbuf[0] = uid, right_sendbuf[1] = k+1, right_sendbuf[2] = 1;
            right_send_tag = TAG_ELECTION, right_send_dest = left;
            if (k >= last && recvbuf[0] == max_so_far) endLoopFlag = 1;
          } else {
             if (!participant) { // initiate an election if the incoming uid is smaller than mine
              participant = 1;
              MPI_Isend(election_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, left, TAG_ELECTION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
              MPI_Isend(election_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, right, TAG_ELECTION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
              lnum_sent+= 2;
          MPI_Isend(right_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, right_send_dest, right_send_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);

    case TAG_REPLY:
        if (recvbuf[0] != max_so_far) {
          if (recvbuf[0] > max_so_far) max_so_far = recvbuf[0];
          right_sendbuf[0] = recvbuf[0], right_sendbuf[1] = recvbuf[1];
          right_send_tag = TAG_REPLY, right_send_dest = left;
           recvReplies[1][0] = recvbuf[0], recvReplies[1][1] = recvbuf[1];

        } else {
          if (recvbuf[0] > max_so_far) max_so_far = recvbuf[0];
            if (recvReplies[1][0] == recvbuf[0] && recvReplies[1][1] == recvbuf[1]) {
          left_sendbuf[0] = uid,  
           left_sendbuf[1] = k+1, right_sendbuf[2] = left_sendbuf[2] = 1;
          MPI_Isend(left_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, left, TAG_ELECTION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
          MPI_Isend(left_sendbuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, right, TAG_ELECTION, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
           } else {
            recvReplies[1][0] = recvbuf[0], recvReplies[1][1] = recvbuf[1];

    case TAG_IGNORE: break;
    default: endLoopFlag = 1; break;
    if (endLoopFlag) {
  int msgBuf[3] = {max_so_far, 0, 0}, msgRecv[3];
  // Election is over - tell the other processes

   MPI_Isend(msgBuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, left, TAG_IGNORE, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
   MPI_Isend(msgBuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, right, TAG_IGNORE, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);

  if (participant && verbose) 
    printf("rank=%d, id=%d, leader=%d, mrcvd=%d, msent=%d\n", rank, uid, (max_so_far == uid), lnum_recv, lnum_sent);

  if (max_so_far == uid) {
      msgBuf[0] = lnum_recv, msgBuf[1] = lnum_sent, msgBuf[2] = uid;
      max_so_far = uid;
      MPI_Isend(msgBuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, right, TAG_MSGNUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request); 
  } else {
     // Non-leaders, do a receive and a send for their message totals as well
      MPI_Recv(msgRecv, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, left, TAG_MSGNUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
      // increase its count by 1 for each receive and send
      msgBuf[0] = msgRecv[0]+ lnum_recv, msgBuf[1] = msgRecv[1]+ lnum_sent;
      max_so_far = msgBuf[2];
      if (participant) MPI_Isend(msgBuf, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, right, TAG_MSGNUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request); 
      else MPI_Isend(msgRecv, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, right, TAG_MSGNUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
  // Leader receives/prints total number of messages received and sent
  if (max_so_far == uid) {
    MPI_Recv(msgRecv, SIZE_MSG, MPI_INT, left, TAG_MSGNUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); 
    tnum_recv = msgRecv[0];
    tnum_sent = msgRecv[1];
    printf("Leader: rank=%d, id=%d, trcvd=%d, tsent=%d\n", rank, uid, tnum_recv, tnum_sent);  

  return 0;