Пример #1
static int configure_mpd(void)
    static int configured = 0;

    char *s;

    if (configured != 0)
	return configured;

    /* read enabled */
    if (cfg_number(Section, "enabled", 0, 0, 1, &plugin_enabled) < 1) {
	plugin_enabled = 0;

    if (plugin_enabled != 1) {
	info("[MPD] WARNING: Plugin is not enabled! (set 'enabled 1' to enable this plugin)");
	configured = 1;
	return configured;

    /* read server */
    s = cfg_get(Section, "server", "localhost");
    if (!s || *s == '\0') {
	info("[MPD] empty '%s.server' entry from %s, assuming 'localhost'", Section, cfg_source());
	strcpy(host, "localhost");
    } else
	strcpy(host, s);
    if (s)

    /* read port */
    if (cfg_number(Section, "port", 6600, 1, 65536, &iport) < 1) {
	info("[MPD] no '%s.port' entry from %s using MPD's default", Section, cfg_source());

    /* read minUpdateTime in ms */
    if (cfg_number(Section, "minUpdateTime", 500, 1, 10000, &waittime) < 1) {
	info("[MPD] no '%s.minUpdateTime' entry from %s using MPD's default", Section, cfg_source());

    /* read password */
    s = cfg_get(Section, "password", "");
    if (!s || *s == '\0') {
	info("[MPD] empty '%s.password' entry in %s, assuming none", Section, cfg_source());
	memset(pw, 0, sizeof(pw));
    } else
	strcpy(pw, s);
    if (s)

    debug("[MPD] connection detail: [%s:%d]", host, iport);
    configured = 1;
    return configured;
Пример #2
static int drv_BW_start(const char *section, const int quiet)
    int contrast;
    int rows = -1, cols = -1;
    char *s;

    s = cfg_get(section, "Size", NULL);
    if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Size' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;
    if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &cols, &rows) != 2 || rows < 1 || cols < 1) {
	error("%s: bad %s.Size '%s' from %s", Name, section, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    DROWS = rows;
    DCOLS = cols;

    if (drv_BW_open() < 0) {
	error("%s: could not find a BWCT USB LCD", Name);
	return -1;

    /* reset */
    drv_BW_send(LCD_RESET, 0);

    /* initialize display */
    drv_BW_command(0x29);	/* 8 Bit mode, 1/16 duty cycle, 5x8 font */
    drv_BW_command(0x08);	/* Display off, cursor off, blink off */
    drv_BW_command(0x0c);	/* Display on, cursor off, blink off */
    drv_BW_command(0x06);	/* curser moves to right, no shift */

    if (cfg_number(section, "Contrast", 0, 0, 255, &contrast) > 0) {

    drv_BW_clear();		/* clear display */

    if (!quiet) {
	char buffer[40];
	qprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %dx%d", Name, DCOLS, DROWS);
	if (drv_generic_text_greet(buffer, "www.bwct.de")) {

    return 0;
Пример #3
static int configure_imon(void)
    static int configured = 0;

    char *s;

    if (configured != 0)
	return configured;


    s = cfg_get("Plugin:Imon", "Host", "");
    if (*s == '\0') {
	error("[Imon] empty 'Host' entry in %s", cfg_source());
	configured = -1;
	return configured;
    strcpy(ihost, s);

    if (cfg_number("Plugin:Imon", "Port", 5000, 1, 65536, &iport) < 0) {
	error("[Imon] no valid port definition");
	configured = -1;
	return configured;

    s = cfg_get("Plugin:Imon", "Pass", "");
    strcpy(ipass, s);

    configured = 1;
    return configured;
Пример #4
static int configure_telmon(void)
    static int configured = 0;

    char *s;

    if (configured != 0)
	return configured;


    s = cfg_get("Plugin:Telmon", "Host", "");
    if (*s == '\0') {
	error("[Telmon] empty 'Host' entry in %s", cfg_source());
	configured = -1;
	return configured;
    strcpy(thost, s);

    if (cfg_number("Plugin:Telmon", "Port", 5001, 1, 65536, &tport) < 0) {
	error("[Telmon] no valid port definition");
	configured = -1;
	return configured;

    s = cfg_get("Plugin:Telmon", "Phonebook", "/etc/phonebook");
    strcpy(phoneb, s);

    configured = 1;
    return configured;
Пример #5
static int drv_BuE_start(const char *section)
    int i, ret;
    char *model;

    model = cfg_get(section, "Model", NULL);
    if (model == NULL && *model == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Model' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    for (i = 0; Models[i].name != NULL; i++) {
	if (strcasecmp(Models[i].name, model) == 0)

    if (Models[i].name == NULL) {
	error("%s: %s.Model '%s' is unknown from %s", Name, section, model, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    Model = i;
    Protocol = Models[Model].protocol;

    info("%s: using model '%s'", Name, Models[Model].name);

