Пример #1
static void density_in_time (const char *fn, atom_id **index, int gnx[], real bw, real bwz, int nsttblock, real *****Densdevel, int *xslices, int *yslices, int *zslices, int *tblock, t_topology *top, int ePBC, int axis, gmx_bool bCenter, gmx_bool bps1d, const gmx_output_env_t *oenv)

 * *****Densdevel pointer to array of density values in slices and frame-blocks Densdevel[*nsttblock][*xslices][*yslices][*zslices]
 * Densslice[x][y][z]
 * nsttblock - nr of frames in each time-block
 * bw  widths of normal slices
 * axis	 - axis direction (normal to slices)
 * nndx - number ot atoms in **index
 * grpn	 - group number in index
    t_trxstatus *status;
    gmx_rmpbc_t  gpbc = NULL;
    matrix       box;                    /* Box - 3x3 -each step*/
    rvec        *x0;                     /* List of Coord without PBC*/
    int          i, j,                   /* loop indices, checks etc*/
                 ax1     = 0, ax2 = 0,   /* tangent directions */
                 framenr = 0,            /* frame number in trajectory*/
                 slicex, slicey, slicez; /*slice # of x y z position */
    real ***Densslice = NULL;            /* Density-slice in one frame*/
    real    dscale;                      /*physical scaling factor*/
    real    t, x, y, z;                  /* time and coordinates*/
    rvec    bbww;

    *tblock = 0; /* blocknr in block average - initialise to 0*/
    /* Axis: X=0, Y=1,Z=2 */
    switch (axis)
        case 0:
            ax1 = YY; ax2 = ZZ; /*Surface: YZ*/
        case 1:
            ax1 = ZZ; ax2 = XX; /* Surface : XZ*/
        case 2:
            ax1 = XX; ax2 = YY; /* Surface XY*/
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Invalid axes. Terminating\n");

    if (read_first_x(oenv, &status, fn, &t, &x0, box) == 0)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Could not read coordinates from file"); /* Open trajectory for read*/

    *zslices = 1+static_cast<int>(std::floor(box[axis][axis]/bwz));
    *yslices = 1+static_cast<int>(std::floor(box[ax2][ax2]/bw));
    *xslices = 1+static_cast<int>(std::floor(box[ax1][ax1]/bw));
    if (bps1d)
        if (*xslices < *yslices)
            *xslices = 1;
            *yslices = 1;
            "\nDividing the box in %5d x %5d x %5d slices with binw %f along axis %d\n", *xslices, *yslices, *zslices, bw, axis );

    /****Start trajectory processing***/

    /*Initialize Densdevel and PBC-remove*/
    gpbc = gmx_rmpbc_init(&top->idef, ePBC, top->atoms.nr);

    *Densdevel = NULL;

        bbww[XX] = box[ax1][ax1]/ *xslices;
        bbww[YY] = box[ax2][ax2]/ *yslices;
        bbww[ZZ] = box[axis][axis]/ *zslices;
        gmx_rmpbc(gpbc, top->atoms.nr, box, x0);
        /*Reset Densslice every nsttblock steps*/
        /* The first conditional is for clang to understand that this branch is
         * always taken the first time. */
        if (Densslice == NULL || framenr % nsttblock == 0)
            snew(Densslice, *xslices);
            for (i = 0; i < *xslices; i++)
                snew(Densslice[i], *yslices);
                for (j = 0; j < *yslices; j++)
                    snew(Densslice[i][j], *zslices);

            /* Allocate Memory to  extra frame in Densdevel -  rather stupid approach:
             * A single frame each time, although only every nsttblock steps.
            srenew(*Densdevel, *tblock+1);
            (*Densdevel)[*tblock] = Densslice;

        dscale = (*xslices)*(*yslices)*(*zslices)*AMU/ (box[ax1][ax1]*box[ax2][ax2]*box[axis][axis]*nsttblock*(NANO*NANO*NANO));

        if (bCenter)
            center_coords(&top->atoms, box, x0, axis);

        for (j = 0; j < gnx[0]; j++)
        {   /*Loop over all atoms in selected index*/
            x = x0[index[0][j]][ax1];
            y = x0[index[0][j]][ax2];
            z = x0[index[0][j]][axis];
            while (x < 0)
                x += box[ax1][ax1];
            while (x > box[ax1][ax1])
                x -= box[ax1][ax1];

            while (y < 0)
                y += box[ax2][ax2];
            while (y > box[ax2][ax2])
                y -= box[ax2][ax2];

            while (z < 0)
                z += box[axis][axis];
            while (z > box[axis][axis])
                z -= box[axis][axis];

            slicex = static_cast<int>(x/bbww[XX]) % *xslices;
            slicey = static_cast<int>(y/bbww[YY]) % *yslices;
            slicez = static_cast<int>(z/bbww[ZZ]) % *zslices;
            Densslice[slicex][slicey][slicez] += (top->atoms.atom[index[0][j]].m*dscale);


        if (framenr % nsttblock == 0)
            /*Implicit incrementation of Densdevel via renewal of Densslice*/
            /*only every nsttblock steps*/

    while (read_next_x(oenv, status, &t, x0, box));