    /* initialize global variables */
    DROWS = Models[Model].rows;
    DCOLS = Models[Model].cols;

    ret = 0;
    switch (Protocol) {
    case 1:
	ret = drv_BuE_MT_start(section);
    case 2:
	ret = drv_BuE_CT_start(section);
    if (ret != 0) {
	return ret;


    return 0;
Пример #6
/* start text mode display */
static int drv_EFN_start(const char *section)
    int rows = -1, cols = -1;
    char *s;

    s = cfg_get(section, "Host", NULL);

    if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Host'  entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    if (sscanf(s, "%s", &Host) != 1) {
	error("%s: bad %s.Size '%s' from %s", Name, section, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    if (cfg_number(section, "Port", 1000, 0, 65535, &Port) < 0)
	return -1;

    s = cfg_get(section, "Size", NULL);
    if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Size' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;
    if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &cols, &rows) != 2 || rows < 1 || cols < 1) {
	error("%s: bad %s.Size '%s' from %s", Name, section, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    DROWS = rows;
    DCOLS = cols;

    /* open communication with the display */
    if (drv_EFN_open(section) < 0) {
	return -1;

    /*  initialize display */
    drv_EFN_clear();		/* clear display */

    return 0;
Пример #7
static int drv_Pertelian_start(const char *section)
    int backlight;
    int rows = -1, cols = -1;
    char *s;
    char cmd[12] = "";

    s = cfg_get(section, "Size", NULL);
    if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Size' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;
    if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &cols, &rows) != 2 || rows < 1 || cols < 1) {
	error("%s: bad %s.Size '%s' from %s", Name, section, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    DROWS = rows;
    DCOLS = cols;

    /* open communication with the display */
    if (drv_Pertelian_open(section) < 0) {
	return -1;

    /* reset & initialize display */
    cmd[1] = 0x38;
    cmd[3] = 0x06;
    cmd[5] = 0x10;		/* move cursor on data write */
    cmd[7] = 0x0c;
    cmd[8] = 0x0c;

    drv_Pertelian_send(cmd, 8);

    if (cfg_number(section, "Backlight", 0, 0, 1, &backlight) > 0) {

    drv_Pertelian_clear();	/* clear display */
    return 0;
Пример #8
static int drv_TF_start(const char *section, const int quiet)
    int backlight;
    int rows = -1, cols = -1;
    char *s;

    s = cfg_get(section, "Size", NULL);
    if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Size' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;
    if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &cols, &rows) != 2 || drv_TF_valid_resolution(rows, cols) < 0) {
	error("%s: bad %s.Size '%s' (only 8x1/16x2/20x4) from %s", Name, section, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    DROWS = rows;
    DCOLS = cols;

    if (drv_TF_open() < 0) {
	error("%s: could not find a TREFON USB LCD", Name);
	return -1;

    if (cfg_number(section, "Backlight", 1, 0, 1, &backlight) > 0) {

    drv_TF_clear();		/* clear display */

    if (!quiet) {
	char buffer[40];
	qprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %dx%d", Name, DCOLS, DROWS);
	if (drv_generic_text_greet(buffer, "www.trefon.de")) {

    return 0;
Пример #9
/* start graphic display */
static int drv_st2205_start2(const char *section)
    char *s;

    s = cfg_get(section, "Font", "6x8");
    if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Font' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    XRES = -1;
    YRES = -1;
    if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &XRES, &YRES) != 2 || XRES < 1 || YRES < 1) {
	error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s", Name, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    /* Fixme: provider other fonts someday... */
    if (XRES != 6 && YRES != 8) {
	error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s (only 6x8 at the moment)", Name, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    /* open communication with the display */
    if (drv_st2205_open(section) < 0) {
	return -1;

    /* you surely want to allocate a framebuffer or something... */
    fb = malloc(h->height * h->width * 3);

    /* set width/height from st2205 firmware specs */
    DROWS = h->height;
    DCOLS = h->width;

    return 0;
Пример #10
static int drv_st2205_open(const char *section)
    char *dev;

    dev = cfg_get(section, "Port", NULL);
    if (dev == NULL || *dev == '\0') {
	error("st2205: no '%s.Port' entry from %s", section, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    h = st2205_open(dev);
    if (h == NULL) {
	error("st2205: cannot open st2205 device %s", dev);
	return -1;

    return 0;
Пример #11
static int drv_MO_start(const char *section, const int quiet)
    int i;
    char *model;
    char buffer[256];

    model = cfg_get(section, "Model", NULL);
    if (model != NULL && *model != '\0') {
	for (i = 0; Models[i].type != 0xff; i++) {
	    if (strcasecmp(Models[i].name, model) == 0)
	if (Models[i].type == 0xff) {
	    error("%s: %s.Model '%s' is unknown from %s", Name, section, model, cfg_source());
	    return -1;
	Model = i;
	info("%s: using model '%s'", Name, Models[Model].name);
    } else {
	info("%s: no '%s.Model' entry from %s, auto-dedecting", Name, section, cfg_source());
	Model = -1;

    if (Model != -1 && Models[Model].protocol == 3) {	// Sure electronics USB LCD board - full line output
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < Models[Model].rows; i++) {	// Clear buffer
	    for (j = 0; j < Models[Model].cols; j++) {
		dispBuffer[i][j] = ' ';

    if (drv_generic_serial_open(section, Name, 0) < 0)
	return -1;

    if (Model == -1 || Models[Model].protocol > 1) {
	/* read module type */
	drv_generic_serial_write("\3767", 2);
	if (drv_generic_serial_read(buffer, 1) == 1) {
	    for (i = 0; Models[i].type != 0xff; i++) {
		if (Models[i].type == (int) *buffer)
	    info("%s: display reports model '%s' (type 0x%02x)", Name, Models[i].name, Models[i].type);

	    /* auto-dedection */
	    if (Model == -1)
		Model = i;

	    /* auto-dedection matches specified model? */
	    if (Models[i].type != 0xff && Model != i) {
		error("%s: %s.Model '%s' from %s does not match dedected Model '%s'", Name, section, model,
		      cfg_source(), Models[i].name);
		return -1;

	} else {
	    info("%s: display detection failed.", Name);

    /* initialize global variables */
    DROWS = Models[Model].rows;
    DCOLS = Models[Model].cols;
    GPIS = Models[Model].gpis;
    GPOS = Models[Model].gpos;
    Protocol = Models[Model].protocol;

    if (Protocol > 1) {
	/* read serial number */
	drv_generic_serial_write("\3765", 2);
	if (drv_generic_serial_read(buffer, 2) == 2) {
	    info("%s: display reports serial number 0x%x", Name, *(short *) buffer);

	/* read version number */
	drv_generic_serial_write("\3766", 2);
	if (drv_generic_serial_read(buffer, 1) == 1) {
	    info("%s: display reports firmware version 0x%x", Name, *buffer);


    drv_generic_serial_write("\376B", 3);	/* backlight on */
    drv_generic_serial_write("\376K", 2);	/* cursor off */
    drv_generic_serial_write("\376T", 2);	/* blink off */
    drv_generic_serial_write("\376D", 2);	/* line wrapping off */
    drv_generic_serial_write("\376R", 2);	/* auto scroll off */

    /* set contrast */
    if (cfg_number(section, "Contrast", 0, 0, 255, &i) > 0) {

    /* set backlight */
    if (cfg_number(section, "Backlight", 0, 0, 255, &i) > 0) {

    if (!quiet) {
	if (drv_generic_text_greet(Models[Model].name, "MatrixOrbital")) {

    return 0;
Пример #12
int drv_generic_serial_open(const char *section, const char *driver, const unsigned int flags)
    int i, fd;
    pid_t pid;
    struct termios portset;
    char *LockPath;
    char *portName;
    int lock_len;