    /*Free memory we no longer need and exit.*/

    if (0)
        FILE *fp;
        fp = fopen("koko.xvg", "w");
        for (j = 0; (j < *zslices); j++)
            fprintf(fp, "%5d", j);
            for (i = 0; (i < *tblock); i++)
                fprintf(fp, "  %10g", (*Densdevel)[i][9][1][j]);
            fprintf(fp, "\n");

Пример #2
void calc_density(const char *fn, atom_id **index, int gnx[],
                  double ***slDensity, int *nslices, t_topology *top, int ePBC,
                  int axis, int nr_grps, real *slWidth, gmx_bool bCenter,
                  atom_id *index_center, int ncenter,
                  gmx_bool bRelative, const output_env_t oenv)
    rvec        *x0;            /* coordinates without pbc */
    matrix       box;           /* box (3x3) */
    double       invvol;
    int          natoms;        /* nr. atoms in trj */
    t_trxstatus *status;
    int        **slCount,       /* nr. of atoms in one slice for a group */
                 i, j, n,       /* loop indices */
                 ax1       = 0, ax2 = 0,
                 nr_frames = 0, /* number of frames */
                 slice;         /* current slice */
    real         t,
    real         boxSz, aveBox;
    char        *buf;    /* for tmp. keeping atomname */
    gmx_rmpbc_t  gpbc = NULL;

    if (axis < 0 || axis >= DIM)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Invalid axes. Terminating\n");

    if ((natoms = read_first_x(oenv, &status, fn, &t, &x0, box)) == 0)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Could not read coordinates from statusfile\n");

    aveBox = 0;

    if (!*nslices)
        *nslices = (int)(box[axis][axis] * 10); /* default value */
        fprintf(stderr, "\nDividing the box in %d slices\n", *nslices);

    snew(*slDensity, nr_grps);
    for (i = 0; i < nr_grps; i++)
        snew((*slDensity)[i], *nslices);

    gpbc = gmx_rmpbc_init(&top->idef, ePBC, top->atoms.nr);
    /*********** Start processing trajectory ***********/
        gmx_rmpbc(gpbc, natoms, box, x0);

        /* Translate atoms so the com of the center-group is in the
         * box geometrical center.
        if (bCenter)
            center_coords(&top->atoms, index_center, ncenter, box, x0);

        invvol   = *nslices/(box[XX][XX]*box[YY][YY]*box[ZZ][ZZ]);

        if (bRelative)
            *slWidth = 1.0/(*nslices);
            boxSz    = 1.0;
            *slWidth = box[axis][axis]/(*nslices);
            boxSz    = box[axis][axis];

        aveBox += box[axis][axis];

        for (n = 0; n < nr_grps; n++)
            for (i = 0; i < gnx[n]; i++) /* loop over all atoms in index file */
                z = x0[index[n][i]][axis];
                while (z < 0)
                    z += box[axis][axis];
                while (z > box[axis][axis])
                    z -= box[axis][axis];

                if (bRelative)
                    z = z/box[axis][axis];

                /* determine which slice atom is in */
                if (bCenter)
                    slice = floor( (z-(boxSz/2.0)) / (*slWidth) ) + *nslices/2;
                    slice = floor(z / (*slWidth));

                /* Slice should already be 0<=slice<nslices, but we just make
                 * sure we are not hit by IEEE rounding errors since we do
                 * math operations after applying PBC above.
                if (slice < 0)
                    slice += *nslices;
                else if (slice >= *nslices)
                    slice -= *nslices;

                (*slDensity)[n][slice] += top->atoms.atom[index[n][i]].m*invvol;
    while (read_next_x(oenv, status, &t, x0, box));

    /*********** done with status file **********/

    /* slDensity now contains the total mass per slice, summed over all
       frames. Now divide by nr_frames and volume of slice

    fprintf(stderr, "\nRead %d frames from trajectory. Calculating density\n",

    if (bRelative)
        aveBox  /= nr_frames;
        *slWidth = aveBox/(*nslices);

    for (n = 0; n < nr_grps; n++)
        for (i = 0; i < *nslices; i++)
            (*slDensity)[n][i] /= nr_frames;

    sfree(x0); /* free memory used by coordinate array */
Пример #3
void read_str_file()
    int len = 1024;
    int readed = -1;
    STR buff;
    int file_line = 0;
    FILE* str_file;
    if( str_filename == NULL ) UNERR("str_filename not defined");

    buff = (STR) malloc( sizeof(char) * len );