    Section = (char *) section;
    Driver = (char *) driver;

    Port = cfg_get(section, "Port", NULL);
    if (Port == NULL || *Port == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Port' entry from %s", Driver, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    if (strncmp(Port, "/dev/", 5) == 0) {
        portName = Port + 5;
    } else {
        portName = Port;
    while (*portName == '/') portName++;

    LockPath = cfg_get(section, "LockPath", NULL);
    if (LockPath == NULL) {
        LockPath = strdup(DEFAULT_LOCK_PATH);
    lock_len = strlen(LockPath) + strlen("/LCK..") + strlen(portName) + 1;
    Lock = malloc(lock_len);
    qprintf(Lock, lock_len, "%s%s%s", LockPath, "/LCK..", portName);


    if (cfg_number(section, "Speed", 19200, 1200, 230400, &i) < 0)
	return -1;
    switch (i) {
    case 1200:
	Speed = B1200;
    case 2400:
	Speed = B2400;
    case 4800:
	Speed = B4800;
    case 9600:
	Speed = B9600;
    case 19200:
	Speed = B19200;
    case 38400:
	Speed = B38400;
    case 57600:
	Speed = B57600;
    case 115200:
	Speed = B115200;
#ifdef B230400
    case 230400:
	Speed = B230400;
	error("%s: unsupported speed '%d' from %s", Driver, i, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    info("%s: using port '%s' at %d baud", Driver, Port, i);

    if ((pid = drv_generic_serial_lock_port(Port)) != 0) {
	if (pid == -1)
        error("%s: port %s could not be locked", Driver, Port);
	    error("%s: port %s is locked by process %d", Driver, Port, pid);
	return -1;

    fd = open(Port, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
    if (fd == -1) {
	error("%s: open(%s) failed: %s", Driver, Port, strerror(errno));
	return -1;

    if (tcgetattr(fd, &portset) == -1) {
	error("%s: tcgetattr(%s) failed: %s", Driver, Port, strerror(errno));
	return -1;

    portset.c_cflag |= flags;
    cfsetispeed(&portset, Speed);
    cfsetospeed(&portset, Speed);
    if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &portset) == -1) {
	error("%s: tcsetattr(%s) failed: %s", Driver, Port, strerror(errno));
	return -1;

    Device = fd;
    return Device;
Пример #13
/* start graphic display */
static int drv_PICGraphic_start2(const char *section)
    char *s;
    char cmd[2];
    int contrast, status, tick, tack;

    /* read display size from config */
    s = cfg_get(section, "Size", NULL);
    if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Size' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    DROWS = -1;
    DCOLS = -1;
    if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &DCOLS, &DROWS) != 2 || DCOLS < 1 || DROWS < 1) {
	error("%s: bad Size '%s' from %s", Name, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    s = cfg_get(section, "Font", "6x8");
    if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Font' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    XRES = -1;
    YRES = -1;
    if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &XRES, &YRES) != 2 || XRES < 1 || YRES < 1) {
	error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s", Name, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    if (XRES != 6 && YRES != 8) {
	error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s (only 6x8 at the moment)", Name, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    /* you surely want to allocate a framebuffer or something... */
    fbPG = calloc(DCOLS * DROWS / 8, 1);
    if (!fbPG) {
	error("failed to allocate framebuffer");
	return -1;

    info("allocated framebuffer with size %d", DCOLS * DROWS / 8);
    if (cfg_number("Variables", "tick", 500, 100, 0, &tick) > 0 &&
	cfg_number("Variables", "tack", 500, 100, 0, &tack) > 0) {
	info("tick & tack read from config");
	timer_add(drv_PICGraphic_delay, 0, min(tick, tack), 0);	// 
    } else {
	info("tick & tack not read from config");
	timer_add(drv_PICGraphic_delay, 0, 80, 0);	// 

    /* open communication with the display */
    if (drv_PICGraphic_open(section) < 0) {
	return -1;

    /* reset & initialize display */
    cmd[0] = 'i';
    drv_PICGraphic_send(cmd, 1);
    // wait for reception of confirmation code
    status = drv_PICGraphic_recv(cmd, 2, "fi");

    if (!status) {
	info("received fi from device");
    } else {
	info("did not receive fi from device");

    if (cfg_number(section, "Contrast", 8, 0, 15, &contrast) > 0) {

    return 0;
Пример #14
int drv_generic_serial_open(const char *section, const char *driver, const unsigned int flags)
    int i, fd;
    pid_t pid;
    struct termios portset;

    Section = (char *) section;
    Driver = (char *) driver;

    Port = cfg_get(section, "Port", NULL);
    if (Port == NULL || *Port == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Port' entry from %s", Driver, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    if (cfg_number(section, "Speed", 19200, 1200, 230400, &i) < 0)
	return -1;
    switch (i) {
    case 1200:
	Speed = B1200;
    case 2400:
	Speed = B2400;
    case 4800:
	Speed = B4800;
    case 9600:
	Speed = B9600;
    case 19200:
	Speed = B19200;
    case 38400:
	Speed = B38400;
    case 57600:
	Speed = B57600;
    case 115200:
	Speed = B115200;
#ifdef B230400
    case 230400:
	Speed = B230400;
	error("%s: unsupported speed '%d' from %s", Driver, i, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    info("%s: using port '%s' at %d baud", Driver, Port, i);

    if ((pid = drv_generic_serial_lock_port(Port)) != 0) {
	if (pid == -1)
	    error("%s: port %s could not be locked", Driver, Port);
	    error("%s: port %s is locked by process %d", Driver, Port, pid);
	return -1;

    fd = open(Port, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
    if (fd == -1) {
	error("%s: open(%s) failed: %s", Driver, Port, strerror(errno));
	return -1;

    if (tcgetattr(fd, &portset) == -1) {
	error("%s: tcgetattr(%s) failed: %s", Driver, Port, strerror(errno));
	return -1;

    portset.c_cflag |= flags;
    cfsetispeed(&portset, Speed);
    cfsetospeed(&portset, Speed);
    if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &portset) == -1) {
	error("%s: tcsetattr(%s) failed: %s", Driver, Port, strerror(errno));
	return -1;

    Device = fd;
    return Device;
Пример #15
/* start graphic display */
static int drv_dpf_start(const char *section)
    int i;
    char *dev;
    char *s;

    // Check if config is valid

    // Get the device
    dev = cfg_get(section, "Port", NULL);
    if (dev == NULL || *dev == '\0') {
	error("dpf: no '%s.Port' entry from %s", section, cfg_source());
	return -1;
    // Get font
    s = cfg_get(section, "Font", "6x8");
    if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Font' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    XRES = -1;
    YRES = -1;
    if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &XRES, &YRES) != 2 || XRES < 1 || YRES < 1) {
	error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s", Name, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    /* we dont want fonts below 6 width */
    if (XRES < 6) {
	error("%s: bad Font '%s' width '%d' using minimum of 6)", Name, s, XRES);
	XRES = 6;

    /* we dont want fonts below 8 height */
    if (YRES < 8) {
	error("%s: bad Font '%s' height '%d' using minimum of 8)", Name, s, YRES);
	YRES = 8;
    // Get the logical orientation (0 = landscape, 1 = portrait, 2 = reverse landscape, 3 = reverse portrait)
    if (cfg_number(section, "Orientation", 0, 0, 3, &i) > 0)
	dpf.orientation = i;
	dpf.orientation = 0;

    // Get the backlight value (0 = off, 7 = max brightness)
    if (cfg_number(section, "Backlight", 0, 0, 7, &i) > 0)
	dpf.backlight = i;
	dpf.backlight = 7;

    /* open communication with the display */
    dpf.dpfh = dpf_ax_open(dev);
    if (dpf.dpfh == NULL) {
	error("dpf: cannot open dpf device %s", dev);
	return -1;
    // Get dpfs physical dimensions
    dpf.pwidth = dpf_ax_getwidth(dpf.dpfh);
    dpf.pheight = dpf_ax_getheight(dpf.dpfh);

    // See, if we have to rotate the display
    dpf.isPortrait = dpf.pwidth < dpf.pheight;
    if (dpf.isPortrait) {
	if (dpf.orientation == 0 || dpf.orientation == 2)
	    dpf.rotate90 = 1;
    } else if (dpf.orientation == 1 || dpf.orientation == 3)
	dpf.rotate90 = 1;
    dpf.flip = (!dpf.isPortrait && dpf.rotate90);	// adjust to make rotate por/land = physical por/land
    if (dpf.orientation > 1)
	dpf.flip = !dpf.flip;