    str_file = fopen( str_filename, "r" );
    if( str_file == NULL ) UNERR("Can't open str-file");
    while( fgets( buff, len, str_file ) )
        if( readed ) /*Non empty line*/
            char* pos = strchr( buff, COMMENT_SIGN );
            char* keyword;
            if( pos ) *pos = '\0'; /* 'remove' comment */
            if( !strlen(buff) ) continue;

            keyword = strtok( buff, " \t\n" );
            if( !keyword ) continue; /* ok we have only spaces and tabs */

            if( strcmp( keyword , SUB_TAG ) == 0 )
            else if( strcmp( keyword, BOND_TAG ) == 0 )
            else if( strcmp( keyword, ANGLE_TAG ) == 0 )
            else if( strcmp( keyword, DIHE_TAG ) == 0 )
                warning( keyword, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
                UNERR( "Unknow tag in str file" );

    free( buff );
    fclose( str_file );

    center_coords();/* Center coordinates */
Пример #4
void calc_electron_density(const char *fn, atom_id **index, int gnx[],
                           double ***slDensity, int *nslices, t_topology *top,
                           int ePBC,
                           int axis, int nr_grps, real *slWidth,
                           t_electron eltab[], int nr, gmx_bool bCenter,
                           atom_id *index_center, int ncenter,
                           gmx_bool bRelative, const output_env_t oenv)
    rvec        *x0;            /* coordinates without pbc */
    matrix       box;           /* box (3x3) */
    double       invvol;
    int          natoms;        /* nr. atoms in trj */
    t_trxstatus *status;
    int          i, n,          /* loop indices */
                 nr_frames = 0, /* number of frames */
                 slice;         /* current slice */
    t_electron  *found;         /* found by bsearch */
    t_electron   sought;        /* thingie thought by bsearch */
    real         boxSz, aveBox;
    gmx_rmpbc_t  gpbc = NULL;

    real         t,

    if (axis < 0 || axis >= DIM)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Invalid axes. Terminating\n");

    if ((natoms = read_first_x(oenv, &status, fn, &t, &x0, box)) == 0)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Could not read coordinates from statusfile\n");

    aveBox = 0;

    if (!*nslices)
        *nslices = (int)(box[axis][axis] * 10); /* default value */
        fprintf(stderr, "\nDividing the box in %d slices\n", *nslices);

    snew(*slDensity, nr_grps);
    for (i = 0; i < nr_grps; i++)
        snew((*slDensity)[i], *nslices);

    gpbc = gmx_rmpbc_init(&top->idef, ePBC, top->atoms.nr);
    /*********** Start processing trajectory ***********/
        gmx_rmpbc(gpbc, natoms, box, x0);

        /* Translate atoms so the com of the center-group is in the
         * box geometrical center.
        if (bCenter)
            center_coords(&top->atoms, index_center, ncenter, box, x0);

        invvol   = *nslices/(box[XX][XX]*box[YY][YY]*box[ZZ][ZZ]);

        if (bRelative)
            *slWidth = 1.0/(*nslices);
            boxSz    = 1.0;
            *slWidth = box[axis][axis]/(*nslices);
            boxSz    = box[axis][axis];

        aveBox += box[axis][axis];

        for (n = 0; n < nr_grps; n++)
            for (i = 0; i < gnx[n]; i++) /* loop over all atoms in index file */
                z = x0[index[n][i]][axis];
                while (z < 0)
                    z += box[axis][axis];
                while (z > box[axis][axis])
                    z -= box[axis][axis];

                if (bRelative)
                    z = z/box[axis][axis];

                /* determine which slice atom is in */
                if (bCenter)
                    slice = floor( (z-(boxSz/2.0)) / (*slWidth) ) + *nslices/2;
                    slice = (z / (*slWidth));
                sought.nr_el    = 0;
                sought.atomname = gmx_strdup(*(top->atoms.atomname[index[n][i]]));

                /* now find the number of electrons. This is not efficient. */
                found = (t_electron *)
                    bsearch((const void *)&sought,
                            (const void *)eltab, nr, sizeof(t_electron),
                            (int(*)(const void*, const void*))compare);

                if (found == NULL)
                    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find %s. Add it to the .dat file\n",
                    (*slDensity)[n][slice] += (found->nr_el -
    while (read_next_x(oenv, status, &t, x0, box));

    /*********** done with status file **********/

/* slDensity now contains the total number of electrons per slice, summed
   over all frames. Now divide by nr_frames and volume of slice

    fprintf(stderr, "\nRead %d frames from trajectory. Counting electrons\n",

    if (bRelative)
        aveBox  /= nr_frames;
        *slWidth = aveBox/(*nslices);

    for (n = 0; n < nr_grps; n++)
        for (i = 0; i < *nslices; i++)
            (*slDensity)[n][i] /= nr_frames;

    sfree(x0); /* free memory used by coordinate array */