    // allocate display buffer + temp transfer buffer
    dpf.lcdBuf = malloc(dpf.pwidth * dpf.pheight * DPF_BPP);
    dpf.xferBuf = malloc(dpf.pwidth * dpf.pheight * DPF_BPP);

    // clear display buffer + set it to "dirty"
    memset(dpf.lcdBuf, 0, dpf.pwidth * dpf.pheight * DPF_BPP);	//Black
    dpf.minx = 0;
    dpf.maxx = dpf.pwidth - 1;
    dpf.miny = 0;
    dpf.maxy = dpf.pheight - 1;

    // set the logical width/height for lcd4linux
    DCOLS = ((!dpf.rotate90) ? dpf.pwidth : dpf.pheight);
    DROWS = ((!dpf.rotate90) ? dpf.pheight : dpf.pwidth);

    // Set backlight (brightness)
    dpf_ax_setbacklight(dpf.dpfh, dpf.backlight);

    return 0;
Пример #16
static int configure_mysql(void)
    static int configured = 0;

    char server[256];
    int port;
    char user[128];
    char password[256];
    char database[256];
    char *s;

    if (configured != 0)
	return configured;

    s = cfg_get(Section, "server", "localhost");
    if (*s == '\0') {
	info("[MySQL] empty '%s.server' entry from %s, assuming 'localhost'", Section, cfg_source());
	strcpy(server, "localhost");
    } else
	strcpy(server, s);

    if (cfg_number(Section, "port", 0, 1, 65536, &port) < 1) {
	/* using 0 as default port because mysql_real_connect() will convert it to real default one */
	info("[MySQL] no '%s.port' entry from %s using MySQL's default", Section, cfg_source());

    s = cfg_get(Section, "user", "");
    if (*s == '\0') {
	/* If user is NULL or the empty string "", the lcd4linux Unix user is assumed. */
	info("[MySQL] empty '%s.user' entry from %s, assuming lcd4linux owner", Section, cfg_source());
	strcpy(user, "");
    } else
	strcpy(user, s);

    s = cfg_get(Section, "password", "");
    /* Do not encrypt the password because encryption is handled automatically by the MySQL client API. */
    if (*s == '\0') {
	info("[MySQL] empty '%s.password' entry in %s, assuming none", Section, cfg_source());
	strcpy(password, "");
    } else
	strcpy(password, s);

    s = cfg_get(Section, "database", "");
    if (*s == '\0') {
	error("[MySQL] no '%s:database' entry from %s, specify one", Section, cfg_source());
	configured = -1;
	return configured;
    strcpy(database, s);

    if (!mysql_real_connect(&conex, server, user, password, database, port, NULL, 0)) {
	error("[MySQL] conection error: %s", mysql_error(&conex));
	configured = -1;
	return configured;

    configured = 1;
    return configured;
Пример #17
static int drv_BuE_CT_start(const char *section)
    char buffer[16];
    char *size;
    int i, len;

    if (drv_generic_serial_open(section, Name, 0) < 0)
	return -1;

#if 0
    /* restart terminal */
    drv_generic_serial_write(ESC "Kr", 3);

    /* Fixme: the CT does not return a serial number in byte mode */
    /* set parameter mode 'decimal' */
    drv_generic_serial_write(ESC "KM\073", 4);

    /* read version */
    drv_generic_serial_write(ESC "?V", 3);
    if ((len = drv_generic_serial_read(buffer, -1 * (int) sizeof(buffer))) > 0) {
	int v, r, s;
	if (sscanf(buffer, "V:%d.%d,%d;", &v, &r, &s) != 3) {
	    error("%s: error parsing display identification <%*s>", Name, len, buffer);
	} else {
	    info("%s: display identified as version %d.%d, S/N %d", Name, v, r, s);

    /* set parameter mode 'byte' */
    drv_generic_serial_write(ESC "KM\072", 4);

    /* the CT20x4 can control smaller displays, too */
    size = cfg_get(section, "Size", NULL);
    if (size != NULL && *size != '\0') {
	int r, c;
	char cmd[6] = ESC "LArc";
	if (sscanf(size, "%dx%d", &c, &r) != 2 || r < 1 || c < 1) {
	    error("%s: bad %s.Size '%s' from %s", Name, section, size, cfg_source());
	    return -1;
	info("%s: display size: %d rows %d columns", Name, r, c);
	/* set display size */
	cmd[3] = (char) r;
	cmd[4] = (char) c;
	drv_generic_serial_write(cmd, 5);
	DCOLS = c;
	DROWS = r;

    /* set contrast */
    if (cfg_number(section, "Contrast", 7, 0, 15, &i) > 0) {

    /* set backlight */
    if (cfg_number(section, "Backlight", 0, 0, 1, &i) > 0) {

    /* identify modules */

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
	char cmd[5] = ESC "K?Pn";
	cmd[4] = (char) i;
	drv_generic_serial_write(cmd, 5);	/* query I/O port */
	if ((len = drv_generic_serial_read(buffer, 4)) == 4) {
	    char *type = NULL;
	    if (i == 0) {
		if (buffer[3] == 8) {
		    /* internal port */
		    type = "CT 20x4 internal port";
		} else {
		    error("%s: internal error: port 0 type %d should be type 8", Name, buffer[3]);
	    } else {
		switch (buffer[3]) {
		case 1:	/* Key Module */
		    type = "XM-KEY-2x4-LED";
		case 8:	/* I/O Module */
		    type = "XM-IO8-T";
		case 9:	/* I/O Module */
		    type = "XM-IO4-R";
		case 15:	/* nothing */
		default:	/* unhandled */
		    type = NULL;
	    if (type != NULL) {
		info("%s: Port %d: %s", Name, i, type);
	    } else {
		error("%s: internal error: port %d unknown type %d", Name, i, cmd[3]);
	} else {
	    error("%s: error fetching type of port %d", Name, i);

    return 0;
Пример #18
static int drv_LL_start(const char *section, const int quiet)
    char *s;
    int rows = -1, cols = -1;
    int use_busy = 0, bus4bits = 0, commit = 0;
    struct lcd_parameters buf;

    /* emit version information */
    info("%s: Version %s", Name, LCD_LINUX_VERSION);

    /* get size from config file */
    s = cfg_get(section, "Size", NULL);
    if (s != NULL || *s != '\0') {
	if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &cols, &rows) != 2 || rows < 1 || cols < 1) {
	    error("%s: bad %s.Size '%s' from %s", Name, section, s, cfg_source());
	    return -1;

    /* open device */
    lcdlinux_fd = open(Device, O_WRONLY);
    if (lcdlinux_fd == -1) {
	error("%s: open(%s) failed: %s", Name, Device, strerror(errno));
	return -1;

    /* get display size */
    memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
    if (ioctl(lcdlinux_fd, LCDL_GET_PARAM, &buf) != 0) {
	error("%s: ioctl(LCDL_GET_PARAM) failed: %s", Name, strerror(errno));
	error("%s: Could not query display information!", Name);
	return -1;
    info("%s: %dx%d display with %d controllers, flags=0x%02lx:",
	 Name, buf.cntr_cols, buf.cntr_rows * buf.num_cntr, buf.num_cntr, buf.flags);
    info("%s:   busy-flag checking %sabled", Name, (buf.flags & HD44780_CHECK_BF) ? "en" : "dis");
    info("%s:   bus width %d bits", Name, (buf.flags & HD44780_4BITS_BUS) ? 4 : 8);
    info("%s:   font size %s", Name, (buf.flags & HD44780_5X10_FONT) ? "5x10" : "5x8");

    /* overwrite width size from lcd4linux.conf */
    if (buf.vs_rows || buf.vs_cols) {
	info("%s: disabling virtual screen", Name);
	buf.vs_rows = 0;
	buf.vs_cols = 0;
	commit = 1;

    if ((rows > 0 && rows != buf.cntr_rows * buf.num_cntr) || (cols > 0 && cols != buf.cntr_cols)) {
	info("%s: changing size to %dx%d", Name, cols, rows);
	buf.cntr_rows = rows / buf.num_cntr;
	buf.cntr_cols = cols;
	commit = 1;

    DROWS = buf.cntr_rows * buf.num_cntr;
    DCOLS = buf.cntr_cols;

    /* overwrite busy-flag checking from lcd4linux.conf */
    cfg_number(section, "UseBusy", 0, 0, 1, &use_busy);
    if (use_busy && !(buf.flags & HD44780_CHECK_BF)) {
	info("%s: activating busy-flag checking", Name);
	buf.flags |= HD44780_CHECK_BF;
	commit = 1;
    } else if (!use_busy && (buf.flags & HD44780_CHECK_BF)) {
	info("%s: deactivating busy-flag checking", Name);
	buf.flags &= ~HD44780_CHECK_BF;
	commit = 1;

    /* overwrite bus length from lcd4linux.conf */
    cfg_number(section, "Bus4Bit", 0, 0, 1, &bus4bits);
    if (bus4bits && !(buf.flags & HD44780_4BITS_BUS)) {
	info("%s: setting bus length to 4 bits", Name);
	buf.flags |= HD44780_4BITS_BUS;
	commit = 1;
    } else if (!bus4bits && (buf.flags & HD44780_4BITS_BUS)) {
	info("%s: setting bus length to 8 bits", Name);
	buf.flags &= ~HD44780_4BITS_BUS;
	commit = 1;

    if (commit && ioctl(lcdlinux_fd, LCDL_SET_PARAM, &buf) != 0) {
	error("%s: ioctl(LCDL_SET_PARAM) failed: %s", Name, strerror(errno));
	return -1;

    /* initialize display */
    drv_LL_clear();		/* clear display */

    /* Disable control characters interpretation. */
    /* No return value check since this ioctl cannot fail */
    ioctl(lcdlinux_fd, LCDL_RAW_MODE, 1);

    if (!quiet) {
	char buffer[40];
	qprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %dx%d", Name, DCOLS, DROWS);
	if (drv_generic_text_greet(buffer, "lcd-linux.sf.net")) {

    return 0;
Пример #19
int drv_generic_parport_open(const char *section, const char *driver)
    char *s, *e;

    Section = (char *) section;
    Driver = (char *) driver;


#ifndef WITH_PPDEV
    error("The files include/linux/parport.h and/or include/linux/ppdev.h");
    error("were missing at compile time. Even if your system supports");
    error("ppdev, it will not be used.");
    error("You *really* should install these files and recompile LCD4linux!");

    s = cfg_get(Section, "Port", NULL);
    if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') {
	error("%s: no '%s.Port' entry from %s", Driver, Section, cfg_source());
	return -1;

    PPdev = NULL;
    if ((Port = strtol(s, &e, 0)) == 0 || *e != '\0') {
	Port = 0;
	PPdev = s;
	error("%s: bad %s.Port '%s' from %s", Driver, Section, s, cfg_source());
	return -1;
    if (PPdev) {
	info("%s: using ppdev %s", Driver, PPdev);
	PPfd = open(PPdev, O_RDWR);
	if (PPfd == -1) {
	    error("%s: open(%s) failed: %s", Driver, PPdev, strerror(errno));
	    return -1;
#if 0
	/* PPEXCL fails if someone else uses the port (e.g. lp.ko) */
	if (ioctl(PPfd, PPEXCL)) {
	    info("%s: ioctl(%s, PPEXCL) failed: %s", PPdev, Driver, strerror(errno));
	    info("%s: could not get exclusive access to %s.", Driver, PPdev);
	} else {
	    info("%s: got exclusive access to %s.", Driver, PPdev);
	if (ioctl(PPfd, PPCLAIM)) {
	    error("%s: ioctl(%s, PPCLAIM) failed: %d %s", Driver, PPdev, errno, strerror(errno));
	    return -1;

#ifdef WITH_OUTB
    if (Port) {
	error("using raw port 0x%x (deprecated!)", Port);
	error("You *really* should change your setup and use ppdev!");
	if ((Port + 3) <= 0x3ff) {
	    if (ioperm(Port, 3, 1) != 0) {
		error("%s: ioperm(0x%x) failed: %s", Driver, Port, strerror(errno));
		return -1;
	} else {
	    if (iopl(3) != 0) {
		error("%s: iopl(1) failed: %s", Driver, strerror(errno));
		return -1;
    return 0;